o I"- CC H/1PPV O —I or 1E WESTFIELD LEADER new The Leading and Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County USPS 6802O EAR, NO. 22 Second Cl»» PoHUt P«id Published 18 Pages—3O Cents •I WcMfWId. N.J, WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1984 Every Thursday Council to Organize YWCA, YMCA to Become One Y Jan. 1 The Westfield YWCA. West- will manage the program and cerns. William Hunnell, presi- Kaslusky, executive director of Wednesday Evening field YMCA and the United Fund services. dent of the YMCA, and Michelle the "Y", stated that he looks for- of Westfield announced today the The agreement signed by the Healy, president of the YWCA, ward to expanding the women's The Mayor and Town Council ward, and Michael Diamond, signing of an agreement between officers of the YMCA and the stated that a new department will programs in a variety of both of Westfield will begin its official Democrat councilman from the the YM and YW that all prog- YWCA will provide for continued be created at the Westfield "Y" social and fitness and health 1985 year at organization cere- fourth ward. They will fill the ramming would be consolidated programs of the YW in the area to be called the Westfield Y areas to better serve Westfields monies at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, seats formerly held by John effective Jan. 1 under one organi- of Community Outreach, synchr- Women's Center which will play women of all ages. Jan. 2, in the Council Chambers "Brady, Raymond Stone and zation to be called the Westfield onized swimming, work with the and coordinate those special pro- Sallie Muehlenhard, president of the Municipal Building. Brian Fahey, none of whom- "Y." H. Emerson Thomas and handicapped, and special pro- grams that reach out to meet of the YW board of trustees, fur- Mayor Ronald J. Frigerio, who chose to seek new terms of office. Sallie Muehlenhard, presidents grams around women's con- women's concerns. Stan ther explained that existing YW will be sworn into his second two- Reelected to a new two-year of the YM and YW boards of trus- endowment funds will be set up year term as Mayor, will review term of office and beginning his tees, stated that the consolidated as a new trust fund to benefit the accomplishments of 1984 and is third term is Councilman program will mean "great things continued work of women and expected to outline hopes and Garland C. (Bud) Boothe. for Westfield in improved and girls at the "Y." plans for the new year. Various appointments by the new services to the community." Linda Maggio, executive direc- Mayor, and by the Mayor and Up until this time the services tor of the United Fund of West- Joining the council as new Council, will be made at the an- provided at the "Y" facility in field stated that the United Fund members for two year terms will nual meeting to which the public Westfield were provided by two was " proud to be a key member be Frank Rodgers, Republican is invited. As usual, these will in- completely separate autonomous in the planning process that councilman from the first ward, clude the naming of new organizations. After the first of brought about the consolidation Beverly Caidora, Republican members of official boards of the January, one single organization of programs." The United Fund couneiiwoman from the third Town. Board voted to financially sup- port the consolidation program Detective Kenny to Retire Jan. 1 for 1985. The agreement to consolidate After 28 Active Years with WPD programs was reached through Det. Sgt. Wesley Moore Sr,, second from left, is presented with the efforts of a joint committee of Detective Sergeant Robert baseball team. He also coor- special tribute for service by Union ('oui)tv Prosecutor John II. both organizations. Members of Kenny of the Westfield Police dinated the drunk driver pro- Slamler, with assistance from Westfield Police Chief .lames Mo ran that committee consisted of Department, has announced his gram from 1968 to 1978 and work- and Faiiwood Police M. Itobert Carboy of the Union County Juvenile Sallie Muehlenhard, Michelle retirement from the force, effec- ed on the Neighborhood Watch Officers Association. Healy, Joan Unger and Gloria La tive Jan. 1, after serving the com- Program and the alarm or- Belle representing the YW and H. munity for 28 years. dinance. Emerson Thomas, Bob Mul- Kenny joined the W.P.D. on Born on Hyslip Ave., Kenny is Special Tribute to "Pops" Moore reany. Lee Hale, Joan Corbet, Sept. 1, 1956, upon completion of the son of Mrs. Esther Kenny' of William Hunnell and Stan four years service with the Vermont, and the late William Fellow law enforcement grow, to make sure they turn out Kaslusky representing the YW United States Navy. Kenny. His brother, William, is a representatives and juvenile of- straight." and H. Emerson Thomas, Bob Kenny joined the Detective retired police sergeant, also ficers from throughout the coun- Mulreany, Lee Hale, Joan Cor- Bureau in 1971 and transferred to The Sergeant, who served in bet, William Hunnell and Stan with the W.P.D. Kenny has resid- ty paid a special tribute last week the U.S. Army in North Africa in the Juvenile Aid Division in 1974, ed in Westfield most of his life to Westfield Det. Sgt. Wesley Kaslusky representing the YM. during which he served on the and attended schools throughout Moore Sr. for 30 years of helping Italy during World War II, is past Earlier negotiations this past Mayor's Youth Advisory Com- the Westfield school system. Ihe youth of Union County. commander of the Westfield year resulted in successfully mittee and Youth Guidance Memorial yFW Post 6297. He and (Continued last page, this section) His wife Sally is employed by Sergeant Moore was honored his wife. Mildred, have four sons, Council. In 1974, he attained the the Board of ,Education as an at a special tribute "recognizing rank of detective first grade. He two daughters and 14 grand- Early Deadline administrative secretary. His !iis service as president of the children. was commander of the adult divi- daughter Susan of Danville, Va., Union County Juvenile Officers sion and was promoted to detec- is a graduate of Averett College Association and a.s n police of- Stamler said because of For Jan. 3 Issue tive sergeant in 1981. and will finish her nursing ficer in Westfield since April 16, Moore's tremendous experience, During his years in the depart- Det. Sgt. Robert Kenny studies this spring at Memorial 1955" and received a standing he was called upon to testify in Deadline for news releases and ment, Kenny worked on the Kenny was the organization's Hospital in Danville. His son, ovation from fellow juvenile of- the recently concluded grand ads for the Jan. 3 issue of the investigation of the November director for six years. During this Robert, has just completed his ficers. jury investigation involving the Westfield Leader is tomorrow 1971 mass murders at the List time, P.A.L. was re-organized studies at Kean College. j' A placq'.io citing Moore's devo- siezure of student records in because of uve New Year's holi- mansion on Hillside Ave'. John and inaugurated its basketball Kenny was awarded the Medal tion to duty and for the "respect Summit. day Tuesday, Jan.*]. List, the son, husband and father Weekend sports Results will be and baseball teams, and set up, of Valor and made a member of and professionalism he brought "He is a credit to the town of accepted until 9 a.m. Monday. of the victims, is still being in cooperation with the Westfield the 200 Club on Oct. 12, 1982, to the title of juvenile officer" Westfield and a living example of sought in connection with the Baseball League, the 13-year old following an act of heroism in- was presented to him by Pro- how to establish a good working slayings. baseball league, now the Uni- volving a hostage situation. secutor John H. Stamler, West- relationship between the police In addition, Kenny has investi- versity League. He is active in the Westfield field police Chief James Moran and the schools," Stamler said. Today's Index gated five additional homicides Kenny is a member and former YMCA, and in 1980 received the and Fanwood Police Lt. Robert "Pops," as Moore is affection- during the past 15 years and vice president of the P.B.A. National YMCA Service to Youth Carboy. Business Directory 13 ately referred to by colleagues Church 12 helped uncover a series of Local #90; a member of the Award plaque for dedication "I love kids," the officer de- and troubled youngsters, is a Classified 15-17 burglaries committed in the com- Juvenile Officers Association of leadership to the Y and the youth clared. "God put them on this family man. "He knows what tidiiorial 4.5 munity by a group of juveniles. Union County; the Investigators of Westfield. In 1976, Kenny was Public Notices 14 earth pure and clean. It's up to devotion is — devotion to his Obituaries 10 Associated with the Police Association of Union County, and presented with the YMCA's the parents, just like two support family and devotion to his Social 8,9 Athletic League for ten- years. was the coach of a little league Outstanding Volunteer Award. sticks that help a young tree duties," said Chief Moran. Sports 11 Land Use, New Library, Developments, Garbage Make Headlines in 19S4 The use of land, approval of a the central business district and also faces demolition.
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