• :11918 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JuNE 27 SOUTH CAROLINA. H. R.l1409. An act to authorize the erection of a tablet in the Ralph R. Blakely to be po tmaster at Clinton, S. C., in. place Fort Sumter Military Reservation to the memory of the garri­ of A. J. Milling, removed. son at Fort Sumter during the siege of 1861; · Conway Dial to be postmaster at Cross Hill, S. C., in place of H. R.l1729. An act to legalize a pier and wharf at the south­ J. W. Hanna. Incumbent's commission expired March 30, 1930. erly end of Port Jefferson Harbor, N. Y.; H. R. 12285. An act to authorize the Postmaster General to TE~NESSEE purchase motor-truck parts from the truck manufacturer; Fred H. Smith to be postmaster at Concord, Tenn., in place H. R. 12599. An act to amend section 16 of the radio act of of S. S. Proffitt. • Incumbent's commission expired February 26, 1927; and 1930. H. R.l2967. An act granting certain land to the city of Dun­ Aileen S. Campbell to be postmaster at Decatur, Tenn., in kirk, Chautauqua County, N. Y., for street purposes. p!ace of W. F. Campbell, resigned. The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the Alexander H. Hill to be postmaster at Harrogate, Tenn., in reports of the committees of conference on the disagreeing plaee of John Herd. Incumbent's conimission expired January votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to bills 29, 1930. of the following titles : TEXAS H. R. 4189. An act to add certain lands to the Boise National Cloy B.-Friday to be postmaster at Th-oll, Tex., in place of Forest; and L. B. Friday, deceased. H. R. 12235. An act to provide for the creation of the Colonial Bert J. McDowell to be postmaster at Del Rio, Tex., in place · National Monument in the State of Virginia, and for other of B. J . .McDowell. Incumbent's commission expired June 7, purposes. 1930. The message also announced that the Senate disagrees to the VIRGINIA amendments of the House to the bill (S. 215) entitled "An act · Theron W. Hamilton to be ·postmaster at Cheriton, Va., in to amend section 13 of the act of March 4, 1923, entitled 'An act place of .J. C. Huff. Incumbent's commission expired April 1, to provide for the classification of civilian positions within the ~Q . District of Columbia and in the field services,' as amended by the WISCONSI act of May 28, 1928," requests a conference with the Hou e on James W. Sqmre to be postmaster at Soperton, Wis., in place the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and· appoints of i W. Squire. Incumbent's commission expires ·July 2, 1930. 1\lr. DALE, Mr. BROOKHART, and 1\lr. McKELLAR. to be the con­ Harold F. Strutt to be postmaster at Ridgeway, Wis., in ferees on the part of the Senate. place of James Kelly. Incumben(s com:n;tission expired June The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the 23, 1930. amendments of the House to the concurrent resolution ( S. Con. Res. 22) entitled "Concurrent resolution to pl'int and bind addi­ tion.al copies of Senate Document No. 166, Seventieth Congre s, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES entitled 'Interstate Commerce Act, Annotated.'" FRIDAY, Jwne ~7 , 1930 The message also announced that the Senate insists upon its amendments to the bifl (H. R. 9803) entitled "An act to amenrl The House met at 12 o'clock noon. the fourth proviso to section 24 of tlle immigration act of 1917, The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered as amended," di agreed to by the House; agrees to the confer­ :tile following prayer: ence asked by the House on the disagreeing votes of the two · 0 God of the morning and father of the night, ala.'3 for this Hou es thereon, and appoints Mr. JoHNSON, 1\Ir. REED, and 1\Ir. moment. We hear the drumbeat of that dullest march which is HARRIS to be . the conferees on the part of the Senate. taking us on. Another :Member of this Chamber will answer to The message also announced that the Senate insists upon its the roll call no more. With his wealth of thought and .with his amendments to the bill (H. R. 6227) entitled "An act for the · richer wealth of love, he has taken his homeward flight. His relief of Elizabeth Lynn," disagreed to by the H ouse ; agrees to sublime task is completed. The great and loving God who pour the conference asked by the House on the disagreeing votes of forth his full tide of treasure has made the grave iron on one the two HousEs thereon, and appoints Mr. HoWELL, 1\Ir. Mc­ ::;ide but beaten gold on the· other. We loved him, Father, for MAsTER, and Mr. BLACK to be the conferees on the part of the his was the measure of full manhood ; his was the real grace Senate. of character, for he forgot the things tllat di turb the harmonie.:; The me sage also announced that the Senate insists upon its of the Christian life. Soften the sorrow that surges about the amendments to the bill (H. R. 2222) entitled "An act for the hearts of the fi1·eside and point them above to the· eternal empire relief of Laurin Gosney," disagreed to by- the House ; agrees to M a loving Father. 0 let our lives pe deluged with goodne s the conference asked by the House on the disagreeing vote of until God shall make all things new. Fill our hearts to-day the two Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. HowELL, 1\Ir. 1\Io­ \vith hope and resignation. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. MASTER, and 1\Ir. BLAcK to be the conferees on the part of the ~ en. · Senate. · · The message also announced that the Senate insi ts upon its The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read anrl amendments to ·the bill (H. R. 531) entitled "An act for the approved. relief of John Maika," disagreed to by the House; agrees to the MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE conference asked by the House on the disagreeing votes of the A message from the Senate by Mr. Craven, its pdncipal clerk, two Houses thereon, and appoints Ur. HowELL, Mr. 1\lc:MASTE&, announced that the Senate had passed a bill of the fol)owing and Mr. BLAcK to be the conferees on the part of the Senate. title, in which the concurrence of the House is requested: The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the S. 4657. Au act to amend sections 17 and 27 of the general report of the committee of conference on the di agreeing votes leasing act of February 25, 1920 ( 41 Stat. 437; U. S. C., titl~ of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill 30, sec. 226), as amended. (H. R. 6) entitled "An act to amend the definition of oleomal·­ The me age also announced that the Senate had passed, garine contained in the act entitled 'An act dE:fiuing butter, also without amendment bills of the House of the following titles : imposing a tax upon and regulating the manufacture, sale, H. R.1110. An act for the relief of heirs of Warren C. Vesta; importation, and exportation of oleomargarine,' approved Augmt H. R. 3553. An act for 'the relief of the heirs of I. L. Kleinman ; 2, 1886, as amended." H. R. 3592. An act to further amend section 37 of the national defense act of June 4, 1920, as amended by section 2 of the act JAMES KIMBLE VARDAMAN of September 22, 1922, so ns to more clearly define the ~tatus of Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, it becomes my sad duty to an­ re erve officers not on active duty or on active duty for train- nounce to the House the death of the Hon. James Kimble ing only; · Vardaman, formerly a Senator from the State of l\Iissi sippi, H. R. 4206. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Navy, in who passed away in Birmingham, Ala., on June the 25th. his discretion, to loan to the city of Olympia, State of Washing­ Senator Vardaman was born near Edna, Jackson County, Tex., ton, the silver service set formerly in use on the U. S. cruiser on July 26, 1861. His parents were from Mississippi, to which Oly-mpia; State the family returned in 18G8. H. R. 9408. Art act to amend the act of March 3, 1917. an act Young Vardaman· grew up in the shadows of the Civil War, making appropriations for the general expenses of the District his father having been a soldier in tbe Confederate A.rniy. He of Columbia ; was educated in the school of hard experience during the clark H. R. 9638. An act to establish a branch home of the Natiomil and trying times of reconstruction. He studied law at odd Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers in one of the northwest times and was-early admitted to the bar, but later turned to Pacific States; journalism and for many -years was one of the leading editors H. R. 10490. An act for the relief ,of Flossie R. Blair ; of the State. · · 1930 CONGRESSIONAL 'RECORD-HOUSE 11919 He served as a member of the legislature for several terms. functions in impeachment cases, with a view to determining whether lu 1H!)4 he was eiected Speaker of the House, which position he such procedure may be improved.
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