Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-18-1983 The BG News February 18, 1983 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 18, 1983" (1983). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4101. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4101 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. THE T FRIDAY BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY FEBRUARY IS, 19S3 US ship warned by Col. Khadafy by The Associated Press Libyan leader Col. Moammar Kha- relationship of friendship," Khadafy dafy vowed yesterday to turn the Gulf said. of Sidra into a "red gulf of blood" If "The Libyan people are ready to the U.S. aircraft carrier Nimitz and fight to defend their land, their water its battle group dare to re-enter the and skies," he said. Some of the disputed bay in the southern Mediter- waters claimed by Libya are 100 ranean. miles from shore. The United States President Reagan has said there recognizes a three-mile limit. are no plans to involve VS. forces in the region if Libya clashes with Su- Pentagon sources in Washington dan, its U.S.-backed neighbor, but said the United States has sent American troops have a right to de- AWACS planes to Egypt and moved fend themselves if fired upon. the Nimitz and its battle group 100 Two U.S. jet fighters conducting miles off Egypt's northwest coast to war games from the Nimitz shot down counter a Libyan aircraft buildup a pair of Libyan planes after being apparently aimed at Sudan. fired on over the gulf in August 1981, and the Nimitz and its battle group Reagan said the radar surveillance just completed another set of maneu- planes were in the area on a training vers there. exercise. The Egyptian Foreign Min- "Entering Sidra means an invasion istry said current military activities of Libya. The Libyan people want to in Egypt were "normal." live as free people and won't accept foreign occupation. The Gulf of Sidra Sale of the Airborne Warning and will turn into a red gulf of blood if Control System planes to Saudi Ara- anyone tries to sail through it by bia several years ago caused a storm force," Khadafy told his Parliament of protest in Israel, but Israeli offi- in the Libyan capital of Tripoli. cials had no immediate comment on In an address carried by Libya's the latest deployment. official JANA news agency, he The Pentagon sources, who de- warned that the U.S. Navy, operating clined to be identified, said Khadafy north of the Gulf of Sidra, forms a had moved air units to bases in Chad, challenge to the Libyan nation. The the adjacent country to the south Libyan people won't stand and watch where Libya has been supporting one idly if pushed too far." faction in a civil war. Those units appear to threaten Su- "WE WILL not permit America or dan, Chad's eastern neighbor, the any foreign state to enter the Gulf of Pentagon sources said, and Egypt Sidra or any other part of Libyan deployed air force units to bases in waters, and this includes the Soviet southern Egypt to be ready to counter Campus Construction BG News Photo/Patrick Sandor Union, to which we are linked by a any Libyan move against Sudan. Jim Wodarski of Toledo tacks down the base to the roof of the new Physical Sciences Laboratory Building now under construction behind Overman Hall. The new building will house a planetarium, along with offices for physics and chemistry instructors. The proposed date of completion Is December 1984. NEWS IN BRIEF 'jgii iii i ii ii iiiiiiiiiiii Booklet tells how to scratch a cat MADISON, Wis. (AP) - "Building Furniture for Your Cat" was one of 3,- Installment plan to cost more 000 booklets, newsletters and reports that the state of Wisconsin pub- lished in 1901 at a total cost of $6.3 million. by Scott Carpenter opt for the plan, Dr. Richard Eakin, Another part of the service charge lment plans available to their stu- "I'm going to order that brochure. I'd like to see what kind of furniture staff reporter executive vice provost for planning will be allocated for additional operat- dents, Eakin said. However, the you could build for your cat," Rep. Joseph Czamezki, a Milwaukee and budgeting, said Wednesday. ing costs in the Bursar's office, Eakin University is the only four-year insti- Democrat, said after an auditor's report was released Wednesday. "It Students will be able to pay fees in Out-of-state students living on cam- said. This charge will absorb the cost tution in the area with an installment certainly will raise some eyebrows, I think" eight payments per academic year pus who opt for the plan pose a $41.49 of an additional full-time employee plan that covers all expenses, he The pamphlet, along with' 'How to Cut up a Chicken,'' also published by because of the new elective instal- interest loss to the University and will and at least one additional part-time added. the University of Wisconsin Extension, was cited by the Legislative Audit lment payment plan passed by the be charged a higher service charge. staff member and new equipment "It appears that our plan is the Bureau to illustrate the wide variety of subjects of state pamphlets and Board of Trustees last Friday. Eakin said the problem with an such as adding machines and type- most liberal of plans in Northwest brochures. Those who use the plan will be installment plan is that it provides writers. Ohio," Eakin said. James Griffith, the extension's information director, said he was not charged an initial deposit in addition less principal with which to make the Computer costs also will be ab- Pamphlets will be drafted by March familiar with the two pamphlets, but Norma Kokkonen, the extension's to the $100 first installment. The bal- investments the University relies on sorbed through this charge. Additio- that will outline details of the new shipping clerk, was. ance of their account will be due in to help keep costs down. The differ- nal terminals and a new lineprinter plan, Eakin said. 'When I first saw the title of that, I thought, 'My God,"" she said. "But eight installment payments through- ence of this interest loss is being will be needed, as well as reprogram- He added that an installment plan is it isn't as frivolous as it sounds." out the academic year. charged to those who chose to make ming of the master computer in order also to be drafted for part-time stu- She said 4-H members use the booklet to build scratching posts and The deposit includes a service payments on the installment plan. to facilitate the new plan, Eakin dents as the new plan only covers full- other devices for bousecats. Buying whole chickens can save several charge to cover a projected interest OFF-CAMPUS students who choose added. time students. cents a pound over cut-up birds, she noted. loss by the University of $25.72 per to use the payment option pose a "We expect that clerical work will Eakin was asked by University student. This charge is based on cur- projected $13.47 Interest loss to the be involved to make sure the new President Dr. Paul Olscamp to draft Weather rent rates for Ohio students living in University, while out-of-state stu- program is handled very well," Jo- an installment plan proposal to be Sunny and clear today with a high in the low 40s. Increasing cloudiness the residence halls and the assump- dents not living in residence halls who seph Martini, bursar, said. presented to the Board of Trustees at tonight with a chance of rain. Low in the low 30s. tion that 30 percent of students will adopt the plan pose a $29.24 interest Kent State, Miami, Ohio and Ohio their Feb. 11 meeting. The Board loss. State universities also have instal- passed the proposal on that date. Brazilian learns Enqlish in Bromf ield by Cathy Cole complaints about living in such an "The Way We Were,' by Barbra reporter unusual environment for someone Streisand." his age. As a matter of fact, he Artero says he feels that every- There is a 36-year-old father liv- says, it does have some advan- one on his floor is his friend, and he ing in Bromfield. says he became very popular after No, it is not the case of a terrible "Everybody thinks I'm 27," be "running for the Ohio senate" Hal- administrative blunder, it is exac- said, "the lowest age they've loween night tly where Juan Garcia Artero guessed is 25. I'm pleased." "I bought an American flag, a ski wants to live. Artero's roommate, Paul Blake, mask, a Cuban cigar, and wore a "At the beginning the adminis- a sophomore psychology major, is white stripe that said 'I love Ohio,' tration said no, I couldn't live in the happy with the arrangement. " he said. dorm because I would be around ^When I tell my friends that I "I bad 100 papers printed up as kids," he said.
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