
Call and get our Clubbing JOB PRINTING offer on any daily or farm paper you need. THE ADVERTISER Quickly and Neatly Done VOL. I. NO. 27 GRANUM, ALIA. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER I. n>_<> :>c PER roi'Y Granum To Receive War Trophies Get Full Implement Performance Avoid the Bi& Loss that is Causstl by Usinj'1, FALL GOODS GRANUM GET MACHINE GUN Even One Faulty Implement WHICH WILL BE HERE SOON Grey Wool Blankets from $6.00 to Vour farm implements, taken all oi main possible dollars in profit from together, form a great crop-making your Season's work. < $ 10.00 H. II. Shaw. .M. I'. litis hem in­ machine, each part of which is depend- The purpose of our nervict" to you is ant on tlio other. The whole is no to help you get lull performance from teresting himself* in tho distribu­ better than the poorusl implement in every implement. White and Grey Flannellete Blankets it. We carry for your benefit a lull line tion of Canadian war trophies, for Poor seed bed-making by an infer­ of implements especially adapted for the pnrpose of seeing that the peo- ior plow, tor instance, will make it im- use in this section. Each of them I 1 -4 and 12-4 possible for your planter and cultivator bears a trade mark that assures the pie of Macleod riding received their to give the pronl that they should best ol material and workmanship. give. With none of them do you have to quota. The folloViug dorrespond- Likewise, inaccurate planting will run the risk ot experimenting in your STANFIELD lesson tin- returns from the best ot fields of letting one implement handi­ ence between Mi'. Shaw and the Reed beds ami thorough cultivation. cap tlu' service from-\ our other im­ Ami a cultivator that will not des­ plements. Each is the successful re­ director of war trophies explains troy weeds and conserve moisture sult ol thorough experiments carried UNDERWEAR the syate E distribution and the without injuring the crop plants, outs on bj the manufacturers under a vari­ thi' profit from Ihe nsv' ot your other ety of actual field conditions the For your fall suit ' oondil ions in t his oonstil uency: implements. same conditions that prevail on your Thus it is with practically every im­ (arm. , plement on yonr farm. Even a single lla\e every implement in yonr crop fault in one implement will handicap making machinery lulh rd'.-iMe this We have our fall samples of Suitings and Naiitmi. July 30, 192U other implements, and mean the loss \ ear. A. G. Daughty, Es(|. Overcoatings. Look them over. Diieotor <>l \\ ar Trophies. JOHN j. GOOZEE, of Granum PHONE Hobberlin and Art Clothes ( )t taw a. ( 'a nat la. Oil and "arm Implement Agencies 1 >ear Sir. FHBQRQB I wish you would advise mo I what war trophies have been allot-I Okotoks, 1 machine gun; : on io oe present. [ ted to the following towns in the Pincher Creek, 1 machine gun. Granum Trading Store Jim l.eiiiie\. ,i Funner (iranum Macleod Federal constituency, viz: Yourstruly, . (Iranum farmer was in t own t his W. B. ROGERS, GRANUM Phone 5 Coleman,Blainuore, Cowley, Pin- A. (J. DAUGHTY,. VV eek on l«llS:IIOSS. BUTTER AND E3GS AS CASH cher ('rook. Macle<xl. Granum, Director of War Trophi' Claresholm, Stavely, Nanton, H. M. SHAW, ESQ., M. P Mrs. i\. A. Rogers, Provincial High River and Okotoks. Ntnton, Albm-ia Si eretary of the Womeits Institute in making these allot nienl J, 1 was in Granum on MDIKIUJ and addressed the (Iranum branch, presume enlistment is taken into Local News T. J. Dolan, Flour and Feed consideration. I f such is t lie cane, rhere was a lat'ge attouckuicc and j I trust, that the riding of Macleoo) ul'ter th' meeting several new Hay of all kinds at right When in aeed of Flour Mrs. i •! l>. £V MoM dian wa t .. .... will go\ their M;e»t..,. memherr* v\ ''»•<• < nrolled. | |,,.^ J,-.-, prices; place order with me for Trusting to hetrfrom you al an[, ' ( larosholiii visitor on Monday. num Lnvtitutc Is growing in mem UOVAL HOUSEHOLD early date,. I att Miss .1,..,, Browji is attending bership, and although ii is ou\y Everything in tho Feed purs truly, Normal at Calgary. been reorganized «. little over a line. and RQBINHOOD. il. M. Snwv. month it is predicted thai the ; 12c PER HUNDRED The Cinema Murder coming soon | members!rip will he Hearing the .... * ,. 100A to Opert house Granum. hundred mark. Al the elose ol ( Jttawa. Aug. b. I'd 20 ! the meeting light refreshments Dear Sir. Miss M« Laren.| of Ili^h River,' were served. In .answer to your let ter of the has been H guest of the McDmig- -7- •":;*rcj£ E STAB LI S H-lD 13 7 2 '^x*m*m 30th pf July. 1 beg to say that the all's. m allotment of war trophies was made ALBERTA FAIR DATES in April last to such places Ufl had Duck shooting season opened E3VBIIY business should have a today, Wednesday, and several made application for tnem. The Lanioiit. August _!'. reserve account into whioh a oer ood btt a are trophies are distributed on the « « K»P°rted Maylierrics. Sept. I. tain portion of the profits go basis of enlistmenl Erom the pro­ 1 Jerry ( 'reek. Sepl. •>. \ i m*\ H*^ regularly fco create a fund available The Granum Public School vinces. On this basis. Alberts is Lye Moor. Sepl •-. For development or emergency. opened ("lay Wednesday for the entitled to thirty guns, nineteen 1 lays ( Lou.saiia I. Sc| il. H 7. I The farmer's herd of cattle is his fall term. trench mortars, and a number of ( 'ochr.'ilie. Sept.. 7 S. reserve fund and should be continu­ machine guns. Sixty-five places Special tonight, Wednesday at Lassatio. Sept. !l \'>. ally growing, [f you need a loan WINNIPEC : =? _* OFFICE in the province made application the Starland theatre. "Houndiiia Irvine, Sept. If, !7. See us. i'or trophies. Amongst the places in Terror Island." Special prices. Didsbury. Senl 1-2. that you mention, the following II i- . i i> ,,i. Eoii Saskatchewan. Aim. *!l J. Long, manager ol tne tiaiik applied for trophies. Macleod, o . i BANK OF HAMILTON of Hamilton, has moved into the " • Stavely, High River, and later, living qtnu-tora oyer the hank. Vegrevjlle, Sept. :; 1.^ GRANUM BRANCH J. Lonfc, Manager Natitoii. Two #uns were sent to Innisi'ree. Sepi. fi 7. Macleod on the 6th of J uly. a Threshing has coinmeueed in Manville. Sent, "S. trench mortar .and machine gun this district this week, and cutting Vermillion, Sep!. II JO. will follow later. lli^h Kiver re­ is about all done with the exc Kitseotv. S pi; IN II. ceives one gun which was scut mmsttmmBmtMiMMBmtMammtmmMummrmmmtmBaM tion ol' Green feeu\ Wainwright. H.-jit. !•'. 17. from here on the :\rd ,,| July. .. ... Egerton. Sept. IS Nanton and Stavely are to receive Mr. Seiliars is w n h us again Opening of the . ... i>'"oU\ "Mountain 1 km-. Sej>t. 2>) a trench mortar each, these will all er ha V'ing joined Ins vs ile III . probably be scut next week. There Calgary and visited there for a lew pARM FQR RENT OR FOR Claresholm School of Agriculture vveek& is no application Irom Coleman, j SALE Classes in Practical Agriculture and Household Science will Blairmore, Cowley, Pincher Creek, .,• l. j \ i l i II i i five milt's east from 11 ran tin i on commence on Miss hdna tucDougail returned (iranum. Claresholm or Okotoks. load. Vpn'v lo There are nearly nine hundred to Calgflry on Mtuuiaj afterspciui MKS. |i;.\\fi'. PAIM.S'OX, l OCTOBER 29th, 1920 towns in the Dominion thai have ing a lew days with hei* parents in j -'•»-»»-'»p I'- '• ITHIIUIII, THE COURSES AUK FREE. STUDENTS MIST BE made applieal ion for I rophies and the hill,, M d Mrs. Met lllloeh. son jspie SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGE BEFORE the number of trophies is limited. Lafferty & Gillespie BEING ADMITTED. and daughter, of Kamloops, L.S((1 C.\1 BARRISTEKS. SOLICITOUS, I have added the names to the lit (i It. i.AIT'K'M'V . I. Cll.l.lvSl'IK. I,. I.. U. Excellent accomodation can be secured at reasonable rales spent a lew days recent Lv al I Ira i and allot the following: ::. Alberta Lioek < algarv with respectable Pamiles in the town. side Ranch. Mrs. McCulloch is Blairmore, 2 machine guns; Mrs. M<I >ougall • sister FOB CALENDARS AND FTJBTHBB INFORMATION APPLY TO ID. S. McMillan, M.D. A. E. MEYER I. C. HOOPER. Cowley, I machine gurt; The Womens Institute will hold h't'Sl | •!•'NT I'I I YSI< I \ \ Superintendent of Schools of Principal, School of Claresholm, I trcnoh niOrtar and their nexl meeting at the home of OW,.,., ,•(,',,.,,'• K A. Holui"s Drug Agriculture, Edmonton, Alta. Agriculture, CJaresholm I machine gun; Mrs. A. McMillan on Wednesday, j ( Store Granum, 1 machine gun; Sept. 15th. All membei asl K'.vlLW'AV ST. lih'.^N'1 \| THE ADVERTISER, GRANUM, ALBERTA .MiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiHiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimmiiniiiiiiMiiii" iiiiiiiiiiiirJiiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiicjiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiiiniiniiiinniiiiaiiiiiiiHiitrjur^ ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii'. where there is no backyard, but even there it seems to me that the Military Tribunals mother or person in charge could CURRENTCOMMENT | Women's j take the children out to a park Supersede Civil or for a walk which would give ON MATTERS OF PUBLIC INTEREST TO DWELLERS them the needed exercise and air Courts in Ireland IN THE PRAIRIE PROVINCES OF CANADA I. Comer.
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