Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justice

FREEDOM OFINFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT Steve Allen ~ FILE NUMBER_ 9-3 7924 SECTION NUMBER I FEDERAL BUREAUOF INVESTIGATION Total Deleted Page s! ~ 9 Page68 Page Page Page Page 69 Page70 ~ Duplicate 83~ Duplicate Page ~ 84~ Duplicate Page ~ Page 85- Duplicate 163 ':nERALOF BUREAU INvEs'r1c10:>N 164 FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 207 Duplicate SerialDuplicate Description ~ COVER SHEET 10/12/1960 Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate -§ __ '-EN T .3 ! -U O Lt--_+wr2:ur:0n;Smm '4'-~~1~-um» »--'~ .- 92° ' , / ; Fir. I.-1-h:;m:t.92 ' I3-:5 '-"!5.:I1~qI I I I | 2 "'|TJ/.3;-I.-'-_. ._ 5 1',;5..;/._.Ad|' 4-. .. I Mr. ,.|,~_;,..,:_' _ 92 TELETYPE I I. F,-_n 1- |. .71 ,1 " *-~ -I;V;in ,/ Talc. i1:u.|,, - - .-4-.1 _ - °-~;. T0uacsm 10-12-so nxnzcwbn, 9s-1592 :14 PMAND am:LOS SAC, Argc-tits é /6&12 M-:w SACI /9-31sa/ YO _. I UNSUB,HARRY OREN., AKA MR. STEVELLEN DASHVICTIM., EXTORTION. RELATELSIXTY. TENIELEVENALLEN CONTACTED TEN ELEVENAND TWELVE SIXTYRESIDENCE, AT ZERO TEN NINE;ZERO FIFTH AVE., NYC,ADVISED OF 92 LETTERBUREAU AND INTERESTAS SETFORTH RETEL. IN ALLEN EXTREMELY COOPERATIVESTATEDNOT DID KNOWHARRY GOREN.ALLEN STATED SECRETARYAT LA HAD NOTFOUND REFERENCETO GORENIN OFFICE FILES.ALLEN ADVISEDTHATHE HAD NUMEROUS PREVIOUS CORRESPONDENCEPERSONS,WHICH FROMHE REGARDED AS WORKOF CRANKS. ALLEN ADVISEDITINERARY NY LEAVES TENTHIRTEEN OVERNIGHT NEXT, STAYARRIVING CHICAGO,EVENING,EOURTEEN LA ' ED THRE57¬g2TEN TVO ronwanuznsum: 1.A.L!.~' 1.99 T0 %.,.._ - ___ <92 / END M01197 n 00?1:3 1959 now NY R 9 umus i-was. ? _ 630 swan .'{; }/[7-'A'f_.O._ 1 "0 ! .. 92" 4 -II. I TFLEi1Y* ~ .1-.._/ .,~__Z":_ if' unctm 10-11-so :-1a PM CJ ' T0 DIRECTOR,FBI sac,mu vonxNEW [y/ " '. ' ////1;; vonxVIA WASHINGTON 92 FROM SAC,LOS ANGELES /9NEW/ 2P algt r_|=.~,»vncs UNSUB,k£%"ARRY GOREN,MR. STEVE ALLEN DAS"VICTIM. EXTORTION LETTER DELIVEREDTO OFFICE OF TELEVISION STAR STEVEALLEN 9 ONE FIVEFOUR FOURFIVE VENTURABOULEVARD, SUERMANOAKS, CALIFORNIATEN ON ELEVENSIXTY POSTMARKEDTEN TEN SIXTY, AT LOSANGELF$- PERSONWRITING LETTERSTATES "EIS "ARRY GOREN, ONEEIGHT ZEROTWO RFDONDOBEAC" BOULEVARD,LOS ANGELEST"ATRF HILL AND DIE FROMCANCERTVRFE INFOUR OR Q WEEKS ANDWAS TWINKINGOF WVAT "E COULDDO IN "IS LAST ~ v~ / FEW DAYSTO MAKE UP FORALL HIS SINSAND "AD DECIDEDT"AT T"F BESTTRING WASTO EXTERMINATE SOME OFT"E COWMUNIST FIFT" COLUMN. LETTER CONTINUES88$$¥'T"AT IS WHY I WRITE TO MR,YOU, COMMUNISTALLEN "AVE ..-.1 TO NOTWINGLO__S_F T r 92 REVOLVER,DOWN YOURTROME,GOING"'92. TO BETTELUYET,. _--_"L- OR,/ -' lag TO.¥OHR IN SFERMANOAKS, AND,ON T"EWl, FIRINGTWO ORTNREE5BUEEETS.INTO 4 92 TWE "EADOF TVE BIGGEST LIAR,CVEAT, "UMBUGAND COMMUNL8¥'TN TRIS COUNTRY sé"6c?T9°itiso . Ii!-ILAYIFD I0 PACF TWO I HAVE NOTUING TOLOSE 0000TVIS IS NOT A REQUFST,BUT A DP-IAND T"AT YOU ABOLIS" YOUR COMMIEACTIVITIES WIT"IN T"E NFXT FOUR DAYS. REPEAT FOURDAYS. IF YOU DO NOTYOU AREGOING TO BF DTADUIT"Il T"? // I:-;;:.I=T.'l'92'="-A {l=.é|!.: Iuw-my NEXT TURFEWEEKS .---U. WM. BRYANOSBORNF UITUVYLDPQOSFCUI 1 OPINION PENDING INTERVIEW orcoRTN. consu WILL ar 1~T:Rv1Twrn TooAv. EXTORTION LFTTERWILL at FORUARDED TODAY.ALLFN IS IN T"? EAST UNTIL TEN rxrrzzw SIXTY ANDvAs NOTREAD ORBEEN ADVISEDor EXTORTION LETTER, ALTqoucuSECRETARY wAsATTEMPTINC ToLOCATE "IMBY TFLFPWONE TODAY. NEWvonx REQUESTEDT0 CONTACT ALLEN AT"IS APARTENT,IHMFDIATELY ouz ZEROzzno uxur PARK AVENUF,NEH YORKCITY, YUKONEIG"T our srvru o~£ FIVE OR THROUGHBUSINESS MANAGERJULES GRFFN, LFIG" rlvr FIVE SIX rrvr srvtu. ALLEN SHOULDBF ADVISFDor CONTANTSor LFTTER AND TAT N0 PROTYCTION CANst AFFORDED BY auRrAu. SECRETARY soAnvxsrn. BUREAU HILL at ADVISED PERTINENT DEVELOPMENTS. ceRR£eTTou?Acr~2-ttwt-A-tAsT~veRvsvouLb at PROSEGUILMLI sun AND ACK PLS " nss 1-20PM FBIoxuA RAMRFLAY FOR D l " TU nrsco u -,_ ~ r______ _ _ _--'-" scrim. I -4?.-_5 _ - | e =- - _ _. ___-,__ r__ _--._ _.. ¢_~ _. ......-.. -_ 1 __ -___-.__""_--~ . - Los Angeles, by subsequent -n teletype has advised that Mr. viewed.Bothand Mrs. denied Harry knoiodge argonwere locatedof the letter and and inter-it was determined that Harry Goren could neither read nor write English. hos Angeles Police Department ls providing protection to victim. Investigation is continuing. 0 -_9292X ' ~_ ._,-.¢- ..._. cam.cum.-J =~"" cv 1_7f_;':',:.' Mr. Tnl-"~11- 1 wx L. l2£7A|lI!IE|9292r. l1~--- l Q Mr. L1 .--92Y. .~_ 1 /v"9292 :1 cm;H;|}_{l_§TlQH§ S,.§I!Q=92. ML j»_'-~-r'.*:;s_. 92 Mr. Ba-1;192v.92M.__.- M',, .:."=.;l~an My, U--!.~:w.h. ":|f'1'Mr 5.:'.I'392920._ - . |92 ,!}uirc. -- 'r.?.1:::f*IP¢*1 " Mr.'1-- "-'§ 1%M3 ..'.' _=:i;}van ru¢io~m--- Mr l':~*';|:| .-- URCENT /O-1I'60 9-IA PM KH Min and! I uuiwvndi T DIRECTOR, FBI 5,;.¬U?'-- rnom SAC, LOS uusus,HARRYEGOREN, AKA.,A ANGELES./ STEVEJALLEN-VICTIM,1 P9-utw49 MR. * EXTORTION.7é2fIi&- RE LOS ANCELES TELTEN - ELEVEN LAST. SUSPECT nanny LOUIS _ 92 92§EOREN,ONE EIGHTZERO REDONDO TWO LOSBOULEVARD, ANCELES,#¢1? INTERVIEUED AND DETERMINED THAT HE COULD NOT READ OR WRITE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. HE AND WIFE DENIED ANY KNOWLEDGE OF LETTER. GOREN AND WIFE CELIA BOTH BORN IN RUSSIA, NATURALIZLD AMERICAN CITIZENS APPROXIMATELY THIRTEEN YEARS AGO, OPERATE CLEANING SHOP FOUR FOUR SEVEN SIX NEST ADAMS BOULEVARD, LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA. LAPDADVISED REQUEST AT VICTIM OF L -4 AND VICTIMS WIFE, AND HAVE AF]-ORDEDPOLICE PROTECTION TO _/ / VICTIM-S ANDRESIDENCE BUSINESSOFFICEISKINVESTICATION CONTINUING. 13'L9 END AND ACK PLS I-I6 AM OK FBI WA JDS wasqr?" TU 001 14°°° 1J'.*J.»:<.~.~-~ 4 , ii bl I-1 _:. _ WI Lt; : . 41' P511 1_;M,;y" - » .. ..._r "*~ 5 30CT191960 _._§ - c < " FBI Dmc; 1Q/11/60 1? Transmit the lollowinu in PLAIN TEXT Typein plain tut or code! . Via AIRTEL AIRHAII 7 Priorityor Method of Hailing! 7 V 'ro= nmzcron, rs: ATTENTION: FBI mom FROM: SAC, LOS ANGELES 9-New! ma: 118%rm Aka J-lbfr-1-1..' ., , ,-, na. H- vwrm . EXTORTION . 4 Re Los Angeles tsletypes to Bureau, 10/11/60. Q" 92 92 Enclosed is an envelope postmarked Los Angeles, California, October 10, 1960, at 9:30 H! bearing a Rcent / Lincoln stamp which is addressed to Mr. STEVE AI.-LEI, 15445 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, California, and two photostatic copies of the face of the envelope. Also enclosed is the extortion letter plus two photostatic copies of same which is addressed to Mr. STEVE ALLEN, Sherman Oaks, California which begins "Dear Mr. ALLEN: My name is HARRY GOREN, I lixe at 1802 Redondo Boulevard in Los Angeles" and which ends Four days, aw dear STEVE Communist ALLEN. Four days." written on 8%" by 11%" paper. 92 rdsl OI l.='-"1: bl L rt [Tor en¬H"icaFion purposes. ' 92 This letter was received at the office of SIEVE ALLEN, 15445 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, California on the morning of 10/ll/60, wh r . _ A.LLEN,s I personal secretaw, ut was If-W? ;__%_._-/ilirector enc. 10! REGISTERED!i I; 7 92_ -,1 Los Angeles / "" J 7 5' /' _.,-"' '/ rmo=1>.m _ ' go -*92 92_ ~ ' ! .___92 92 / _ J 0cr £3 1 / Wfix 1% 9% 1/ xx 92 , /IJHJ V . pr r " WAnnmved; j , Sent -__i_..___._M P81 . ~ '~92 Sp 'id92 Aqent in Chorqe 6 _ __ , ._- __ ; '-,_ LA 9New handled by the other ladies named above. one HARRY LOUIS conxn and wife CELIA resides at 1802 Redondo Boulevard, Los Angeles, California. The GOREN8 were interviewed and proved to be an elderly couple born in Russia who are naturdized citizens and who have been operating a cleaning shop in Los Angelea for approximately 15 years. Mr. and Mrs. GORBN disclaimed any knowledge of the letter and Mr. GORE! claims he is unable read or write the English 1B§B8e while hrs. oonnu demonstrated soe ability to read Eng ieh, but claimed some or the words in the extortion letter r tf2f:?ffi7f were unknown of t o HARRY her. L. The GOREN penciled was phone placednumber there byHEJP866 on The laboratory is requested to conduct the following examination: * 1. Process the extortion letter for _ latent finger prints and compare the results with the elimination prints submitted herein. foundin Also file compare onHARRY latent LOUIS GOREN, print results born l/12/1897 with any in fingerprintsRussia, 5'10 tall, 185 pounds, blue eyes and natura lzed in U. S. District Court, Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1933 GORIN was Police arrestedDepartment, in Los Aggeles 6 probably months on U/2§5h.a o for drunk; by the Les Angeles 2. Conduct type examination to establish the make of the typewriter used to write extortion letter and draw conclusions as to whether type was done by a trained typist or a hunt and peck typist. 3. Examine paper for any conclusions concerning the make, watermarks, etc., and information concerning description and use of paper this unusual size. - we /'/LP Q Q 7-I FEDERAL aunmuor mvssnsmrou no LAB FILE umrso STATES DEPARTMENT or JUSTICE - Recorded 10-11-so 11:00AM/js Laboratory Work Sheet 1.C#28442 Re: g1:i'rJ§»Gg:';nFilo1 K MR STEVE ALLEN - VICTD1 L°b'D'3!*89u* ' D EXTORTION Examination requestedby: SAC - L05 51189195 °"n°'!airtel 1°/11/60 Examination requested:DOC - FINERPRINT Date received:1°/13/6° Result oiExamination: .

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