THURSDAY, AUGUST '4, 1881—TEN PAGES. 2 THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: thorlty, will forthwith proceed too.trculo thorn. loan Daw nro In use on this of |kTT" selling for.*' Tho call traveling In English ships. Hut mr Ideawns OBITUARY. side wr’ll see whom ho Is Umt these things wen* to bo put Into English CIMMINAL NEWS. Tho Cjunpaw* nro qunrim'd In tho J.ourMlomm. Just tlm same ns lots of Canadian bo*. clerk asked, ••What'** the name»’ Hatch re- They have two drills dally, nn<t tho hoys nro In NEW YORK. voice, war vessels like I ho Dntcrel." tho, In tlio Htatos. Tho foot of (ho sponded in stentorian good spirits. Tho oltl/i'iw of IVrryvlllo and matter is a® ur.x. THOMAS niANcis nomiKi:. oitiiiity tho affairs. and nro Americans have discovered that ll os “i:« Ft* hatch.” deplore condition of Salem, is in favor; o* one Uio of iho skirmishing fund, Sad Talc of a Promising Sunday' willing to evemhuur litttioirpower;ln leDoro Death at Ore., After a balance tholr tlmfi uum RS (hi Thl*enur'd a ißUecommution and surprise. A" of trustees peaco ihi ummjntsto." I[.K<;II combined to soil until said: "I don’t know much about Crowe. Ho nml hrliur tho violators to punishment. Bishop llenorter-"Tho Inspector tim ciill tied Painful Illness, of . tho Volume of ,; doesn't amount tomueh. Winn Is tho nso of Im- in Penn- that Tho Inoroaso in h<> i!nl<l £ AiMd hushelsof Hie total School Scholar specters sunt from tbo states had aViutillv to mortalizing midi an idiot? Our cause has suf- Unltctl siiTl iran-meilons <>r iho cull, which iniiouiitcil n pity to ImvO sylvania. A MOONSHINE!!. Erastus O. Haven. United Slates mail-bags put up nn<i Business in Three Years Has Ho sold so freely that thouiar- ‘ored enough front knaves. It Is HpMtrtt HUjwfDi 77|« Chicago to -tAum bushels. handicapped by fool. I havo tin sympathy to Wbunfc illspatclicil Manitoba and itrur.h e'l **2 declined from to ?* of n emita bushel, mid t n charged wltn Canadian patent locks c u , kot »i was; “ with tho Infernal-machine follows. 1 think they Litti.b Uock, Aug. U.—Tbomhs Halt, urny on them S ®tli Been 77 Bor Gent. tun aciicnil immhy I wonder what that uotblog do of Hint hnrt bcmi tor * response was, Moh, boa might to bo roasted. I want to withrunning nn Illicit Mill littho bonkwoods Sketch of His Life—His Eminent Ed- henr Is up 1 Tho a nnd repaired at our rcjmlr-sliopi la jdlhiirshort to enforce bis theory ihnt wliu thorn." He Is Charged with Swindling I’olnsott County, was brought lioforo tho United ucational and Evangelical Mr. Orllfin— DRAIN MIST Hi; LOWER Out Htntos Court to-day nhd bill! Hxod lit 810.000. •*lhavonot thoaltehw* , Former Teacher that United Stales hags nro 1 compare freights." Hatch left thn ITEMS. which tbo accused furnished, whorui>|K>n ho wu* Services. to a,-emu toft* Tlio Railroad FralßM War Cans- to with low used for carrying our *"* poor llnnlly, bis eountetmneo beaming with up- AnT.lt AX AMATEUH PRYfliriAN. of $9,000. discharged, Ho wilt bo «t tho October, local mails. ater.!?I " trloil and American bags nro. « Tailing In parent satisfaction Umt bo bail fouled the boys (lovcrnmonl Justalike th« lug n Off New York, Attp. d.—An olllcurntJirlei! lo- term of tho Court. Tho odlelitla mark being sumn *- Grout again." The faet« mo Umt ho had soldituiiml UniiilsJilJUf on night for Cliiclniutil to onplm-e, If possible, hollovo Dial tho gang nr moonshinerswhich hits Death of William 0. Fargo, President which very anon becomes so oliilti-nitMstericnW^J.c,l «SI property and made briwoun frf'.WM und SIUWO County during scarcely distinguishable. Truffle' bj Water. trading wns heaviest known n elgnv iimmifacturcr, I,civ tlio Despcrmlo (icon operating In I’olnsott tho In thohiirrSl?.* to >s Ihn turn. The the lloury Jircnion, Exploits of (tank. post year, nml of whtch Unit was t\ member, Is of the American Express lug up malls. Postmasters do *?'*• in September options fur tunny mouths. charged causing (tenth by malprac- through a pllo not b&?1 *«« wllli this Itcccnlly Klllcil nl Corsi- Hourly broken up. other arrests will probably Company. of mall bags fora Cumftin t 0 an ®*. tice of,lolin Gctchy, it saloonkeeper of Ho- bo nmdo within tho next ton days. tmt tones tbo first one that comes io hL .. o Re- REVOLUTIONISTS. konblo conn, Tox. short tlnio ago wo Issued orders CT; •' Lack of Public Information boken, N. J. ilrcmorto mnr« masters toreturn nil the American KL |H nf.«"UAM AXII IIIISII. Hi euro Gotchy of tv wound ho Utwl received ax isßittNU they will not take iho’iwwffi gnrding the So-Called Rail- patch la The Special VUpntch Chicago Sudden Death at Wheeling, W. Va., of years years HpfftatPit CMcasn Tribunt. ycniH ago, and tin opera* to The Tribune. For and tbo same state Attempt nineteen performed of to It.—Doimiy-Sherlff n Pooling. York, Aug. was Eefiml of tho Qovoraor Vermont MAiisiut.i/row.v, In.. Aug. lias existed. Americans use u" ,,n road New 10.—An tlon with mi Instrument which (in called n Oapt. Davis, Ek Well-Known vice , Canadlu see Nihilist Hartmann llank- Ingalls, of Oskuloosn, this morning took homo vorsn.• ‘f'.un made to tho blatant “Rlanmohlodilsinns." Inimodlutcly nftor tho Pardon Milos, the I aoo that tho United States now u.l„ securing (his city mi erring girl, an n obnrgo of Man. » to-dav, for tho purjiosuof Ids views Ootehy’a letr began to swell, and tho from Steamboat now system of Internationalbaits, inmi«.„ cf dimrollon Eobbor. stealing a gold nml chain from oneVisitor, on tho possibility of Ids being turned over lo next day ho was imnbtu to Icavo his bed. Ho watch boeasily dlsllmnilMmblo, n fairpi^rumS!*' Speculators In Crortuco Puzzled Oskaloosa. of respectable parents, but supplied by each * by United sent llromer, who tub! him ho would bo of She Is ISIIABTUS O. JIAVF.N. Oovorumcm WreSSre ‘Umej 1 tho Russian Government tho for nil won found hero by tlionlllcors In » huuso of 111* regularintervals.” u Over tlio Oocllno In Com right in ten days, and advised him not to amid SCHOLAR. Ban Cal., Aug. Bishop 13. O. siiro oniclnls. llurtimum couldn’t be A PROMISING fninc. tt Is said Hint her father's second nmr* Fuancibco, ••Well, I'm wo'ro ready to mm ,v Slates ’ora physician. After ten days (letehyH leg Fprctat UUpateh to Chicago Tribune, ringo her to nt Salem, Oro.. yostordny nftornoou. halfway nny fairproposal and Lard. «t pluco ho Ims nmtlo Ids bend- a physician was sum- The was distasteful to her, and drove Haven died in they “"ftn,»h. !9 found tho hail swollen so badly that Jl.—An Important arrest tho Ufa Bho adopted. Thu immediate cause of bis death wasunctnla. 'make.” mu;, sluce Ills arrival .Mow York. tnoited. Tho physician said tho blood had been I’lrrsnuun, l*a., Auk. It willbo from tho nuartera In day. Cambria County, this He was'nged 00. seen above that »w.“ poisoned, und Cictubydicd tho next was mudo at Johnstown, dlanauthorities *’ Some of those who worn found lit tho olllco east A VKJIOIfs LAD could make tho samo0 v* A POSTPONED FOURTH. State, about sixty miles from I’lttsbnrir,at LL. D., was ogalnst tho Uullcd States service" in said that. In spite of wimt Assistant Sec* tho Uotallsof which bonier Special Dispatch to The ChMoo Tribune, Ilishop Erastus Otis-Haven, n. D., “Uncle” Rufus Hatch Gets Mayor Howell, of Rrooklyn, has Issued n a Into hour last night, born at Boston, Nov. 1, uud graduated at retary Hitt Imd lieeu reported to imvo ordering tho fireworks In posses- on tho rnumntlo. Tho immonf tho person ar* Waiiasii, Ind., Aug. ll.—Hurt Anthony, n lad on the proclamation Wcsloynii University, Middleton. Conn., in 1841. THIS His Work skid, they did not bullcvolt In tho power of tho sion of (ho city to Uu setotf to-morrow evening. , rested Is Frank ll* Ilnuks. Ho Is « native of of H years, was arrested hero to-day for turn- WEATHER. ’ (ho Ho was soon afterwards appointed an Instructor United States Government to. Bond Ilartmami Those flreworlts wore bought for tho fourth of rimmlxvillo, and Is only 28 years ohl. Ho ing n switch wrong ut tho connection of “Boys.” dulv dlsplav. but this was postponed byroasnh Pit., (e In Aineuia Seminary. nnd occupied a Professor* SIGNAL, back to Russia for trial. They clulmcd that ho Is of swindling on old man named Oar* Wnbnsh ami C., W. M. Unilwnys on Thursday BKHVICE. publi- of tho shoot lug of President Garfield. Tho accused night tnlddln night. ship In that Institution from 1810 to 1818. Ho Owticb ov TUB Ciukv had not kept away to-day because of tho Mayor ordered them lo ho displayed a week ago, . rott out of nearly BUMOUO. Gnreott formerly re- Inst. He did It In tho of tho Stasur. orm-.. Assistant-Secretary opinion,and reason of A terrible accident might have resulted only was revolved Into tbo Now York Conference In Washington, D. U., Aug. 4-1 a. cation of llltfa but tho order was countermanded by sided In'l'lucnlxvlllo, but fur several yonrt past eyo (ho engineer. Anthony Is pas* tn.-FuS Keeping Dark—lnterviews with tho States authorities wanted him ho tho President's relapse. Ho for tho keen of IHIB, and from 1818 to I8.V! was engaged hi Tcnncssoo and Ohio Valleys, staUonary oT Hartmann if United has been u citizen of Han Francisco.
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