OCE LAM RON VOLID.LE XXV OREGON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1948 NUMBER 20 New Students Listed Mothers To Be Prominent Educators Honored at OCE Advance plans are being made By Registrar's Office for Mother's Week-end which is To Conduct Classes Last Thursday morning the • • • • • • • • • • • • scheduled for Friday, Saturday, • • • • • • Prominent Oreg on educators number of new students at QCE and Sunday, April 30, May 1 and • • • • • • .NOTICE! will be a part of the Oregon Col- totaled 24. Of this numo-er six • CALENDAR • 2. This major event is the Spring • • Monday, March 29 • _The Editorship of the Lam- • lege of Education staff during claimed Salem as their home • term is sponsored by the Associ­ If town. Following is a list which • IVCF, 7, CH 222 • ated Women Students. Jane Yant • ron is open. anyone wishes • the 1948 summer session begin­ contains the names of t:b.e new • ASB Council, 6:30, CH • and Vivienne Hannah are co­ • to apply for the position, • ning Monday, June 14. Dr. Rex • please turn in your applica- • students, their home towns, and • Tuesday, March 30 • chairmen in charge of the affair. Putnam, superintendent of public • tion to the president of the • the schools last attended: • Assembly, 11, CH aqditorium • This event will be similar to instruction, other members of the • student council, TOI!l Jones, • James Elmer Armstrong, Salem, " Caldwell Library presenta- • Dad's Day which the students will state department, and a number • before the student council • Pacific college; Neil C. Boehmer, • tion (11 o'clock classes will • remember was a big success last of leading educators and admin­ a be omitted. • • meeting today in order that • Salem, Salem high school; Bill J. fall. Mothers of all the students istrators from Oregon public • your name may be considered. • Butler, Roseburg, Salem high • Freshman class meeting, CH • are invited and both men and schools will be instructors on the a auditorium, 7:30 p.m. • • Last term's editor, Joseph • school; Philip C. Caricof, Hono­ women students are asked to sign OCE faculty according to an an­ 11 Allen, has resigned his post in • lulu, Honolulu high school; Rob­ a Senior class meeaing, CH • the slips_ that will be posted on nouncement by Dr. Louis Kap­ • order to have more time to de- • ert G. Cox, Dallas, Dallas high 11 113, 7:30 • the bulletin boards if their moth­ lan, chairman of the education • vote to his claSSf's. • school; Walter V. Esch, Sale~, • Music Hour, 8, Todd hall • ers will be able to attend. department and director of the Salem high school; Marie J. Dil­ • music room • Next time you write a letter • • • • • • • • • • • • summer session. Wednesday, March ley, Glenwood, Oregon State col­ • 31 • home, ask your mother to come; Many new courses will be offer­ ~ Movie: "Cluny Brown," lege; William W. Gast, Salem, Sa­ 8,. or, better yet, write a letter today ed during the 1948 sumll).er session I CH auditorium lem high school; James A. Hand, • and tell her that we will be ex­ Woodwind Five at OCE. Leading Oregon educat­ Salem, Salem high school; Loren • • • • • • • • • • • • pecting her. ors, visiting instructors, and mem­ E. Helmhout, S a 1 em, Oregon bers of the regular staff will teach State college; Faye Knox, Mon­ Present Program courses not scheduled during the mouth, Mills college. Conference Calls Oregon College of Education regular school terms nor in pre­ Shirley Larimer, Salem, Wil­ ' Accident Halts was honored Thursday evening, vious summer tenns. lamette university; Donn a B. March 25, by an excellent per­ A course in Child Development Lu d he, Portland, Powellhurst Dean of Women Astoria Trip formance of the Portland Sym­ will be given by Mr. Allan East. Bible institute; Shirlie C. Mc­ phony Woodwind Quintet. Mr. East is the field secretacy and Miss Joan Seavey, dean of wo­ While motoring to Astoria on cartan, Eugene, University of The ·quintet, consisting of Ar­ psychiatric social worker for the men at the Oregon College of Ed­ Tuesday, March 23, Dr. Henry M. Oregon; Calvin C. Peterson, Eu­ thur Haberman, flute; Albert child guidance extenison centers ucation, left Sunday, March 28 Gunn, president of OCE, and Rob­ gene, University of Oregon; Sam Klinger, clarinet; Arnold Kob­ of the University, of Oregon Med­ for Chicago. Miss Seavey is at­ ert Knox, head basketball coach, P. Ramey, Monmouth, University lentz, oboe; Gloria Solloway, ical School. tending the national convention were injured in an accident of Oregon; Lorene Ann Rasmus­ bassoon; and John Waitt, French Dr. Rex Putnam will conduct a of the Council of Guidance and which occurred 10 miles east of sen, Rockaway, UnivE!'rsity of horn, opened the program with class in school organization. Mr. Personnal Associations and the Elsie. The car, driven by Dr. Or.zgon; Frank J. Richards, Dal­ "Beethoven's Quintet," op. 71, in Walter Snyder, assistant superin­ convoention of the National Asso­ Gunn, went 150 feet down an las, · University of Iowa; Mary tendent of public' instruction, will ciation of Deans of Women. embankment after skidding on an four parts. Ariel Rubstein at the Ruth Roscoe, Portland, Lewis and have a class in the psychology de­ Miss Seavey of OCE and Mrs. icy surface. piano replaced the flutist in "Pi­ Clark college; Charles Richard ano Quintet" b;ir Mozart. partment. Miss Florence Beards­ Golda Wickham of the University Dr. Gunn, who suffered a dis­ Shearer, Monmouth, Oregon State After a brief intermission, the ley, director of elementary educa­ of Oregon are representing the located hip and head lacerations, college; J er a 1 d B. Steinmetz, original five resumed the program tion for the state department, will deans of women of Oregon at the returned to Monmouth Thursday Springfield, University of Oregon; with "Passacaille" by Barthe, Ga­ offer a course in the supervision two national group meetings. and is now resting comfortably at David R. Trusty, Bay City, Tilla­ briel Pierne's "Pastorale" op. 14, of teaching. home. Coach Knox received minor mook• high school; Helen D. Wil­ "Allegro Leggiero" by Charles Le­ A well-known Oregon educator, HEINTZELMAN TO SPEAK cuts. liams, Monmouth, Queens; Mary febre, and concluded their concert Miss Joy Hills, principal of the Mr. Oliver Heintzelman, OCE The two were to speak at an Lucille Wolff, Oakville, Washing­ geography instr1,1ctor, will speak with Milhaud's "La Chemines du Leslie junior high school in Sa­ ton, No.thwest Nazarene college. assembly of Astoria high school lem, will be on the OCE summer on the subject "The Geoconomy students. Roi Rene" in seven divisions. KAPLAN WRITES ARTICLE of Grasse" at a luncheon meeting The recital was attended by an school staff. Miss Hills will teach in the education department. Di­ The March number of "The Phi of the Oregon geography teachers appreciative and unusually repre­ rector of audio-visual aids in the Delta Kappan" has an article by of the Oregon Education Associa­ sentative group of students, fac­ Albany public schools, Mr. Arthur Dr. Louis Kaplan of our faculty. tion on Thursday, April 1, in Students Enjoy ulty, and townspeople. E. Palmer, will conduct a course Th,e article is entitled, "More Portland. Grasse is the perfume Collecto Coeds were in charge in the use of audio-visual aids for Me-n for Elementary Schools." center of Southern France. of ushering and, during the inter­ Negro Quintet m1ss10n refreshments were sold elementary teachers and admin­ istrators. The program of the "Musical by members of Staff and Key. Superintendents from four of Geography Department Buys Maps; Notes," Negro quintet which was the larger school systems in Ore­ presented at the assembly last MISS .JOHNSON BACK ON .JOB gon will conduct a symposium in Ueintzelman Compares US and USSR Wednesday, was received with en­ Following several days' illness, school administration for t h e thusiasm by a large audience. Miss Fay Johnson, assistant reg­ Mr. Oliver Heintzelman, ge- 49N); USSR, 30° (40N to 70N.) OCE summer school students. Dr. ' Especially enjoyed wer,e the ar­ istrar at the Oregon College of ography instructor at .the Oregon Area: USA, three million square Wendell Van Loan of Corvallis, rangements featuring the bass Educati~n, has returned to her College of Education enthusi­ miles; USSR, eight million square Dr. Robert r.antz of Woodburn, singer including "I've Been work­ duties. astically announces the arrival miles. (Continued on Page Four) of several new maps for the col­ Population: USA, 140 million; ing on the Railroad" and the ever lege geography department which USSR, 190 million. popular "'Old Man River." "Trees" he says will be valuable assets to Railway mileage: USA, 220,000; sung by the tenor was another Serenaders Feature Popular Music; .· the continent courses which he is USSR, 55,000. highlight of the porgram. teaching this term. Also included Accessibility: USA, excellent by Jubilee numbers, "Oh Noah" Billed for Weekly Dance at lndep. and "Little Children Go and I are three charts showing the con­ land and ocean; USSR, poor by You heard them first at the Will Send Thee" closed the con­ Their repertoire now includes 20 struction of various map projec­ land (isolated bY deserts and Grove talent show, and last week cert. pieces and these have been per­ tions. One of the maps is of the mountains) and oceans, ice lock­ their now familiar theme song, fected by "practicing whenever Pacific Northwest and another is ed. "Moonlight Serenade" opened we get a chance to," according to a la1·ge scale map of the United Faces: USA, Atlantic and Pa­ and closed the Hello dance. That's Jack. A specialty number they cific; USSR, Atlantic and Pacific.
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