June 29, 1993 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 14715 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO 1993 SENIOR CITIZEN Peter Klisurich, a veteran of World War II ior Citizen of the Year Award, Helen was also ACHIEVEMENT AW ARD RECIPI­ and former employee of the U.S. Post Office, inducted into the Senior's Hall of Fame in the ENTS remains active as a member of Des Plaines city of Chicago. Valley VFW #6863, the southwest chapter of Formerly very active in the Girl Scouts of HON. WILLIAM 0. LIPINSKI AARP, the National Association of Federal America, Evelyn Scott now directs her time to­ OF ILLINOIS Employees, St. Symphorosa Holy Name Soci­ ward her duties as president of the Riverside IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ety, and Citizens Against Pollution. Golden Agers, volunteering for the Riverside The hospitable atmosphere at North Recreation Department, and organizing the Tuesday, June 29, 1993 Stickney's Senior Center each week is due Riverside Public Library Tuesday morning Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to mainly to the efforts of Estelle Kozin. Estelle drop-in for seniors. share with my colleagues the accomplish­ has been a long-time member of the Stickney Patrick Sullivan was awarded Man of the ments of 20 remarkable senior citizens from Council on Aging, the Stickney Golden Age Year from the Sertoma Club because he is a my district who received my 1993 Senior Citi­ Club, the North Stickney Meal Site Program, remarkable senior who serves the community zen of the Year Award on June 5, 1993. Each and is currently treasurer of the Stickney in a number of facets. Mr. Sullivan's activities award recipient provides an invaluable service Women's Civic Club. range from serving on the advisory board of to the community. Not only do they serve at Edward Metz, a veteran of World War II, Christ and Hines VA hospitals, organizing pro­ various volunteer organizations, but they also currently belongs to the St. Alexander's Senior grams for disabled war veterans, volunteering serve to remind us of how precious and need­ Club, the Palos Senior Club, the Palos Histori­ with parish clubs, as well as being a loving fa­ ed our older citizens truly are. Senior citizens cal Society, and the Friends of the Park. Mr. ther of five. such as these provide an excellent example to Metz takes particular interest in the beautifi­ Emily Tetrev has built a reputation in her the younger generations; their community in­ cation of his community and, therefore, orga­ community as a woman who gives of herself volvement conveys the message that retire­ nizes the plant growing at St. Alexander's Par­ for others. For the past 12 years, Mrs. Tetrev ment does not mean the end of a person's ish and the landscaping at Lake Katherine Na­ has been the president of the ESP Senior livelihood. As the U.S. population ages, it is ture Preserve. Club in Berwyn, often keeping the 225 mem­ important that we continue to honor the senior An active member and officer in the Garfield ber organizations alive with her leadership and citizens that serve as role models not only to Ridge Civic League and the Garfield Ridge dedication. In addition, Mrs. Tetrev is a mem­ their peers, but to the Nation as a whole. It is Senior Club, and a member of St. Daniel's ber of many various clubs and often helps the my pleasure to share with you some informa­ Widower's Club and Golden Dinner Club, Lu­ less fortunate in her community. tion about each of the recipients to show why cille Mocadlo still finds time to visit nursing Emily Tobolski, who is recently retired, is these seniors are so special. homes and hospitals almost every day, often the treasurer for St. Daniel's Senior Club and Ann Bennett, in addition to writing a weekly delivering lap robes, wheel chair bags, and has taken on the responsibility of taking the column for a local newspaper, is the current arm rests that she has been crafting for the linens from church home to wash and iron secretary of Ladies Auxiliary VFW and is in past 1O years. them weekly. Emily is also a member of the her second term as president of the Johnson­ Mr. Patrick O'Block had a distinguished ca­ Polish Roman Catholic Union and is often Phelps Ladies Auxiliary. Ann also serves as reer in public service, ranging from mayor of called on to be an interpreter for Polish immi­ the patriotic instructor and Americanism chair­ Hazelcrest to many years in the Illinois Sen­ grants. man of the ladies auxiliary. ate. His accomplishments in local government Vicki Vlasis has a degree in nursing from Lucille Farrell, a nurse for 29 years, is in­ earned him the honor of having a bridge over­ Cook County Hospital and has accumulated volved in a host of community and church ac­ pass named after him. Presently, Mr. O'Block over 40,000 hours of volunteer service at local tivities which include serving as a lay minister is the director of Cook County Animal Control hospitals. She is currently the director of vol­ for the homebound sick at St. Julie's Parish, Program and is an active member of St. unteers at Christ Hospital, a member of the Il­ decorating for all Orland Township activities, Cletus Parish through membership in various linois Hospital Association Region 2-A volun­ volunteering regularly for Misericordia, and clubs. teers and is also active in a number of volun­ serving on the board of directors at both St. Donald Porter, a father of 5, a grandfather teer and auxiliary groups. Julie's Golden Agers and the Renaissance of 15 and a great-grandfather of 15, serves as Sophie Walczak is a delegate to the Chi­ Academy for Seniors at St. Xavier. president of the Bremen Township Seniors Or­ cago Senior Senate Program and activities co­ Theodore Haraf serves the St. Mary Star of ganization, which is an 800-member organiza­ chairperson for the Central Stickney Golden the Sea parish as president of the Seniors tion that encompasses 18 separate organiza­ VIPS. In addition to her work for the Stickney Club and as a member of the Ushers Club. In tions. Township food pantry, Sophie also volunteers addition, Mr. Halas donates his time to Mar­ Rose Roe, a mother of three and regular at St. Camillus, often offering rides to church quette Park Special Olympics and West Lawn volunteer for veteran's affairs, is a member of activities for handicapped and aged persons. boys baseball. senior council of Orland Park Township Catho­ I hope my colleagues will join me in honor­ Jerry Jablonski, former president of the St. lic War Veterans, a Eucharist minister for St. ing these 20 seniors for their dedication and Symphorosa Parish Senior Club and the Sup­ Julie's Parish, on the Golden Agers board of commitment to their community. These Sen­ per Club, is currently a member of the VFW directors, and is a solicitor for Miserciordia and iors of the Year provide not only an inspiration Des Plaines Post # 6863 and the Five Holy Cancer Society. for the young, but also an example. These in­ Martyrs Father's Club. Mr. Jablonski also won A resident of Stickney for 69 years, Jose­ dividuals add meaning and illustration to Elea­ first prize for his work as the historian for the phine Ruzek has served the community all of nor Roosevelt's words: "Life was meant to be Catholic War Veterans. her life. Presently, she is the president of the lived, and curiosity must be kept alive. One Although Father Charles Kelly retired after Stickney Township Council on Aging, a 700- must never, for whatever reason, turn his back 45 years in the priesthood over 6 months ago, member organization that encompasses 11 on life." The senior citizens that were honored he still visits the elderly and shut-ins and clubs. have not turned their backs on life but, rather, makes visits to the hospitals. In addition to Although Helen Rygula is a member of over have embraced fully the needs of the commu­ being a moderator in the Apostolate of the half a dozen different senior organizations, nity and have worked to address these. needs Handicapped for the Archdiocese of Chicago, she still finds time to visit patients at local hos­ without asking anything in return. For this rea­ he belongs to PRIMA, an asociation which pitals and to volunteer at the local grammar son, Mr. Speaker, I am thrilled to share the cares for and houses retired priests. schools. In addition to receiving the 1993 Sen- activities of these model citizens. The United • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 14716 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 29, 1993 States is strengthened by the actions of such The second way: Your boss gives you a card SALUTE TO DR. OTTO AUSTEL patriotic and active citizens who continue to good for 80 percent of your transportation serve their country even as they reach their costs (after a $1 ,000 deductible) and 100 per­ cent of any costs exceeding $12,000. HON. ELTON GALLEGLY golden years. OF CALIFORNIA Under which system do you suppose a car dealer would be motivated to bring his prices IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES down? The first, of course. Indeed, a dealer Tuesday, June 29, 1993 LET CONSUMERS CUT HEALTH confronting the second system might well Mr.
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