NOTES ON THE CONTRIBUTORS tChen Bu llesearch Professor Institute of Marxism, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Beijing 100732 Chen Chuankang Professor Department of Geography, Beijing University Beijing I 0087I Chen Yalan Professor Department of History, Chinese People's University Beijing I 00872 Dai Nianzu llesearch Professor Institute of History of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing IOOOIO Ding Dafu llesearch Professor Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry Shanghai 200031 Dong Guangbi Professor Institute of History of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100010 Fan Dainian llesearch Professor Institute of Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences and one time Editor of the Journal of Dialectics of Nature Huairou, Beijing 101408 Fan Hongye Professor Institute of Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences Huairou, Beijing 101408 453 454 NOTES ON THE CONTRffiUTORS Fang Lizhi Professor of Physics University of Arizona and former Vice President The Chinese University of Science and Technology Hefei Gao Pingshu Professor of History Nankai University Tianjin Gong Yuzhi Professor Center of Science and Society Beijing University Beijing 100871 Hua Guofan Lecturer of Philosophy Hangzhou University Hangzhou 310028 Huang Qinghe Research Center of Development, the State Council Beijing 100032 Jin Guantao Institute of Culture, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Editor, 21st Century Shatin, New Territories Hong Kong Jin Zumeng Professor of Geography Department of Geography, East China Normal University Shanghai 200062 tLe Xiucheng Associate Editor, Journal of Dialectics of Nature Li Bocong Professor Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100039 NOTES ON THE CON1RIBUTORS 455 Li Peishan Former Deputy Director Institute of History of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100010 Lin Wenzhao Research Professor Institute of History of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100010 Liu Dun Associate Professor Institute of History of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100010 Liu Qingfeng Institute of Culture, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Co-Editor, 21st Century Shatin, New Territories Hong Kong Lu Jingyan Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University Shanghai 200092 Luo Jiachang Associate Professor Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Beijing 100732 Mei Rongzhao Research Professor Institute of History of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100010 t Meng Qingzhe Shannxi Normal University, Xian Qiu Lianghui Vice President Chinese Society for Dialectics of Nature and Professor Beijing Institute of Steel and Iron Weigongcun Beijing 100081 456 NOTES ON THE CON1RIBUTORS Song Jie Associate Professor in History of Mathematics Beijing Normal University Beijing 100875 Song Zhenghai Associate Professor Institute of History of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100010 Wang Yusheng Deputy Director Institute of History of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100010 Wang Zichun Associate Professor Institute of History of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100010 Wei Hongsen Professor School of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Qinghua University Beijing 100084 Xu Liangying Research Professor, retired Institute of History of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100010 Yan Kangnian Professor Institute of History of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100010 Yu Guangyuan Former Vice President Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (at the time of the Qingdao Symposium, the Director of the Science Division of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party) Beijing 100010 NOTES ON THE CONTRffiUTORS 457 Zhang Binglun Professor of History of Science Chinese University of Science and Technology Hefei 230026 Zhang Wei Research Associate Institute of Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences Huairou, Beijing 101408 Zhou Youyuan Chinese University of Science and Technology Hefei 230026 INDEX OF NON-CHINESE NAMES Ailly, Pierre d' 312 Brahe, Tycho 147, 316 al-Ghazzali 84 Brahmagupta 247 al-Karkhi 285 Brahn 397 al-Nafis, Ibn 175 Briggs 351 Ampere 151 Bruno, Giordano 6, 59, 85, 189, 190 Anaxagoras 308 Bush, Vannevar 450 Anderson, R.E. 379 Anderson, C. 442 Campanella 190 Antiphon 281 Cannon, W.B. 115-118 passim, 123 Apollonius 169 Carnot, S. 152 Aquinas, Thomas 84, 95, 98, 173 Cassini 323 Archimedesl59,169,186,249,250,279- Cauchy 419 287 passim Cavalieri 253 Aristarchus 310 Cavendish 419 Aristotle 57, 59,66, 80, 95, 96, 188, 308, Chao, C.Y. see Zhao Zhongyao 312 Chardin, Teilhard de 301 Augustine 83, 84, 85, 102, 299 Charles, J.A.C. 387 Aulard 401 Columbus 303-312 passim Compton 210 Bacon,Rogerl90, 191,308,375 Copernicus 5, 66, 73, 74, 148, 175, 176, Baldwin 59 190,191,323,353,354 Barrow 85 Curie, M. 294, 398 Beadle 69 Bell, Johann Adam Schall von 317-319 Da Vinci, Leonardo 148 passim, 341 Dalton, John 294 Bell, E.T. 441 Dana, J.D. 375 Benoist, Michel 323 Darwin, Charles 29, 86, 289-301 passim, Bergson 87, 92 376,419 Bernard, C. 115-122 passim Davidsen 59 Bernouilli, J. 379, 419 De Sitter, W. 60 Berry 380 Democritus 79, 80 Bertalanffy, L. von I 05 Descartes, R. 130, 153, 156 Biot 151 Dewey, John 403, 408 Bohr, Niels 106, 433-437 passim Dicaearchus 312 Bohr, Hans 433, 436 Dilthey 82 Bohr, Aage 437 Dirac, P.A.M. 441 Bonaparte, Louis 7 Driesch, Hans 403 Boole, G. 362 Dykes, K.T. 271 Bouillard 301 Bouvet, Joachim 319-322 passim Edkins, J. 353 Bradley, F.H. 87,90 460 INDEX OF NON-CHINESE NAMES Einstein, Albert 6, 34, 52, 55, 56, 60, 73, Helmont, van 63 88, 89, 101, 103, 104, 106, 109, 113, Henry the Navigator 305 191, 404. 405, 436 Heraclitus 79, 81 Elsasser, W.M. 106, Ill Heron 285 Engels, F. 5, 9, 29, 35, 38, 52, 86, 188, Herschel, J. 353 190,191,315,322 Hertz 150, 151 Epicurus 79 Hilbert 251, 257 Eratosthenes 170, 3I0-3I2passim Hitler, A. 7 Euclid 154154, 167, 169, 178, 255-257 Hobson, B. 373 passim, 219, 280, 284, 328, 346, 353, Hook, Robert 419 355 Horton, W. 289 Eudoxus 279, 281 Houston, E.l. 380 Faraday, Michael 71, 151, 419 Houston, W. V. 445 Ferrnat362,379,382 Hubble, E. 55 Feme!, Jean 148 Hund 108 Flamsteed 323 Huxley. T.H. 290-292 passim, 296, 297, Fontaney, Jean de 322 337,376,395 Fryer, John 355, 362, 372, 378-380 pas­ Huygens, C. 379, 419 sim, 385, 386 Hymers. J. 379 Galen 65, 175 Isabella I, Queen 305 Galileo 6, 56, 62, 66, 85, 150, 153, 156, 158, 159, 169, 176, 189-194 passim, Jartoux, Pere 320 217,419 Jen, C.K. see Ren Zhigong Galloway, T. 379 Jenner, Edward 332 Gama, Vasco da 303, 305 Gamow, G. 102, 169 Kant, I. 60, 85, 86, 151, 193 Gassendi 85 Karman, T. von 444 Gauss 251, 419 Kekule 71 Gerbillon, Jean Francois 319 Kennelly, A.E. 380 Gilbert 158, 159 Kepler, J. 158, 191, 323, 353, 354 Giles 268 Klein, 0. 72,441,442 Ginzburg, V.L. 84 Kozyrev, H.A. 79 GMel,K.83 Kreye~C.T.377, 378 Goodnow 398 Kruschev, N. 49 Gordon 72 Kuhn, T.S. 74 Gowland, W. 228 Grabau, A. W. 409 Lagrange, J.G. 378 Lamarck 290, 300, 376 Haeckel 294, 300 Lanchester, G. 271, 272, 274, 275 Hagen 105 Laplace, M. 379, 419 Hardy, G.H. 448 Lavoisier, A.L. 66, 192, 419 Harvey, William66, 122,175,191 Lee, John Yiubong see Li Yaobang Hawking, S. 101, 102 Lee, Y.W. see Li Yurong Heath, T.L. 280 Leibniz 84, 85, 125, 152, 419 Hegel, G.W.F. 29, 36, 86, 87, 163 Lenin, V.I. 8, 10, 36, 79, 191 Heine, H. 60 Lenz, K. 151 Heisenberg, W. 436 Libbrecht, U. 243 Helmholtz, H. 329 Licent, Emile 298, 299 INDEX OF NON-CHINESE NAMES 461 Linde, 0. 99 Newcomen, R. 152 Lindley, J. 355 Newton, I. 37, 56, 72, 84-88 passim, 95- Linnaeus 192 98 passim, 102, 153, 157, 176, 190- Lippershey, H. 158 194 passim, 208, 294, 323, 330, 355, Lobachevsky 73 378,419 Loomis, E. 354 Nicolas, Jean 341 Louis XIV 322 Nietzsche 82 Louis XV 207 Nishina, Y. 441, 442 Love, H.H. 409 Norman, R. 159 Lucretius 79 Lund,T.380 Oersted 64, 150, 151 Lyapunov 105 Lyell, C. 290, 356, 376 Painleve, Paul 403 Lysenko 27. 29, 31,34-52 passim Paley, R. 447,448 Palissy 190 Macartney, George 324 Papin 152 Macgowan, J. 290 Paracelsus 148, 190 MacGowan, D.J. 375, 376, 377 Parmenides 79, 80, 86, 89, 90 Macroni, G. 420 Parrenin, D. 319 Maddin, R. 228 Pascal, B. 379 Magellan 148, 303, 305, 308 Pasteur, L. 107, 108, 299 Manuel I, King 305 Pauli, W. 73 Marr, N.Y. 44 Pavlov 49 Martin, W.A.P. 360 Pereira, Thomas 319 Marx, K. 5, 7, 9, 29, 38, 80, 90, 91, 163, Planck, M. 210 186,187,191,237,295 Plato 80, 81, 86, 90, 159, 172,284 Maxwell, J.C. 151 Pliny 188 McTaggard, J.E. 90 Plutarch 172 Medhurst, W.H. 352 Poincare 105 Mendel, G. 37, 42, 69 Polo, Marco 304 Mendeleev 294 Popov 420 Mersenne, Marin 329 Popper, K. 89 Michurin 37 Posidonus 310 Mikame, Yoshio 243 Prigogine, I. 105 Miller, A. 109, 275 Ptolemy 65, 74, 169, 170, 175, 176,311 Millikan, Robert A. 208, 210, 439-446 Pu1zunov 420 passim Pythagoras 81, 249, 308 Minkowski 89, 90 Moivre, A. de 378 Raman, C.B. 436 Monod,J. 104,105 Ramus 176 Montel401 Regis, Jean Baptiste 320 Montgolfier 387 Reichenbach 91 Morgan, A.D. 32, 41, 42, 69, 354, 444 Reinsch, Paul Samuel 403 Moule, A.C. 269-273 passim, 276 Rho, J. 280 Muris, Joannes de 247 Ricci, Matteo 57, 181,257,316,347,353, 358 Napier, C. 351 Richard I, King of Spain 305 Needham, Joseph 137, 167,213,215,243, Richardson 69 250,271,273,275,321,322 Riemann 73 462 INDEX OF NON-CHINESE NAMES RosenblUth 118 Valla, G.
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