·IN THIS ISSUE CLEVELAND CITY AT WAR SUNFLOWER COUNTY LOWNDES COUNTY SNCC STAFF MEETING TEATRO CAMPESINO JUNE 1967 WE ARE GOING MOVEMENT-SNCC TO BUILD OFFICE RAIDED I SAN FRANCISCO - The joint offices of by several middle-aged businessmen driv­ THE MOVEMENT and Bay Area SNCC ing late model cars. MOVEMENT staff were raided by unknown persons in the people took down the license plate num­ early morning hours of May 22. bers and are now checking out who owns The raiders entered by an unlocked the cars. outside window and broke the 'lock of an inside door to enter the office. They stole FBI NOT INTERESTED the entire MOVEMENT subscription list, Terence Cannon, MOVEMENT Editorial and confidential files containing SNCC Board member, called the FBI, told them reports and correspondence. During the about the raid, and asked whether they raid they strewed the aclclress stencils of would investigate. "ls there ,any reason the newspaper over the floor. Also taken why we should?" said the local FE! chief. was a list of international contacts andthe "This seems to be part of a general names and addresses of persons working pattern of raids on SNCC and movement­ for SNCC and THE MOVEMENT. related offices around the country," Can­ non said. "Is that so?" said the FBI man. SUSPECT SEEN "Besides, I thought you'd be interested, The building is shared with a church considering the remarks your Director has and two church-related groups. On the made recently," said Cannon. previous Friday at 4:30 A.M., ttvo volun­ , "What do you mean, my Director?" teers for the Night Ministry, seated in an said the FBI, with the slightest trace of office in the front of the buildiI;lg, saw hostility beginning to creep into his voice. a man trying to enter the building. They "I mean J. Edgar Hoover, who just described him as "micldle-aged." Their accused SNCC of' being in contact with screams drove him off•. All-Negro, Red' Chinese, Marxist - Len­ Gtmerally speaking, middle-aged men inist, revolutionary groups dedicated to don't enter buildings late at night through the overthrow of the UnitedStates govern­ the .....indow to rob the poor box. THE ment." MOVEMENT staff assumes that this was "The only grounds under which we would the same person who raided our office investigate would be if you were govern­ two days later. ment property," concluded the FBI chief. During the week after the raid, THE Government property THE MOVEMENT MOVEMENT office was under surveillance is not... RAP BROWN, new chairman of SNCC. ATLANTA, GEORGIA -- "SNCC is country," Brown said when asked about moving from rhetoric to prograin," Rap working with white organizations. "We Brown told THE MOVEMENT shortly will cooperate with any group strug­ after his election as Chairman of the gling against a common oppressor." Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commit­ SNCC does not see its work as com­ tee. "We are going to build Freedom peting with any already existing peo­ Organizations across the country." ple's groups. It will organize in unor­ The role of SNCC will be to create ganized areas. A major push will be to independent power groups and "instill create a nation-wide anti-draft move­ in them political know-how and political ment of black high-school students. ' power," B1'own explained. The freedom Organizations will be multi-issue groups, CARMICHAEL including such things as maids' unions, Stokely Carmichael did not run for welfare groups, mothers against the war. any office in SNCC in this election. They will not be Freedom Parties, He declined a seat on SNCC's Central Brown said. They will be independent Committee. "rm just an organizer," He forces, i,ndependent of both parties. "We said joyfully. He is planning to go to don't want to be put in the bag of being Washington, D.C. to organize a Freedom just a political party," he said. "The Organization. Freedom Organizations must be looked to by Black people as a source of jobs, SAN FRANCISCO power and freedom." The Bay Area is being considered by "The prob I e m with Lown des (the SNCC for a projectbeginningthis summer. Lowndes County Freedom Organization, If this happens, a SNCC Field Secre~ organi~ed with the help of SNCC) was tary ",ill be assigned to this area, with that we had no economic philosophy. We several volunteers. The purpose of the built a political machine. But how do program will be to organize a black­ you sustain that without an economic anti draft movement and Freedom Or­ structure? The Poverty Program will ganization. come in there and try to buy them off. It will undermine and drain the move­ ment. Had we been successful in the NEW SNCC OFFICERS election we would have controlled the Elected with Rap Brown were Stanley tax assessing. We could have forced Wise, Executive Secretary and Ralph Fea­ the whites to sell their land cheaply. therstone, ProgramSecretary. Brownfor­ As it is one family owns 70% of the merly worked in Alabama BUilding Free­ land in the -county. You can't have free­ dom Organizations similar to the Lowndes dom under a system like that. Freedom County Freedom Organization. Wise has Organizations must have power in order worked in Mississippi and Alabama and. to stay independent. Black folks can't was formerly one of SNCC's three Or­ do that now." ganizational Secretaries. Featherstone al­ so worked in Mississippi and' Alabamll, COOPERATION then in Washington, D.C. His interest lies particularly in economic projects and he "We will cooperate with any other is expected to guide SNCC's program in group that is fighting the draft in this related directions. .. Address stencils litter floor of Movement office after raid, PAGE 2 THE MOVEMENT JUNE 1967 THINGS 'ARE ··..·..·..··..ED ITOR IALS . MOVEMENT HEATING' UP DRAFTEE Someone used the term •'vandalism" WHAT THEY SAY WHAT WE SAY in connection with the raid on our office ARRESTED last month. It was not vandalism. It was ABOUT US AND ABOUT THEM a professional raid, carried off in a business-like way by people who knew Students for a Democratic Society 'New Left' Newspaper On May 17, Brooks Penney, a member what they wanted. They ransacked our have, at least unoffici,alIy, disassociated of THE MOVEMENT's editorialgroup, was To the Editor: files, taking only certain ones. They from Snick. A San Francisco "New arrested at the Oakland Induction Center. maga~ine, We see that out of the dingy, clearly wanted to find out who we are, Left" "The Movement," has He was charged with disturbing the peace announced official disassociation from cluttered offices of The New who we know, and who is in contact with York Times, where white editor,; of the military flunkies who were pro­ Snick. us. , sit and jUdge the movements of 'cessing men to go out and kill or get The government and the press are the world, has come an "al'ticle" killed. Ralph McGill in the Atlanta Constitution on the New Left. [Page 1. trying hard to cut SNCC off from its sup­ Penney had been ordered to become a May 7.J port. SNCC has come under extreme You mention The Movement professional killer that day and was pass­ attack from the FBI and the House Armed POllters of (he Guevara and newspaper and claim that it has ing out leaflets inside the center stating Services Committee for its opposition of Ma.Icdlm X. the black na.­ "disaffiliated" with the Student that he would go to jail before anybody tionallst sla.l.n here two years to the Vietnam War. Rep. Mendel Rivers Nonviolent Coordinating Com­ was going to make him a: killer. ago, are advertised for sale "at mittee. It has not. wants to do away with .the First Amend­ special buUc rates" in a san THE MOVEMENT fully supports any ment in order to put Stokely Carmichael FranciSc() monthly, The Move­ The Movement supports fully and all actions along thiS line. Perhaps, ment. The publication the Black Power philosophy of in jail. J. Edgar Hoover is trying to link racUcal disaffiliated recently from the S.N.C.C. It is one of the few as Sartre says, "The only real freedom us with so-called insurrectionary groups. Student Nonviolent Coordinat-, newspapers in the llountry that that we have is the freedom to say NO." This c limate of official repression ing Committee, the militant, gives without distortion the We must say NO to this crime in Vietnam. Southem-oriented movement views of the Black Liberation leads directly to raids such as ours. that used to be one of the pU­ We must say NO to the arrogant auto­ There have been three raids against lars ot the New Left but has movement. It is one of the few crats who are killing black people in this SNCC and movement-related offices and lately veered toward black pow­ that S.N.C.C. respects enough country and yellow people in Vietnam. er Coals and away from stu· to give information that it can­ homes in San Jose in the last few months. dent. for .. Democratic Society. not trust ,with tthe American Only in this way will it be even remotely Official and unofficial raids have recently Tm No Paclfl.t· press. possible to move this country toward jus­ taken place against SNCC offices in Chi­ Unlike The New York Times. tice and sanity.• cago and Philadelphia. Che Guevara's bearded like­ TERENCE CANNON ness was encountered on the Editorial Board lf these forces can isolate us they will waIls of the littered offices of destroy the movement.
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