S12476 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 6, 2001 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under in Constitutional Law and Conflicts of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the previous order, the nominations Law. Upon his graduation from law ate will be in order. Under the previous are confirmed. The President will be school Joe continued to dedicate him- order, the motion to proceed is agreed immediately notified of the Senate’s self to public service, this time coming to. The motion to reconsider is laid action. here to Washington to serve as Legisla- upon the table. NOMINATION OF DANNY C. REEVES tive Assistant to Senator Dewey Bart- f Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I lett. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE thank my colleagues for their support Returning to Oklahoma in 1977 he APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2002 of the nomination of Danny Reeves to practiced law with the prestigious firm be a Federal District Judge for the of Fuller, Tubb & Pomeroy. He is re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Eastern District of Kentucky. spected by his colleagues as an ‘‘honor- the previous order, the Senate will now Danny is a Kentucky native. He grew able and trustworthy leader and proceed to the consideration of H.R. up in Corbin in the eastern part of our friend.’’ While engaged in civil prac- 3338, which the clerk will report. Commonwealth, and later went to col- tice, Joe was elected to the Oklahoma The legislative clerk read as follows: lege at Eastern Kentucky University. House of Representatives where he A bill (H.R. 3338) making appropriations He then graduated with honors from served until 1992. In this capacity as a for the Department of Defense for the fiscal the Chase Law School in northern Ken- year ending September 30, 2002, and for other State legislator, Joe served as the Re- purposes. tucky, and clerked for one of Ken- publican leader for 3 years. His fellow The Senate proceeded to consider the tucky’s leading jurists on the Federal legislators have described him as pos- bill, which had been reported from the bench, Gene Siler. sessing the qualities needed on the Committee on Appropriations with an Since then, Danny has practiced ex- Federal bench. amendment to strike all after the en- clusively at a prominent Kentucky In 1991, I was pleased to recommend acting clause and inserting in lieu firm, specializing in complex civil liti- Joe’s appointment to serve as U.S. at- thereof the following: gation. In that time, he has not only torney for the Western District of represented a number of Kentucky’s Oklahoma. He joined the U.S. attor- DIVISION A—DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS, 2002 leading businesses, but he has also ney’s office as a special assistant U.S. done a great deal of community service That the following sums are appropriated, out attorney and served in that capacity of any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap- work, focusing on title IX compliance until 1992 when he became the U.S. at- propriated, for the fiscal year ending September for the Kentucky High School Athletic torney. In 1993, Joe returned to private 30, 2002, for military functions administered by Association. practice until 1996 when then U.S. at- the Department of Defense, and for other pur- To be honest, I did not know Danny torney, Patrick Ryan, asked him to re- poses, namely: before I sat down earlier this year to turn to the U.S. attorney’s office. For TITLE I talk with him about his interest in sit- the next 2 years, Joe was acting U.S. MILITARY PERSONNEL ting on the Federal bench. But in the attorney while Mr. Ryan was in Denver MILITARY PERSONNEL, ARMY conversations we have had, it became in connection with the Oklahoma City For pay, allowances, individual clothing, sub- clear that he is a bright, articulate bombing trials of Timothy McVeigh sistence, interest on deposits, gratuities, perma- lawyer who has the demeanor and in- and Terry Nichols. Once again, Joe ex- nent change of station travel (including all ex- tegrity to be a fine judge. I enthusiasti- hibited his strong commitment to serv- penses thereof for organizational movements), cally support his nomination. ing Oklahoma and the Nation. and expenses of temporary duty travel between permanent duty stations, for members of the I thank my colleagues for voting for Joe and his wife Dee Anne are very this nomination. Danny Reeves knows Army on active duty (except members of reserve active in their church where Joe serves components provided for elsewhere), cadets, and the people of eastern Kentucky, he as an Elder. They are proud of their aviation cadets; and for payments pursuant to knows the law and he knows how the two sons, Andrew and Adam. I con- section 156 of Public Law 97–377, as amended (42 Federal bench in the Eastern District gratulate Joe and his family on his U.S.C. 402 note), to section 229(b) of the Social works. He is going to be able to hit the having earned the position for which Security Act (42 U.S.C. 429(b)), and to the De- ground running, and he is going to do President Bush has selected him. I partment of Defense Military Retirement Fund, $23,446,734,000. an exemplary job. The President made thank Chairman LEAHY and Ranking MILITARY PERSONNEL, NAVY a fine choice in nominating him, and Member HATCH for their work on Joe the sooner the Senate can confirm him, Heaton’s nomination. I applaud the For pay, allowances, individual clothing, sub- sistence, interest on deposits, gratuities, perma- the better it will be for justice in Ken- Senate for confirming him as he will tucky. nent change of station travel (including all ex- make an outstanding judge who will penses thereof for organizational movements), NOMINATION OF JOSEPH L. HEATON work diligently to administer justice and expenses of temporary duty travel between Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, I am while serving as a Federal district permanent duty stations, for members of the pleased the Senate has just confirmed court judge. Navy on active duty (except members of the Re- Joe Heaton, an outstanding individual serve provided for elsewhere), midshipmen, and f and a superb attorney, to be U.S. dis- aviation cadets; and for payments pursuant to trict court judge for Oklahoma’s West- LEGISLATIVE SESSION section 156 of Public Law 97–377, as amended (42 ern District. U.S.C. 402 note), to section 229(b) of the Social The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Security Act (42 U.S.C. 429(b)), and to the De- President Bush could not have made the previous order, the Senate will re- a finer selection to serve our country partment of Defense Military Retirement Fund, turn to legislative session. $19,465,964,000. as a district court judge. Joe Heaton is MILITARY PERSONNEL, MARINE CORPS exceptionally well qualified and will f prove to be a great asset to the judicial For pay, allowances, individual clothing, sub- AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION sistence, interest on deposits, gratuities, perma- system in Oklahoma and our country. AND RURAL ENHANCEMENT ACT nent change of station travel (including all ex- Joe graduated from Northwestern OF 2001—MOTION TO PROCEED penses thereof for organizational movements), State College in his home town of Alva, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under and expenses of temporary duty travel between OK, in 1973. Even before his graduation, permanent duty stations, for members of the the previous order, the hour of 12 noon Joe’s commitment to public service Marine Corps on active duty (except members of was already evident. While still in having arrived, the Senate will resume the Reserve provided for elsewhere); and for school, he was elected to the Alva City consideration of the motion to proceed payments pursuant to section 156 of Public Law Council and later was elected to serve to S. 1731, which the clerk will report. 97–377, as amended (42 U.S.C. 402 note), to sec- tion 229(b) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. as council president. Following gradua- The legislative clerk read as follows: Motion to proceed to consider S. 1731, to 429(b)), and to the Department of Defense Mili- tion from college, Joe attended the tary Retirement Fund, $7,335,370,000. University of Oklahoma School of Law strengthen the safety net for agricultural producers, to enhance resource conservation MILITARY PERSONNEL, AIR FORCE where he excelled, making Oklahoma and rural development, provide for farm For pay, allowances, individual clothing, sub- Law Review and Order of the Coif. He credit, agricultural research, nutrition, and sistence, interest on deposits, gratuities, perma- was also on the Dean’s honor roll and related programs, and to ensure consumers nent change of station travel (including all ex- won American Jurisprudence Awards abundant food and fiber. penses thereof for organizational movements), VerDate 05-DEC-2001 03:07 Dec 07, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\G06DE6.032 pfrm04 PsN: S06PT1 December 6, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S12477 and expenses of temporary duty travel between specified in section 12310(a) of title 10, United OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, NAVY RESERVE permanent duty stations, for members of the Air States Code, or while undergoing training, or For expenses, not otherwise provided for, nec- Force on active duty (except members of reserve while performing drills or equivalent duty or essary for the operation and maintenance, in- components provided for elsewhere), cadets, and other duty, and expenses authorized by section cluding training, organization, and administra- aviation cadets; and for payments pursuant to 16131 of title 10, United States Code; and for tion, of the Navy Reserve; repair of facilities section 156 of Public Law 97–377, as amended (42 payments to the Department of Defense Military and equipment; hire of passenger motor vehicles; U.S.C.
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