Oxford Today the University Magazine

Oxford Today the University Magazine

www.oxfordtoday.ox.ac.uk Trinity Term 2011 Volume 23 No 3 OXFORD TODAY THE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE 22 | SIR ANDREW MOTION | PHILIP PULLMAN SAVING THE ARTS IN BRITAIN 32 | GOODBYE MUBARAK YEAR OF THE FACEBOOK REVOLUTIONS? 35 | EDWARD BURNE-JONES ROMANTIC TO THE POINT OF MODERNISM 38 | PG WODEHOUSE LANGUAGE AS PLAYTHING WHERE WE’RE H EADING James Martin interprets our century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iI`Z_Xi[Cf]k_flj\ DEPUTY ART EDITOR:DXibD`kZ_\cc HEAD OF PUBLICATIONS AND WEB OFFICE: 8ee\9ilee\i$<cc`j PRODUCTIO N EDITOR:Fc`m`XDfi[jc\p SUB EDITOR:<c`qXY\k_KXk_Xd PICT URE EDITOR:AfXeeXBXp DESIGN DIRECTOR:;pcXe:_Xeefe EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES:AXe\k8m`jfe GlYc`Z8]]X`ij;`i\ZkfiXk\ Tel:'(/-,)/',+, IF9AL;><J Fax:'(/-,).'(./ # fo]fi[%kf[Xp7X[d`e%fo%XZ%lb nnn%fo]fi[kf[Xp%fo%XZ%lb ALUMNI ENQUIRIES, <JJ@FEJ INCLUDING CHANGE OF ADDRESS::cX`i\CXib`e PJ 8clde`F]ÔZ\ F9 Tel:'(/-,-((-(' 1A \ehl`i`\j7Xclde`%fo%XZ%lb nnn%Xclde`%fo%XZ%lb @D8>< Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[#Le`m\ij`kpF]ÔZ\j# <I M N\cc`e^kfeJhlXi\#Fo]fi[FO()A; :F Trinity ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: DXi`\Cfe^jkX]] Term 2011 =lkli\Gclj#9\Xl]fik:flik#*'Dfedflk_Jki\\k#9Xk_98()9N Tel:'()),/))/+0 dXi`\%cfe^jkX]]7]lkli\e\k%Zfd nnn%]lkli\gclj%Zf%lb Fo]fi[Kf[Xp`jglYc`j_\[`eDXiZ_#Ale\Xe[FZkfY\i%@k`j]i\\kfFo]fi[ ^iX[lXk\jXe[]i`\e[jf]k_\Le`m\ij`kp%@k`jXcjfXmX`cXYc\fejlYjZi`gk`fe%=fi ]lik_\i`e]fidXk`feXe[kfjlYjZi`Y\#ZfekXZkAXe\k8m`jfej\\[\kX`cjXYfm\ % K_\:_XeZ\ccfi#DXjk\ijXe[JZ_fcXijf]k_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[% Welcome K_\fg`e`fej\ogi\jj\[`eFo]fi[Kf[XpXi\k_fj\f]k_\Zfeki`Ylkfij#Xe[ Xi\efke\Z\jjXi`cpj_Xi\[Ypk_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[%8[m\ik`j\d\ekjXi\ ZXi\]lccpm\kk\[#Ylkk_\Le`m\ij`kpZXekXb\efi\jgfej`Y`c`kp]fik_\d% The future of the world and EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD: 8cle8e[\ijfe# 8lk_fiXe[aflieXc`jk a University under attack 8ee\9ilee\i$<cc`j# ?\X[f]GlYc`ZXk`fejXe[N\YF]ÔZ\#Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[ Gif]\jjfi;Xm`[:cXip# The past few months have seen the University attacked by the ruling Gi\j`[\ek#DX^[Xc\e:fcc\^\#Fo]fi[ coalition. In one instance, concerning the admission of black students, D`Z_\cc\;`Zbjfe# ;`i\ZkfiXe[:_`\]<o\Zlk`m\#Fo]fi[GcXp_flj\ the Prime Minister got his facts badly wrong. On another occasion, BXk`\>iXp# 9fXi[d\dY\i#Fo]fi[Le`m\ij`kpJfZ`\kp a minister suggested that extra places at UK universities might be paid A\i\dp?Xii`j# for in cash. Both instances appear to target Oxford’s recruitment of ;`i\Zkfif]GlYc`Z8]]X`ij#Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[ 8cXeAl[[# students solely on the basis of merit. The University needs to stand firm 8lk_fiXe[aflieXc`jk on this matter. It cannot be expected to mend inequalities that are ;iI`Z_Xi[Cf]k_flj\# <[`kfi#Fo]fi[Kf[Xp deeply rooted in society. Equally, however, its long commitment to ;iGXlcE\ndXe I\X[\i`e<e^`e\\i`e^JZ`\eZ\#=\ccfnf]E\n:fcc\^\#Fo]fi[ meritocracy has already led the way to a wonderfully diverse, richly AfXeeXGi\jkfe# globalised student body. Without these students, and an equally diverse 8Zk`e^?\X[f]:fddle`ZXk`fej#Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[8clde`F]ÔZ\ Jk\g_\eKXcc body of faculty, Oxford would be hard-pressed to play its leadership role 8jjfZ`Xk\;`i\ZkfiJlggfik\i<e^X^\d\ek #Fo]fi[Le`m\ij`kp ;\m\cfgd\ekF]ÔZ\ in our increasingly complex and globalised world. ;iN`cc`XdN_pk\# This issue’s cover story examines the meaning of that world, with C\Zkli\i`e?`jkfip#=\ccfnf]JkAf_eËj:fcc\^\#Fo]fi[ DXkk_\nN`cc`Xdj# a no-holds-barred analysis by Dr James Martin – Oxonian, computer :i\Xk`m\;`i\Zkfi#=lkli\Gclj expert, educator and benefactor. His essay chimes with the Alumni PUBLISHER: Weekend on 16–18 September, . Fo]fi[Kf[Xp`jglYc`j_\[feY\_Xc]f]k_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[Yp Meeting Minds – 21st Century Challenges =lkli\Gclj#X[`m`j`fef]=lkli\GlYc`j_`e^C`d`k\[ZfdgXepef)''///, # Among other features, ranging from Sir Andrew Motion’s protest at n_fj\i\^`jk\i\[f]]`Z\`jXk9\Xl]fik:flik#*'Dfedflk_Jki\\k# 9Xk_98()9N%K\c1'()),++))++%nnn%]lkli\gclj%Zf%lb library closures to PG Wodehouse’s impact on the English language, do AXpe\:Xgc\#;`i\Zkfi#=lkli\GcljLB loo he m zing pho og phs h fo m he winning en ies of :Xjj`\N_`kk\cc#Fg\iXk`fej;`i\Zkfi k at t a a t ra t at r t tr Trees! :cXi\Afe`b#8ZZflek;`i\Zkfi (p15) and consider our fabulous wine offer on page 43, an excellent deal K`d9fm`j#Gif[lZk`fe:f$fi[`eXkfi DXkk<^c`ekfe#Gif[lZk`feGifZli\d\ekDXeX^\i with a charitable component. Finally, you can now read OT on the iPad 8cc`e]fidXk`feZfekX`e\[`ek_`jdX^Xq`e\`j]fi`e]fidXk`feXcgligfj\jfecpXe[`j# kfk_\Y\jkf]flibefnc\[^\#Zfii\ZkXkk_\k`d\f]^f`e^kfgi\jj%E\`k_\i=lkli\ (below). We welcome reader feedback on this move. GlYc`j_`e^C`d`k\[efik_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[XZZ\gkjXepi\jgfej`Y`c`kp]fi \iifijfi`eXZZliXZ`\jk_XkfZZli`ejlZ_`e]fidXk`fe%@]pfljlYd`kdXk\i`Xckfk_`j dX^Xq`e\#pflXlkfdXk`ZXccp^iXek=lkli\GlYc`j_`e^C`d`k\[Xe[k_\Le`m\ij`kp D OR: Rich d of house f]Fo]fi[Xc`Z\eZ\kfglYc`j_pflijlYd`jj`fej`en_fc\fi`egXik`eXep\[`k`fe E IT ar L t f]k_`jdX^Xq`e\Xe[pfl^iXekk_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[Xc`Z\eZ\kfglYc`j_pfli jlYd`jj`fej`en_fc\fi`egXik`eXep]fidXkfid\[`Xk_ifl^_flkk_\nfic[% 8epdXk\i`XcpfljlYd`k`jj\ekXkpflii`jbXe[e\`k_\i=lkli\GlYc`j_`e^C`d`k\[ efik_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[efik_\`ii\jg\Zk`m\\dgcfp\\j#X^\ekjfi jlYZfekiXZkfijj_XccY\c`XYc\]fiXepcfjjfi[XdX^\%EfgXikf]k_`jdX^Xq`e\dXp Y\lj\[fii\gif[lZ\[n`k_flkk_\ni`kk\eg\id`jj`fef]=lkli\GlYc`j_`e^C`d`k\[ NEW! Oxford Today now on the iPad. Link to the App store at Xe[k_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[%Gi`ek\[Yp?\X[c\p9ifk_\ij#8j_]fi[#B\ek% www.oxfordtoday.ox.ac.uk K_\k\okgXg\i`ek_`jdX^Xq`e\`jZ_cfi`e\ ]i\\%K_\gXg\idXel]XZkli\iXe[=lkli\ For your chance to win an iPad 2, complete our reader survey at GlYc`j_`e^_Xm\Y\\e`e[\g\e[\ekcp www.surveymonkey.com/s/oxfordtodaytrinity Z\ik`Ô\[`eXZZfi[XeZ\n`k_k_\ilc\jf] k_\=fi\jkJk\nXi[j_`g:fleZ`c% www.oxfordtoday.ox.ac.uk | [email protected] | twitter.com/oxfordalumni ! ! ! *% !%!% !%(! !% (! !!*&( !%( ! +!%( % !! &!%( !! ($)! % )% !% ! (( (( ! )() ) (-+ %% ! ( )! )&(% (% )%(( && %! "% &(*" )& ! %(&!!(! (& %! ( (& , )&!!&( !% + &(! %& )&&&# MY OXFORD Stephanie OXFORD Cook Trinity Term K_\Fcpdg`Z 2011 g\ekXk_cfe^fc[ d\[Xcc`jki\ZXccj ]fe[d\dfi`\j TODAY f]_\i[XpjXjX In this issue… C`eZfcejZ_fcXi 50 Oxonian 6 Letters 8 University news 10 New heads of house 13 S cience findings 14 New appointments 15 Photography competition 17 Alumni news @OFE#AF9PJ<JJ@FEJ EE 18 Student spotlight <M@ #B <J 20 Oxonians at large F9AL;> Features #I @J I9 F 22 For art’s sake &: Professor Andrew Motion and Philip M@@ M& @ 26 Pullman assess the future of the arts 8M ? E 26 T urbulence ahead 22 Futurologist James Martin and his foreboding views on climate change 32 Facebook revolutions? Social media: a force for good? 35 Burne-Jones’ pursuit of love ><D8E8IKC@9I8IP#?8EE8?=C@EK#IF The life, loves and laments of the painter @; 35 9I 38 PG Wodehouse How one man transformed the way TRINITY HIGHLIGHTS we speak the English language Arts & Ideas 41 Book reviews Ten new books for your reflection 43 Reader wine offer 18 32 38 45 Poetry Couture on Social media, Words of 46 Events the catwalk social chaos? Wodehouse 47 Obituaries @kËj^c`kqXe[^cXdfli ?fnjfZ`Xcd\[`XkffcjXi\ JlYliYXen`kk`Z`jdjkf 50 My Oxford Xkk_\Yi\Xk_kXb`e^ÔeXc\ Zi\Xk`e^Xe\nXe[gfn\i]lc dXibk_\i\cXleZ_f]k_\ f]Fo]fi[=Xj_`feN\\b ]XZ\f]i\mfclk`fe e\nF<;fec`e\ www.oxfordtoday.ox.ac.uk | [email protected] | twitter.com/oxfordalumni We welcome letters for publication, which can be sent either by post or by email. We reserve the right to edit them to meet space constraints; the best way to avoid this is to keep letters to 200 Letters or fewer words. Unless you request otherwise, Your correspondence letters may also appear on our website. Brave new world? I have been following the debate over In response to… post-secondary education funding in the UK, and in particular, the Oxford defence of the undergraduate tutorial OT 23.1: ‘First among equals’ system.

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