1178 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 22, 185)8. The roads, railways, and biidt,es hereinbefore 7. A Bridge (hereinafter called Bridge No. referred to are the following (that is to say) :— 1) on the eibt side of and adjoining the 1. A road (hereinafter called Road No. i existing bridge carrying Castle Street over commencing by a junction uith the Cumber the Monkland Canal comn encing at a point nauld Road too yards or thereabouts souih on the north face of the existing wall form- westwards from the centre of the biidge ing the bound iry between Garngad Road carrying that road over the Caledonian and the noith bank of ihe said Canal, and Railway (Glasgow lines), thence proceeding terminating at a point 25 yards or there- northwards along the western boundary o abouts southwards from the point of com- that Railway to a point within the lands first mencement. hereinbefore described 60 yards or there- 8. A bridge (hereinafter called bridge No. abouts south-westwards from the Blochairn 2) on the west side of and adjoining the Junction Signal Box. said existing bridge carrying Castle Street 2. A road (hereinafter called Road No. 2] over the said Canal, commencing at a point commencing by a junction with Road No. i 2 yards or thereabouts north of the north where it crosses the Molendinar Burn, and wall of the timekeeper's office at the works terminating within the lands first herein- of the United Alkali Company, Limited, in before described at a point 60 yards or Castle Street, and terminating at a point 24 thereabouts south-eastwards from the Bloc- yards or thereabouts southwards from the hairn Junction Signal Box. point ot commencement. The Bridges Nos. i and 2 will be wholly 3. A road (hereinafter called Road No. 3) situate in the City Parish of Glasgow and County in continuation of the road known as of Lanark. Blochairn Road, commencing at a point on To authorise the Corj oration to slop up and that road 414 yards or thereabouts measur- discontinue as roads and foot) aths all or any, ing in an easterly direction along that road roads and footpaths included within the limits of from the bridge carrying that road over the the lands to be taken for the intended works and- North British Railway, and terminating at to abolish all rights of way and other rights and or near the north-west corner of the easements in and over the same and in particular enclosure marked No. 264 on said the road leading from Garngad Road to Blackhilln Ordinance Survey Map, of the Barony and to appropriate and use (or the purposes of the Parish of Glasgow. intended Act the solum of the roads and foot- 4. A railway (hereinafter called Railway paths so stopped up and discontinued. No. i) commencing by a junction with the To empower the Corporation to deviate later- North British (City of Glasgow Union) ally and vertically from the lines and levels of Railway at a point 38 yards or thereabouts the Roads, Railways, and Bridges hereinbefore northwards from the centre of the bridge described, as shown on the plans and sections carrying Blochairn Road over that Railway hereinafter mentioned, to such an extent as will and terminating at a point in the enclosure be defined thereon or be prescribed by the in- marked No. 259 on the said Ordnance tended Act, to cross, stop up, alter, appropriate, Survey Map, of the Barony Parish of and divert, temporaril) or permanently, all streets Glasgow, 214 yards or thereabouts west- or places, roads, footways, railways, tramways, wards from the eastern boundary of that sidings, passages, sewers, draii s,.streams, Vater- enclosure, at a point on that boundary 40 cour.'es, telegraphic, electric, and telephonic yards or thereabouts measured in a southerly apparatus, mains, pipes, and works of every des- direction from the Girngad Road. cription which it may be necessary or expedient 5. A railway (hereinafter called Railway to cross, stop up, or alter, appropriate and divert No. 2) commencing by a junction with the "or the purposes of the said roads, railways, and Caledonian Railway (Glasgow, Garnkirk, Bridges or any of them, and work connected and Coatbridge Branch), at or near the therewith. -•point where that railway crosses the Cale- To empower the Corporation to purchase or donian. Railway (Glasgow lines), and ter- ake on lease, feu or otherwise acquire by agree- minating within the lands first hereinbefore ment, and to hold, other lands and wayleaves or described at or near the south-western servitudes for the purposes of their Gas and corner of the enclosure marked No. 167 Water undertakings, in addition to the lands and on the said Ordnance Survey Map, of the wayleaves or servitudes before described or re- Barony Parish of Glasgow. ferred to. The Roads Nos. i, 2, and 3, and the To authorise the Corporation on the lands Railways Nos. i and 2, will be wholly situate hereinbefore described, or on any part thereof, in the Barony Parish of Glasgow and County or on any lands which they may acquire by of Lanark. agreement to erect, provide, and maintain dwell- 6. A railway (hereinafter called Railway ings for officers, workmen, and others employed No. 3), wholly situate in the Parish of New ill connection with their Gas undertaking, or to Kilpatrick and County of Dumbarton, com- appropriate any lands for the time being vested in mencing at a point within the Dawsholm them for these purposes or to feu or lease any Gas Works of the Corporation, 27 yards or lands for these purposes or other purposes. thereabouts- southwards from the western To authorise the Corporation, on the one hand, abutment of the viaduct carrying the North and the Caledonian Railway Company, the North British Railway (Helensburgh Branch) over British Railway Company, and the Glasgow and thet River Kelvin, and terminating at or near South-Western Railway Company, or any of them, the> north-west corner of the lands second or any other Company or person, on the other hereinbefore described at a point 124 yards hand, from time to time, to enter into and carry or thereabouts northwards from Dawsholm out agreements for the construction, use, and Farm House. maintenance and the working of the railways.
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