GRANPi'''!D RAPfD I!S I j THE LOWELL LEDGER UiJllAllt IKr— ^PiWU UbttrT A PROGRESSIVE PAPER FOR PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE VOL. XX LOWELL, MICHIGAN, Jan. 16, IQI3 No. 32 ; !*•••< HI 111 ill M"i*i i BOYSREGOVERi PROSPEROUS YEAR H SAO HOHINGTBLANK BOOKtS ANDI Our Guaranl) of Safely L. L C. Elects Officers and Condition of Injured Boys is Reported at Lowell State Bank Benj. Soules Brought Home Enjoys Program Changed (or the Better Annual Meeting. From Florida for Burial OFFICE SUPPLIES AND RIGHT TREATMENT The annual nieetinir of the The condition of Marvin Kauf- At the annual meeting of the Funeral serivces for Benjamin \ow is the time of year when you will need a new Day 9 ladies Literary club was held at man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew • stockholders of the Lowell Stale Soules, whose death at Tavarcs, Book. Ledger, Journal or Cash Book. We buy all our blank Our Extra Strong Board f Directors Dhe home of iMrs. John 0. Clark Kaufmann. and Olin Hyde, son of; Bank held on Tuesday, January Florida, was recorded in our J. S. Berg in, Wm. T. Condon, R. J. Flanagan, yesterday Jan. loth, when the Mrs. May H vde, who were so se- j 14th, no change was made in the last issue, were held Tuesday i » books direct from the manufacturers and can make you job- F. W. Hiny^n, Anton Kallinger, D. G. Look, bllowiiic: officers were elected for verly injured in a coasting acci- officers and directors, all being afternoon at two o'clock at liieij ber.-.' prices on anything you need in li s line. We carry the 1 T. A. Murphy, R. VanDyke, A. W. Waekoi. .he ensuing year: President, .Mrs. dent last Thursday that their i re elected. The bank has had a residence in this village, Rev. L. J largest stock of Blank Books in Lowell md a comparison of J. B. Williams; 1st. vice president, lives were despaired of. is much prosperous year, paying the us- 10. Lennox officiating. Inter-1 * prices and values will convince you tiiat we are in the lead OUR CONSERVATIVE OFFICERS: Mrs. E. 0. Wadsworth; 2nd. vice improved and it is now believed ual rate of dividend to stock- ment was made in Oakwood A. W. Weeket, Pres., Wm. T.x Condon, Vice Prif. president. Mrs. Styles; rec. sec., that both will recover. 1 holders, and transferring cemetery. in both price and quality. R. VanDyke, Vice Pres., R. W. Slay ton, Cashier. iiiss Audie Post; cor. sec.. Miss The boys were removed to their' to surplus account during the • Benj. Soules was born in Ver- We are local agents for t he ydia VanDeusen; treas, Mrs. respective homes on theday after year. gennes, Mich.. July 14, l-s.^J. ^arl Thomas; parliamentarian, the accident, and both are under j The officers and directors are He was one of eleven children, ol Elbe Files and Binders CITY STATE BANK Irs. John I looker: critic, Mrs. the physician's care. Olin Hyde as follows, Thomas F. Doyle, whom five had .prcceeded liini to the handiest devicesmade for your desk, for filing letters, H. C. Greene; board of directors, while entirely conscious and re- President;E. L. Bennett. Vice- t he better land. He wns married doeiinients or valuable papers Lowell - Mich. Mesdames Will Winegar, A. B. covering from his injuries, lies President; 1). G. Mange, Cashier, March 2'.). LsTI, ro Miss Mary Smith, 0. C. McDannell, Allen quietly dozing much of the time, A.J. Nnsh. A ss't Cashier, C. A. Allen of Lowell who survives iiim ELBE EYELET MACHINE tennett. Clint Hodges, S. S. lx»e, indifferent to his surroundings Lee, E. I). McQueen and Dudlev having been hiscompanion near- binds and fastens together papers of any description in a Myrtie M. Rogers. John Clark, and unlike his natural energetic, Waters. ly thirtv-nine years. T\vo dill Fred Oliver and Miss Florence high-strung disposition, this drtn, a son and a daughter, wen- very simple and easy manner. King. probably being the result of the born to them and both survive. The chairman of committee, severe spinal concussion which During the summer following Everything for the Office. WATCHES Mrs. M,? C. Greene, then took he suffered. Marvin Kaufmann, their marriage Mr. ami Mis. charge of the program which though he was a day longer Soules moved to Coral, where opened with the club song. Uoll than his playmate in regaining they remained eleven years. At City State Bank Honors Truited QDM call was responded to with cur- consciousness, he also having t he end of 1 ha11 hue 1 hey rel nrned D. G. LOOK rent events. spinal concussion, is improving Young Employe. to Lowell and about ! wenty-six Mi's. Clark gave us on the more rapidly and is now entirely The annual meeting of the years ago built: the house on the Going Ponograph "A Cradle Song" by rational. stockholders of the City State west side which has since been The Rexall Drug Store Slsie Baker which was very pleas, bank was held Tuesday in the their home. ng. Mrs. 10. S. White gave a bank parlors and the former Mr. Soules was converted dur- 0 short but interesting reading board of directors was re-elected, j ing lik residence at Coral, and "Metamorphosing Old (iarden of GDI JAIL SENIENGas followsE: J. S. Bergin, Wm. on June 28, 1 Siisn, he and Mrs. Somewhere ? Eden," Mrs. Clark favored us T. Condon, R. J. Flanagan, F. Soules together united with the b •3U2I Knaw with "FirefliesTriumphal March" W. Hinyon, Anton Kallinger. I). Lowell Melliodistehiirch of which and song "My Old Girl" which Grattan Blind Pig Men Sent up G. Look. T. A. Murphy, R. Van- they have remained faiiiil'ul Tlicii take a Kodak with you was appreciated by all. by Judge Brown. Dyke, A. W. Weekes. members. ami rcjiister your trip for Miss Audie Post gave us some The following officers: Pres- The health of the deceased lias Nearly 3,000 Oopies W of the good things she heard From The Grand Rapids Herald, ident, A. W. Weekes. Vice Presi- been uncertain for some tinieand future reference and so double your January ir». w while attending a lecture in Chi- dent, R. VanDyke, Wm. T.Con- believing that a winier in the Of SHEET MUSIC Still Left to Select from at Only pleasure. cago on the Panama Canal by Without being given the alter- don, Cashier, R. W. Slayton. South would be benelicial lo him. Burton Holmes. native of payimr a line, Ernest were then elected. he left Lowell for Florida wn iw Tall and s<h» us: we will he pleased to talk The club then voted to make l^sseter and Anthony Geller, The reports showed the affairs 11, 101 li, accompanied by his ^^-7 cts per Copy—^ K Kodak with you. Will also be jrlad to w Mrs. Katherine Stone, one of our Grattan Centerites who pleaded of the bank to be in a highly satis- wife. He wasdelighted w ii ii iheir1 talk with you conm-ning any line of ex presidents, an honory member, guilty some days ago to a factory condition. A semi-an- location and unproved somewhat Including nearly all of the popular publications, many of floods we sell and which may be of inter- 0 which was unanimously carried, charge of selling liquor without nual dividend of 4 per cent wns in health, and then.' was no the pieces costing us from 20c to 35c at wholesale. hi /lub adjourned to meet with a license, Tuesday were given paid and $1000 passed to the warning of thesudden siininions. est to you. Yours for business, All Classical Folios selling regularly al cOc lo 75c will b Mrs. Geo. M. Winegar Jan. 2?)th. straight jail sentences by Judge surplus raising that fund to £sf. which came on Tuesday nighr. —[Cor. Sec. Brown. 000. January 7th., the result of heai t be included in this sale at 37c each. liesseter, a druggist, must do Vice President VanDyke will failure, lie will be missed not a stretch of fifty days for his vio- continue to supervise the affairs only byhis immediatefamily and Sale will Continue One Week More A. D. Oliver lation of the law. Geller was of the bank. a large circle of relatives, bur committed for thirty-five days. also by many friends, for bv his This will be a good time to Jay in a slock of music at Jeweler and Optometritt. siyis very little cost. Come in and look it over and make your w Big money saving opportun- kind and genial disposition he selections early before the stock has been broken. This Weekly Notes of Studies, Sports Miss Ruth Flogaus is ill this ities this week. Don't skip the had made friends wherever he sale will mean an actual loss to us on the music, but is made and Sundries week. ads. went. Besides his wife lie leaves CHINA WARE one daughter, Mrs. Frank Wood lo draw people to our store at this a dull season of the year. Fire drill this week. worth, and one son Fred Soules. George Mulvey is assistant Hill 11 both of Grand Rapids, three anitor. brothers, Tunis P. of Woodburn, D. S TO OKI N G Pupils of eighth grade had a Ore., Edward of Salt Lake t'ity sleigh ride party to Saranac Fri- FREEJI and Edgar of Sturgis Mich., t wo Music Dealer, Lowell, Mich. dao night. sisters, Mrs. Ilaltie Ilrandehnry Members of the Senior class are We want a Negative of all the Old Folks.
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