ChinaEU Yearbook 2017 中欧数字协会年鉴 2017 Connecting Digital Leaders About ChinaEU 关于中欧数字协会 • ChinaEU is a business-led International Association based in Brussels • ChinaEU has been set up as a forum to foster cooperation, trade and investment in digital products and services between Europe and China, and promoting common ICT standards • ChinaEU is a top-level public-private partnership for ICT, linking the business community from China and the EU with the European Institutions and the Chinese Government • ChinaEU is an incubator for joint business projects and startups on digital innovation between China and Europe • 中欧数字协会是一家总部位于布鲁塞尔、具有商业导向的国际性机构 • 中欧数字协会为加深中欧在数字产品和服务方面的合作、贸易往来和投资提供平台,同 时协助设置国际信息通信技术的通用标准 • 中欧数字协会是一家信息通信技术领域的高级别公私合作机构,连接中欧商业团体以及 中欧政府部门 • 中欧数字协会是数字创新领域里初创公司和中欧商业合作项目的孵化器 Our Priorities 我们的工作重点 • To make up for the lack of dialogue, mutual • 填补中欧数字经济当前存在的沟通缺口、 understanding and business cooperation 加强双方的相互理解、促进中欧数字合作 between Europe and China in the digital economy • To assist its members in exploiting the • 从以下五个方面着手,帮助会员发掘中欧 business opportunities created by the 数字领域一体化所带来的商业机会 integration of China’s and the EU’s digital sectors in five priority areas: i Research and investment in 5G and future i 5G 和未来网络的研究与投资 networks ii 探索具体数字项目、提高消费者意识、 ii Trendsetting digital projects, increasing 增加市场需求 consumer awareness and market demand iii 网络和电信领域立法的升级 iii Improved Internet and telecom legislation 试点智能城市 iv Pilot smart cities iv v Promising High Tech startups v 有潜力的高科技初创企业 Table of Contents 目录 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 活动概览.............................................................................................................. 1 ChinaEU Newsletters in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 新闻稿................................................................................................................ 15 ChinaEU Press Review in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 新闻回顾.......................................................................................................... 130 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 概览 26/01/2017 Brussels: ChinaEU organized the first presentation of Wechat’s European roadshow, held at the brand new Tangla Luxury Hotel. 2017 年 1 月 26 日 布鲁塞尔:中欧数字协会在唐拉雅秀星级酒店举办了微信的首次欧洲路演 活动。 08/02/2017 Brussels: CGTN interviewed the President of ChinaEU, Mr. Luigi Gambardella on EU- China trade relations. 2017 年 2 月 8 日 布鲁塞尔:中国环球电视网就中欧贸易关系对中欧数字协会主席鲁乙己进行 了采访。 1 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 概览 23/02/2017 Davos: Claudia Vernotti, Director of ChinaEU, gave a presentation on the bright picture of China at the Davos and EU-China relations: Re-thinking the Global Event. 2017 年 2 月 23 日 达沃斯:中欧数字协会主任韦茉莉在达沃斯就中国的光辉图景以及中欧关 系发表了题为重新思考全球化的演讲。 23/02/2017 Brussels: CCTV interviewed ChinaEU President Luigi Gambardella. 2017 年 2 月 23 日 布鲁塞尔:中国中央电视台对中欧数字协会主席鲁乙己进行采访。 2 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 概览 28/02/2017 Leuven: ChinaEU introduced EU digital rules setting to Chinese experts on digital economy and cybersecurity in Leuven. 2017 年 2 月 23 日 鲁汶:中欧数字协会向中方专家介绍欧盟在数字经济和网络安全领域的规 则制度。 03/03/2017 Brussels: Mr. Luigi Gambardella was interviewed by Xinhua News Agency, arguing that the European Commission should make use of the re-evaluation of the ENISA and transform it into a Chinese-European agency for network and information security. 2017 年 3 月 3 日 布鲁塞尔:鲁乙己在接受新华社采访时呼吁欧盟委员会应该对欧洲网络与信 息安全局进行重新评估,并将其改组为中欧网络和信息安全机构。 20/03/2017 Brussels: President Luigi Gambardella talked about the value of technology for economic growth during Shenzhen TV interview. 2017 年 3 月 20 日 布鲁塞尔:中欧数字协会主席鲁乙己在接受深圳电视台采访时谈科技对经 济增长的重要性。 3 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 概览 12/04/2017 London: ChinaEU brought the Chinese perspective to the 11th Digital Regulation Forum in London. 2017 年 4 月 12 日 伦敦:中欧数字协会为第十一届数字监管论坛带来中国视角。 26/04/2017 Salamanca: ChinaEU team visited Startup_Olé and talked about bridging the startup ecosystems between China and the EU. 2017 年 4 月 26 日 萨拉曼卡:中欧数字协会团队参加 Startup_Olé,谈如何为衔接中国和欧盟 创业生态系统搭建桥梁。 4 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 概览 30/04/2017 Dubai: Mr Luigi Gambardella was at the Telecom Leaders summit 2017 in Dubai. 2017 年 4 月 30 日 迪拜:鲁乙己参加 2017 电信领袖峰会。 02/05/2017 Berlin: ChinaEU was at the B20 Summit in Berlin to discuss industrial digitization. 2017 年 5 月 2 日 柏林:中欧数字协会参加 B20 峰会,讨论工业数字化议题。 14-15/05/2017 Beijing: ChinaEU attended the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation hosted by President Xi Jinping. 2017 年 5 月 14-15 日 北京:中欧数字协会参加习近平主席出席的“一带一路”国际合作高峰 论坛。 5 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 概览 27/05/2017 Cascais: ChinaEU was invited to the Horasis Conference where Mr. Luigi Gambardella participated in a panel discussion. 2017 年 5 月 27 日 卡斯凯什:中欧数字协会受邀参加 Horasis 大会,主席鲁乙己主持分组讨 论。 01/06/2017 Brussels: ChinaEU arranged meeting between the President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani and Ctrip CEO Jane Sun Jie. 6 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 概览 2017 年 6 月 1 日 布鲁塞尔:中欧数字协会促成欧洲议会议长 Antonio Tajani 会见携程 CEO 孙 洁。 01/06/2017 Brussels: Mr. Luigi Gambardella gave an interview to EURACTIV’s Editor-in-Chief Daniela Vincenti on EU-China mutual investment. 2017 年 6 月 1 日 布鲁塞尔:中欧数字协会主席鲁乙己接受 Euractiv 主编 Daniela Vincenti 采 访,谈中欧双边投资。 2/6/2017 Brussels: Ctrip CEO Jane Jie Sun discussed digital tools and their ability to boost EU-China tourism at a ChinaEU seminar in the European parliament. 2017 年 6 月 2 日 布鲁塞尔:中欧数字协会在欧洲议会组织主题为中欧数字旅游的研讨会,携 程 CEO 孙洁谈数字工具在推动欧中旅游方面所起的作用。 7 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 概览 19/06/2017 Qingdao: ChinaEU participated in the ASEM High-level Forum on Digital Connectivity in Qingdao where Mr. Luigi Gambardella discussed the Belt and Road Initiative in the EU countries. 2017 年 6 月 19 日 青岛:中欧数字协会参加亚欧数字互联互通高级别论坛,主席鲁乙己就欧 盟国家参与“一带一路”倡议做发言。 24/06/2017 Brussels: Mr. Luigi Gambardella gave an interview to China Daily on the Digital Belt and Road to Europe and boosting trade and tourism. 2017 年 6 月 24 日 布鲁塞尔:中欧数字协会主席鲁乙己接受中国日报采访,谈数字丝路到欧 洲及其在贸易和旅游方面起到的推动作用。 14/08/2017 Amsterdam: ChinaEU Director Claudia Vernotti started her accelerator tour in Amsterdam on her mission to help Dutch startups go global. 8 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 概览 2017 年 8 月 14 日 阿姆斯特丹:中欧数字协会主任韦茉莉“探营”阿姆斯特丹各大加速器, 帮助荷兰创业企业走向全球。 05/09/2017 Beijing: ChinaEU and China Internet Development Foundation had a meeting to discuss how to strengthen EU-China cooperation in the digital area. 2017 年 9 月 5 日 北京:中欧数字协会与中国互联网发展基金会举行会谈,讨论如何加强欧中 在数字领域的合作。 9 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 概览 08/09/2017 Shenzhen: ChinaEU brought the future vision of the 5G value chain to the global innovator conference in Shenzhen. 2017 年 9 月 8 日 深圳:中欧数字协会为全球创新者大会带来关于 5G 价值链未来的视角。 09/09/2017 Nanjing: Mr Luigi Gambardella, President of ChinaEU, delivered a speech at the 13th China International Software Product & Information Service Trade Fair in Nanjing. 10 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 概览 2017 年 9 月 9 日 南京:中欧数字协会主席鲁乙己在第十三届国际软件产品和信息服务交易博 览会上讲话。 11/09/2017 Ningbo: ChinaEU Director Claudia Vernotti handed out the prizes of Fosun’s Global Innovation Competition to promising European Startups. 2017 年 9 月 11 日 宁波:中欧数字协会主任韦茉莉为在复星全球创新竞赛中脱颖而出的欧洲 创业团队颁奖。 27/09/2017 Brussels: ChinaEU attended the high-level conference on tourism organized by President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani in the plenary hall in Brussels. 2017 年 9 月 27 日 布鲁塞尔:中欧数字协会参加由欧洲议会议长 Antonio Tajani 发起的旅游高 级别会议。 11 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 概览 29/09/2017 Brussels: Mr. Luigi Gambardella published an op-ed on China Daily on the EU framework on investment screening, announced by President Juncker in his state on the Union. The trade initiative might boomerang. 2017 年 9 月 29 日 布鲁塞尔:鲁乙己在《中国日报》上发表社论,谈容克主席宣布的欧盟投 资筛选框架,称这一贸易提案可能会起适得其反。 02 /11 /2017 London: ChinaEU participated in the World Bridge Tourism in London talking about how digital solutions make travel easier. 2017 年 11 月 2 日 伦敦:中欧数字协会参加 World Bridge Tourism 大会,谈数字解决方案如何 让旅行更便利。 12 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 概览 15/11/2017 Beijing: ChinaEU Director Claudia Vernotti brought six promising Italian startups to the 898 InnoSpace in Beijing so that they can pitch to possible Chinese investors. 2017 年 11 月 15 日 北京:中欧数字协会主任 Claudia Vernotti 带领六家意大利创业企业在 898 创新空间面向中国投资者做宣讲。 22/11/2017 Brussels: Mr. Luigi Gambardella was interviewed by Xinhua on the unbelievable progress of China under Xi Jinping and innovation as its driving force. 2017 年 11 月 22 日 布鲁塞尔:鲁乙己接受新华社采访,谈在习近平主席领导下中国取得的非 凡的成就及创新起到的动力作用。 29/11/2017 Brussels: ChinaEU’s President Mr. Luigi Gambardella talked about the Chinese startup ecosystem in the European Parliament. 2017 年 11 月 29 日 布鲁塞尔:中欧数字协会主席鲁乙己在欧洲议会谈中国创业生态系统。 13 ChinaEU Activities in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 概览 18/12/2017 Geneva: ChinaEU President Mr. Luigi Gambardella spoke in a panel on “how technologies will impact every aspect of our future society?” organized by CAC at IGF 2017. 2017 年 12 月 18 日 日内瓦:中欧数字协会主席鲁乙己参加 2017 互联网治理论坛,并在由中 央网信办组织的“科技影响我们未来社会的方方面面”小组讨论中发言。 14 ChinaEU Newsletters in 2017 中欧数字协会 2017 新闻稿 Just What Europe Wanted to Hear by Claudia Vernotti, Director of ChinaEU (for China Daily) Since Jan 17 media attention has been monopolized by the annual World Economic Forum, which brings together leaders in politics, business, economics, technology and society. This year the main topic discussed was how to promote responsible and responsive leadership. As shown by recent voting, the gap between political leaders and civil society has never been as important as it is today. Digital media are providing key instruments for reducing the gap. Politicians and business leaders have embraced Twitter in order to stay in touch with their constituents, turning them into followers. But Twitter
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