All local college students are Cbarlea Kkrtaer and K «1 J. Due to inclement weather, the annual Sunday School picnic of St. cordially Invited to attend the Ini­ The Weather ' Campbell left by automobile thU tial meeting of the Manchester Ikbout Town morning for Boston! They were James's Church was poatponed Fsreeast of D. s. W m Umt OBrass this morning by Rev. Vincent College Club for the current expecting to *ee the baseball game school year at the Manchester between the ROd Sox and the Hines, the school principal. Father ^ th* 4-yMr-old lion of Hines announced that the affair High School tonight between 8 and Cloody, nwisiloBal rsia 'toalght White Sox In Boatori and although 10 o’clock. Plans jrill be completed wnson. Of M North otreet, It was raining when they left they will be held this coming Tuesday, sad Frldayi warmsr FrMsy. hlB birthday Sunday and weather permitting. at this meeting for the outing, decided to make the trip, hoping sponsored by ^the club, to be held Orford Parish Chapter.) i another arranged for a party that the game would be played. H OB the lawn whlich waa at- Meetings of St. James’s Holy before the school term commences. D. A. R., Is D onor; No LIVK8TOCK by 13 of hla young friend*. Name socletw which were discon­ CATTI,E MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1940 Marcel Dome, steward at the tinued during the summer, will be Members o f the Hl-T Club will Ceremonies Held. CALL (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE, THREE CENTS toma* J. Quinn of Summit American Legion Home on I,eon- resumeuxhext week. The meeting assemble at the main Post Office • POULTRY 65 88 it, aalecman for the W. O. ard street. Ill since his return from next week will be held on Wednes­ this evening at • o’clock to attend A silken United States flag a picnic meeting at Coventry Prompt! M y Company, 1* conflned to Danbury Saturday where he con­ day, after' which a regular meet­ was presented to the Manchester Safe! home by nines*. tracted ptomaine poisoning from ing night will be selected. (Lake. Town Court this morning and waa EED 34-Hoar ‘Big Business^ eating clams, la Improved, but un­ accepted by Judge Raymond R. AT House Committee Service’ mCsiNt** lVS»»WSW7aa able to return to work. Bowers on behalf of the court of- j tomatOf corn on the cob* buiiba Seen Seeking German Fliers Follow flclals. The flag, given by Orford LARSEN'S Manchester Taxi ham, rolls and coffee. Peach Mrs. Maiy Dougan today oc­ Parish Chapter, D. A. R., stands shortcake. Only^At cupied her house on Garden street. beside the Judge’s bench. FEED^ERVICE Joa. M. Orfitell, Prop. Favors Draft Bill Mrs. Dougan leased the bouse two HALE'S SELF SERVE No presentation ceremony mark- Offlee At The Tea Boom . .“IS CENTS. To Aid Hitler 58 Depot Squjt^^ Phone 5406 1 ARTHUH'S years ago and moved to Hartford. The Original In New England! i cd the placing of the flag in the She has returned to Manchester Up Big Night Attack; CAN YOU GET i and is again to mal'.e her home For 21-45 Group Attempt to Force Adop­ DECKLE EDGE ^ here. AND HEALTH MARKET tion of Appeasement PRIISTS O-s. A five room single dwelling at LET US DEVELOP .AND 40 Eldridge street waa sold today Acts Quickly After Sen- Horses Going Arpund Call ' Program barged by PRINT by William and Rachel Herron to THURSDAY SPECIALS Stini Up State Official Texas Representative. f Reich Receives Blows YOUR NEXT ROLI.: j Anna S. Camarata who has re­ Hale’s Presents ate Passage So Its Ver­ cently moved to Manchester from Gre^n Stamps Given With Cash Sales. 29c and 39c sion of Legislation Boise, Idaho, Aug. 29.—M>)— Washington, Aug. 29— OP) — Indiana. The transaction was "The voice over the telephone Berlin Residents Sweep Thoiisanils of Incendi* completed bv Robert H. .Smith for Might Be Brought to said: RepresentaUve. Patman (D-Tex) Arthur Drug Store the Robert .Smith, Inc., agency. It’s Annual > /fide on Bus j. told the Dies committee today he Up Glass and Debris Confectionery Sugar Floor for Possible Fi­ "Hurry! 'There's a bunch of ary, High Explosive horses running around in cir­ believed there was "a deliberate From Scores of British Boiiihs Cause Destruc­ nal Vote Next Week. cles.” attempt" on the part of certain In Blackout 3 pkg,. 20c Fearing an outbreak of brain "big business" groups In this Bombs Which Kill 10 tion, Death and In­ SPECIAL FOR Washington, Aug. 29.— fever among the blooded ani­ country to force adoption of an Persons, Injure 30, 30-Oiinee Can Burt Olney mals at the Western Idaho Is Described jury in All Parts o f OISE W EEK FREE — (A P )—The House Military Fair. Dr. R. T. Powell,^ state appeasement program toward Hit­ ler. Set .Strinp o f Fires USE OF CAMERA •Thursday Committee approved today a director of animal industry, England and Wales; Wash, Lubricalioii Tomato Juice 3 for 25c dispatched his aaslstant. , The Texan, urging the commit­ And Di(; ( >aters in DURING OUR Burke-Wadsworth conscrip­ tee to Investigate what he said ISothing Quito Like Ex- Renewal o f Raids Be­ tion bill calling for drafting He found a raerry-go-rdnnd. $1.50 PICTURE CONTEST llale’e ------- — -----------—— -------------- ^ was "an unholy alliance" between Three - Hour Attack. porionco in Crossing gins During Afternoon SHELL GAS - OIL AM ) •Friday of men from 21 to 44 years of certain parts of "big business” and age, inclusive—a much wider the distribution of Nasi propa­ Industrial Section of ACCESSORIES WEEKLY PRIZE! i,b. 14c Beilin, Aug. 29.— (AP) — Rulietin! Red Bag Coffee age range than that provided ganda in this country waa told by Chairman Dies fD-Tex) that com­ The German high command London During Raitl. London, A ur. 29,— (A P )— Cook's HoIIywtiod ENTER NOW! i •Saturday in the bill which the Senate House Curbs Hale’s This event was planned several mittee agents already were doing reported receiving as well as Nearly 200 German planes pa.ssed last night. The House so but had "found nothing so far." Service months ago through the coop­ giving blows in the aerial war By Milo M. Thompson came over the southeast coast Committee acted quickly aft­ Debate Time Patman testified at a bearing S42 Ea.st Center Str^t KEMP^S III Orange Pekoe Tea l b . 45c accorded him to enable him to sub­ with Britain today. Berlin L/>ndon, Aug. 29.— There is in waves at a great height eration of one of New York’s er Senate passage on a 58 to Telephone 3f>87 mit evidence which he said would residents swept up glass and nothing quite like riding across late today. Some of them pen­ 31 vote so that its version of largest wholesale furriers. substantiate his allegations that doh.-is from scores of British the industrial section of this etrated inland but fled when the legislation might be On Tax Law Carl Byolr, New York publicity bomb.'! which killed 10 per­ blackei-out city in a blacked-out engaKed by fiKhters, without Jell-0_____________ ^kgs. |4c brought to the floor Tuesday man and Army Reserve officer, bad been employed b'y a Nasi son:*, injured .30, set a string bus at the height of London's dropping any bombs. for possible final House pas­ Pinehurst Fresh Butterfish ......... lb. 19c Mr. P. B. Clark, a member o f that Procedure Regulations propagandist. of fires and dug craters in greatest air raid, Mackerel .......... .lb. l.jc sage late next week. Exonerated by Subcommittee part.s of the capital in a W’hen I emerged early today lyondon, Aug. 29.— ( A P I - Pard Dog Food 3 Cans 25c firm, will be hef’e the three days o f Oialrman May (D., Ky.), said So Drastic Call o f ‘Gag Byoir denied the charges and a I’ollock Cod three-hour attack last night. from one of The Associated Press' German air raiders in wide­ SWORDFISH the sale with a large rolleelion o f the House Committee vote approv- Rule’ Heard; Pass­ subcommittee of the Dies Commit­ outposts into the eerie half-light Halibut Ing the bill w r .s 17 to 4, with four tee headed by Representative It was Berlin’s worst air raid. half-shadow contrived by the spread daylight forays tfxlajr Flounder and beautiful fur coats. Committeemen absent. Ha declined age by Nightfall Aim. Dempsey (D-NM) recently exon­ British planes crossed and re- blackout and hundreds of search­ followed up their greatest Haddock Fillets. Pure Lard 2 i,b>. 15c to disclose either the names of erated Byoir, but Patman demand­ crosstd the heart of the city lights t had little hope of catching night attack of the war in 39c lb. ^ ---------------------- those who voted "no" or of the ab- Washington, Aug. 29 — (;p)—in­ ed an opportunity to present his s bus. •entees. case. The Justice Department also as they dropped thundering which thousands of incendi­ ood I jW'U voking procedure regulations so They normally would ail be Pinehurst Meat Department will have Fresh. Native ‘ Defeats Senate Umit exonerated Byoir sifter an FBI in­ charges but two miles f r ^ lined up along the curbs, unmov- ary and high explosive bombs Roasting Chickens, Broilers and Fryers. Order your Thre§f Outstanding Values drastic that the call of "gag rule" vestigation. Senator Charles McNary of Oregon, Republican nominee for vice Adolf Hitler's chancellery.
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