f H H 4 + + + + + + + 4 ,+ W 4 ,M ,4 ,^ i v -.-v v “ y t v * * * * T *> 1* / / “H ~************* T fr*,* * * * * ' * ‘i***3**}»**i"}»»|»'2 t1 ^mml a booster. Don’t knock. :’s make Belmar Beach, the 3k X ; £ -* * est resort along the Jersey X ast. Spread the news of itx^I | Buy In Belmar :i [ractions everywhere. 4* (VoL 38, No. 60 JtSJtLMAK, NEW JERSEY FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1927-------------------------- Single Copy Four Cent* WANT OWNERS TO REMOVE MOLLIE PITCHER TO OPEN MAHAY TO BE SIGNS ALSO KIWANiS GIVES $25 T f l C l | | | | n f| | lin Having successfully built up the BAMFORD MAKES PLEA SPRING LAKE WINS The property owners of Belmar 111 m m I U N O ; Belmar Bakery as the largest and CANDIDATE AGAIN and South Belmar will be asked to FOR FLOOD VICTIMS FIREMENS TROPHY cooperate in the “no sign” move- best in the boro, A. Menzler will HIS ELECTION AS SURROGATE uieut being conducted by the local ^ ^ A L CHURCHES WILL MAKE IN NOVEMBER IS REGARDED . i . AA SPECIALCMLV’T A 1 APPEALtUUEII THIS'I'U ID SUN-CI1X1 Thursday at 8oT' f s tre e t and 'that i BELMARS Q B°TA IN RED CROSS MAYOR BORDEN COMPLIMENTS real estate board. A committee to * ^ 1AL_ AW BAL n u S S U N V M f FUND DRIVE FOR FLOOD VIC- BELMAR FOR PURCHASE OF AS ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN, NO frame a letter asking the coopera-j DAY TO HELP SWELL FUND will be the Mollie Pitcher Restaurant TIMg Ig SHARK RIVER LAND MATTER wWHOM h o m REPUBLICANS!REPUBLICANS Hon q£ the owners ^ as appointed ---------- j a"<‘ l**catessen. Naylor’s reslau-i MAY NOMINATE i at a meeting of the board held in lh c Kiwanis chib, Wednesday, rant was forr-— ~ 1 Former Mayor William B. Bam- When Belmar acquired the front, ! the boro hall, Wednesday. The com- do“ aled $25 lo the Bed Cross drive | same location. lord is taking an active part in the! age on Shark river hay it took a with the trend of i North Jersey shore* county wei e y|orrjs<)n non is expected to give momentum | naiing people to meet tor luncheon, rank C. Borden, tut.' by the flood now taking place jr., of Bradley Beach, principal sent out last week. Onlyly one hun­hun- The mt.etjng was adjourned to be 10 llle campaign of the local unit of afternoon tea' or dinner. At this in tlie Mississippi valley. dred signatures are necessarssary to put recoilveued tomorrow morning at llie 1<ed 1 -ross to raise $350 for the! place one will come in contact with speaker at the first banquet of the All of the local churches are mak ING \a candidate for a countyty office in ,hc ,boro haU> at which time Jahn Hood victims. real cooking, the kind that is prac- Shore Firemen’s Bowling league in ing a special effort to help the flood nomination, and more than enough Two of the local Kiwanians .gave j I iced by the mothers and daughters the American Legion gymnasium, C. Elliott of Westfield, secretary of sufferers. The money is being tem I last night. About 125 firemen and signatures to put Mr. Donahay's, New Jersey Real Es^ te board two-minute talk on subjects per- of the best families, porarily being turned over to the their guests were present. uame on the primary ticket were ,he bydaWs and other organization lainin& *° the organization at the Mr. Menzler has had a lot of ex- ■’ DS FLOOD VIC I IMS Otfieers of the league were elect— obtained the first day the petitions details* will be the speaker luncheon in the Legion gymnasium, perience in restaurants and hotels were sent out. ! board pjans {.0 bave bve kjnds Malcolm Harris answered the ques- for tlie past fifteen years, and coup- I etl as follows: President, George i Deiss; secretary, Raymond Bergen; Mr. Donahay’s Democratic sup- Q| lneln|)crs; active associated af- ,loll> “Would I join the Kiwanis ed with his success with the ba- porters will not be content, how- mi;(((.d non.residential and honor_ agaiii and w hy?” ! kery was persuaded to open the and treasurer, Edward Thompson. ever, with simply enough names to E. Donald Sterner urged the fire­ ary. The different kinds will be “ First of all I like the fellowship j Mollie Pitcher Restaurant, and no put him in nomination. No Demo­ of the Kiwanis members.” he said, doubt wilt prove successful from men to continue the league through­ discussed at the by-laws meeting. out the year by having it undertake crat lias been talked of as opposing “ I like to mingle among the business! the start. Practically all the signs have been different competitive sports. He w ill Mr. Donahay for the nomination, Such an institution as this one - , removed from Belmar and South ,llen °* ,1k> town and to know them | donate a silver loving-cup for a base and there will probably be no’ other lt<>lmnr propel,-|jes by members of better. I think Kiwanis clubs mean will add to the reputation of the ball league series. candidate against him at the pri- |h{i association it was reported at much t0 lhe cooperative spirit community for being alive aand wide William B. Connelly, local realtor;- mary. But there are thousands of thc Greeting. ’ among thc- businessmen.- The clu b 1 awake...................... (t brings favorable com- had as his theme “the firemen, sold- Democrats in the county who want. J _____________ was especially appreciated by me ment not jonly from the local but i ier of peace as compared to the to sign Mr. Donahay s petitions and BIRDSALL IS NEW SOUTH because it gave me an opportunity also from the traveling public and American Legion, soldier of war”. petitions for his nomination will J BELMAR CLERK to know my fellow businessmen j assists in fmaking this a more pro­ After complimenting the firemen probably be sent to every part of better. ] gressive section of one of the great- V Mayor Charles Haberstick ap- lor their “ auspicious start” in form - the county. Five years ago when “ Second, its ideals ar ethe ideals I est states in the union, More such u. v, , , , , pointed Guy A. Birdsall, a real es- ...... , ing the organization, Mayor Borden Mr. Donahay was a candidate f ° r bde operator, as boro clerk of So. ll,ost individuals. The club has institutions as this one is the aim of said: re-nomination and re-election, up- Belmar, succeeding Mrs. Raymond ,llq same interests as most of its in-1 every community which wishes to "Sueh harmony between the fire- wards of five thousand ^ signatures j Gjfford> .q a special council meet- dividual members and it is a prae- keep its place in the march of pro- ; men of neighboring municipalities - were attached to his petitions. An • g |ast' njgbt ,£he chajlge becomes ,ical " " “'ns by which they can make gress argues well for the progress of the even greater number of signatures! (;lfective jmmediately. Mrs. Gifford that deling become action.” whole North Jersey shore, I hope- is anticipated this year, for a sur- \ resigned the boro clerkship because Thoirias Dillon, the second two BETSY ANN CLOUD HONORED rogate whose office is well managed to see the present organization,. I of pressure of home and business minute speaker, answered the ques AT DICKENSON COLLEGE ■ which now takes in that territory becomes stronger with the people duGes lion, “ What would 1 be doing at --------------------- • from Manasquan to Ocean Grove. with every year’s service. _ ... ,, . WILLIAM B. BAMFORD Members of the recently created this hour if 1 were not a Kiwan-j Rev. and Mrs. E. IT. Cloud re- The Republicans will unquestion treasurer of the local branch of thei o^tended so that it will cover the- assessment commission and sinking ian?” ceived a special telegram, April 26, ably nominate a candidate for sur­ licit Cross, Edward F. Lyman, Jr., North Jersey shore.” fund commission were named lasl He declared he would probably; fcorn Dickenson college, Carlisle, rogate against Mr. Donahay, but any at the First National Bank. William B. Connelly stressed Monday night as follows: Assess­ be “ pounding brass” at the local! Pa-> congratulating them on the oe- nomination made will be a perfunc Former Mayor Bamford, <vho isj wbat great things an organization* ment, Frank Herbert, Frank Bloom, railroad station, where he is station1 easion of the election of thc new tory one for the purpose of filling vice chairman of the executive com j 1,0 ,11!,tler how small, could accoan-/ sr., and Albert Kaner; sinking fsnd, agent. He then gave an interesting president of the Women’s Student plish. Hi ■iled the Americ^ oat the election ticket rather than mitlee of thc local branch of the iLe*9 Charles Schultz, for four years; description of the kind o f message Senate of Dickinson college, their gion home as an example of s\ich fP with any thought of electing the Bed Cross has immediately follow­ Henry Becker for three years, Jo- he would be sending over the tele- \ daughter, Miss Betsy Ann Cloud, work, describing it as “a magnift- candidate. ed up the official proclamation of srph Greeqlaw for two years, Emil' p a|,h vvirc and in his description j This is ,h(' highest honor that can cent edifice as a permanent memor­ The terms of Bryant B. New­ President Coolidge in bis capacity I.indeman for one year. j vvas«reflected I lie various businesses1 he conferred by the student body ial to those who had passed on.” He V, comb of Long Branch and Elmer E.
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