The Miami Hurricane VOL. XX CotAl (. MU is. I inkuiA APRIL 26, 1946 24 Railroad Representatives Coronation Of Queen To Climax To Take Reservations Primaries Being HeM Today; A representative ut the Atlantic toast, timid* East (Hast, and Sera- hoard railroads, and Eastern Air Chi Omega Carnival Tonight Lines Mill be Ui the athletic eSce Run-OHs To Be Wednesday Monday, April IS. (mas It a-as. Coronation of the 1°46 Carnival Queen will be the highlight ol lo t p.m., to take reservations tor the sixth annual Chi Omega carnival to be held tonight at the students' trips home this spring. Starr, Frank!-, Up_n__h Vh For fair University cafeteria and patio from 8 p.m. until I a.m. The dance These representatives will he al will also feature twenty-three booths sponsored by campus organ­ the I'niversity fur one day only Petitions For Qao Mas DM HIT 3 izations, dancing in the cafeteria and on an outdoor dance floor, and come here as a tenvenleiwe tor students. Candidates far and door prizes awarded by Chi Omega •given Candidates for Carnival Queen an election, folia Alpha Epsilon Phi, Marvelle Kap in the Theater in, Jim Ian; Delta Zeta, Colleen Delaney; Lipscomb, and Lee Stan Iota Alpha Pi, Joy Arpert; Kappa Veterans To Fete Convalescents ami Jim Vaccaro: Sigma. Rita Meeersman; Stray Shier; treasurer. fcreeks. Kitty Lou Hoffman; Phi Voting in Epsilon Pi. Pat Roth; Sigma Chi, took Rosalie Hill; Sigma Kappa. Vir­ Wilh 'Florida Formal' Tonight annex, ai ginia Murphy; Cleo Phi, Rita Zar- late this et; Pi Kappa Alpha, Bobble Murch; By BiRNtci BERNARD aiid Zeta Tau Alpha, Sally Taylor. Final Tonight, the I'niversity of Miami Veterans' association will place Tuesday a« 11 » earn, m mm Voting on candidates will continue honor one hundred servicemen convalescing at the Hiltmore Army until 11 pm. tonight, but will be Theater secret from 10 until 11 p.m. Regional hospital at their "FUnul.i Formal," from 8 p.m. until in the The Queen will be presented with midnight The affair will lie held at the Policemen's Henevolence a gift from Chi Omega as well as Association hall in Miami. gifts from downtown stores. Gifts This promises to tie one of the biggest affairs of the year To donated from Coral Gables shops the tune of tour well-known local' ire Dewey's Jewelers, 10-karat orchestras, there will he continuous gold locket; Ringer's Jewelers, ear­ entertainment supplied by the night - rings; Coral Gables Jewelry Store, dubs and theater-restaurants of DormReservations gold cross and chain; Amidon's, al­ greater Miami, bum of Showboat records; Pilking- This ia a non-profit affair with no ton's, a fifteen-dollar photograph; admission charge Incidental ex­ Due By June I Gables theater, two passes, and penses are to be fekt hi bv the Varsity Cleaners, five dollars' cred­ Veterans' iissuci.in.eii The hall has $v>0 Deposit Vee it. been obtained, free of charge, from Also Coral Gables Flower Shop, the Policemen's Benevolence asso- Due At Same Time bouquet; Coral Way Florists, cor­ ciation All the entertainers have The University is experiencing sage; Cobb's, crystallized fruit and been secured without charge, also .oi unprecedented demand for dor- gift package; Marian Shop, lace Tlie American Guild eef Variety mitorv reservations for nes (Continued on Page Six) A -lists and the American Federa Or J Rus Owre, .lean .e| ..dmims- tion nf Musicians have MMMlM ilatum, has announce tlie Vets' association fur this, a I. t« P-as "We now have on hand more ap­ -etnaialfc' ' The four orchestras are: Mw'tm plications foi rooms than we hav« Beal Announces Selkirk funn tin- Ulacksionc hold s|*icc in the eleiinntotHM. Last year l.es Huliinsein from Jummcs-oii 11..- we had a similar, ihieuuh much Trail, Al Kiicrhuchlcr fvum the I'.e -mallei denial!.!, ami I i;i.nt many I JS a m Final Faculty Offices lice Hcncvulcnce association, and students who had made dormitory Summer Sdwei Ike ( afetrtia Frankie Matthews (rum the S.m i esei\ .di.>iis cancelled them at the Mr. K. Malcolm Beal, registrar, Juan restaurant. last nnnulc K\cry case such as this > l____j,Tbr has announced the following list of may mean ili.it an education has 'llie list of entert.iinei -. nletaincd faculty members and their offices lee-en denied to someone, at a time Pre-Rcqii._i.in bv Chairman Ted Wayne are Hal as a guide to students seeking ad­ when all colleges are MMM croweded Thornton ul Cluh __, •«**> Walk­ vice before enrolling in the sum­ than over In-fme in hist.., er, Iris Karyl, 3 HRIW(»|IM»|1 funn mer session. un necessary, thereto^ Rules Club lienl, the local Mam ice. Ma- HI tain that all available Mr. Conley R. Addington, 325; 'U l.ell, t'.lleseeil t i IC1-, ee| |lic Miami M space is occupied and that Pre Dr. Taylor R. Alexander, 379; Mr lest given Modelling sclie.i.l, Frank Paris and students naw cnrollerd at the Univ- Modeste Alloo, Music Shop; Mr. i—Sn in thr Senate Marionettes (rein the Clovet Club, oisiti have the first chance to make Foster AUer, Ad. Bldg.; Mrs. Dor- ,,,,,1 (,,,„, Kitis Duvis' Airliner are a inns," Dean Owre stated. oth. N. Andrews, 334; Mrs. Hannah LoU Swum, r.u-ol md I-eslte, ami All cunentK enrolled students Spiro A'her, Music Bldg.; Dr. Luis | c;,.n,. r„„v and Ite'teerta. wishing accommodations in tbe dmr- A. Baraet, 341; Mr. Virgil Barker, The spnit liehiiul this affair is imteei les nest fall must make reser- 341; Mr. Paul Barrus, 321; Mr. K. I * p n Kinal heitb rcm.ukalelc ami fommcndalilc \ utiems MM June 1 On that date, Malcolm Beal, 200; Mr. Mercer all apace will be immediately fillers! HI the * ale- Beasley, Athletic Office; Dr. John For every Individual menthx o\ the Veterans' association has a pel- from the requests now on hand. In R. Beery, 259; and i sonal share in this affair Thev each older to insure feet faith in makinc Dr. Joel Belov, Music Bldg Mrs. j realize that too soon, tee,, MMQ reservations, a fifty-dollar deposit Frances Hovey Bergh, Music Bldg. have forgotten the small Minority fee will lie required at the time re­ Mr. Ross Beiler, 327; Mr. William I of men and women who are still in servation-, are made. Students who Bobrick. Music Bldg.; Mr. Rockwell | the hospitals throughout HM United have aheaely deposited ten dollars. S. Bovle, 321; Mr. James E. Branch,, States. These convalescing servlee- the fminer fee. must complete the deposit by June 1 227; Dr. Walter M. Buswell, 379; men have had ml) kiiul nf enter- Bldg. Mr. Lee E. Butterfield, 238; Dr. ' tainment "brought" to them st all Tins fee •- of course apptknhte James J. Carney, Jr., 252; Mr. Philip times. So, tonight, they uie to be t.e the payment of the dormitory W. Carter, 267; Mr. Edward Clarke, taken away fnuu the hospital at- fee ll ts tefundahle upon rerquent Opn Friday Music Bldg.; Mr. John H. Clouse, inosphorc ami w ill jeeiu tlietr fellow until August 1. 265; Mr. Eugene Erwin Cohen, 325; veterans, ami their guests, to share Mme. Lina Coen, Music Bldg.; Mr I i evening of fun. A. N. Cole, 238; and Dr. Donald H Admission is by invitation only Cook. 137A. for members of Ihe Veterans' Asso­ Dr. Julian D. Corrington. 100D; ciation, their dates, a group of Uni­ Lambda Chi's Pick Mr. L. Earl Curry, Law Bldg.; Dr. versity niils, a group of Barrv col William P. Dismukes, 238: Mrs. Ad­ It He women, and one hundred Bilt­ aline S. Donahoo, 233; Mr. Edward more servicemen. The limited num­ .-Year-Old f. Dunn. Atnletic Office; Mr. John ber of servicemen is due to the fact F. Erb. 200; Dr. Arturo diFilippi. that nearly all of the Biltmore men Music Bldg.; Mr. Denman Fink. wanted to attend Among the guests For Sweetheart Dean Bertha Foster, Music School; will be Dr. and Mrs. Bowman F. Dean Charles R. Foster, Jr., 235; Ashe, faculty members who ale vet­ tutting away from the traditional and Dr. Harold A. Frey, 254. erans of the Armed Forces, and selection of fraternity sweMtheearts. Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity chose Dr. Jasper V. Garland. 311; Dr Coach Jack Harding and the ath­ R» '.«Jll«tl:.K '.., _Ker as its 1946 sweetheart Sheila Carney. Helen L. Garlinghouse, 250; Mr letic staff. mm H Tables and four and half year old daughter of George Scott Gleason, 375; Mr. Chairman Ted Wayne has besen pnaent (or card Dr. James J. Carney. Jr, aaeociaSe Henry Gregor, Music Bldg.; Mr. given full and continuous coopera­ IM a ll| ie trying Sc professor of economics. The dance Everett A. Hackett, 137; Dr. Wil­ tion by his assistants, entertainment Student- was held at 2300 N.W 14th Street liam L. Halstead, 341; Miss Donna that wouW committee, Lenny Schwarti, Mrs. Thursday evening. Blair Hamlett, library; Mr. John Katz (Miami Beach), and Capt. te donate it J. Harding. Athletic Office; Mrs. Ni­ Thompson, Special Services Officer As Sheila was presented with an •se ss the rec halL" na M. Harkins, 250; Mr. William G. at the Biltmore. Con Williams super­ Easter bunny. Art Peavy, president t the >v—1 hav* net yet been Harkins. Library; Mr. Franklin Har­ vised the program and ads commit­ of the fraternity, serenaded her with met B ie hoped that they ris, Ad. Bldg.; and Mr. Albert E. tee with the help of Gene Kllgman.
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