Performance Committee Agenda - Agenda MEETING AGENDA PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE Thursday 1 December 2016 at 4.30pm COUNCIL CHAMBER LIARDET STREET NEW PLYMOUTH Chairperson: Cr Richard Jordan Members: Cr Marie Pearce (Deputy) Cr Gordon Brown Cr Harry Duynhoven Cr Colin Johnston Cr Craig McFarlane Cr John McLeod Mayor Neil Holdom 1 Performance Committee Agenda - Agenda PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE PURPOSE 1. To monitor the Council’s performance, progress and financial position against, and to ensure actions are compliant with legislation, strategies, policies and plans. 2. To enable delivery of operational activities in accordance with approved plans and policies where those actions are beyond the delegations to Council staff. Addressing the committee Members of the public have an opportunity to address the committee during the public forum section or as a deputation. A public forum section of up to 30 minutes precedes all committee meetings. Each speaker during the public forum section of a meeting may speak for up to 10 minutes. In the case of a group a maximum of 20 minutes will be allowed. A request to make a deputation should be made to the secretariat within two working days before the meeting. The chairperson will decide whether your deputation is accepted. The chairperson may approve a shorter notice period. No more than four members of a deputation may address a meeting. A limit of 10 minutes is placed on a speaker making a presentation. In the case of a group a maximum of 20 minutes will be allowed. Purpose of Local Government The reports contained in this agenda address the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to decision making. Unless otherwise stated, the recommended option outlined in each report meets the purpose of local government and: Will help meet the current and future needs of communities for good-quality local infrastructure, local public services, and performance of regulatory functions in a way that is most cost-effective for households and businesses; Would not alter significantly the intended level of service provision for any significant activity undertaken by or on behalf of the Council, or transfer the ownership or control of a strategic asset to or from the Council. END 2 Performance Committee Agenda - Health and Safety Health and Safety Message In the event of an emergency, please follow the instructions of Council staff. Please exit through the main entrance. Once you reach the footpath please turn right and walk towards Pukekura Park, congregating outside the Spark building. Please do not block the foothpath for other users. Staff will guide you to an alternative route if necessary. If there is an earthquake – drop, cover and hold where possible. Please be mindful of the glass overhead. Please remain where you are until further instruction is given. 3 Performance Committee Agenda - Deputations DEPUTATIONS Pat Sole, Robin Drake, Sue Marsh re Acquisition of Land for Service Lane, Cutfield Street, Inglewood 4 Performance Committee Agenda - Table of Contents REPORTS Items for Decision by Committee 1 VTT Quarterly Performance Report to 30 September 2016 2 Quarterly Performance Report to 30 September 2016 3 Capital Expenditure Performance Report to 30 September 2016 4 Temporary Road Closure - Waitara Street Sprint 5 Temporary Road Closure – Americana New Plymouth 6 Temporary Road Closure – Americana Waitara 7 Temporary Road Closure – Americana Inglewood 8 Temporary Road Closure – Inglewood Lions Centennial Parade 9 Temporary Road Closure – Velo Deus 20 Bicycle Race 10 Temporary Road Closure – WOMAD 2017 11 Temporary Road Closure – Yarrow Stadium Events 12 Amendments to Parking Controls (Prohibitions) 13 Oil & Gas Update 14 Delegated Authority Contracts Items for Recommendation to Council 15 Central Landfill Memorandum of Understanding 16 Stopping and Legalisation of Road, Hine Street, New Plymouth 17 Road Naming Report November 2016 18 Road Legalisation – Acquisition of Land for Service Lane, Cutfield Street, Inglewood 19 Exclusion of the public for the remainder of the meeting 5 Performance Committee Agenda - Table of Contents This page is intentionally blank . -------------------------------------------------------End of Report --------------------------------------------------- 6 1 Performance Committee Agenda - Decision - VTT Quarterly Performance Report to 30 September 2016 Item For Decision VENTURE TARANAKI QUARTER ONE 2016/17 REPORT PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to present the Venture Taranaki Trust (VTT) Quarter One Report for the period 1 July to 30 September 2016 to the Council. RECOMMENDATION That, having considered all matters raised in the report, the report be noted. SIGNIFICANCE AND ENGAGEMENT This report is provided for information purposes only, and has been assessed as being of some importance. DISCUSSION VTT is a Council-controlled Organisation (CCO) responsible for delivering New Plymouth District Council’s active economic development initiatives. Under the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA), the Venture Taranaki Trustees (the Trustees) must present a draft Statement of Intent (SOI) each year for the Council to review. The Trustees develop an annual business plan focusing on the business support and services, sector support and interventions, and project work the Trust will undertake in 2016/17. This was submitted to the Council and forms the basis of these quarterly performance monitoring reports. The 2016/17 Business Plan is broken into four interrelated sections – business support and services, sector support and services (including a specific visitor industry sub- section), projects, and partnerships. Council officers received the VTT 2016/17 Quarter One report on 18 October 2016 (see Appendix One). The report is a summary only, recognising that the six-monthly report will be more substantive as per outcomes of a review of VTT. FINANCIAL AND RESOURCING IMPLICATIONS There are no new financial and resourcing implications arising from this information report. The VTT quarterly report includes a forecast versus actual budget summary and project and activity breakdown for the quarter. 7 1 Performance Committee Agenda - Decision - VTT Quarterly Performance Report to 30 September 2016 Item For Decision IMPLICATIONS ASSESSMENT This report confirms that the matter concerned has no particular implications and has been dealt with in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002. Specifically: Council staff have delegated authority for any decisions made; Council staff have identified and assessed all reasonably practicable options for addressing the matter and considered the views and preferences of any interested or affected persons (including Māori), in proportion to the significance of the matter; Any decisions made will help meet the current and future needs of communities for good-quality local infrastructure, local public services, and performance of regulatory functions in a way that is most cost-effective for households and businesses; Unless stated above, any decisions made can be addressed through current funding under the Long-Term Plan and Annual Plan; Any decisions made are consistent with the Council's plans and policies; and No decisions have been made that would alter significantly the intended level of service provision for any significant activity undertaken by or on behalf of the Council, or would transfer the ownership or control of a strategic asset to or from the Council. APPENDICES Appendix: Venture Taranaki Quarterly Report to New Plymouth District Council, Quarter One: 1 July - 30 September 2016 (ECM 7259560). Report Details Prepared By: Kathryn Scown (Senior Policy Advisor) Team: Policy Development Approved By: Mitchell Dyer (Policy Development Lead) Ward/Community: District Wide Date: 1 November 2016 File Reference: ECM7268684 -------------------------------------------------------End of Report --------------------------------------------------- 8 1 Performance Committee Agenda - Decision - VTT Quarterly Performance Report to 30 September 2016 Venture TARANAKI Te Puna Umanga QUARTERLY REPORT TO NEW PLYMOUTH DISTRICT COUNCIL QUARTER ONE 1 JULY - 30 SEPTEMBER 2016 VENTURE TARANAKI IS AN INITIATIVE OF VENTURE TARANAKI: QUARTER 1 2016-2017 1 9 1 Performance Committee Agenda - Decision - VTT Quarterly Performance Report to 30 September 2016 This summary report provides an overview of activity and associated outcomes undertaken by Venture Taranaki between 1 July and 30 September 2016. The work programme of Venture Taranaki is defined by its agreed business plan for the 2016-2017 year. Submitted to New Plymouth District Council: 18 October 2016 QUARTER 1 / 2016-2017 In an economic landscape where our core industries are under price pressure from global forces, the move to diversify our region’s income streams becomes increasingly important. An impetus continues in many of the industries that perhaps get less attention than energy and dairying, with manufacturing and tourism building strong momentum. The broader manufacturing sector contributes $888 million to Taranaki’s GDP – 11 percent of the regional total – and results in 8,619 jobs. Dairy manufacturing contributes more than 20 percent of these positions, as does combined metal, machinery and engineering. Tourism has been another strong performer over recent months, with the sector further helping Taranaki manage the impacts of global commodity fluctuations. Regional visitor numbers grew 8.5 percent year-on-year to the end of June, which compares to nationwide growth of 5.8 percent –
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