Faith Academy 2020-2021 Confidence in our Community Throughout the past few months, our constant prayer for all of us has been that "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." As we have wrestled with what's happening in our world and what our response to the pandemic should be, we have certainly been in need of God's peace. Faith Academy's mission and purpose remain stronger than ever during these challenging times. According to TEA, "Research from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), among others, has found that while children do get infected by COVID-19 and some severe outcomes have been reported in children, relatively few children with COVID-19 are hospitalized or have severe symptoms. Furthermore, the American Academy of Pediatrics notes that COVID-19 risks must be balanced with the need for children to attend school in person, given that lack of physical access to school leads to a number of negative consequences." We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to be thoughtful and comprehensive in our approach to welcoming everyone back to campus. Over the past few months, our Executive Leadership Team and Academic Team have developed and continue to refine not only our return to campus for the 2020-2021 school year, but also both safety and learning continuity for our students and staff. Campus Opens Aug. 18 Faith Academy's re-entry process is guided by careful consideration of our School Board, NAUMS, ACSI, TEA, TAPPS, Governor Abbott and our local officials. Faith Academy is able to adhere to required protocol and make necessary modifications needed to support students safely returning to campus. Governor Abbott has lifted No Yes the school closure mandate. Parents and No: Guardians are Possible Scenarios: Online Learning: comfortable with *Travel requiring quarantine their child(ren) *Required to self-quarantine due to exposure to Syncronous returning to the COVID Instruction *Immuno-compromised or underlying health physical campus. conditions Yes On Campus Learning Live/Synchronous Your child(ren) will begin school on Instruction and the physical campus with the expectations that specific health and Asynchronous Continue to practice and safety procedures will be followed. prepare for ... Instruction Faith Academy 2020-2021 Life on Campus Expect the Same Faith Academy partners with parents using the University Model® of education to lead students to KNOW Jesus as their Faith Family Excellence personal savior, GROW in both faith and academic excellence, and GO into the world as lifetime disciples of Christ. Discipleship Community Faith Academy 2020-2021 FAMF Re-entry: Guided by Governor Abbott/Burnet County Level of Community Spread (as determined Low/No Spread Moderate Spread Substantial Spread by state and local health RECOMMENDATIONS officials) RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS Practicing SCHOOL CONSIDERATIONS: SCHOOL CONSIDERATIONS: SCHOOL CONSIDERATIONS DURING CAMPUS CLOSURE: Prevention Teach and reinforce good hygiene measures Teach and reinforce good hygiene measures such as such as hand washing, covering coughs, and hand washing, covering coughs, and the optional use Use social media and other the optional use of face coverings of face coverings communications to inform parents, Provide hand soap and/or hand sanitizer Provide hand soap and/or hand sanitizer with at least students, and staff about COVID-19 with at least 60% alcohol, paper towels, and 60% alcohol, paper towels, and no-touch trash cans in symptoms, preventative measures, good no-touch trash cans in all bathrooms and all bathrooms, classrooms, and frequently trafficked hygiene, and school specific protocols classrooms areas Post signage to communicate COVID-19 Post signage to communicate COVID-19 symptoms, Encourage COVID-19 testing symptoms, preventative measures preventative measures (including staying home when (including staying home when sick), good sick), good hygiene, and school specific protocols. CDC Guidance: hygiene, and school specific protocols Clean/disinfect frequently touched surfaces at least How to Protect Yourself and Others Clean/disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily and shared objects after each use COVID-19 Symptoms at least daily and shared objects after each Face covering requirements will be determined as per COVID-19 and Children use current law Communication Tools Allow students and staff to bring hand Provide masks and other appropriate PPE to staff sanitizer and face masks/coverings to use Ask students and staff to bring hand sanitizer and face Face covering requirements will be CDC COVID-19 Self-Checker masks/coverings for possible use determined as per current law Take steps to ensure all water systems and features Turn off fountains and allow students and Texas's COVID-19 Hotline are safe staff to bring water bottles from home Call 2-1-1 Turn off water fountains and allow students and staff Ensure ventilation systems operate properly to bring water bottles from home and increase circulation of outdoor air as Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and Crisis Contacts: much as possible, as long as this does not increase circulation of outdoor air as much as Call: 800-985-5590 pose a safety or health risk to students or possible, as long as this does not pose a safety or staff health risk to students or staff Texas Mental Health Hotline Conduct deep cleaning of schools prior to Conduct deep cleaning of schools prior to Call: 800-841-1255 students/staff returning; schedule periodic students/staff returning; schedule additional cleanings during weekends or school cleanings during weekends or school holidays/breaks. holidays/breaks (to the extent practicable) CDC Guidance: Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and CDC Guidance Disinfecting Schools Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Schools Faith Academy 2020-2021 Life SCHOOL CONSIDERATIONS: SCHOOL CONSIDERATIONS: School buildings are closed KP-12: On only essential staff report in-person Implement standard operating Post signage to communicate COVID-19 symptoms, to carry out functions that are Campus procedures while taking preventative preventative measures (including staying home when absolutely necessary. measures such as: sick), good hygiene, and school specific protocols. Provide hand sanitizer for students and staff Establish a protocol for students/staff who feel ill/experience symptoms when they come to school. SCHOOL CONSIDERATIONS: Post signage to communicate COVID-19 symptoms, preventative measures (including staying home when sick), good Screen students and staff (to the extent practicable): School leaders should leverage virtual hygiene, and schoool specific protocols tools and platforms wherever possible to Establish a protocol for visitors: screen, enforce social conduct essential business and keep in- Establish a protocol for students/staff who person reporting to an absolute minimum feel ill/experience symptoms when they distancing, encourage use of face coverings/masks, etc., come to school. during school closures Establish a protocol for student pickup/drop-off Provide an isolation room for Monitor email and FAMF website for students/staff who experience symptoms. updates Establish a protocol for visitors PARENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: PARENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: Teach and reinforce proper hygiene Teach and reinforce proper hygiene measures such as measures such as hand washing and hand washing and covering coughs, and use of face covering coughs, and use of face coverings coverings Screen students: See Self-Screening Symptoms Section Screen students before coming onto This list does not include all possible symptoms and campus: children and youth with COVID-19 infection may experience any, all, or none of these symptoms. (See Self-Screening Symptoms Section) Take temperature daily Take temperature daily Keep student at home if temperature is Keep student at home if temperature is over 100.4 degrees. See Suspected or over 100.4 degrees. See Suspected or Confirmed Protocols Section for further Confirmed Protocols Section for further requirements requirements Quarantine students for 14 days if exposed Quarantine students for 14 days if exposed to COVID-19 to COVID-19 Consider COVID-19 testing if student Consider COVID-19 testing if student exhibits symptoms exhibits symptoms Inform school if student is exposed and/or tests positive Inform school if student is exposed and/or for COVID-19 tests positive for COVID-19 Faith Academy 2020-2021 Transporting Students: SCHOOL CONSIDERATIONS: SCHOOL CONSIDERATIONS: School buildings are closed KP-12. Follow all guidelines set forth by Field Trips Implement standard operating procedures Provide hand sanitizer for students and bus drivers Sporting while taking preventative measures such TAPPS for athletics. Events as: Encourage use of face masks for bus drivers; allow students to wear face masks/coverings Providing hand sanitizer for students and bus drivers Face covering requirements will be determined as per current law Allowing bus drivers and students to wear face masks/coverings Screen students and bus drivers for symptoms of illness and utilize spaced seating Limiting field trips (to areas of limited/low transmission) Eliminate field trips Cleaning and disenfecting frequently Clean and disinfect after each use frequently touched touched surfaces on the bus surfaces on the bus Airing out buses when not in use Conducting SCHOOL CONSIDERATIONS: SCHOOL CONSIDERATIONS: School buildings are closed KP-12. Large Group Abide by
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