1\IINEHEAD, &c. Z:.otntr~tt~Jj irt. TAILORS. Red Lion, Robert Withycombe, Dunster COACHES, Geen William, Dunster Ship,.John Webber, Quay FROM MINBHEAD. Harris William, M UIJster White Horse, William Sloman, Dunster To BRIDGEWATER, a Coach, from the Haynes Thomas, 1\linehead WATCH MAKERS, Feathers, every morning at OJeven To TAUNTON, a Coach, from Ounn's Heyward John, Minehead Lettey James & William, Dnnster office, every 1.\Ionday, Wednesday and Langdon Henry( & draper) Miuehead M01·gan Thomas, Minehead Saturday morning at seven. Lcttey James, Carhampton WHEELWRIGHTS. CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. Lorke James, Dunster The uearest Station is TAUNTON, 23 Lyddon John, Allcombe Escott George, Carhamptou miles distant, on the line of the BRISTOL Morkham Thomas, Dunste1· Lettey John, Carhampton and EXETER RAILWAY, to Which station Pearse Amos, Carhampton tberl' is a conveyance th1ee da)s a. week Woolcott John, Dunster Miscellaneous. as above stated. Aplin Robert, fellmonger, Minebead Particulars of the various Railways are TALLOW CHANDLERS. Curtis Wm. veterinary surgeon, Dunster furnished by the Railway Tables. Pitts John, Dunster CusToM HousK, Minehead-Nicholas CARRIERS. Stoate Robe1t. Minehead Marshall, principal officer; John F. To BRIDGEWATER and BRISTOLt D ugdale, harbour master John Nation, everyTuesday. [Fiiday. 'l'AVERNS & PUBLIC HOVSES. Forrest Racbael, beerrellr.Quay,Miuehead To DULVI<:RTON, James Wale, eve1y Black Boy, 1\lary Winter, 1\linehead Geen William, nurseryman, D"nster To TAUNTON, the Mail Cart, daily, and Butchers• Arms, John Lettey, Carhampton GreensillJ ohn, spirit mercbant,Minehead Henry Clapp, every Tuesday & .Friday. Castle, Thomas Hurfor<l, Uunster Grind on Tbos. registrar of marrgs.Dunster Castle, John Raw le, Minehead Hanr.ock Thomas, supervisor, Uunster FROM DUNSTER. Fretmasons' Arms, John James, Quay Lueas Thomas, clothes dealer, Dunster To BRISTOL and BRIDGEWATER, Oeorge, Elizabeth Wood, Dunster Phillips James, beer retailer, Dnnste1· John Nation, every Tu~sday. King William, George Escott, Carhampton Short Wm. serge, &c. maker, Minebead To DU LV ER TON, John 1.\ation, every Nt7V Inn, Ann Jones, Minehead Siderfin John, currier & tanner, Minehead Tuesday night. Qw>en•s Head, Thomas Collings, Quay Slade Robert, tin man & brazier,Minebead To TAUNTON, James Wake, every Fri. Queen's Htad, George Prest, Minehead Slade Wm. earthenware dealer, Dunster CONVEYANCE BY WATER. &d Lion, Abraham Read, Quay Wood John, beer reta•ler, Dunster To BRISTOL, a sailing Packet, every Bed Lion, James Thomas, Allcombe Yeandell William, beer retailer, Allcombe fortnight. PENSFORD, PUBLOW AND CHE\V 1\IAGNA. PENSFORD is a village in the parish of Pensford St. parish, and propels the machinery of the iron works of Thomas, and hundred of Keynsham; 116 miles from Messrs. M organ, l\1'Arthur and Co., of Bristol. The Loudon, 10 s. w. from Bath, 6 s. s.E. from Bristol, and I village is highly respectable in its aspect, and several of 5 s.s.w. from Keyusham; situated on the river Chew, the mansions of the gentry are ve1·y handsome. The the stream of which works some extensh·e copper mills; ancient gothic building now used as a poor-house will 3nd these, with the collieries in the neighbourhood, are arrest the notice of the antiqua~·y. In a field at STAN• the chief support of the place. One church, and two TON DREW, between Chew-Magna and Pensford, are chapels for dissenters, are the plact>s of worship. The some interesting druiciical remains : the huge blocks of market has long been discontinued; the annual fairs are stone are so enormous in bulk and weight, as to render held on the 6th May and 8th Novembe1·. The parish of it a puzzle how they were brought there-they fomt PuB LOW is contiguous to that of Pensford. The popu- two circles of unequal diameter. The places of worship lation of both, by the census of 1841, was 1,206. are the parish church, a chapel of ease, and chapels for CHEW-MAGNA is a considerable village and parish in Baptists, the Society of Friends, and Wesleyan Metho­ the hundred of its name, three miles from Pensford and dists. The populatiOn of Chew-Magna parish, by the 5even fwm Bristol. The Chew river passes through the census for 1841, amounted to 1,480 persons. • ...• The names without address are in CHEW l\lAGNA. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Pelican, Josiah Nash [Pensford Saunders John, wheelwright and BllTdett .Mrs. Jones, Chew Magna Popham's Arms, Richard Holbrook, carpente1·, Pensford Burrows Rev.-, Chew Magna Rising Sun, Geo. Primrose, Pensford Sevier Daniel, baker CoatesPeter Eaton,esq.StantonCourt Slocombe William, butcher Hall Mrs. Maria, Chew Magna SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS, Smith James, hlacksmith, Pensford Harford George, esq. Chew Magna Alien William, tailor, Pensford Spear George, shoe maker Harford John, esq. Chew Magna Bull Jamcs tailor Spea1· William, shoe maker Mullins Richm·d, esq. Chew l\1 agna BnrnettWm. Rix,chymist & dmggist Tombs Ann, shopkeeper Ommaney Rev.Edw.A. Chew Magna Butt Matthew, butcher Tucker Thomas, tail01·, Pensford Parker Philip, esq. Chew Magna Ca1ter John, miller Vater Thomas, saddler Pearse l\Irs. Charlotte, Chew Magna Chissell John H. relieving officer Veale William, saddler PoyntonMrs. Hannah, Chew l\Jagna Cox John, miller. PENSFORD l\1ILL Wehb John, shopkeeper Sage Mr. George, Chew Magna Dowliug John, miller WillmottJohn B. sbopkeeper&baker Sealey the Misses, Chew Magna Flowe1· James, butcher, Pensford Willmott William, general shop- Sloeombe 1\'Ir. John, Chew Magna Flower Jamel'l, saddle1·, Pensford keeper, Chew 1\lagna [ Pensford Strachey Sir Henry, Sutton Court Freeman & Co. copper works, Pub- Windmill Rich d. painter & plasterer, TylerRev.-, Pensford low and Belton COACHES. White Mrs. Sarah, Chew Magna Gibbs George John, miller To BRISTOL, a Coach lfrom Weymouth) Wyllys William, esq. Morley house Goodland JosetJh, butcher passes through Pensford, evt>ry .1\lon- PBOFESSIONAL PERSONS. Gov~rJames & Samuel, blacksmiths day, Wednesday and Friday. R Higgins Jas. blacksmith, Peusford I ToWEYMOUTH,aCoach (from Bristol) Collin5. Robert, b surgeonB H'Il1 BenJamrn, · · carpenter passes throuah., Pensford, every Tues- D owl mg o ert . attorney Kingston Edward, watch maker day, Thursday and Saturday. Dowling Thomas, surgeon CONVEYANCE BY ltAILWAY. Edgehill Richard, surgeon Lee Henry, shopkeeper, Pensford The BRISTOL Station is 6 miles from l\1arshalll\1ichael, attomey & agent Lowe. Ja~~z! hattel·, Pensford PENS FORD, ond the BATH 10 miles-from to the Universal Life Office Morns \\ Ilham, carpenter thPse Stations passengers may proceed to Mullins Charles, attorney Player Charity, cooper, Pensford !he West«;rn towns, and to Lol'llnozo; and Price Jas. smith & farrier, Pensford mtermed•ate places. INNS AND PUBLIC HOVSES. Randle Wm.draper& grocer,Peusfrd I CARRIERS. Bear 8( Swan William Weeks I Reed Thomas miller 1 To BRISTOL, WELLS ~~d EXET~R, · •· ' R R" 1 d ' p " d - Edwards, from the Rtsmg Sun, dally, Bell, Wihiam Fuller, Publow ogers IC 1 .nurseryman,. eus,or and JamPs Alien, every WPdnes<lay. George, Thomas Carpenter, Pens ford , Saunders James, wheelwnght and To GLASTONBURY and STREET - King's .Arms, Jas. Button, Pensford 1 carpenter, Stanton Drew EdwMds, daily. ' 73 .
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