•V::,:.;.._,: A Director^ of the States HE follbwing pages supply information respecting the different Tstates and indicate sources from which additional data may bie obtained. They are intended to furnish concisely an over-all survey of the government of each.state—its elective officials;' the composi­ tion of its supreme court, and of its commissions oh interstate cooperation; the number of its legislators, their terms and pplitical. affiliacions; its adminiStra.tiY.e. officials; its nickname, motto, song, bird, and flower; summary state statistics; a condensation of those services performed by its legislative-reference bureau; the contents of its state manual; and the activities of its state defense agency. In each case, the material has been double checked by officials with­ in the state reported upon. '..„., Financial statistics are given for all states. The .figures were fur- nished^by the states and-by the U, S. Blireau of the Census, which coordinates data from states to compensate for variations in termin­ ology and record procedures, thus rendering the figures more nearly comparable. pv *?^n.- '• •••• ;\ I V ~ Vi *>ir \ /PRINCIPAL STATE OFFICERS: 1943 Slatr - i Govfrnors Lietitenani Governors. Allot neys General Secretaries of State - Alabama...... Chauncey Sparks (D) ' L. Handy Ellis' (D> William N. McQueen (D)» Howell Turner-;<D) . .L Arizona..;.... Sidney P. Osborn (D) Joseph W. Conway (D) Dan E. Garvey (D); Arkansas... Homer M. Adkins (D) j.'LVshaveP(b)' Guy E. Williams (D) C. G.Hall (D) • California..... Earl Warren (R)' Frederick F. Houser (R) Robert W. Kenny (D) Frank M. Jordan (R) Colorado... John C. Vivian (R) William-E. Higby (R) Gail L.Ireland (R) Walter F. Morrison (R) - Connecticut... Raymond.E. Baldwin {R) William L. Hadden (R) Francis A. Pallotti (R) Mrs. Frances Burke Redick (R) Delaware.. Walter W. Bacon (R) Isaac J. MacCollum (D) Clair J. Killoran (R) William J. Storey (R) Florida........ Spessard L. liolland (D) • J. Tom Watson (D) Robert A. Gray (D) Georjlia Ellis ArnalKD) . ,T. Grady Head (D) John B.Wilson (D) . Idaho C. A. Bottolfson (R) • Edwin Nelson (R) Bert H. Miller (D) George H: Curtis (D) Illinois Dwight H. Green (R) Hugh W. Cross (R) George F. Barrett (R) .Edward J: Hughes (D). Indiana....... Henry F. Sehricker (D) Charles M. Dawson (R) James^A. Emmert (R) , •Rue J. Alexander (R) ' Iowa.......... Bourke B. Hickenlooper (R) Robert Blue (R) John M. Rankin (R) Wayne M.'Ropes (R) Kansas........ Andrew F. Schoeppel (R) Jess C. lienious (R) A. B. Mitchell (R) Frank J. Ryan (R) . Kentucky..... Keen Jdhnson (D). Rodes K. Myers (D). Hubert Meredith'(D) George G. Hatcher (D) Louisiana... ... Sam Houston Jones (D) Marc M. Mouton (D) Eugene Stanley (D) James A. Gremillion (D) Maine.. I.. .. Sumner Sewali(R) . Frank I. Cowan (R) Harold I..Gos3 (R) Maryland. ... .. Herbert R. O'Conor (D) William C. Walsh (D) Thomas Elmo Jones (D) Massacliusetts. Levcrett Saltonstall (R) Horace T. Cahill (R) Robert T. Bushnell (R) Frederic VV, Cook (R) Michigan. .... Harry F. Kelly (R). ... ' Eugene C. Keyes (R) Herbert J. Rushton (R) Herman H. Dignan(R) Minnesota. Edward j. Thye (R)» Edward J. Thye (R) j. A. A! Burnquist (R) Mike Holm (R) Mississippi...... I'auIB. Johnson (D): Dennis Murphree (I)) Greek L. Rice (D) Walker Wood (D), ^^ Missouri. Forrest C. Oonnell (R) ; Frank G. Harris (D) Roy McKittrick (D) Dwight H. Brown (D) •^ Montana........ Sam C. Ford (R) ; Ernest T. Eaton (R) R. y.Bottomly (.D)» SamW. Mitchell (D) • O) . Nebraska!....... Dwight GriswoW (R) ' Roy W. Johnson (R) Waltier R. Johnson (R) ; Frank Marsh (R) Nevada.. E. P. Carville (D) Vail Pittman (D) Alan H.Bible (D) / Malcolm McEachin {D') New Hampshire. Robert O.-Blood (R) Stephen M. Wheeler (R)» / Enoch D. Fuller (R) ^ New Jersey Charles Edison (D) • David T. Wilentz (D) / Joseph A. Brophy (D) ' ; New Mexico..... John J. Dempsey (D) J. B.Jones (D) Edw;ird P. Chase (D) 'J- Cecelia T. cieiveland (D) , New York..... Thomas E. Dewey (R) Thomas W. Wallace (R) Nathaniel L. Goldstein (R) Thomas J. Curran (R) North Carolina.. J. Melville Brouglitoii (D) R. L. Harris (D) Harry McMullan (D) Thad Eure (D) • North Dakota. .. John Moses (D) - Henry Holt (D) Alvin C. Strutz (R) Thomas Hair(D) Ohio , John W. Bricker (R) • Paul M. Herbert (R) Thomas J. Herbert (R) Edward J. Hummel (R) - Oklahoma.....: Robert S. Kerr (D) James E. Berry (D) Mac O. Williamson (D) Frank C.Carter (D) Oregon.. •EarlSnell (R) . I. H. Van Winkle (R) Robert S. Farrell. Jr. (R) .• Pennsylvania... Edward Martin (R) john'c.Beil.'jr.'CR)'" James H. Duff (R) Charles M. Morrison (R) ; Rhode Island... J. Howard McGrath (D) ; Louis W. Cappeili (D) John H. Nolan (D) Armand H. Cot6 (D) South Carolina. Olin D. Johnston (D) , Runsome I. Williams (D) John M. Daniel (D) W. P. Blackwell (D) South Dakota.. M. Q. ShnrpL' (R) Albert C. Miller (R) . George.T. Alickelson (R) Mrs. L. M. Larsen (R) Tennessee...... Prentice Cooper (D) . Roy H. Beeler (D) JoeC. Garr(D) Texas..;....... Coke R. Stevenson (D) John Lee Smith (D) Gerald C. Mann (D) Sidney Latham (D) Utah... Herbert B. Maw (D). Grover A. Giles (D) E. E. Mbnson (D) Vermont. William H. Wills (R) Mortimer. R. Proctor (R) Alban J. Parker (R) Rawson C. Myrick (R) VirUinia... ... Colgate W.Darden. Jr. (D) NVilliam M. Tuck (D) .\bram P. Staples (D) Ralph E. Wilkins (DJ "; Washington Arthur B; Lanslie (R) Victor A. Meyers (D) .-Fred E. Lewis (D)» ' Mrs. Belle Reeves (D) West Virginia. !^atthew M. Neely <D) Ira J. Partlow (D)» William S. O'Brien (D) Wisconsin... ... Walter S. Goodlaml (R)» . NVai t'c'r- S.' (ioodland (R") John E. Martin (R) l-'red R. Zimmerman (RJ Wyoming...... 1-ester C, Hunt (D) Louis J. O'Marr (D) .Mart T. Chrisiensen (R) • Acting. A DIRECTORY OF THE STATES 317 THE GOVERNORS • a • . Sf • <3 ft; I H'^ a c o Annual Slale Name II Inauguration Day Salary Alabama Chauncey M. Sparks D 1943 4 ;. 1 First Mon. after sec. Tues. in Jan. $6,000 Arizona Sidney P. Osborn D 1943 2 1 .. First Monday in January 7,500 Arkansas Homer M. Adkins D 1943 2 1 .. After second Monday in Januarj-* •,. 6,000 . California Earl Warren R 1943 4 .. .. First Monday after January 1 10,000 Colorado. John C. Vivian R 1943 2 .. Second Tuesday in January 10,000 Connecticut... Raymond E. Baldwin R 1943 2 .. First Wed. after fjrst.Mon. in Jan. 12,000 Delaware. Walter W. Bacon R 1941 4 2'> Third Tuesday in January 7,500 Florida.. Spessard L. Holland ' D 1941 4 1 First Tues. after first Mon. in Jan.' 9,000 GeoriJla Ellis G.Arnall 1 D 1943 4 .. 1 After second Monday in Januar>'* 7,500 Idaho C. A. Bottolfsen R 1943 2 1 ,. First Monday in January 7,500 Illinois........ DwiRht H. Green / R • 1941 4 - .. .. Second Monday in January 12,000 Indiana. Henry F. Scbricker D 1941 4 1 Second Monday in January 8,000 Iowa Bourke B. Hickenlooper R 1943 2 .. Second Monday in January 7,500 Kansas Andrew Schoeppel R 1943 2 .. ... • Second Monday in January' 5,000 Kentucky....... Keen Johnson D (<=) 4 .. 1 Sixth Tuesday after Nov. 1<J 10.000 Louisiana...... Sam Houston Jones D {«) 4 .. Second Tuesday in May 12,000 Maine. Sumiier-Sewall R 1943 2 1 .. First Wednesday in January 5,000 Maryland...... Herbert R. O'Caaar D 1943 4 1 .. Second Wednesday in January 4,500 . Massachusetts. Leverett SaltonstSffl R 1943 2 2 .. Thursday after first Wed. in Jan. 10,000 Michigan Harry F. Kelly •«»«. R 1943 2 .. First day of January 5.(:00 " .;•^ • ™ .•••.• • Minnesota Edward J. Thye R 1943 2 2 .. Fir.gt Monday in Janiiiry 7,000 Mississippi::... Paul B. Johnson D 1940 4 1 " Second Tues. after first Mon. in Jan.' 7,-00 Missouri Forrest C. Donnell R 1941 4 1 Second Monday in January ' 5,000 Montana. SamC. Ford , R 1941 4 First Monday in January -^. .7,500- / • • • - . • Nebraska...;.. Dwiptht Griswold R 1943 2 .. First Thurs. after first Tuesl in Jan. 7,500 Nevada :. E. P. Carville D 1943 4 ., First Monday in January 7,000 New Hampshire Robert O. Blood . R 1943 2 First Thursday in January 5,000 New Jersey,.... Charles Edison D 1941 3 1 Third Tuesday in January 20,000 • New Mexico John J. Dempsey D 1943 2« .. First day of January 5,000 New York. Thomas E. DeWey R 1943. 4 .. First day of January 25,000 North Carolina. J. Melville Broughton D 1941 4 ,1 Set by General Assembly • 10,500 North Dakota.. John Moses . D 1943 2 2 . First Monday in January 4,000 Ohio .-. John W. Bricker " R 1943 2 2 ,. Second Monday in January 10,000 Oklahoma Robert S. Kerr D 1943 4 1 Second Monday in January 6,500 Oregon EarlSnell" R 1943 4. 2 Second Monday in January ""^ 7.500 Pennsylvania..^. Edward Martin ' ^ • ^'43 4 1 Third Tuesday in January 18,000 Rhode Island... J. Howard McGrath D. 1943 ,2 1 .. First Tuesday in January 8,000 South Carolina. Olin D. Johnston D 1943 4 1 (b) 7,500 South Dakota.. M. Q. Sharpe R 1943 4 .. First Tues. after first Mon. in Jan. 3.000 Tennessee...... Prentice Cooper D" 1943 4 2 3 Third week in January"' 4.000 Texas..... Coke Stevenson D . 1943 2 .. FirstTues. after organ, of Leg. in Jan. 12,000. Utah Herbert B. Maw D 1941 4 .. First Monday in January 6,000 Vermont....... William H. Wills R 1943 2 .. First Thurs. after first Mon. in Jan. S.OOO yirfiinia........ Colgate W. Darden, Jr. D . 1942 4 1 ThirdVVednesday in January • 10,000 Washington...
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