•- 1, 194G I ~ GOOD MORN lNG, IOWA CITY! t--artly cloudy and warmer today with the highest tdmperature between 80 and 85. Low tonight be­ owan tween 60 and 65. Eatabllahed 1868 VoL 78, No. 295-AP New. and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Wedneaclay. Sept. 4. 1946-Five Centa mnities a N.Y. Democrats Blast Dewey~ : Council Hear Case Against Greece ~ote Ref~es Line Up ~ead as Opposition --~~--------------------------- .lifo's (Ialms U.S. Votes in Favor .~~zi Leaders ' Make Final Pleas at Nuernberg By THI! ASSOCIATED pal!88 Of Violations New York. political, conventions Of Allowing Ukraine sounded the gong for p hot eam- paign yesterday when DemO<'rats To. Air Complaints Says Planes 'Othe, cut loose on Gov. Thomas E. Than American' Made Dewey 83 Republicans met to By FRAN IS W. CARPENTER nominate him for another term. LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y . (JP)-The Trips Over Yugoslavia United Nations security council Both party conventions held last night agreed to hear Soviet By GRAHAM HOVEY over the actual naming of can­ Ukrainian charges against the WASHINGTON (JP)-The United didates until today. Greek government. The vote taken States notified Yugoslavia last New York Democrats, in Al­ after four hours debate, was seven ni.eht that it expects "suitable In­ bany, lined up Sen. James M. to Itwo, with two abstaining. demnification" tor the families of Mead to Buck Dewey tor the gov­ The nations voting for putting five Americans whose plane was ernor ship. the case before the council were shot down, plus compensation tor state chairman Paul E. Fitzpat­ the United States, France, Egypt, property damage. rick got U1ings goings by calling Mexico, Poland, Russia and China. It also denied with tacle and fig­ Dewey a false Those opposing were Great Bri­ ures Marshal Tilo's charges that lib era I. Mrs. tain and the Netherlands. American plane made 278 unau­ thorized flights over Yugoslavia MRS. ROOSEVELT Eleanor Roose­ Australia and Brazil abstained. velt rollowed. up between July HI nnd Aug. 29 and The council then adjourned until offered Its ofllcial conclusIon: with a keynote 1:45 p. m. (CST) today. violations of YUCOllav add res s -; the The issue was decided early last "Ttl., first by a woman territor!' by the planl!ll lee lorth 'AFL Truck Strike night when Dr. C. L. Hsla, Chinese In your rovernment'. Dote . - in a similar delegate, said he would vote to tone. Dewey, she . • moat bave been made b1 hear the case on the same basis planes other lhan AmerlcaD Perils Food Supply said, merely fol­ as that advanced by the United planes." lowed the pion­ States earlier. Seven votes were This cryptic remark was reiter­ In , eering traiJ oi needed to approve the UkrainJan New York City Democratic ated tour time. but without any demand. amplification. pre dec essors. The UnHed States had agreed to 'NEW YORK (.4')-A wage and This government's lntest word on She IIsled her DEWEY . hear the charges on the grounds hOUl dispute between AFL union the incidents was in a note to the late husband, Frallklin D. Roose­ that the council could not refuse Yugoslav charge d'aUalres here, truck drivers and three major to 11ear any complaint brought by t r·uc kin g concerns yesterday velt, Alfred E. Smith and Herbert Dr. Sergile Makiedo, Irom Under­ H. Lehman. a In ember of the United Nations. secretary ot State- William L. Clay­ bfou&ht Idleness, union spokesmen At the same time the United States IIlld," to 100,000 workers and a Lehman looked like a sure .~hot ton, in charge at the state depart­ declined to oomment on the valid­ tireat of' food shorlages in some for the Democratic nomination to ment in the ab. cnce of Secretary \ty of U1e Ukrainian cOl)'lplaint. itts of greater New York City. the senate seal Mead now occu- Bym and undersecretary Ache­ The voUng was marked by a ~"' . and P., one of the largest pies. son. store chalns in the city, said In the Republican convention at split between the lfnited States and Clayton said he was "constrained Great Britain on the question of to advise" that the Uruted States tood is being delivered to our Saratoga Springs, Ass e m b I y procedure. The British attempted, had "confldently xpected that the res." Leader Irving M. Iv~ s apparently E along with the Netherlands, to expressions ot Yugoslav regrets Un ion spokesmen, however, said had the inside track" to the sena­ keep the case from the agenda in respecting th loss of members of Qtal 'commodities had been moved torial nomination. what the British delegate called its the crew who were kllled as a Ii . keeping with ' an agreement State Chairman Glen R. :aeden- present unsubstantiated tOI·m. DR. ALFRED ROSENBERG, Hitler's racial theory exponent, stands JoaehbD von Rlbbenlrop, Field Marshal Wilhelm XeUel, Ern.t Xal­ cons quence ot the action of Yu­ wi\h Mayor Wiliam O'Dwyer. kapp opened the G.Q.P. meeting Andrei A. Gromyko, Soviet dele­ before 'he mlcropholie In the Nuernber,., Qerman1, courtroom, Aur· trnbrunner, Hans Frank a1ll1 Wilhelm FIre"; (len to ril'ht, rear) Adm. goslav arm d forces would be ac­ j'.T~ere is no occasion lor the with a declaration that oniy the gate, delivered a l6-page state­ 31 to make his final speech In the lopr- trial. The other defendanlll Karl DoenUz, Grand Adm. Erich Ilaeder. Baldur vos ScblrBClb, Gen­ compan\ed by an oUeY' \0 mue pu,~lc to become panicky," the IRepublican party has the co urage ment on the case, taking up most il s ~etli[lr lit'\' (left to rlrht, front) lIennana C/oerinr. Rudolf Hetla, eral Frllz Saucke•• Gen. Alfred Jo.dl and Frana von Papen• suitable indemnification to the .,yot Said, b~forll departing for to decide on canoida{ if and poi ~ familie8 lind dependents of lhe un­ of the four-hour meeting ot the --~--------------- - me. st4te Delnocratic convention ieies "solely on the basis of the council. fortunate victims oC such Yugo­ II: Albany. best interests of the people of this Gromyko said the Greek people slav action." . Emerrency Plan state.:' hlld been deprived ot the chance Hindu-Moslem Riots Expects IndemnUlcaUoll O'Dwyer and union officials of freely deciding on their govern­ Yugoslavia: Assails Russia Celebrates "My government," he continued, lIreed today on an emergency J. S. Thurmond Holds ment in the recent plebiscite be­ Spread in Bombay "expects that such jndemnitlcatlon JIIan to deliver essential items cause of the foreign armies in will be made by th Yugoslav • such as medicine and perishable lead in South Carolina Greece during the voting. He de­ ·V·J Anniversary !loveTnm nt, \\$ we\\ ..., ~m~­ manded to know when it was nee­ BOMBAY (.4') - Hindu-Moslem Big Fcju~ Oecisions saUon for th d truction of and Joods. CLUMOBIA, s. C. (A»-J. Strom Joseph McCarthy, chairman of essary to have foreign armies in rioting fanned out into new area:> P,ess Credits USSR damage to the United States planes Thurmond oC Edgefield apparently the country of a 'United Nations and other property caused by the the negotia lion commi ttee for defeated Dr. James C. McLeod of of Bombay last night and the local 807 of the International member during a vote. With D.feat of Japs; two Yugosalv ttacks." Florence for Governor in yester­ One point of the' Ukrainian three-day death ,to11 grew to 109. On Disputed Trieste Clayton's statement ended with Brotherhood of Teamsters (AFL), day's runoff Democratic primary charge is that the Greek govern­ Belligerents carried on sporadic Atom Bomb Ignored the usual diplomatic salute, "ac­ laid such deliveries were made. on the basis of returns from more ...... ment is aided by the presence of hit and run attacks in the dark­ A check tra ffic at stra.tegic By A. I. GOLDBERG cept, sir, the renewed assurances ot than 80 percent oC the state's 1,544 ness. Tension heightened through­ bridges and tunnels entering the British troops in Greece. PARIS (JP)-Yugoslavia yester­ MOSCOW (.4')-Victory salutes 01 my high consideration." pl·ecincls. out the city. This was in contrast to the an­ lljetropoIitan orea, however, show­ With 1,369 preCincts reported, day ripped into the tour-power thundered throuehout the Soviet • The injured totaled 393, the Union yesterday to celebrate V-J grily-worded American ultimatum ed a decline of 33 1/3 to 50 per­ Thurmond had 121,309 votes • • decision to internationalize Trieste, cent in normal truck movements. 342 Die Violent Deaths I provincial information director ureed that the disputed port be day, and the Soviet press marked of Aug. 21, which included no against 93,125 tor McLeod. announced in a communique. diplomutlc niceties at aU and con­ 5 Locals Affected Thurmond, who received 96,691 \During Long Holiday I awarded to her, and bitterly the annlve1'l81'Y by givine Russian The disorders, heretofore mostly attacked the Italian arguments in arms a large share of the credit cluded with the threat to take the Three New York locals and lwo votes, and McLeod, who got 84,46~, dispute to the United Natlons • B, THE ASSOCIATED P8E88 • sporadic stabbings, stonings and the dispute as evidence that "The and unleashing Iharp attacks on se­ In New Jersey were aHected by led the ll-man field in the first curity council it the United State. The long Labor Day weekend other assaults, yesterday "deteri­ aggre~sive spirit of facism was Amerlcan occupation policies in the work stoppage, McCarthy primary August 13. Nomination is demands were not met within .8 equivalent to election.
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