CHRONICLE Vol XXXIV. No/lOr — ^r 1^31. .WVE-CEN-TS- .... Basketball Players CENTRAL KXUKP Annual Boys' Party School Board Votes Presbyterians Hear COMMITTEE FINANCES. Honored At Dinner Estimated needs . M.000.00 -Big Time Success CmtruMtisas To Move Supervisor Reports and Elect Clubs and organtsatlons..$l,60pJ7 lyre than a ^ 400 Kids, Headed by Scouts quanit 'resented With Gold Emblems Individuals. r~. 2D3.8O «d species uf Progress in All Pfauea of .Relief Enterprises ... - 3.016 05 Make Merry at Sherman COMMITTEE TO REPORT Two Members Protest Trans- « in Recognition of State Rec- Fiake Auxiliary Gives Total 13,91012 ON NEWJH1GH SCHOOL fer of Miss Edmond, as »nly sbout a tKlttl of Church tyo* Reviewed ord. While Coach Receives School, Enjoying Vaude- he horde of Uutct n, " •t Meeting. "Spring Frolic" Saturday Eipcndltuni "putter" Action. ««»P«iiy Hw esrtii on Wrist Watch. " Investigation and super- ville Show. .•'"' • Upon hioUon of A. Leonard Roberts, it around the «ua.-0u The boartl of education at Its meet- * A "Spring Frolic" will be presented vision ;,..:....„.._..„......,..... 34J.0O t thc •board of education Tuesday night Election of Church officers and re- • Store Room .." —-.: 3235 Last niirht marked Die long-looked voted to have the building and grounds ing Tuesday night pussod a- re-solutlon- Saturday evening by the Ladles' Aux- At a Joint dinner meeting last nu of various organisations within RcUef Enterprises .;...:..:... STI.15 for •annual lwys party given by Uie committee tnvrsUgaU and report on the to transfer Minn Hurnh Edmond. su- iliary to Flske Post, Veterans of For- Thursday evenlnn: at Hayashl's. the fce church were the leaturra of Uie Qffice .„....,,;....:..'..... 5BJ3 CranTord Camp Association which was possibility of construcaiiiTS-new..hlgh vlalnu principal of tho Cranford eign Wars, In Uie post rooms. The Lions and Rotary Clubs paid tribute parish roMttnc of the' first B*od ..:... 1.163J6 ' intended by upwards of. 40a kids from school on the property now owned by Hubllc School for seventeen yean, to , affair will be open to members of the to Cranford High Schools undefeated n. Church last evening In Coal ::...;..... S18J0 'wn . years up under tile leadership of the board In Union avfnui", NorUi. Tile a newly created ixisltloii as "Dlivctor post, of the auxiliary and their guests basketball team. Several other resi- tt, social rooms of the church. A. U Clothing >..................... .• "1.50 Dan R. Neal, recreation director. C. A. report will Include plan»r and Uie cost, of Rcsesrch, lirjiliarge of Tests and and will be somewhat similar to Uie dents of Cranford Joined tn tfte testl- Woodland presided over the * parish • Water 53.34 Wallace, principal of Bhcrriian School, of construction, as well as tlia't of ac- Searches". Other than thr drsi'rlptlve -Night Club Frolic", which wasf so ra«ilal. to the team and its coach, J. £..!«.. and Don Moyer, Scout executive, as- quiring adjacent land, If nroded for title, thit function* of tin- urw offli-t- naetiw. with A. C Woodward as sec- successfully staged several weeks ago. retuy. The Rer. William R. Sloan, S. Wekley. In running through its Total .»....»2,(M6.«" sisted by scoutmasters from various the project. The committee was re- were not given. It carrlt'» 11 salary of Mrs. Walter E. Cooper,...who ..was...,|rt. schedule without suffering a defeat, Uoops a'hd voiuntcrrs who helped out quested to bring in Its report as soon H.S00 per year, an increase uf $.100 |wr pastor of Uie church, was In rhargg..pX charge of the previous affair, has been : Ux congregational meeting, at which the Cranford boys established a State tO'irmke the evening a great success. as poslsble, so thai Uie board may start year over ihp-renumi'ratlon which Mlsa appointed by Mrs. H. a McCullough, planning «t once to inake JI10 best iiso ~^. R_Wrnock..*as.secretary. „ „.—L record, being the only Class B team to _.C9iri(iU'tf sliow consisting of five Edinond reculvcH-as Hiipiu^yisliiH pi*lncl]>a 1 president - of - the - auSfflaryr to;.: take win "Mrils~pmes~" EacTi meniDCT of o( property It "ow has, Hi Mr. Roberts' Edets- elected were as follows: H- viiuclcvllli' acu. musle, solo dancing and erpmiucniU'd by Mrs.M. If". Htei- charge of Uie allalr Saturday evening the team was presented with a gold CanvassofHomeOwners iu-n*allcs »as presehti-d ui the uudt- rt'tt, cliulrmau of 'tlin teachprs1 .riiin- Bti b'-Houghton.. C. W. Tripp and E. A well-known, orchestra has been opinion. ". ' ''. ' • • ••:••.•.• basketball watct» chaVrn, while Coach turluili Nttrr whldi'the boys adjourned ltli"only.one- (UsMnting,._vot». Ihe ':%• MontenecouiV wallet trusttts-selec TseCntted to' play f or danclngyas -well "as J.!!_.p.._ STffi^Wml\j~uarTOTO^¥liliJii ft^r^r^'rs'i^Oic'scri^ iiittnr iviVy^JuluVRT.."CJEouil rtiul to; furnish other Incidental-music for (tfr^c7ass^n*rrTSh^r^iir>iaifm and A. C. Woodward. Those the evening. The program of enter- ;p 1^w"nnnf7riTn"or deaconj were Walter Crane, for the school rep'rescntaUves. learterslUp of Dan_Neal. nnl»liccl off a from flnal examinattoiisUli'lr last term th(T board who nitt.x negatlvr vntrn tainment will consist of vocal and -taj. Thomas MacMa^tm; "president of ihe and "enJoyaoTr evenihgT «ju> voted down. M' tli» regtiiaF Mareli They declared I Ivy. (ii»i not.^vunv* Danlds and Clarence Bom- Program pf''lmpr6yements4n'd ; srrumehtai .numbers,.,monologues .and Rotary Club, presided as" toastinaster, l *(L«e jho»' started off with two iifretlng. 'Prliielpal- R- A> Clement m»do what Ilioy were vijtlnii ufinii. sifkuin inger .. - . dances, which will be offered by ama- In the absence, of Mayor Roger C Al- Repairs, Suggested by CSnV- colored boy tap dancers.and lingers", tho recomineridiitiom In liresentlni: a Information an to thn piwitlon to Charles M. Yeaket. treasurer,, pre- teur talent from the post, and the drich, who had not returned from his OMttee, Is Helping Unemi of Danny Small's Company motion Uiat the final examinations for whlcli ttiii"-nctlnn trnnsfvrrpil Mlvi jnsttd his annual report showing re- auxiliary. The hall will be arranged Southern - vacation. Mr. MicMeckln at the till?. Elizabeth. Their pertor- all pupils'DP continued,-Mrs. Stcrrctt, Edmond, rapts during the year as (16,129.41, in the form of a night club, with xplained the two-fold purpose of the ployed. tnniice was excellent and much enjoyed. chairman of thc teachers' committee llefore thi' braird -jcmnhlerod Ihr talk disbursements were. $10.48847. tables to Uie sides and a clear space' in dinner meeting, to honor the basket- Jimmy Wilson, also of the Rita, acted stated she h»d received scvcrsl rcijuwts resolution.. Mrn.-Hlcrrett DIIIVMI for an TIK budget for the coming church the center.for dancing. • '.".-•.• ball team, as well as to get-together >is master of ceremonies and did a mortf from parents to eliminate'the exami- mieouUv« wsslon, but thin wnn nbji'ileit Mrs. Harry. Folk, chairman of tho with the Lions Club, the objects; of tbkuc in ylddlsh dlalrct Uial kept the nations, but -the teachers'- cominltteo to by-Mr; cilnuil nnd- Mr.-.'Slman. Mr bewrolence budget amounted toMJOO. committee in charge of Uie house to which are the same, as" those of the youngsters convulsed in laugljfr. Joe feels theyjihoiild be retained. Mr. Flld- Ctiincl iimlntalnlnii thai; nil deliber- house canvass'belng carried on by the OiiU-of Uie same theatre gave a mono- ener'cast tho only negative vote on tho . The pastor's report to the congrega- Rotary Club. He announced- that W. Central Relief Committee to stimulate ations, cvnn miittcrK of poliry. !is Mn Many Babies Entered J, Willsey.jitesldcrjit of _th£ Upns.Club, logue* and-songs and put on some fancy motion to continue Uie examinations. 'Mta'T»-ss-foUows^^As-this is th» employment of bulldln»;mealiaiiici,an(l had been called "awa'y and that Fred unskilled laborers, reported progress at W WH - »*^*TV •• ••*"^^""^»" reSilut'ion". ^uKl ^B"Ti3iiiu'icu«l' In* Snt time t have had the privilege of clutrd. Doug Bailey of Cranford and W. Lange would speak'for Mr. Willsey ihe commlltee meeting -Monday night. The board vptednot to allow the Un- opcil" iiiecifiig. .Then werer-z;-se%eial iddnssirtg you at vaur annual meet- In Pen his police dug, "Lady" mode oil Im- and the Uons Club. In part "sho sold: ion County Probation Officer to use a rcsldenu In utumilumr. at.l take the opportunity on behalf mense hit *IUi kids. - The dog went of'Un. Stoan and mjidf of thanking Entertainment was provided by R. "As chairman of-the house to' house centrally located school in Cranford for After Mrs. Htcrrett read her ri'so- Competition for Prizes Offered hruuglt her paces. In a most pleasing the purpose of having Juvenile; probitr i>irtup,_lt was.secondnl by A, Leonard 70a for the warm wmy to which j-ou Griffin 'of Orange, introduced as the canvass committee, I am pleased to. re- manner. "Rubber Man". While lie presented an port- that during the past two weeks tioners report.- Members of Uiq board Robert*. Even us Mr. Cloud nnd Mr titt nlcomed us to your hearts and -by Merchants Will Feature __ Juvenlln Perform ^— homes. You have left nothing to be Interesting humorous talk, Mr. Griffin our canvassers have made '883TSillsroirt- — 'w«Ms under the Impression all proba- Slsson began.~to-stal«-thalr objections, ~ A complete Bkll, presented by Uie pro- tioners from Uie county might como doind In your efforts to make us feel Child Welfare Campaign. lived up to his name by making him- of which we have secured Jobs as fol- the* qiiestlnn was called tor, but bolli tegrs of Mme.
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