Beadwork Index through October/November 2018 Issue abbreviations: D/J =December/January FM = February/March AM = April/May JJ = June/July AS=August/September ON=October/November This index covers Beadwork magazine, and special issues of Super Beadwork. To find an article, translate the issue/year/page abbreviations (for example, “Royal duchess cuff. D10/J11, 56-58” as Beadwork, December 2011/January 2012 issue, pages 56-58.) Website = www.interweave.com or beadingdaily.com Corrections often appear in later issues of Beadwork magazine, and the index indicates these. Many corrections, including the most up-to-date ones, are also found on the website. 15th Anniversary Beaded Bead Contest Bead five: dewdrop beaded bead. Beadwork: ON12, 24-26 Bead four: treasure trove beaded bead. Beadwork: AS12, 22-24 Bead one: seeing stars. Beadwork: FM12, 18-19 Bead three: stargazer beaded bead. Beadwork: JJ12, 20-22 Bead two: cluster beaded bead. Beadwork: AM12, 20-23 Beaded bead contest winners. Beadwork: FM13, 23-25 1800s-era jewelry Georgian jewels necklace. Beadwork: D14/J15, 80-81 1900s-era jewelry Bramble necklace. Beadwork: AS13, 24-27 Royal duchess cuff. Beadwork: D10/J11, 56-58 1920s-era jewelry Art Deco bracelet. Beadwork: D13/J14, 34-37 Modern flapper necklace. Beadwork: AS16, 70-72 1950s-era jewelry Aurelia necklace. Beadwork: D10/J11, 44-47 2-hole beads. See two-hole beads 20th anniversary of Beadwork Beadwork celebrates 20 years of publication. Beadwork: ON17, 10-13 21st century designs 21st century jewelry: the best of the 500 series. Beadwork: AM12, 18 3-D block motifs Cosmo cuff. Beadwork: AM13, 60-62 Tumbling blocks. Beadwork: JJ11, 62-63 3-D shaped beadwork Bead quilling. Beadwork: JJ16, 22-23 Shaped beadwork and beyond. Beadwork: AS14, 17 A abacuses A modern abacus. Beadwork: W99, 50-52 Abdu, Bette Klew! Making a business with her art. Beadwork: JA00, 19-21 Abe, Marlene Rose garden brooch. Beadwork: D10/J11, 60-62 Abel, Sandie Butterfly pin. Beadwork: AM02, 52-54 Stained glass screen beading. Beadwork: JA00, 30-32 Abney, Marcie Arabic motifs cuff. Beadwork (Super Beadwork): Super Beadwork AS11, Q+E 16-18 Beadwork's pattern play challenge. Beadwork: D09/J10, 104 Chelsea's gift necklace. Beadwork: D11/J12, 58-60 Color swirls. Beadwork: JJ10, 20-21 Moroccan charm. Beadwork: AM12, 52-53 Nesting bracelet. Beadwork (Super Beadwork): Super Beadwork ON11, Q+E 10-12 Winter solstice. Beadwork: D10/J11, 18-20 accordion stitch Accordion stitch and asymmetrical beads. Beadwork: FM17, 11 Acker-Missall, Marcia The challenge. Beadwork: D10/J11, 10-12 Ackerman, S. J. Capital bead browsing in Washington, D.C. Beadwork: Su98, 49-50 Acland, Henry A modern abacus. Beadwork: W99, 50-52 acorns Acorn bracelet. Beadwork: JJ07, 54-55 Golden oak. Beadwork: AS09, 38-41 Adams, Christie Dickens Strawberry treats. Beadwork: JJ06, 78-79 Adams, Dan Dan Adams & Cynthia Toops. Beadwork: AM10, 96 Adularia, Alysse Mossy ruffle. Beadwork: AS05, 72-73 adventures Bead journeys. Beadwork: JJ05, 74-75 afghans Beaded doll afghan. Beadwork: ON01, 54-55 African beadwork Africa. Beadwork: FM01, 26-27 African odyssey. Beadwork: JJ05, 44-45 The beautiful Berber beads. Beadwork: ON02, 22-24 Global silver. Beadwork: JJ10, 6 An indigenous stitch. Beadwork: W98, 10-11 King Protea pin. Beadwork: AM03, 25 The language of beads. Beadwork: AM02, 32-35 Lavender lace bracelet. Beadwork: AM07, 74-76 Oldest known ornament found in S. Africa. Beadwork: AS04, 39 A South African Beadventure. Beadwork: AM03, 22-24 South-African double-faced stitches. Beadwork: Su98, 22-26 African helix stitch African helix. Beadwork: FM13, 14-15 Exploring new textured tubular beadwork. Beadwork: D17/J18, 8 African helix tube Omega connector. Beadwork: ON02, 25-27 Polygon plaid necklace. Beadwork: D02/J03, 42-43 African wedding beads African wedding beads. Beadwork: W99, 45 African-American art Gee's Bend bag. Beadwork: JJ05, 42-43 agate beads Agate slice pins. Beadwork: JJ02, 34-35 Spring tapestry. Beadwork: AM17, 71, 77 Agnew, Marion Hubbell beads. Beadwork: JA00, 54 Shannon Mayfield: porcelain artist. Beadwork: SO00, 38-39 Aguilar, Linda Linda Aguilar, contrary bead weaver. Beadwork: JJ02, 46-49 Ahlstrom, Heather Bead dreams. Beadwork: F96, 4-5 Aiko beads Aiko beads. Beadwork: FM05, 42-43 Aimone, Katherine Duncan The beaded home. Beadwork: FM02, 90 Airs, Jennifer Evening sky collar. Beadwork: AS10, 64-66 Ten of diamonds. Beadwork (Super Beadwork): Super Beadwork JJ11, Q+E 10-11 Aksoy, Derya Cluster of riches. Beadwork: AS06, 26-27 Spring-into-summer necklace. Beadwork: JJ06, 64-65 Aladdin's lamps Beadwork VI: the beaded book. Beadwork: JJ09, 32-35 Albion stitch Albertine necklace. Beadwork: AS11, 46-50 Albuquerque Shuffle Triple Bypass stitch Ethics in beadland. Beadwork: ON07, 66-68 Alden, Jill Contemporary American Indian beadwork: the exquisite art. Beadwork: JA00, 64 Alice in Wonderland Huib Petersen. Beadwork: D12/J13, 96 Alice necklace Huib Petersen. Beadwork: D12/J13, 96 aliens Bead an extraterrestrial. Beadwork: FM04, 92 Alkimova, Tatiana Bead star 2014 winners. Beadwork: ON14, 21-27 Allard, JoAnn The bead tree necklace. Beadwork: SO00, 34-35 Cherry blossom necklace. Beadwork: AM06, 58-59 Flower garland necklace. Beadwork: FM02, 38-40 X marks the spot necklace. Beadwork: FM04, 36-37 Zigzag zenana. Beadwork: AM02, 24-26 Allen, William L. Beadazzled: where beads & inspiration meet. Beadwork: D06/J07, 19 Allison, Kat Moon shapes. Beadwork: AM03, 50-53 Allison, Tamara The challenge. Beadwork: D15/J16, 12-13 Double helix. Beadwork (Super Beadwork): Super Beadwork AS11, Q+E 44-46 altar hangings Sacred embellishment: a look at medieval German bead art. Beadwork: AS04, 54-56 Alyse, Andrea The challenge. Beadwork: JJ11, 12-13 Alyxander, T. Alyx Bromeliad ring. Beadwork: FM15, 68-71 Amazeen, Sandy Swirly twirly earrings. Beadwork: FM01, 16-17 amber beads Amber. Beadwork: Su98, 37 American Cancer Society Turtles of hope. Beadwork: AM08, 104 American Heart Association Charitable jewelry auction. Beadwork: FM09, 96 Amerman, Marcus Bead spectacular. Beadwork: FM10, 6 Marcus Amerman. Beadwork: MA00, 20-23 amethyst Royal amethyst collar. Beadwork: FM09, 60-61 Royal amethyst earrings. Beadwork: ON08, 80-81 ammonites Clockwork. Beadwork: ON11, 30-32 Amorose, Caito Sparkling talent. Beadwork: AS10, 6 amphora motifs Parthenope earrings. Beadwork: FM13, 32-35 amulet bags Amulet bags. Beadwork: F96, 6-7 Amulet purse. Beadwork: Su98, 26 Beached amulet bag. Beadwork: AS01, 30-32 The beaded bag: Beadwork V. Beadwork: JJ07, 66-71 Blackberry amulet purse. Beadwork: JJ01, 47-49 Her majesty's amulet bag. Beadwork: ON05, 77-79 Hip-hop amulet bag. Beadwork: FM01, 46-48 Keepsake keepers: beaded containers for your special somethings. Beadwork: FM07, 32-39 A luminous darkness. Beadwork: W99, 28-30 Sparkle plenty cell-phone amulet bag. Beadwork: AS02, 34-37 Tapestry crochet amulet bag. Beadwork: AS02, 29-31 Telling with beads. Beadwork: F96, 48-49 Trio of amulet bags in peyote stitch. Beadwork: F97, 46-51 amulets Beaded blessings. Beadwork: AS01, 16-17 Bedouin amulet. Beadwork: ON12, 36-39 anchors Anchors aweigh. Beadwork: AM10, 26-30 Ancker, Svetlana Barely there necklace. Beadwork: AM05, 32-33 Gorgeous geometry. Beadwork: FM06, 50-51 Anderson, Christi Christi Anderson. Beadwork: FM08, 94-95 Anderson, Dona Beaded toggle. Beadwork: FM01, 30-31 Eye of the beholder: a beaded kaleidoscope. Beadwork: ON01, 40-41 Fairy cascade. Beadwork: MA00, 50-52 Let's face it. Beadwork: JA00, 64 A luminous darkness. Beadwork: W99, 28-30 Pearl blossom bracelet. Beadwork: AM05, 28-29 Anderson, Jeannine Beadworks: a new exhibition. Beadwork: F97, 7-9 Anderson, Linda Sweet as sugar bracelet. Beadwork: ON17, 39-41 Anderson, Lori Join the Bead Soup party. Beadwork: JJ11, 8 Anderson, Marcia G. A bag worth a pony: the art of the Ojibwe Bandelier bag. Beadwork: D17/J18, 8 Anderson, Michele Artsy angles. Beadwork: FM08, 74-75 Shimmering tapestry. Beadwork: D07/J08, 72-73 Anderson-Swiderek, Dona Birds of a feather lariat. Beadwork: ON04, 28-30 Filigree wrist corsage. Beadwork: FM05, 84-86 Andrews, Cathy Constellation pendant. Beadwork: D17/J18, 53-55 Tiptoe through the tulips bracelet. Beadwork: AS17, 54-56 Victoria earrings. Beadwork: AS18, 50-52 Andrews, Laura Beadwork presents: 12 Designer of the Year projects using ladder stitch, peyote stitch, and more. Beadwork: D17/J18, 8 Capulets' treasure. Beadwork: ON14, 42-44 Carousel bracelet. Beadwork: JJ14, 28-31 Mountain laurel bracelet. Beadwork: D14/J15, 34-37 Painterly petals bracelet. Beadwork: AS14, 36-38 Skyscraper necklace. Beadwork: AM14, 30-32 Spiky dangles. Beadwork: FM14, 34-36 Androcles and the cat Betsy Youngquist. Beadwork: JJ11, 96 angel motifs The challenge. Beadwork: FM14, 12-13 Angel, Nikia Easy crystal stitching. Beadwork: AM13, 20 Sparkly wheels. Beadwork: JJ10, 26-27 Angeley, Kelly Beadwork VII Challenge: the beaded earth. Beadwork: AS11, 22-25 Explorations in beadweaving. Beadwork: AM14, 17 Happy-go-lucky cuff. Beadwork: AM10, 74-76 animals Hang on, Tabby! Beadwork: ON05, 32-35 Nothing is hard to a willing mind. Beadwork: D03/J04, 68-69 Silly critters. Beadwork: AM03, 62-63 Anstaett, Julie Beaded bead contest winners. Beadwork: FM13, 23-25 The challenge. Beadwork: ON11, 14-15 Crystal scepter earrings. Beadwork: ON13, 64-66 antique beads Confessions of a vintage bead & button collector. Beadwork: D06/J07, 50-53 antitarnish strips 14 jewelry and crafting tips and tricks. Beadwork: D16/J17, 24-25 Antonucci, Julie Gilded ribbon necklace. Beadwork: D11/J12, 74-76 Antos, Korry Tiger Henderson and Korry Antos. Beadwork: AS05, 85 Apache leaf stitch Turning an old leaf. Beadwork: D02/J03, 39-41 app reviews Kumihimo bead designer. Beadwork: FM16, 14 apples Red delicious. Beadwork: ON08, 15 appliqué stitch Appliqué stitch. Beadwork: AM02, 15 Beaded book cover in appliqué stitch. Beadwork: W98, 44-45 Beading the spirits: the Native American beadwork of Liz Bear. Beadwork: AS05, 64-66 Beadwork and the large project. Beadwork: ON04, 24-25 Shiloh Lillith: bead artist. Beadwork: AM02, 58-60 Tsotawe Billings.
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