416 MEETING.-4th February 1919. A Meeting of the Wexford county Counoil, w&s held in the County Counoil Chamber, Courthouse, Wexford, on 4th February 1919· Present:- Mr John Eolger (Chairman) presiding. Alse:- Messrs N. J. Fowl~r, J. J. Kehoe, M. Cloney, Mark Codd, R. Soallan, P.N. o'Gorman, J. J. staff rd. The Seoretary, County Surveyer, and R. W. Elgee, County Solioitor were also in attendance. Confirrr.ation of Minutes. The Minutes of last Meeting were read and oonfirmed. Th~ lat~ Mr Phillp Keating. On the moti n of the Chairman, Seoonded by Mr o'Gorman, the following vote f oondelenoe adopted by the Finanoe & Roads Committee was oonfirmed:- "that we offer our deepest sympathy to Mrs Keating in the loss she has sustained through the death of her husband, Mr Phi):1p leating, and" Deoeased w s held in the highest regard by our esteemed C 11 ague- the Members of the Wexf rd County Clu.oil and its Offioials, and by his demise we mourn the llss of a oapable, straightforward, and painstaking pUblio man, Whl, at all times, strove t advanoe the interests If Ireland and th se If his native County.M The following reply to vote of Qondolence was received from Mrs Keating, and on the motion of tr~ Chairman, seconded by Mr o'Gorman. it was decided that this letter should be inserted on the Minutes of Meeting:- "Please convey to the Members of the Finance & Roads Committee of the County Council, my gratitude for their ~jnd vote of sympathy The loss of my beloved husband has been & with ~e in my great sorrow. great blow to Me, yet it is some oonsolation to know that he ~as held I wish to thank you, personally, in high esteem by his Colleagues. Mr Frizelle, for your kind rema~ks and would ask you to convey to the Staff my sinoere thankS for their sympathy.M AdoEtion of Esti~ate of Rates. On the ~ otion of Mr Stafford, seconded by Mr scallan, the following resolution was adopted:- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 417 "That we hereby adapt the Estimate of -Rate for Genera.l a.nd Separate Charges for financial year 1919-20, as recommended by the Finance & Roads Committee, and agree that the Rates in the £ tc be levied off the several Rural District CounCils in respect of General Rate be as foll ws:- Dtstrict L nd. Other Heredit ments. Enniscorthy. ) S/4 7/- Gorey S/l 6/6 New Ross. S/S 7/6 Wexford. 4/9 6/4 and we further determine the amounts to be demanded from Urban Districts of the County to be a.s follows:- Districto / G n"'T'al Charges Sepa.rat C arg s Tota.l. Enniscorthy lS93. 13. 4 12. 10 1604. 6. 2 New R ss 1£384. 17. 3 7. S 189S. 4. B Wexford 3292. 2. 9 16. 1 3323, 0.10 The following recommendations of the Finance & Roads C mmittee were adopted on the motion of Mr Stafford, seconded by Mr Cl ney:- "That we notice from Demand furnished by Asylum Committee an increase under the heading ~Salaries & Wages" of £2700 as compared with last year, and we request the ReSident Medical Superintendent to furnish in time for consideration of the Meeting of the County Council to be held on 4th prox., a statement showing the names and pOSitions of the various Officials of the Asylum and the increased salary given in each ca.se as compared with last year." ~ection with the Estimate and Demand furnished by Enniscorthy RUral Di~triot Council, we observe from the Minutes of Meeting f the R. D. CounCil submitted to this da.y's meeting, that the estimate of the County Surveyor for the mainte.ance of roads and loss on working of quarries has been reduced by £3216. 2. 3d, and that the Rural District Council adopted the same estimates for these matters as were provided last year. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 418 In consequence of this action on the part o~ the District Council the roads of the district are bound to go down, some of the quarries will have to be closed, and the machinery oannot be availed of by Road Contr actors as the District Council have refused to vote funds No course is open to the Finance & Roads for its working. Committee but t o rt'!coITJr.e lld the County Council -and which we do with regret- to instruct the County Survey r to expend on the mainteaance of the roads and works of Enniscorthy Rural District only the amount allocated by the Council." tf'fhe Secretary laid before the meeting statement supplied by Dr !. J. Drapes, R. M. S., Asylum, showing the various increases of salaries given to officials in that Institutiono" Under date 23rd January'" 1919, the Local Government Board wrote (3123-19 9, Wexford County) assenting to consideration of Estimate of 1 Rate at the present Meeting. Duncannon Hulk. In his report tQ the ·~1nance & Roads Committee the County- Surveyor stated:- "I have to report that on the 9th January the Hulk broke from her moorings in the inner harbour, and salvage work had to be I have lately been in communication with undertaken at onceo Mr Friel, Harb ur Engineer, Waterford, and think that it may be advisable to try and come to some arrangement for the disposal of the Hulk, as she is bound to deteriorate if left as at present beached in the inner r~rbour at Duncannon." 'rhe following recommendation of Finance &. Roa.ds Committee was confirmed on the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr KehGe:- ~That the County Surveyor be instructed to sell the Hulk at Duncanno~o the Waterford Harbour Com~issioners provided he can obta~lOO for it." Aat~T'ial .taken from Road No. 125R. In his report to the Finance &. R ads Committee the County Surveyor r eported that he had been informed that materi.. l belonging to the" County Council had been removed from Road 125R. Mr EnniS, Assistant Surveyor, wrote that James ~arkin, , BlaCksmith, Adamstown, had taken a few loads of stones from the © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 41 9 depot, according to the statement made by the Road Contractor. Larkin informed Mr Ennis that his son had taken the stones while he was One or two loads away, but he (Mr Ennis) regarded tbts as unlikely. bad been taken and had been spread at Larkin's gate and inside the yardo Larkin was willing to put the material back, or to pay for same to avoid prosecution. The following recommendatio. from the Finance & Roads Committee was submitted:- "That James Larkin, Blacksmith, Adamstown, be called upon to pay 10/- for stones taken from Road 125R without permission." "The recommendation of Finance & Roads Committee was confirmed on the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr Cl ney." "Second" Measurement of Material. The following report was made by the County Surveyor to the Finance & Roads Committee:- "Some twelve months ago the Council made an order that no material was to be measured in the quarries fDr supply f roads, but to point out noW, that from time to time, where material ~s being obtained at County Council Quarries, and the supply to the contractor has been delayed, it causeS great loss a.nd further delay to require the material to be dumped for measurement on the roa.ds, ~vh.en it is required for iJ!l111eciiate spreading, and I a. sk to be allowed to vary the Council's directions under special Circumstances." The following recommendation of the Finance & Roads Committee was confirmed on the motion of Mr Stafford, seconded by Mr Cloney:- / "That the County Surveyor be empowered to have & measurement of Road Material made in quarries in cases in which he finds such a course absolutely nece sary." Road Drainal!!.!..._ In his report to the Finance & Roads Committee the Co. Surveyor stated:- "Great complaints have been made, from time to time, in regard to the neglect of drainage on many of the road contraots, and I have found great difficulty in getting oontractors to do this work in anything like a satisfactory manner, if at all. In & number of oases I have noted that a thorough re-organization f © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 420 the drainage work. on the contraot roads is neoessary, but would entail very heavy cost on ~ew oontraotors, who might not be responsible for former negleot. I have been oonsidering this matter, and with your approval, I propose varying the future speoifioati ns to oover this w rk. I suggest, th&t when new oontraots are taken in future, that a reduoed tonnage be set out ~or the first year if the contraot only, and that the oontractor within the first six months f his oontraot, be required to thoroughly open •• ery baok water drain and ohannel, watertable and outlet, and to see that all entranoes to gullets and tail-drains for same be thoroughly cleaned. This will prevent any hardship n new c ntraotors, now entering on a oontraot and will entail a thorough over- haul of the drainage at the oommenoement of eaoh oontraot, and its maintenance oan then be easily attended to." !he foll.wing reoommendation of the Finance & Roads Cammitte. was oonfirmed on the motion of Mr Kehoe, seoonded by Mr Cleney:- "That the reoommendat ion of 't he COUJlty Surv.yer as regard! road drain~ge as embodied in his report t. this d~yfs meeting er the Finance & Reads C mmittee be approved." Gorey.
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