Jim Hillyer grLemberof {Parftament Let fr 6i[g e Consti.tue nc1 September21,2014 Letter-'l'owada City - ESt.Symposium - Sept 2014 Haruo Shirayama,President Associationfor InternationalRelations TowadaCity, Japan DearSir: As the Governnrentof Canadarepresentative for the Lethbridge,Alberta constituency,it is with greatpleasure that I extendwarm greetingsand well-wishesfrom the residentsof my communi.ty to you andthe citizensof Towada City. As hostof the'English as a SecondLanguage Symposium', attended by membersof the LethbridgeTwinning Society,I commendyour city for undertakingthis initiative, Englishis thre globallanguage of commerce.For communicationat the highestlevel it is crucial a common languagebe shared,to ensureopportunities in the areasof business,education, tourism and much more continueto exist. The symposiumis a greatoccasion to shareand expandlanguage interaction, I alsoextend an invitation to membersof the Associationfor InternationalRelations, along residentsof TowandaCity to considerstudying English as a SecondLanguage at an educational institutionin Lethbridge,Alberta. As our city has a'twiming' connectionwith youl'community, we would welcomethe opportunity to host studentsin their pursuit of educationexcellence. Sincerely, JimHillyer, MP ConstituencyOffice ParliamentaryOffice 255- B'St.South 610 LaPrometrade Building LethbridggAB Houseof Cornmons 11) 4Y1 Ottawa,ON KIA 0,46 ' (403) Tel:(403) 390-0070 l*t Tel' 390-0070 (403) Fax:(403) 380-4026 Fdx, 380-4026 Jim Hiflyer foletn6e r of tParfiament L etfr 6 ri[g e Constitue nry - September27,2014 Letter- TowadaCity - ESt,Symposiurn Sept 2014 HisashiOyamada, Mayor TowadaCity, Japan DearSir: is with As theGovernment of Canadarepresentative for the Lethbridge,Alberta constituency, it greatpleasure that I extendwarm greetingsand well-wishes from theresidents of my community to you andthe citizens of TowadaCity' 'English of the As hostof the asa SecondLanguage Symposium', attended by members Englishis tJhe LethbridgeTwinning Society, I commendyou, city for undeftakingthis initiative. a common globallanguage of commerce.For communicationat thehighest level it is crucial tourismand much la'guagebe shzued,to enstrreopportunities in theareas of business,education, language morecontinue to exist.The symposiumis a grbatoccasion to shareand expand interaction, Englishas a Second I alsoextend an invitationto residentsof TowandaCity to considerstudying city hasa'twinning' f,onguug,at aneducational institution in Lethbridge,Alberla. As our to hoststudents in their connectionwith your community,we wouldwelcome the opportunity pursuitof educationexcellence. Sincerely, JimHillyer, MP ParliamentarYOffrce ConstituencYOffice 610 LaPromenade Building 955- B'St Sottth Houseof Commons Lethbridge,AB Ottawa,ON K1A 0A6 I1J 4Y1 Tel,(403) 390-0070 Tel:(403) 320-0070 l*l Fax;(403) 380-4026 pax;(403) 380-4026 .
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