Stereo's Hole-in-the-Middle-Causes and Cures high fidell AUGUST THE MAGAZINE FOR MUSIC LISTENERS 60 CENTS ¡Mel www.americanradiohistory.com HOW AUDIOTAPE HELPS YOU AVOID THEM TAPE RECORDING PROBLEMS -AND the level is like seeing a more Listening to a recording w.th excessive noise level Reducing noise of the same picture is like looking at a photograph that has a flat, "contrasty" copy - gray tonal value with low contrast. all tones are clean and sharp. Improving "contrast" by reducing background noise BACKGROUND noise is the low -level hum or hiss heard There are several reasons why Audiotape's back- during quiet portions of a recording, where no ground noise is exceptionally low. The magnetic oxides recorded signal is present. Obviously, this background that go into the coating are meticulously selected. Only noise should be kept as low as possible. Since it effec- the highest grade oxides are chosen. Then the oxide tively blankets the lower- volume recorded sounds, it and a binder are mixed in ball mills with infinite limits the dynamic range (or contrast) of your record- thoroughness. This is most important, because incom- ings. Background noise in a tape recording is usually plete dispersion means greatly increased noise level. less of a problem than with a phonograph record. But In every step of the Audiotape manufacturing pro- the true audiophile will go to great lengths to reduce cess, quality control is the byword. That's why you can it to the absolute minimum because its effect, though measure Audiotape performance by any standard you subtle, can be very irritating. choose - and this professional -quality tape will always Some background noise is introduced by the recorder, pass with flying colors. Audiotape is made by audio some by the tape. However, you can easily eliminate engineers for audio engineers. And it's available in a the latter source by using a top- quality tape, such as size and type to meet every recording tape need. See Audiotape, with negligible background noise. your Audiotape dealer right away. Use your recorder to record records Many record collectors have found that their valuable discs have gradually lost fidelity - either through wear or accident. Some tape fans have used their tape recorders tc provide insurance P TeaDE MAIIM As as they buy a record, they tape it. So if cudiakaE against this loss. soor anythiig happens, they have a spare. For this "insurance record- AUDIO DEVICES, INC., 444 Madison Ave.. N.Y. 22, N.Y. In 5425 N. Milwaukee Ave; ing," we recommend type 1271 Audiotape, 1200 feet of extra - In Hollywood: 840 N. Fairfax Ave. Chicago: strong, long -lasting "Mylar" on a 7" reel. This tape has just been reduced one -third in price - an added inducement. www.americanradiohistory.com NEW "DECORATOR GROUP" LOUDSPEAKERS style fcr every :.good . a wood for ev?ry mood From the "styli wood_" of the world, Jensen chooses only the finest for their exclusive Decorator Group speaker cabinetry. The woods Ere rated with graceful frniture desigis to fit the mood of your home- whatxie- t may be. You may choo >e frc m smar- n odern Danish in warn Walnut, subtle Contemporary in clean Limed Oak, elegant Traditional in r ch M I yoga iy, autflanic Provincial in lustrous Cherry, or a special unfinished utility model. Use a> a shelf -type or as a diminutiie co-lsolettewi :f matching base. Jen >en s world -w ce acceptance as the finest name in high -icelity speakers assures you of superior- t.ality components trill antly matct ed and balanced to provide the firest tome speaker systems ever produced. Visit your high ft iclity center and TR -30 Tri -efte 3 -WAY SPEAKER SYSTEM see the Jensen TR -30 TRi -ette system soon. Hear a Featuring c new advanced- alesign 12" demonstration of the rich full -range spur d. You will find FLEXAIR' woofe , precisely coordinated it a rewarding experience. with the BASS- SLPERFLEX ` eiclosure to curry base down lower am ortter than TR -30 TRI -ETTE furniture models $158 5C (-vithout base) ever before. Midlonge anc st.p!ertweeter unfinished model $134.50 consolCtta base $9.95 component. are =noothly bob Iced with new comFrassior unit des gm MANUFACTURING COMPANY emen 6601 S. Lararnæ Ave . Chicag) c8. 11i8nos Wrise for free ills sated brochure "KU ". In Canada: Renfrew Eleclnc Co. Ltd.. Toronto Dwnsoon of tt+e Muter Co 'T. M. In Mrrco: Universal De Vito vo S.A.. Mexico O F. t:11t1:LF: t ON READER-NF:IiV1(:F. (:ARII t: ST 1960 1 www.americanradiohistory.com more ... so much more for everyone.. for every application... in the complete line of Stanton Stereo Fluxvalves *. Here is responsible performance ... in four superb models... for all who can hear the difference. From a gentle pianissimo to a resounding crescendo - every movement of the stylus reflects a quality touch pos- sessed only by the Stereo Fluxvalve. STANTON Calibration Standard: Model 381 - An ultra -linear professional pickup channel calibration. Collectors Series: Model 380 -A pre- Pro -Standard Series: MK Il -A pro- StereoPlayer Series: Stereo 90 for recording stereo magnetic pick. radio stations and record evaluation cision pickup for the discriminating fessional pickup outstanding for A fine quality by engineers and critics...from record collector...from $29.85 quality control...from $24.00 up for the audiophile...$16.50 $48.00 LISTEN !... and you will agree Pickering has more for the best of everything in record reproduction -mono or stereo. More Output - More Channel Separation -More Response -More Record Life! In short... more to enjoy... because, there's more quality for more listening pleasure. * U.S. Patent No. 2,917,590 FOR THOSE WHO 11 CAN HEAR THE DIFFERENCE LISTEN! -Ask for a Stereo FLUXVALVE demonstration at your Hi -Fi Dealer today! Pickering Send for Pickering Tech -Specs -a handy guide for planning a stereo high PICKERING 6 CO., INC., PLAINVIEW, NEW YORK fidelity system ...address Dept. A80 STEREO FLU %VALVE, STEREOPLAYER, COLLECTORS SERIES. PRO-STANDARD SERIES, CALIBRATION STANDARD ARE TRADEMARKS USED TO DENOTE THE QUALITY OF PICKERING a CO., INC. PRODUCTS: CIRCLE 63 ON RF.ADER-SERI, I(:I: CUM www.americanradiohistory.com high fidelity AUGUST 1960 volume IO number 8 including AUDIOCRAFT and HI -FI MUSIC AT HOME +Q Roland Getan 'MUSIC' Editor Joan Griffiths Executive Editor The Red Priest of Venice 30 H. C. Robbins Landon Ralph Frees Concerning Antonio Vivaldi -and the baroque city he loved. Audio Editor Miriam M. Landis America Has Old Organs, Too 38 Managing Editor E. Power A. Newbury Riggs on a domestic safari. Associate Editor Shirley Fleming From Composer to Magnetron to You 40 Eric Salzman Assistant Editor At the Coltmzbia- Princeton Electronic .lfusic Conter Roy Lindstrom a marvelous Art Director machine is helping to compose music. H. C. Robbins London European Editor The Dwindling Racket 43 Everett Helm Is experimental music on the skids? Editorial Board All- Purpose Tenor 45 Herbert Kupferberg John M. Con ly Nicolai Gedda not only sings in eight languages; he can think in them. Chairman E. Power Biggs Music for the Age of Calorie Counters 29 Nathan Broder Nathan Broder An editorial. R. D. Darrell Alfred Frankenstein Notes from Abroad 18 Howard Hanson Our correspondents report London and Paris. Julian Hirsch ... Robert C. Marsh Francis Robinson Joseph Scigetl EQUIPMENT Warren B. Syer General Manager Do You Need a Phantom Channe ? 36 Norman Eisenberg Claire N. Eddings For stereophiles, answers to the problem of the hole -in- the -middle. Advertising Soles Manager Walter F. Grueninger Equipment Reports 47 Circulation Director Sherwood S -5000 Stereo Dual Amplifier -Preamplifier Audax CA -60 Speaker System Publication Nlicy Pickering 800 Gyropoise Stereotable Charles Fowler ESL C -99 Stereo Cartridge Lawrence Gotta Dynaco B $ O Stereodyne TA -12 Stereo Arm and Pickup W. D. Littleford Madison Fielding 630 FM Tuner Warren B. Syer Webster Electric GLO -4 Stereo Tape Preamplifier High Fidelity Newsfronts 85 Ralph Freas A D V E R T I S I N G Kit Report: EICO HFS -3 Speaker Main Office System 86 Claire N. Eddings, The Publishing House A kit for the novice builder. Great Barrington, Mass. Telephone 1300 New York 1564 Broadway, New York 36 Telephone: Plazo 7 -2800 Bert Covit, Sy Resnick REVIEWS Chicago 188 W. Randolph St., Chicago I Feature Record Reviews 55 Telephone: Central 6 -9818 Andy Spanberger Beethoven: Wellington's Victory ( "Battle Symphony") Los Angeles (Morton Gould and Orchestra) 1520 North Gower, Hollywood 28 Shakespeare: Four Tragedies, Complete Telephone: Hollywood 9.6239 George Kelley Other Classical Record Reviews 58 The Lighter Side 70 Jazz Record Reviews 77 The Tape Deck 80 Published monthly at Great Barrington, Mass. The by Billboard Publishing Co. Copyright U 1960 by The Billboard Publishing Co. The design and contents of High Fidelity Magazine ore fully protected by copyright and must not be reproduced in any manner. Second -class postage paid at Great Barrington and at additional mailing offices. One -year subscription in U. S., Possessions, and Canada 56.00. Elsewhere $7.01'. www.americanradiohistory.com AUTHORitatively Speaking The pictures which adorn European Editor H. C. Robbins Landon's essay into the Venice LAFAYETTE RADIO EQUIPMENT of Vivaldi, p. 30, were taken by British photog- AVAILABLE THROUGH A rapher Hans Wild. Mr. Wild returned home to SELECT GROUP OF London not quite sure he hadn't been in pursuit AUTHORIZED FRANCHISED DISTRIBUTORS! of a myth (Venice has no Vivaldi museum, no grave, no monument); but whether or not Lafayette Radio, world's foremost electronics and hi -fi supplier, Vivaldi ever existed (Mr. Landon says quite expands its facilities to serve you better. After careful screen- clearly that he did), the baroque beauty of Ven- ice itself remains real and tangible (as Mr.
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