Citizen Science: LUNAR Solargraphy: CAPTURE Abell 2065: THE CHALLENGE ECLIPSE RESULTS p. 28 THE SUN IN A CAN p. 38 OF THE UNCHARTED p. 60 THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO ASTRONOMY JUNE 2015 7 Ways HUBBLE Changed Astronomy p. 20 The Lunar Science of Jules Verne p. 32 Splitting the Stars of the Serpent’s Head p. 56 US $5.99 CAN $6.99 06 Saturn in Your Scope p. 50 Celestron’s Newest Astrograph p. 66 FnL1 03 0084 01 CUYrVyBNZWRpYQ9HcmVnb3J5IEtydWVn 02 ZXIAVPbEIwQxMC40AjgwATEFVVBDLUEM MDc0ODA4MDIyMDc2kQ== 0 74808 02207 6 Display until June 1, 2015 Visit SkyandTelescope.com Download Our Free SkyWeek App The Reality of Make-Believe ScienceThe of Jules Ver ne’s Dean Fiction Regas Nineteenth-century science and technology shaped two classic tales of imaginary spacefl ight. Under a Floridian sky, three astronauts boarded their fi ction stories provide an illuminating window into 19th- metallic spacecraft. As throngs of well-wishers nervously century scientifi c knowledge. looked on, at the awaited moment the crew blasted The year is 1865, and Verne introduces the Gun up, up into the warm, clear air — soaring toward the Club, a fi ctional organization in Baltimore. The club’s Moon. Flying where no human had gone before, they members (who possess, according to one account, “not approached the cratered lunar surface, orbited around quite one arm between four persons and exactly two legs the silvery orb, and beheld the farside of the Moon. between six”) are artillery specialists who lament the Then the spacecraft returned to Earth and plunged into end of the Civil War. So they must grudgingly turn their the Pacifi c Ocean, where an American naval vessel eff orts to peaceful endeavors. President Impey Barbi- gathered the intrepid astronauts and carried cane envisions a new course for the club and his them safely back to the United States to be country. “It is reserved for the practical genius welcomed as national heroes. of Americans to establish a communication This is the true story of the Apollo 8 with the sidereal world,” he says. He proposes mission, during which three American to shoot a cannonball at the Moon — and to astronauts circumnavigated the Moon in hit it. After rousing applause he states, “I have December 1968. It also happens to be the plot Apollo 8’s the honor, my brave colleagues, to propose a of Jules Verne’s 1865 science-fi ction classic, recovery trial of this little experiment.” From the Earth to the Moon, and his 1870 sequel, NASA With worldwide fi nancial, moral, and spiritual Around the Moon. A number of coincidences occur support, the experiment begins. In order to reach the between this fantasy journey and the real-life mission Moon, members of the Gun Club must build a mon- undertaken a century later. strous cannon. They intend to fi re it when the Moon Verne’s research on the latest astronomical dis- is closest to Earth and directly overhead — something coveries, along with his familiarity with cutting-edge that can only occur between 28° north and 28° south technology, allowed him to construct a realistic journey latitude. After fi erce lobbying (and ample name-calling) complete with comedy, drama, and education. Like Verne himself, the novels’ adventurers were scientifi - Facing page: The bullet-shaped projectile arrives at Stone’s Hill, cally minded; they hypothesized, explained, and debated near Tampa Town in Florida. This and other engravings are repro- math, science, engineering, and astronomy throughout duced from an 1886 printing of Jules Verne’s From the Earth to their journey. Today, 150 years later, Verne’s science- the Moon and Around the Moon and provided by Jared Woodfi ll. 32 June 2015 sky & telescope SkyandTelescope.com June 2015 33 The Reality of Make-Believe To accelerate likewise chose Florida over Texas as its principal launch the projec- site for orbiting satellites and for trips to the Moon and tile to high beyond. speed, the In Verne’s 19th-century rendition, the Gun Club Gun Club’s initially plans for an unmanned mission. However, the members inclusion of passengers is prompted by an audacious build a mam- moth cannon, Frenchman named Michel Ardan, who arrives in Tampa Columbiad, Town demanding to fl y in the projectile. In a typical that is 900 Vernian twist, Barbicane and his rival, Captain Nicholl feet long. (an armor-plate magnate and foil to the Gun Club), agree to put aside their diff erences and join Ardan in a well- furnished bullet to be shot at the Moon. How they will return home is not fully discussed or detailed until they are en route. In order to test the projectile, the Gun Club team practices with two small passengers: a cat and a squirrel. However, after the cannon fi res and the ball falls back to Earth, only one emerges — the cat had feasted on the squirrel during the journey. NASA engineers likewise tested their rockets with animals, specifi cally monkeys and mice, prior to launch- ing human passengers. By then the space race was well under way, and in September 1968 (three months before Apollo 8) the Soviet Union’s Zond 5 mission success- fully fl ew a unique combination of tortoises, mealworms, from residents of Texas and Florida, Barbicane selects fl ies, bacteria, plants, and seeds around the Moon and Tampa Town, Florida, as the project’s base of operations. returned them safely to Earth. Soon the artillerymen construct a 900-foot-long can- Back in Tampa Town, it’s launch day. Five million non, called Columbiad, and load it with a mountain of visitors have fl ooded into central Florida to witness explosives. the momentous event, which has to occur precisely A century later, in 1958, engineers at the nonfi ctional at 10:48:40 p.m. The three explorers descend into the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) cannon and board their projectile. As the blastoff also determined Texas and Florida to be well suited for approaches, some in the crowd count up: “. thirty- America’s rocket launches. If a rocket is propelled east- eight! – thirty-nine! – forty! FIRE!!!” ward from close to the equator, the added velocity of the Frankly, anyone shot out of such a cannon would be spinning Earth will help it more easily break free of its instantly killed. Verne knew this, and so he explains how gravitational pull and require less fuel. NASA managers the shock would be dampened with compartments of Far left: The projectile’s interior is well appointed, with room for its crew of three and several animals. A bed of water under a wooden fl oor cushions the passengers during launch. Left: The liftoff s of Verne’s fi c- tional spaceship and of Apollo 8 both occurred in Florida. NASA 34 June 2015 sky & telescope water. In truth, this would not have protected the astro- nauts. However, in the novel, the abrupt liftoff merely knocks the trio unconscious — though it kills one of the two dogs aboard (yes, they brought dogs). When the crew regains consciousness, they reorga- nize their vessel and risk opening a porthole to dispose of the unlucky canine — which then tragically drifts next to them throughout the journey. In the novel, this open-door gamble works tremendously well, but in real- ity the extremely low pressure of space would vacuum the crew from the projectile. Earth’s Second Moon The force of the launch kills Sat- ellite, one of two dogs aboard. Once above Earth’s atmosphere, the crew faces a new So the passengers open a hatch crisis: a giant boulder hurtles into view. It narrowly to dispose of it. But the carcass misses their tiny craft but leaves the crew shaken. What fl oats alongside the craft en was that thing? Barbicane concludes that it was Earth’s route to the Moon. second Moon. In the mid-19th century, planet hunting had become from Earth, so the farside is almost pitch black. Ardan all the rage. Neptune’s discovery in 1846 let loose a mob expresses his disappointment: “Here is, however, a good of astronomers claiming the existence of new, unseen opportunity lost of observing the other side of the moon.” celestial bodies. Also in 1846, French astronomer Yet it is not a complete loss. The warm glow from an Frédéric Petit claimed that two of his countrymen had erupting volcano illuminates its surroundings and gives observed Earth’s second moon. Based on their accounts, the travelers tantalizing views of this terra incognita. Petit calculated its orbit and published his fi ndings in In the 19th century, scientists believed that volcanoes 1861. Verne read this theory and seized upon it as a plot had formed the craters on the Moon. Earth’s volcanoes device in this novel. Barbicane even cites Petit as his source! (With 150 years of hindsight, however, Earth’s second moon remains pure fi ction.) As Barbicane, Nicholl, and Ardan approach “the” Moon, they describe their observations of the lunar land- scape in great detail. They spy deep craters and towering mountain peaks, radiating rays of debris, dark seas of rock, and deep rifts. The travelers then notice something is amiss: the projectile will not land on the lunar surface as planned but instead carry them to within a few miles of the Moon’s north pole. What had gone wrong — their math, aim, or velocity? It was that wayward rock, that “second moon,” whose proximity and gravitational pull perturbed the course of the projectile. As the explorers realize this failure, they pass over the pole and are plunged into utter darkness.
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