Linden Homes (Guildford) Ltd Submission for 2014 Urban Design Group Awards – Developer Award (Residential) Scheme: Boxgrove Gardens 2. Design and Access Statement Epsom Road Guildford former DEFRA site design & access statement OCTOBER 2008 4 EPSOM ROad, GUILdfOrd FORMer Defra SITE - DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT We are not in the business of wasting paper! JOHN THOMPSON & PARTNERS is a member of the First Mile Mixed recycling scheme. We operate a full recycling programme in our practice and make every effort to contribute to a Greener Way of Living & Working. The paper in this document is produced using ECF (Elementary Chlorine Free) pulp that is 100% degradable and manufactured to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and EMAS (EU’s Eco Management and Audit Scheme) standards. All the wood used in the manufacture of this paper is sourced from suppliers employing sustainable forestry plans. We saved 242 trees between August 2007 and August 2008. First Mile Recycling Ltd. 175 Piccadilly, London W1J 9TB Freephone: 0800 612 9894 • Fax: (020) 7499 7517 • Web: www.thefirstmile.co.uk JOHN THOMPSON & PARTNERS electricity is supplied by Good Energy, the only UK’s only 100% renewable electricity supplier. All the electricity that Good Energy supplies comes from wind, small scale hydro and solar power generators from all over Britain. JOHN THOMPSON & PARTNERS are supporters in kind of The Academy of Urbanism which brings together a group of thinkers and practitioners involved in the social, cultural, economic, political and physical development of our villages, towns and cities. JOHN THOMPSON & PARTNERS is a member of The Green Register, a training and networking organisation that brings together all disciplines in the construction industry who have a demonstrable commitment to sustainable building practices. PROJECT CODE Disclaimer: This report has been prepared for Linden Homes, and the contents of which are LH.ER confidential and shall not be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of John Thompson and Partners LLP and may not be used or relied upon by any other ISSUE DATE person. No responsibility or liability is accepted towards any other person in respect of the OCTOBER 2008 use of this report or for reliance on the information contained in this report by any other person or for any other purpose. EPSOM ROAD, GUILDFORD FORMER DEFRA SITE - DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT CONTACTS Linden Homes SE King Sturge Linden House, Guard’s Avenue, Caterham, Surrey CR3 5XL 30 Warwick Street, London W1B 5NH T. +44 (0)1883 334 400 F. +44 (0)1883 348 108 T. +44 (0)20 7493 4933 F. +44 (0)20 7087 5555 CLIENT PLANNING CONSULTANTS Contact: Matthew Woods Contact: John Foddy www.lindenhomes.co.uk www.kingsturge.co.uk John Thompson & Partners 23-25 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0DN PPS Group T. +44 (0)20 7017 1780 F. +44 (0)20 7017 1781 69 Grosvenor Street, London W1K 3JW ARCHITECTS T. +44 (0)20 7529 1711 F. +44 (0)20 7629 7514 Contact: Ian Fenn PUBLIC CONSULTATION www.jtp.co.uk Contact: Mark Kerr www.ppsgroup.co.uk Denis Wilson Business Group Windsor House, 37 Windsor Street, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 8AT Bluesky Unlimited T. +44 (0)1932 569566 F. +44 (0)1932 569531 The Studio, 39 The Green, Oxfordshire OX44 9LP HIGHWAYS ENGINEER T. +44 (0)845 094 0955 Contact: Ian Fielding SUSTAINABILITY CONSULTANTS www.deniswilson.co.uk Contact: Ivan Ball Simon Jones Associates Ltd 17 Cross Road, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5 ST T. +44 (0)1737 813058 F. +44 (0)1737 816140 Keystone Environmental ARBORICULTURAL CONSULTANTS Spring Lodge 172 Chester Road, Helsby, Cheshire WA6 0AR Contact: Mark Mackworth-Praed T. +44 (0)1928 726006 F. +44 (0)1928 725633 ENGINEERS Contact: Clive Maynard www.rsk.co.uk Murdoch Wickham South Ash Manor, South Ash Road, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 7EN T. +44 (0)1474 871265 F. +44 (0)1474 871369 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Contact: John Wickham LINDEN HOMES and JOHN THOMPSON & PARTNERS 6 EPSOM ROad, GUILdfOrd FORMer Defra SITE - DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT EPSOM ROad, GUILdfOrd FORMer Defra SITE - DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT CONTENTS FOREwoRD 1. INTRODUCTION LOCATION 1 EXISTING SITE 3 KEY AIMS 6 PLANNING POLICY 9 2. HISTORY GUILDFORD 13 3. SiTE ANALYSIS WIDER AREA ANALYSIS 21 ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER 22 LOCAL FACILITIES 24 SURROUNDING CONTEXT 26 SiTE PHOTOGRAPHS 36 ConSTRAINTS & OPPORTUNITIES 40 PROPOSED RETENTION & DEMOLITION 48 4. CommUNITY INVOLVEMENT 53 5. MASTERPLAN 61 ChARACTER ANALYSIS & RESPONSE 62 LAYOUT PRINCIPLES 64 PROPOSAL 66 AERIAL PERSPECTIVE 68 LAYOUT PRINCIPLES 70 ChARACTER AREAS 81 MATERIALS 92 HOUSE TYPOLOGIES 94 TENURE MIX 95 ElEVATION CHARACTER 96 SCHEME VIEWS 106 ShAdow ANALYSIS 112 6. ConVERSION OF UPLANDS HOUSE 117 EXISTING PLANS AND ELEVATIONS 118 PROPOSED PLANS AND ELEVATIONS 120 7. SCHEDULE OF ACCOMMODATION 125 8. LANDSCAPE 129 MASTERPLAN 130 ChARACTER AREAS 132 SURFACE TREATMENTS 136 BOUNDARY TREATMENTS 137 9. AppENDIX ACCESS STATEMENT 141 PUBLIC ART 142 SAFETY 143 ESTATE MANAGEMENT 145 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT 146 REFUSE & RECYCLING STRATEGY 148 MOVEMENT & TRANSPORT 150 PARKING STRATEGY 152 10. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE LINDEN HOMES 157 John THOMPSON & PARTNERS 165 LINDEN HOMES and JOHN THOMPSON & PARTNERS 8 EPSOM ROad, GUILdfOrd FORMer Defra SITE - DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT EPSOM ROad, GUILdfOrd FORMer Defra SITE - DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT FOREwoRD The site offers the opportunity to provide a high-quality, mixed tenure residential development that provides wide ranging opportunities for local people to live within the Guildford area. The site has been occupied by various Government departments since 1951, and has most recently housed offices for the Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Prior to that Uplands House was a private residence, set within its own grounds. Located to the east of Guildford, within the suburb of Merrow it lies on a strategic arterial route into city centre, and adjacent to Merrow Downs, a large expanse of metropolitan open land. The development opportunity arises from the decision by DEFRA to advertise the site for sale in January 2008. A competitive process culminated in Linden Homes (South-East) purchasing the site. Linden Homes have appointed an experienced and dedicated design team – including John Thompson & Partners as Architects and King Sturge as Planning Consultants – to progress the proposals from inception to the submission of a detailed planning application. They have spent the previous 6 months preparing this application, working in close collaboration with Guildford Borough Council. This Design & Access Statement is being submitted to Guildford Borough Council in support of a ‘Reserved Matters’ application for the redevelopment of the former DEFRA site, Epsom Road, Guildford. It should be read in conjunction with the application drawings and other submitted documents. This document explains in detail the architectural approach to the scheme design, and the process undertaken to prepare the design which includes extensive community consultation. Its purpose is to ensure good design that takes into account the constraints and opportunities of the site. The examples set out in this document are illustrative only and demonstrate only one possible solution for achieving good design. The proposals: • Include 200 mixed tenure dwellings of which 144 are houses and 56 are apartments • Provide for the retention and conversion of Uplands House • Ensure environmental responsiveness is embedded throughout the development • Are designed around a series of high quality public areas • Reinforce the local Guildford vernacular and respect surrounding properties • Create a complimentary place for new residents and local people • Integrate with the surroundings through design, and key links through the site • Have been informed and enriched by the active participation of local residents and stakeholders LINDEN HOMES and JOHN THOMPSON & PARTNERS INTRodUCTion 1 12 EPSOM ROad, GUILdfOrd FORMer Defra SITE - DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT LINDEN HOMES and JOHN THOMPSON & PARTNERS EPSOM ROad, GUILdfOrd FORMer Defra SITE - DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT 1 1 INTRodUCTion 1 LOCATION Surrey in relation to London STRATEgiC | SURREY Surrey contains a good deal of mature woodland. It is the most wooded county in Great Britain. Box Hill has the oldest untouched area of natural woodland in the UK, one of the oldest in Europe. Much of Surrey is in the Green Belt and is rolling downland, the county’s geology being dominated by the chalk hills of the North Downs. Agriculture not being intensive, there are many commons and access lands, together with an extensive network of footpaths and bridleways including the North Downs Way, a scenic long- distance path. AREA of OUTSTAnding NATURAL BEAUTY (AONB). The Surrey Hills stretch across a quarter of the county to include the chalk Surrey County - South East England slopes of the North Downs, from Farnham in the west to Oxted in the east and extending south to the deeply wooded Greensand Hills which rise in Haslemere. This landscape is rich in wildlife, woodland and attractive market towns and villages and provides some of the best walking in of Southern England. The Surrey Hills are nationally important landscape and was one of the first areas in England to be designated an AONB in 1958. This designation recognizes the beauty of the landscape and ensures that it is properly conserved and managed for future generations to enjoy. Merrow Downs forms part of the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Boxhill - Surrey Left: Surrey Hills LINDEN HOMES and JOHN THOMPSON & PARTNERS 2 EPSOM ROad, GUILdfOrd FORMer Defra SITE - DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT INTRodUCTion LOCATION loCAL | GUildfoRD The site is located off the A246 Epsom Road opposite its junction with the A25 Boxgrove Road within the Guildford urban area. The site lies approximately 1km west of the town centre within the village of Merrow and Christchurch ward. The site adjoins Merrow ward along its eastern boundary. The site is adjoined to the north by the A246 Epsom Road, to the east by a public footpath and allotments, to the south by the Merrow Downs area of open space and to the west by existing residential development (Gateways).
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