University of Maribor Faculty of Arts Department of English and American Studies Bojan Kašuba THE INFLUENCE OF MODERN AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE ON THE ENGLISH VOCABULARY MASTER’S THESIS Maribor, June, 2016 University of Maribor Faculty of Arts Department of English and American Studies Bojan Kašuba THE INFLUENCE OF MODERN AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE ON THE ENGLISH VOCABULARY MASTER’S THESIS Mentor: Prof. Dr. Nada Šabec Maribor, June, 2016 Univerza v Mariboru Filozofska fakulteta Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko Bojan Kašuba VPLIV SODOBNE AMERIŠKE POPULARNE KULTURE NA ANGLEŠKO BESEDJE MAGISTRSKO DELO Mentor: red. prof. dr. Nada Šabec Maribor, junij, 2016 Magistrsko delo je nastalo na Oddelku za anglistiko in amerikanistiko Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru s sofinanciranjem Ministrstva za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the course of my studies and in the process of writing this thesis, Prof. Dr. Nada Šabec has been extremely helpful in giving invaluable advice. I express my sincerest gratitude for her continual guidance and support. This thesis would not have been possible without her help. Additionally, I would also like to thank the Department of English and American Studies for allowing me to pursue my interests in linguistics. Ms Kirsten Hempkin proofread my Master’s thesis, for which I am extremely grateful. Finally, my family and friends continuously offered their moral support and provided advice whenever it was needed. Their support is forever appreciated. IZVLEČEK Ameriška popularna kultura je kompleksna človekova dejavnost, ki združuje različne družbene, politične, ekonomske in verske aspekte. Ameriška popularna kultura je dvoplastna, saj jo nekateri smatrajo za nizko obliko izražanja, medtem ko jo drugi vidijo kot visoko obliko umetnosti. Velikokrat je opisana kot kič ali šund, katere glavni cilj je proizvodnja in konzumiranje izdelkov. Kljub temu veliko ljudi iz različnih družbenih, kulturnih, političnih, rasnih in verskih okolij soustvarja popularne vsebine, kar dela ameriško popularno kulturo raznoliko, bogato in pestro. V magistrskem delu je predstavljenih nekaj najbolj pomembnih dogodkov ameriške popularne kulture. Naštete in opisane so televizijske oddaje, filmi, pesmi, glasbeniki in druge znane osebe, ki so odločilno vplivale na ameriško popularno kulturo in na ameriški način življenja. Poleg tega magistrsko delo obravnava morfologijo, predvsem besedotvorje. Razloženi so osnovni jezikovni pojmi, kot so morfem, beseda, leksem in afiks. Zaradi lažjega razumevanja nastajanja novih besed so predstavljeni in opisani besedotvorni procesi. Prav tako je podana primerjava med usvajanjem novih besed v maternem in tujem jeziku. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela so opisane in analizirane besede, ki so produkt ameriške popularne kulture zadnjih 25 let. Televizijske serije, filmi, pesmi, klasični in elektronski mediji, politika, moda, družbena omrežja in druge oblike popularne kulture predstavljajo vir novo nastalih besed. Novo nastale besede imenujemo neologizmi. Besede so analizirane glede na njihovo etimologijo, sintakso, besedotvorne procese in njihov pomen. Analiza novih besed in besedotvornih procesov bo pokazala, kateri besedotvorni procesi so med najbolj produktivnimi v 21. stoletju. Temeljni cilj magistrskega dela je podrobneje prikazati ameriško popularno kulturo in vpliv le-te na angleško besedje, tj. bolje razumeti vpliv kulture na jezik in obratno. Magistrsko delo omogoča vpogled v ameriško popularno kulturo, morfologijo in neformalno besedje in predstavlja osnovo za nadaljnjo raziskavo ameriške popularne kulture, angleške morfologije in besedja. Ključne besede: sociolingvistika, ameriška popularna kultura, besedotvorje, neologizmi, klasični in elektronski mediji UDK: 811.111'27'373.611:316.7(73)(043.2) ABSTRACT American popular culture is a complex unity of different social, political, economic and religious aspects. It is wrought in duality. Some consider it a low form, while others think of it as high art. It is often described as trash, nothing but a means to produce and consume products. Yet, many people of different social, cultural, political, racial and religious backgrounds create, produce and distribute popular content, in turn making American popular culture diverse, rich and colourful. The thesis presents some of the most important events in American popular culture and also enumerates and describes TV series, films, songs, music artists and other celebrities that have impacted American popular culture and the American way of life. Furthermore, the thesis deals with morphology, primarily word-formation. Basic linguistic terms such as morphemes, words, lexemes and affixes are explained. A detailed examination of word-formation processes is provided in order to better understand how new words are created. Additionally, a brief comparison between first language vocabulary acquisition and foreign language vocabulary acquisition is presented. The empirical section describes and analyses words which have been created or popularized in American popular culture in the last 25 years. TV series, films, songs, print and electronic media, politics, fashion, social networking websites and other forms of popular culture are examined to find new coinages. Such coinages are called neologisms. The words are analysed and compared according to their etymology, syntax, word-formation processes and meaning. A detailed examination of new words and their word-formation processes is provided in order to find out which word-formation processes are among the most productive in the 21st century. The main aim of this thesis is to provide a closer look at American popular culture and its influence on the English vocabulary, i.e. to better understand how culture can affect language and vice versa. Additionally, the thesis provides an overview of American popular culture, morphology and non-Standard English vocabulary and serves as a basis for further research of American popular culture, English morphology and vocabulary. Keywords: sociolinguistics, American popular culture, word-formation, neologisms, print and electronic media Abbreviations n. / N noun v. / V verb adj. / ADJ adjective adv. / ADV adverb interj. / INTERJ interjection No. number / / phonetic transcription [ ] ellipsis > / directionality ' stress * impossible word Table of Contents List of Figures .......................................................................................................... I List of Tables........................................................................................................... II 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Hypotheses ................................................................................................ 2 1.2 Organization of the M.A. thesis .................................................................... 2 2 Research methods ............................................................................................. 5 3 Modern American Popular Culture................................................................... 8 3.1 Defining popular culture ......................................................................... 13 3.2 The role of media in modern American popular culture ......................... 16 3.3 Films and TV series ................................................................................. 19 3.3.1 American films ................................................................................. 20 3.3.2 American TV series.......................................................................... 23 3.4 Music ....................................................................................................... 28 3.5 Technology .............................................................................................. 31 4 Creating new words ........................................................................................ 35 4.1 Words, acquisition and meaning ............................................................. 39 4.1.1 Vocabulary acquisition..................................................................... 39 4.1.2 Words and meaning.......................................................................... 43 4.2 Word- formation ...................................................................................... 45 4.2.1 Parts of the word .............................................................................. 48 4.2.2 Derivation ......................................................................................... 50 4.2.3 Compounding ................................................................................... 55 4.2.4 Conversion ....................................................................................... 59 4.2.5 Blending ........................................................................................... 61 4.2.6 Clipping ............................................................................................ 62 4.2.7 Abbreviations ................................................................................... 63 4.2.8 Back-formation ................................................................................ 64 4.3 Semantic shift .......................................................................................... 65 4.4 Dissemination of new words ................................................................... 66 5 English vocabulary in modern American popular
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