Formby Civic News The Newsletter of the Formby Civic Society www.formbycivicsociety.org.uk Sand-winning Project - digging things up! February 2008 (Left), One of the Inside this issue: first large-scale extractions was here at ‘Death-duty Planning Mat- 2 Hill”, Lifeboat ters Road. Wildlife Notes 3 Dickensian 6 Day The Flying 7 Governess (Right), On the South side of Red Squirrel 9 Lifeboat Road another area Report was left level for the Formby Point caravan site. Professor 10 Gray History Group 11 (Left), To the west of the Art Group 11 Power Station a ramp brought huge quantities of sand from Cabin Hill to the railway (Photo T. Bonney) Annual Dinner Saturday 15th March , at Tree- Tops Resaurant, Southport Old The Story now to be revealed…... Road. Menu and Booking Form This important project was the subject of Pat McGrehgor on searches through enclosed. a History Group meeting on Thursday Formby Times newspaper files by The Guest of Honour is to 13th December when after a brief intro- Anthea Royden and herself. John Hous- be Philip Love duction by Reg Yorke, further details of ton expressed his pleasure at the useful Feel free to bring your current research were provided by Jack contribution of Society members to this own guest(s) to this Gore, (interviews), Phil Smith, (wildlife, important on-going project. Further in- pleasant Social Event! Jennifer Lewis, ( landscape changes) and formation is in our special supplement- Planning Matters by Desmond Brennan than confirmation solid/perforated shutters were in- that the refurbished stalled without planning permission station would be at Living Doll, 58 Brows Lane, we entirely electric, no referred the matter to the Council‟s significant infor- Enforcement Unit. As a result, the mation was dis- Council required that planning per- closed – not even mission be applied for retrospectively the maximum and when the application was made, pumping capacity we opposed it; we are pleased to re- of the station. port that the application has been There was con- refused. This has been a crucial case, certed questioning because, had it become known that by the Chairman of solid external, frontage covering, the Committee and shutters were permissible, it would Altmouth Pumping Station, 1975, one of the most from the floor, es- have been open season for their in- powerful in Europe pecially on the cru- stallation more widely in Formby cial issue of Village. We also referred to the En- There has been disappointing pro- backup, but no progress was made. forcement Unit the recent unauthor- gress in obtaining information about After the meeting, Jack Gore (who ised installation of external, frontage- the intentions of the Environment recently joined the Amenities and covering, solid/perforated unpainted Agency (EA) for the refurbishment of Planning Subgroup) and I had a con- galvanised steel shutters at Uni- the Altmouth pumping station. My structive conversation with formby, 45 Piercefield Road and, in enquiries made in October and No- Mr. Rowlands, as a result of which the same parade of shops, the rather vember last year never received a we are hopeful that we shall receive older similar shutters at Prestige response. However, Cllr. Mike Coles, at least some of the sought for infor- Comforts, 53 Piercefield Road. In of Formby Parish Council, fared mation. both these cases, because the prem- rather better, in that his enquiry, ises are in a Conservation Area, ex- made in November, did receive a We are concerned by the prolifera- ternal shutters of any kind are prohib- reply which, regrettably, did not con- tion in Formby of external ited. It is regrettable that the Embassy tain any significant new information. solid/perforated shutters covering the Building, which is also in the Conser- The present situation is that the entire frontage of shops. Such shut- vation Area, does not conform to pumping station is and will remain Conservation Area standards and we for the next several years, if not are anxious that this adjacent parade longer, our sole defence against “The pumping station is and will of shops should not also be allowed flooding by the lower Alt. We know remain for the next several years, to decline visually without regard for that the EA has approved and funded if not longer, our sole defence the aspirations that the Conservation the refurbishment project and that it against flooding by the lower Alt”. Area status implies. The Council has is anticipated the work will be com- ordered in both cases that either retro- pleted in December, 2010. We know spective planning permission be ap- also that the Halcrow Group has com- ters create a depressing and alienating plied for or the shutters be removed pleted its comprehensive revisiting of ambience to an area and for this rea- within two months. (Contd. P5) the issues that will determine the final son they are contrary stages of designing the details of the to planning policy as Prohibited shutters in Piercefield Rd. new installation (the first review of set out in the Coun- these issues was carried out by Atkins cil‟s Unitary Devel- in connection with the EA‟s planning opment Plan and in application for a flood control basin its Supplementary at Lunt Meadows in August, 2006, Planning Guidance, which was approved by the Council, which require that but the scheme failed to obtain ap- shutters, preferably proval within the EA itself and is internal, should be now in limbo). It was, therefore, with of the open linked considerable anticipation that we variety so as to al- looked forward to the presentation to low visibility into Formby Area Committee on the premises and 10th January by Mr. Ian Rowlands, light from the prem- the EA‟s NW Central Area Flood ises to brighten the Risk Manager. In the event, other street scene. When Page 2 Formby Civic News Wildlife Notes Winter 2007/8 by Dr. Phil Smith November catkins in spring. It would make help them get through a cold snap, quite a decorative garden plant. not that we have many of those these Always reluctant to give up plant- days. I was reminded how mild the hunting as the autumn progresses, I Bird-watching tends to replace bot- autumn has been so far by hearing a spent the first half of November re- any in the winter. At this season we Song Thrush in full song just outside cording hybrid willows on the sand- see lots of species from Arctic breed- my window while writing these notes dunes. “Get a life” I hear you say, but ing areas, such as the 1400 Common on 26th November. actually willows are one of the most Scoters and 45 Red-throated Divers interesting groups of plants on the counted on the sea off Formby Point The new “Birds of Lancashire” book th Sefton Coast. We have around 30 on 12 November. A Pale-belled is soon going to print and can be or- different kinds compared with about Brent Goose from northern Canada dered for a pre-publication saving of 26 lowland willows in the whole of was spotted on Birkdale shore and a £10 by free-phoning 0870 0100700. Cumbria, a county said to be particu- Little Auk, perhaps originating in larly rich in these trees and shrubs. Spitsbergen, was picked up dead at December Crosby Marina, while up to six Snow Willows are well known for their Buntings were an attraction on Ains- The last month of the year is also one promiscuity, producing lots of hy- dale beach. of the least productive for the wildlife brids that can be a challenge to iden- enthusiast, the sand-dunes in particu- tify, several of them being very rare. Derek Forshaw tells me the lar being quiet. However, time can th In total, we have four nationally rare “Lancashire” goose count on 11 now be found to write-up those sum- hybrids in the sand-dunes, all involv- November totalled 38,478 Pinkfeet, mer observations and submit the data ing the abundant Creeping Willow the third highest November total. On to the various regional and national (Salix repens) as one of the parents. the mosslands east of Formby, large recording schemes. This is a vital The rarest of the lot, found in only flocks can often be watched at fairly task, providing the necessary back- about six places in the British Isles, is close-range using a car as a hide. But ground information for effective Salix x doniana (no English name), these wary birds, hunted over most of wildlife conservation programmes. which is Creeping Willow crossed their range, will not tolerate a person with Purple Willow (Salix pur- on foot within several hundred yards, John Edmondson of World Museum purea). I was very pleased to find so it is important to stay in the vehi- Liverpool kindly sent me a copy of his paper on the nature diaries of the two new bushes at Lifeboat Road, cle. A particular skill is to find the great Southport Naturalist, Fred W. one at Cabin Hill and nine at occasional fellow-traveller with the Holder (1891-1963). The diaries Hightown dunes to add to the ten or Pinkfeet. I searched a flock of about so already known for the coast. The 4000 geese at Downholland Moss on comprise over 70 notebooks with th hybrids keep their leaves longer than 17 November but failed to find a detailed records of natural history observations covering almost 51 the parents, so they become easier to Tundra Bean Goose from Siberia years, on which the Museum has spot amongst the dense stands of reported with the same flock that day.
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