IOLA, KANSAS OFFICE OF THE ALLEN COUNTY CLERK January 5, 2020 The Allen County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. with Chairman William H. King, Commissioner Daniels, Commissioner Symes, and Sherrie L. Riebel, Allen County Clerk. Trevor Hoag, Iola Register, Robert Johnson II, Allen County Counselor, Mitch Garner, Public Works Director, Terry Call, Allen County EMS Financial Director, Karen Kimball, Interim Deputy 911 Director, David Lee, Commission District #2 elect, and Paul Zirjacks, citizen, was present to observe the meeting. Chairman King led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioners approved the minutes of the Yearend meeting on December 30, 2020. Chairman King reviewed a few housekeeping rules and masks. Bryan J. Murphy, Allen County Sheriff, Lisse Regehr, Jessica Thompson, Jonathon Goering, Thrive Allen County, and Chelsie Angleton, Interim 911 Director, joined meeting Mitchell Garner, Allen County Public Works Director, discussed the winter weather during the New Year Holiday. Discussion followed on persons having to work on the holiday due to the road conditions with the ice. Lisse Regehr, Thrive Allen County Executive Director, updated Commissioners on the CDBG funding. There are at least 5 other businesses that have applied for CDBG-CV; there is $26,443.39 dollars left to draw down on. Lisse reminded everyone that the SPARKS/CAREs funding is gone and will report how the funding was spent. Discussion followed. Lisse thanked Chairman King for serving on the commission. Jonathon updated the commission on the estimated cost of creating a Allen County Regional Airport Master; it is estimated between $20,000 to $35,000. He would like permission to draft a scope for the airport. They will be using the State for help. Commissioner Symes asked about the details of the difference of costs. Jonathon will be visiting with the company on the difference. Commissioner Daniels stated they will just be creating an RFP first then the commission will decide to proceed or not. Commissioner Symes asked who would be developing the RFP? It was discussed that a Commissioner, Public Works Director, Airport Manager and Airport Engineer would be in on the developing. Commissioner Symes moved to form a group to develop the Master Plan at the Allen County Regional Airport. Commissioner Daniels seconded; motion passed 3-0-0. Commissioner Daniels and Mitch will be attending a Zoom meeting Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at Thrive Allen County to discuss the feasibility of development and industrial site of the Allen County Regional Airport. Individuals at the state level have offered their services. Discussion followed. Jody Mader, applicant for the 911 Director’s position joined the meeting. Jessica discussed the broadband grant. Letters of support from individuals, financial institute, schools and public. Commissioner Symes moved to go into executive session for 5 minutes to discuss attorney client privileges. Commissioner Symes seconded; motion passed 3-0-0. Those in the room will be Chairman King, Commissioner Symes, Commissioner Daniels, David Lee and Robert Johnson, II, Allen County Counselor. The time is now 8:46 a.m. Commissioners reconvened at 9:51 a.m. No action was taken. Commissioner Symes moved to go into executive session for 5 minutes to discuss attorney client privileges. Commissioner Symes seconded; motion passed 3-0-0. Those in the room will be Chairman King, Commissioner Symes, Commissioner Daniels, David Lee and Robert Johnson, II, Allen County Counselor. The time is now 8:52 a.m. Commissioners reconvened at 8:57 a.m. No action was taken. Chairman King and commissioners requested Jessica to pursue the Broadband Grant. Chelsie presented some pictures of the 911 garage area before painting and after. Definitely improvement. The City of Iola EMS has let 911 use the Ambulance Building for PPE storage until the garage has been painted and shelving is completed. Chelsie discussed the portable radio’s she had requested earlier. She stated she visited with the Sheriff about radios. There was a misunderstanding, Jason does have an 800 radio – it’s actually sits on his desk at all times. Jason and Chelsie had been talking about end of year budget and he was hopeful that he would be able to upgrade and replace his current radio as it is 16 years old (or older) and doesn’t hold a charge. His request for a new radio was to have a single radio capable of receiving and transmitting on a single device as opposed to carrying two radios. It had been the recommendation of many to expend remaining funds within the EM budget by the end of the year, and the replacement radio would have been a functional asset to the EM program. Had the upgrade been approved, the ownership of the current radio would have been transferred to another agency within the county that may have had a need for it. The UHF radio that Jason has, has proven unreliable in his experience. The batteries do not hold a charge and the spares are incompatible with the charger due to their chemical composition. Chelsie will be looking at options. Commissioner Daniels moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss non- elected personnel. Commissioner Symes seconded; motion passed 3-0-0. Those in the room will be Chairman King, Commissioner Symes, Commissioner Daniels, Robert Johnson, II, Allen County Counselor, Jody Mader, candidate for 911 director. and David Lee, Candidate for Commission District #2. The time is now 9:07 a.m. Commissioners reconvened at 9:22 a.m. No action was taken. Lacie Culbertson, applicant for the 911 Director’s position joined the meeting. Commissioner Daniels moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss non- elected personnel. Commissioner Symes seconded; motion passed 3-0-0. Those in the room will be Chairman King, Commissioner Symes, Commissioner Daniels, Robert Johnson, II, Allen County Counselor, Lacie Culbertson, candidate for 911 director and David Lee, Candidate for Commission District #2. The time is now 9:25 a.m. Commissioners reconvened at 9:40 a.m. No action was taken. Michael Burnett, Iola/Allen County EMS Director, and Chase Waggoner, City of Iola Fire Chief reported on ambulance bids. Michael had asked for four bids and received three. The three bidders were: American Response Vehicles, a 2021 AEV Traumahawk F550 for a total of $229,385.00 build time of 120 to 180 days and Osage for an Osage 2021, Super- Warrior F550 for a total of $234,839.00 build time of 270 days; and SERVS (Southern Emergency & Rescue Vehicle Sales, LLC) for a 2021 F550 623 for $262,897.00 build time 210- 250. He reported it is the identical bid except for the walk-through door between the cab and back due to COVID-19. Discussion followed on the old ambulance that will be out of rotation. This will be the City of Iola’s 4th ambulance. Michael recommended the American Response Vehicles (ARV). Commissioner Daniels moved to approve ARV for $229,385.00. Commissioner Symes seconded; motion passed 3-0-0. Sherrie reported for 2020 the County paid $1,053,992.24 to the City of Iola for Ambulance Contract and with the 1.8% CPI Allen County will be paying $1,072,964.10 in 2021. Commissioner Symes moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss Attorney Client Privilege. Commissioner Daniels seconded; motion passed 3-0-0. Those in the room will be Chairman King, Commissioner Symes, Commissioner Daniels, Robert Johnson, II, Allen County Counselor, and David Lee, Candidate for Commission District #2. The time is now 9:53 a.m. Commissioners reconvened at 10:03 a.m. No action was taken. Commissioner Symes moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss non- elected personnel. Commissioner Daniels seconded; motion passed 3-0-0. Those in the room will be Chairman King, Commissioner Symes, Commissioner Daniels, Robert Johnson, II, Allen County Counselor, and David Lee, Candidate for Commission District #2. The time is now 10:05 a.m. Commissioners reconvened at 10:20 a.m. No action was taken. Commissioner Symes moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non- elected personnel. Commissioner Daniels seconded; motion passed 3-0-0. Those in the room will be Chairman King, Commissioner Symes, Commissioner Daniels, Robert Johnson, II, Allen County Counselor, and David Lee, Candidate for Commission District #2. The time is now 10:22 a.m. Commissioners reconvened at 10:32 a.m. No action was taken. Commissioner Daniels discussed the 911 Director position. They had four good applicants. All interesting and capable. Commissioner Daniels moved to appoint Chelsie Angleton as the 911 Director. Commissioner Symes seconded; motion passed 3-0-0. Commissioner Daniels commented to Chairman King he appreciated the thank less service to Allen County for over 20 years as director and commissioner and friendship. Bruce said what he has learned from him is invaluable. Enjoyed working with him. Commissioners reviewed “Added” tax forms, fund status for end of the year, thank you note from the Humanity House, Annual Inventories from Public Works Department and Moran Senior/Community Building. Commissioners received an updated report for CDBG-CV grant, shows there is still $26,443.39 yet to draw down on. Commissioners approved the following documents: a) Clerk’s vouchers - $152.525.08 b) Journal Vouchers - #77 c) Payroll - Vacation carry over of 40.5 hours for Dathan McMurtrey to be used by June 16, 2021 d) Payroll - Pay increase for Brian Plumlee of another .50. e) Payroll – New hire Taven Tavarez in the jail. f) Abatements PP Value 6248, $938.54, Yr 2020 With no further business to come before the board, Commissioner Symes moved to adjourn, Commissioner Daniels seconded, and motion passed 3-0-0.
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