^M^".:' 317.3M3I M4i ^,»CHlVt» Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of IVIassachusetts, Boston l http://www.archive.org/details/pocl<etalmanacl<fo1785amer . ^ A Pocket Almanack I \ \ i For the Year of' our l6rD ! [ I 8 •,* i 7 S- 1 Being the Firft after Leap Year, \ i \ ANDTHB Ninth of American Independence, k f f Calculated for the Ufe f <i f i F T H E A ^f Commonwealth I OF f i tl MaffachufettSy I i 1 f » i I . t f Latitude 42. 30. North. f w Longitude 69. 2 g*W. from London. I i t k Boston 1 Printed and Sold by T.& FLEET* j ^ I J. • at ia Cornhil]. : i the £«i/« and Heart | 1 * ^oiuiLcQial Scale ot Dcpreciaiioo, ' as eflabliflied by Congress. Valne of lOo Dollars Paper M»ney in Specie. 1777, Dd.^Qths.ltbt. T7 7 5i. Dol.^oths.i Stpt.i. loo 9^ 62 2 15. 95 68 6 Odt. 2. 90 77 3 >6. S5 84 6 No^.i. 82 73 o 17. 78 73 o Dec.4. 74 70 o ^7- 7' 74 7 1778. Jan. 4. 67 85 o J9- 64 59 I 7 (Feb. 3. 6 83 2 '4- i 59 77 3 jMar. 2. 56 79 6 JS- 52 84 I 5 {Aprils. 48 74 4 19. 45 76 5 May 4. 42 77 5 20. 80 O j 39 [June 6. 36 86 i I 19- 34 77 3 July 2. 32 79 3 16. 30 79 c ' Scale of DepreciaVloQ, reeable to an Aft of the Commonwealth of MaJJacbu fettt, to be obfert ed as a Rule for fettling the Ra te of Depreciaiiofl on all Contra£ls both public and private, made on or fince the firft Day of January 1777. e Hundred DoWiit in Gold or SiWer in January 1777 being equal to One Hundred and five Dollars in the Bills of Credit of the United States. One tboujand feven Hundred and Seventy Seven. luary, 105 May. 115 I September, 175 bruary, J07 June, 120 Oaober, »7S arch, 525 November, 300 J. .ril, Augoft. 150 ' December, 310 One Tbcufand Seven Hundred and Seventy Eigbt. inu3ry, 325 May, 4C0 September, 475 ;biuary, 350 June, 400 oaober, 500 [arch, 375 4*5 November, 545 pril, 400 Augoft, 450 December, 634 pril 25tb, On th Hqw Tear, OldYczr is ended, and what fliall THE we do ? Difcrcetljr confider to go thro* the Ne'w, While Compliments pafs ftilJ from one to the other, Fiom Father to Son, and from Sifter to Brother, Let the \fufe, without perfonal Satire or Gall» Prclare what (be wiflies, and wiftes to all • May Folly and Vice be quite banilh'd our Nation, have free And Virtue and Truth Toleration j lAijfalfeFnendsy thofe Vultures, thoferaifers of Strife, Atone for thsir Crimes by — Aniiendment of Life ; May our Sta'tefmen agree, and our Placemen be tfue, And then the Old Tta?" will be worfe than the Neto, ECL T P S E S for the Year 178^. THERE will be but two Eclipses this Vcitr, both of the SUN, and both invifible to us. I. The firft will be on Wednefday the ninth day of will be at mir. February j the copjuntlion 4i affer 7 in Ithe morning in the 21ft degree of A^uariut,. Thj Moon's ilat. xS fcconds north. The Sun wiil be totally and cen- itrally eclip&d on the meridian at 43 minutes after 7 [o'clock in lat. 13. 57* S. and long, 64. I 3. E. JI. The fecond will be 00 Thurlday the fourth day of I will bt at minutes after jAuguft } the conjunftion 47 8 lin the afternoon in the 1 3th degree of the ceieftial Lian. iMoon's lat, 4 and an half min. foutb^ The Sun will meridian at ibe centrally eclipfed on the 50 minutes after W o'clock, in lat. 12. i. N. a.^d long. 132. 33, W. ! Vulgar Notes /or the Tear J 785, Golden Number, - 191 /Cycle of the Sun, - 2 Epaft, - - - - 18 jDionyfian Period, - 114 - Bj Julian --.--- Dominica} Letter, I 6498 The Planet VtNU3. will be Occidental, oi Bveaing to the aoth day Star, from the beginning of this Year will be in of May at « o'clock in tba morning, when &e ft -as the.ice flsjB eonjun^ion with the Sun j: and wJU.be Oriental, or Morning Star, to the Year's end». JANUARY 1785, begins on Saturday. b FEBRUART^i 785, begins on Toefday Laft quarter 2cl day 9 in the morning. New Moon 9th day 7 in the morning, Firft quarter i^th day 12. at night, Fuli Moon 23d day 1 1 in the afternoon. Remarkfib e Days, &c. r.Os. J C.C.P. Pitrs^ft/d. 2 Purification Virgin Mary, CifTa. arms betw. (? Britain U lzT\A America. 1783, Snoiv or rain, ^inqti^gefima. Treaty with [France fign'd 1778. 3 Sbrove fueld. C .C. P Noit 4 Aflj JVedjiefday. [hampton. xe @ Perigee. High Tidrs. Gin. JVcyJjirg'tsn born f^ "J,^. 7 ! St.Kicn '.ik.hyFrencb l^%^, B I ^iadragt/tma. 2 lu I rahntiKA.]y^i.BlackfioveA\ii %\^.].Q, Snjion, [f7So. 137 ;jSun flow of clockiom. *i«.f. 7*'3 fet oh. 36m. ;to 7 Mi^iitrate and pleafant. ' ;»o M^i^^crt ^i Ambjyna, 163 J. * Siioiu or rair. ( 3 Ivigbt's length I \h. 3+m. *3 4 Ventii lets gh, 20m. St, MatfhiaSf apoft. &mait. 25 ^ Apogee. 26 Pleafant for the feafon. B jPeace procJa.a": Bojion^ 1784. a.8 t JTwiJight-ends 7h. 4Jn. 1 MARCH 1785, begins on Tuefdav. Laft qijarter 3^! day 12 at noon. New Moon lOthday 6 in the afternoon, Firtt quarter I7tbday i in the afternoon, Full Moon 25th day 5 in the afternoon. Remarkable Days, &c, Ir, r.^tAF.Sea. ScDavjdX.C.P.Edgartoivnls 2& 6 11 3»| Loekt likely for rain. 17 6 morn. (6 | /^(r/7«jfets 9b. 45m. 26 6 36 Sun fiow of clock 1 2m. 3f. 24 6 1 40 Bojion. MaiTacre, 1 770. 22 6 2 4J or rain^ 6 Snow 20 3 36 Day*s leag'h i ih. 34.01. i« 6 4 16 C.C.P. Concord Sc Taunton. 16 6 4 53 9 [StadtKolder 10 9 Hsllavd born »5 6 5 »^ Perigee. • 1 # [ J 74-8. 13 6 I)fets ;: Hi^h Tides. li 12 6 7 9 56 Stormy lueatber. II 6 S 3^ 1249 Star i 7S). A new difcovered 10 6 9 4^ 4^: TownOffieers chofe zt Bojion 8 1 1 2 36] BiltitCorniuallis & Green a' 7 6 morn. 329 [Guilford, ' 17S1. 5 o 12 4 20, St.Pa/T/c/t. Bo/tcn rsi.t 76. 4 »9 fix [/Marfan r2k..by.S^d«,i78;, 2 I [ 56 Ci/^ a»rf blujierinv, I 2 40 a© ''1 N'ghr Day and equal. o 3J 23- 21 Snoxv.or rain, 12 59 9, San r>-w of clock 7in..-3r, 5S 3^ Apogee. a? 57 57 9 36 Small Tides. 56 5 12 10 ao' Annunciation, GoodFrtday. 55 (L rife .» 4i 26 VenusJets loh. i8m. I 54 7 2C » Sol Sunday, a Easter 53 8- 29 12 ?6^ aS £jnp. Rujfia born, 17^9. 51 9 32 1 2X1 29 C.C . P.f^'orceffer, Nantucket. 50 10 29 2 8l 30 Pieafantfor tVUrch. 46 7. IT 40 3v Day's length 12b, 32m. 47 7[morn. j^oi : 3 APRIL 1785, begins on Friday. Laft quarter id day ir in the morning. New Moon grh day 3 in the morning, Firft quarter i6th day 5 i-n the morning, Full Moon 24ih day 9 in the morning. v»l Remafiaile Days, &e. y 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 so J 53 \h 17 18 »9 20 ^' '32 »3 " — —IK M /VY 1785 on Siint^ay. Laft qnarter ift day 8 in the afternoon. New Moon 8th day 1 1 In the m-. rning, Firll quarter i5fh day 10 in the afternoon, Fti I Mo n 13d day 11 ii the aiieiiiOon, Lall quarter 31ft day i in the m.^rnin^, Hrmarkable Da;s (sfc. \r.ll}S. r.^s. F.^ea, Rofjttiyn.S'. f'h.lipicjnmts. 5'' S o tyiiid, [K Tammany, 3 7 5 5° and 'oin. 2 ? 6 47 Cen. FJe£l, Ntioport. 7 7 7 40 Ajcenfin Day o 7 8 35 f- 6 N* vii> of St. y<3.^«Ev3ng. 59 8' 9 29 8' ^^•erigee. Higo Tides 58 10 25 Mt'-illexzU b\ 6'<'^J« 17 81. 4568 1 I 26 9'-- ; Spring like .o.'.a>btr. 4 55 8 8 SI 12. 5 C. C. P. J ^ittifi. K.Frar.cecto. 4 548 9 59^ '2. 54 -1 S I C. 'ia finable. [f77y. 4 53^ i(. 54. 1 43 4 51 » 11 43 2 30 [Gcn.Eea. Hartford. f 5" - morn" 3 20 Plea fa nt May iveatber, 4 49 8 o 2o 4 7 Wbitfuuday. 448 8 o 4 5^ Jxpecl rain r foon. A 47 8 5 40 S.]:C.F{ymoX.C.i^.Groi 4 46 a I 6«6 4-j®Apogee. [Spr ingfald. 4 45 8 I 7 9 S Remarkable darkl:*a,^ j 1780 4 44 8 2 7 50 f> [Ctrifio.CoIumbus died 1506 4 43 8 2 •8 39 4 4» 8 2 9 20 22 13 'TV/ «//_)? Sunday. 8 441 3 i6jio 9 1 1 2 j if'ind and ra in. » 3 40 (I rife- 10 50 3 be 24 f M&ff'i.k^tm\o dnrolv'd 8 !l 40 39 j M 25I4 Eledicn f ofGovernot, &c.
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