= VOL. 23. VICTORIA, B. C. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29. 1896. No. 1 ericaii indignation at the time of tbe Curling Iron Heaters CM njUDC civil war at the idea of a foreign na­ ... We have Juat received the nicest Vj\/l j\J J tion according belligerent right* to the assortment nf th»n« 1 I^ Ilk | shown here. “'Also6”6 fufl rebels.” The St. James Gazette says: “The SMITH IS Curling Irons. jingo eggs which the President thought Piece of Advice. John Cochrane, proper to hatch in a highly artificial in­ Prescription Druggist, N. W. cor. cubator in December, have produced a Yates and Douglas streets. FOR CUBA When you wish to make a present look brood which will give him and the THE MAN ntatestneii of the United States a great at our make of Solid Chain Bracelets. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. deal of trouble as it grows to maturity.” Madrid. Feb. 2i\—Tlie Impsrciul, re FOR SALE—Small black ranrè, 6 years old; More Bataillons from Spain to Oper­ They cost the same as the ordinary hollow faring to the action of the United new blanket, harness, whip robe ami ate Against the Insurgents Thu fry To-Day With the Incon­ links and are much better and heavier. new road cart; neat and cheap. Also States senate in regard to Cuba, says stant Tories —The, Will Have new saddle and bridle. Apply it. Bray. In Matanzas. ♦hat the international situation i* very Johnson street. feffiHf We make them in all sizes. grave, adding that the recognition «if Another To-Moriow. I* OR RENT—Eight-roomed he use; bath the Cubans ns belligerents by the room and »v.c. (connected with sewers), Unitetl States Involves a danger of two large lots, nice shrubs, hedge, fruit General Weyler Agrees In the Pro­ daily conflicts. The Impartial also ac­ trees; ou Menzlee street car Hue; occupa­ In the Wild 8cat*t:h for a Leader tion 1st April. Apply Dalby à Claxton. priety of Holding Elections cuses the Spanish premier, Senor Uauo Challoner & Mitchell, t>4 Tates treet. fe29-lw vas del Castillo of an “excess of pa tüe Disorganize) Party In the Island. Wan TED-1000 people to witness the per­ *ienco bef ,re Yankee pride.” “Spain, Are htranded. -Jewellers, 47 Government Street. formance of Smith-Lleb ( <»., at A. O. V". continues the Impereioj, “must prepare W. hall. Monday. March 2nd. Popular for every eventuality. Our maritime privée—15c.. 26c., and 50c. Grand douhl- bill. The Violin Maker of Cremona, and Correspondent From Havana Gives resource* are not great, but we have Arabian Nights. fe20-l not before us a gigantic naval power. Sir Donald Smith Hits Govetomens the Commander-In-Chief Onr humility has been badly iniscon a Hurd Blow ami Fi-ighieu* SHINGLES FOR SALE Mum.. Holi ind a Credit fer Mercy. Co., Broad street, opposite the Driard. strum! and our enemy. Instead of being appeased, thinks he could treat Spain ns the Leaders. >'-•! \ : < * ! he conk! Turkey. A firm and resolute Seed Potatoes and Table Potatoes tiOc. attitude would have gained us more r cwt.,........................ free delivery, J. A. Ritchie. and 6 Store street. fe25-5 Flllbtssters Convicted—Spanish Sol­ consideration, for we are not so weak British Columbia Ahead In Fisheriea r diers Murder Women, Girls as to render our hostility indifferent to THE BEST HOUSEHOLD WELLINGTON treating with a people which have no - The Budget Dt bate Closed GOAL at lowest market prices. Puli uiid Old Men. weight guaranteed. Only ,white labor warlike qualities. Monger, Spain i.« employed. Muun Holland & Co., Broad not isolated In Barope." “Wild-Cat street, opposite Drtard. Yard at foot of The Corresponde!)ciu assert* that the Johnson street; vftv in the United States senate on the Ottawa. Feb. 29.—Sir Donald Smith NEW WALL PAPER—J. W. Mellor, Fort Havana, Feb. 29.—The newly arrived Cuban question hn* created a profound street, above Douglas. battulions, Mûrira und Luzon, have impression in this city, adding: “Th» xvent further at yesterday's caucus than reached Matanzas and will be sent iuito Sewing Silks CREOSOTE OIL, for shingles; 45c. extraordinary majority shows that tbe was reported in thi* eonx^spotulem-e. In the lield against the insurgents imme­ gallon. J. W. Mellor. * note is entirely hostile. The United addition to explaining hi* trip to Win­ diately. Hut the new troops sent from States" recognition of the rebel* is a Many brands admittedly put up to de­ MIXED - PAINTS—<1-60 per gallon. J Spain will operate in conjunction with nipeg and /minting to the fact that lie Mellor. crever event thon has happened to ixittalions which have become seasoned Spain for a long time.” yet hopes of the question living settled ceive the consumer. Tough competition to the climate mod familiar with i D-• NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS—‘Changes' t U1 Liberal ha* an article saying: outside of federal iwlitics, uud by * he tricks of the enemy, ns It has proved for the retailer who sells Honest Goods. for eiandlng a«tvertinemeut n must be “Nothing could be more unjust uni province, he also attacked the Dominion hautlcd In at the office before 11 a.iu. -hat this has a Ix-ueficial effect upon The attention of the ladles of Victoria more opined to internotional law thau government, saying that if Mr. Green­ Of the day the ‘Change* I» desired to wldiers. The Insurgents have the recognition of the rebels, who are la specially vailed to the .extraordinary ex­ plundered the villages of Mantilla and way had. been approached in a proper pose which lias lately been made of the only bands of filibustered. ami who do fraudulently stamped qwl deceptive qual­ Calvnrio near this city und their auda­ spirit months ago, the whole school ity of many brands of sewing silk now on city is really astonishing m view of the not represent the Cuban people, of whom the majority are faithful to question Would have been settled und the market. strong force of troops in and aliout Ha­ THE VICTORIA la stamped 100 yds., Spain. They are merely the factions of there would have been no need of the ami measures about 30 yds. Study Economy and vana. At Zuya Jagtia the insurgents T1IE KEYSTONE Is stamped 100 yds., have been defeated with loss, and at a savage, incendiary minority which is remedial bill. It was upon these grounds and uiensura* from 30 to 40 yds. 1‘almarito the insurgent Major Vega striving to obtain Iwoty by pillage. THE ORIENTAL Is stamped 100 yds, Live Like a Lord. Such a minority cannot change the that the anti-remedial mot agreed on and measures about 60 yds. was captured. ' ' ' b : ■ ; ! :1 ! the appointment of a committee to go THE JAPAN Is stamped 100 yds., and Captain-General Weyler has Ix-en con measures from 60 to 00. article concludes with declaring that to the government, and that the name Of THE QUEEN CITY Is stamped 100 yds., suited by the home government ns to Study economy and live like a lord the pretension of the chambers at Sir Donald Smith was added to those of and measures about 60 yds. the propriety of holding elections in the Washington in begging President Cleve­ CLARKE. STANDARD SILK TWIST, 100, la the maxim of all housewives I hope. island. He has replied he thinks the; Weldon and I-arivierv. The fact of Sir and measures about 00. I'm convinced of this now, when nine- land to interpose hi* good offices for >•*.- When a store keeper sells the wrong ought to be held. Otherwise the insur­ Donald Smith taking this •ourse ha* tevths of our home* cognition of Cuban independence is in- goods the right customers shun him. gents will gain an imiiortant advantag- emceivabie. Against such an attack raised him so high in the opinion of Finding out some years since that a large Are supplied with Peudray's Electric Simp. (specially <ut the question of beltigeren- manufacturer whose product of a. Silks Spain will not he found wanting in the Conservatives that he is being h«»otn<-d largely sold hi this city, < y. The Diuro del Marina ha* an edi­ Being Electric by name and Electric by Supreme moment. to-day for the premiership. made and stamped 100 yds. on spools thftjt torial criticizing the Spanish premier, Other newspaper* exprès* themselves only run 60, we cleared out by one sa'e Se»nr Canovas del Castillo, for his dis­ in about the same terms, or ask what I'-1 ’ ' ' 1 : ■ - : line, every spool of .Silk and Twist. In stock, It makes dirt, with the water, sloped solution of the Cortes and his decision and knowing that “the best always pays.” right has the United State* to meddle therefore, is a great victory for the Lib­ Like lightning the dirt flies before uur eyes to hoM an < lection in the island. It Imported a complete assortment of the in affair* which arc* the exclusive con When we use Pemdray'a Electric Soap. ie considered by the loyalists, says this erale, whose policy has been approved < f corn of Spain. journal, that tin' anti-patriotic reform in the Tory caucus. Corticelli Spool Silk Twist Pari*. Feb. 29.—I<e Temps, referring For weight and quality it can't be sur- i#t party no longer exists and the old to the resolution, says: “The United Mr. McCarthy will ask if Sir Donald .Spaniards and reformists have jocieo and Wash Embroidered Silk State* has had an eye on Cube for a Smith Was author! Tbougb many have tried bard to cope ''■ ;11 i'• •1 - ! : 1 ■ - Which is guaranteed PULL LENGTH, and long time and the vote in the senate is Mnmrolm on behalf of tho government.
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