CHURCH TODAY Volume XLVII, No. 2 www.diocesealex.org Serving the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana Since 1970 February 15, 2016 O N T H E INSIDE Vatican says foot-washing on Holy Thursday not limited to just men Following a request by Pope Francis, the Vatican issued a decree specifying that the Holy Thursday foot-washing ritual can include “all members of the people of God,” including women -- a practice already observed by the pope and many priests around the world. Read more on pg. 3. Local high school students brave winter storm in D.C to March for Life Despite predictions of the ‘worst winter storm in Washington, D.C. history,” almost 100 students from Central Louisiana braved the frigid temperatures to participate in the 43rd Annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. Read about their inspiring story on pgs. 15-17. Use these 40 days of Lent to draw closer to Jesus Whether it’s attending a Lent- en mission, a Lenten conference sponsored by the Diocese of Alex- andria, or going to confession, the LENT AT EPHESUS. This is the CD cover of “Lent at Ephesus” by the season of Lent is an opportunity Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles, a contemplative order based to draw closer to Jesus. View the in Missouri. The CD is a compilation of poignant chants, elaborate harmo- schedule of Lenten events, pg. 18 nies and inspiring hymns of glory and redemption. (CNS) PAGE 2 CHURCH TODAY FEBRUARY 15, 2016 Pope Francis: God wants to save you; will you let him? By Carol Glatz This is the way that families condemn anybody,” not even Catholic News Service try to work out their conflicts, those whom many think deserve he said. The one who has been it like Pontius Pilate or Judas, he VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- offended “loves the culprit and said. “The Lord of mercy wants God doesn’t want to condemn wants to salvage the relationship to save everybody.” anyone; he wants to save every that binds them, not cut off this God’s immense heart “goes person in the entire world, Pope relationship,” he said. beyond our small concept of jus- Francis said. But it is not an easy path to tice” and opens up people’s ho- “The problem is letting him take, he added. “It requires that rizons to his limitless mercy, he enter one’s heart” to transform the person who was wronged be said. one’s life, the pope said during ready to forgive and desire the This is the kind of paternal his weekly general audience in salvation of and what’s best for heart people want to encounter in St. Peter’s Square Feb. 3. the one who has wronged him.” the confessional, the pope said. “This is the heart of God, the These reciprocal acts of While the priest may seek to heart of a father who loves his forgiveness and conversion are help the penitent understand the children and wants them to live the only way true justice can tri- evil committed, “we all go to the rightly and justly and, therefore, umph, the pope said, because confessional to find a father, a fa- to live in fullness and be happy,” God’s justice is different justice bypasses a court system, “if the guilty one recognizes the ther who helps us change our life, he said. from the human administration he said. The one who is wronged evil committed and stops doing a father who gives us the strength The pope continued a series of legal justice, which is “retribu- goes directly to the one who is it, then the evil is no more and to go on, a father who forgives us of talks dedicated to divine mer- tive, that imposes a penalty on the guilty “in order to invite him to the one who was unjust becomes in the name of God.” cy, looking specifically at how di- guilty,” the pope said. conversion, to help him to under- just.” That is why the sacrament of vine mercy and divine justice go “This path still does not lead stand that he is doing wrong, to “This is how God acts with penance or reconciliation is such hand in hand. to true justice because it doesn’t appeal to his conscience.” us sinners,” he said. God con- a big responsibility for the priest, “It might seem that they are actually conquer evil but simply Through this act of persua- stantly offers forgiveness and the pope said, because the people two things that contradict each contains it,” the pope said. “Rath- sion, the one guilty of wrongdo- helps people recognize their sin “who come to you are just look- other,” he said, but they don’t er, it is only by responding to ing “can open himself to the for- in order to set them free. ing for a father” and the priest in because “it is precisely God’s (evil) with the good that evil truly giveness that the injured party is That is because “God doesn’t the confessional is there “in the mercy that brings true justice to can be overcome.” offering him. And this is beauti- seek our condemnation, but our place of the father who brings fruition.” The Bible shows that true ful,” the pope said. salvation. God doesn’t want to justice with his mercy.” U.S. priest, in England, says church’s ministry to gays expands rapidly By Simon Caldwell bers of people who “experience with more than 2,000 people who their lifestyle often felt isolated Catholic News Service same-sex attraction” but who experience same-sex attraction by a “gay-affirming” culture and wished to live chaste lives were to conform their lives to the de- were “looking for a home.” WARRINGTON, England turning to the church for help. mands of the Gospel. He said that as a result, “our (CNS) -- The Catholic Church’s The demand has resulted in “As the culture becomes Courage groups are growing.” pastoral ministry to gays is rap- Courage, a Catholic organization more secular, we find individu- “Since last summer, between idly developing and expanding as dedicated to the pastoral care of als in the culture making deci- 12 and 15 new chapters have been Western societies become more homosexuals, spreading from a sions for themselves to come and set up in (the United) States,” he secular, said a U.S. priest at the single chapter founded in New seek help,” Father Bochanski told said. “Also, the number of dio- forefront of working with gay York in 1980 to more than 150 Catholic News Service Feb. 2. ceses requesting programs for people. chapters worldwide, with increas- “We are not trying to fix or cure their priests is growing.” Father Philip Bochanski, a ing interest from dioceses around anybody. We are just trying to “Our primary work and con- Philadelphia priest who serves as the world seeking to set up their walk with them.” cern is just to provide a welcome associate director of Courage In- Father Philip Bochanski own chapters. Father Bochanski said many ternational, said increasing num- Assoc. Dir. Courage International Each year, the group works people who felt unhappy with See GAY MINISTRY, pg. 9 SAVE up to 40% with Alexandria Business Machines Copiers • Printers • Printer Supplies Faxes • Office Supplies Cost Management for your Business 318-443-0435 5527 Coliseum Blvd. Alexandria, LA 71303-3708 FEBRUARY 15, 2016 CHURCH TODAY PAGE 3 Foot-washing ritual not limited to men, Vatican says in new decree By Junno Arocho Esteves congregation’s decree were re- “does not now relate so much to Catholic News Service leased by the Vatican Jan. 21. the exterior imitation of what Je- The decree, issued by Cardi- sus did, but rather the meaning of VATICAN CITY (CNS) nal Sarah and dated Jan. 6, states what he accomplished, which has -- Following a request by Pope that pastors can choose “a small a universal importance.” Francis, the Vatican issued a de- group of the faithful to represent “The washing of feet is not cree specifying that the Holy the variety and the unity of each obligatory” during the Holy Thursday foot-washing ritual part of the people of God. Such Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Sup- can include “all members of the small groups can be made up of per, Archbishop Roche said. “It is people of God,” including women men and women, and it is appro- for pastors to evaluate its desir- -- a practice already observed by priate that they consist of people ability, according to the pastoral the pope and many priests around young and old, healthy and sick, considerations and circumstances the world. clerics, consecrated men and which exist, in such a way that it In a letter dated December women and laity.” does not become something au- 2014 and addressed to Cardinal Jesuit Father Federico Lom- tomatic or artificial, deprived of Robert Sarah, the head of the bardi, Vatican spokesman, told meaning and reduced to a staged Congregation for Divine Worship journalists that although tradi- event.” and the Sacraments, the pope said tionally 12 men were selected In 1987, the then-Committee the rubric of the Roman Missal, to represent the 12 apostles, the on the Liturgy of the U.S. bish- which mentions only men as par- meaning of the rite signifies Je- NEW DECREE -- WASHING FEET OF WOMEN. Los Angeles Archbishop ops’ conference explained, “The ticipants in the foot-washing rite, sus’ unconditional love. With the Jose H. Gomez kisses the foot of a woman during Holy Thursday Mass in element of humble service has should be changed so that priests pope’s decree, he said, the pope 2014 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles.
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