L, \ tXJESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1969 Average Dally Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Ending Foraesot of O. B.. Weathor Bs n m p a g e TWlIiVB lianrlifBtpr lEwfnittg IStralb February 21, 1959 decorntad In honor |Of Wathlng- Fair and not aa Mid tanIgM. 6ENESAL 12,886 Low IS to *9. 'tlraraday ganarallt Raglatration for coirtmtmlon 8t. Cscellta’i Mothers Circle wdll G&S Songg Heard ton’i Birthday, and chstry tarU Sunday at the Zion Lutheran hold a potluck and Its monthly were eerved. Mrs. Raymond Badg­ Member of the Aadtt lair and milder. High In Ma. Church will be Friday between 3 meeting tonight at 7 o'clock at the er and Mrs. William Wagner, co- TV SERVICE Buresii of Circulation. About Town home of Mrs. Allan Schubert, 28H By Women’s Club chairmen of hostesses for the eve­ MancAf*ster-—A City of Village Charm and 4 and 7 and 8 p.m. You Should Know... rB>« Bo«rt of DeacOM w lllbo In Garden Dr. ning, were responsible for the cen­ The Manchester Gilbert and Sul­ terpiece, a large flowering cherry chan« of tbo aonrico tonight at A fashion show, aponsored by the Ronald Joseph Daigle livan Workshop presented a pro­ (Claaalfted Advertlaing on Pago 22) PRICE FIVE CBNTO^ T;S0 In the Covenant Congrega­ AU members of Campbell Coun­ tree with a tiny, red hatchet at­ TEL. Ml S-5482 VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 124 '(TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTEU, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25. 1959 WSCS of the South Metliodlst cil. Knights of Columbus, are in­ gram for the Women’s Cflub of tached to the base. Red cherries tional Church. H'e weekly cot­ Manchester last night at Second tage prayer meeUng tomorrow at Church, will be held at the Wad­ vited to attend the third degree You have already met Charles •and small American flags were dell School at 8 o'clock tomorrow banquet to be held at the KofC R. Graff and Donald Cowles, build­ Congregational Church. scattered between the lighted can­ r ?5 will be held at the home of Bernard CampagnB directed the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wldham, 32 night. Tickets will be available at Home Thursday night at 6:30. ing directors at the East Side dles. Mrs. Howard Lockward. Mrs. the door. Refreshments will be Tickets may be purchased from chorus and soloists In songs from Benton St. Recreation Center and Community Wilfred Lisk and Mrs. Kenneth served. Roland LePage, chairman of the Y, respectively. "The Pirates of Penzance,” "The McAlpine Jr. poured. U.S. Mqon committee, other membera of the Now meet Ronald Joseph Mikado," and "H.M.S. Pinafore." OD M»— Janrt Armstrong, daugh­ Soloists were Charlotte Gray, Ruth ter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Arm­ Kenneth Hammond Jr., avlatio'n committee or from the steward. Dslgle. building director at the West Side Recreation Center on Campagna, Eunice Bllnn, Eliza­ strong of 17 Quaker Rd., submit­ boatswain's mate third class, USN. beth Tyrol, Harold BagUn, Godfrey Boatwright Sings Launching Ike Asserts Soviet Attitude ted a water color palnUng chosen son of Mrs. Marion H. Hammond, Temple Chapter, Order of the Cedar St,, the last of the triumvi­ Eastern Star, will meet tomorrow rate which watches over the Re­ Gourley, Robert Gordon, Warren the second best palnUng of the 52 Benton St., aboard the support Case, June Gaal, Barbara Slater At MHS May 9 month by the Fine Arts Assn. aircraft carrier, USS Princeton, at 8 p m- in the Masonic Temple. creation Department's indoor The business will Include thiJf' ini­ activities during the winter season. and Hal Harrison. Due Today Miss Armstrong was accepted into took part in an anti-submarine T«rt*d from tiation of candidates. Mrs. Albert Daigle's Jpb, like those of Graft Members of the chorus were Baritone McHenry Boatwright membership of the organisation at warfare exercise from Feb. 16 to Evelyn Blckel, Jessie Bristow, rear-w heel to Friday’s'meeUng. 10 off the coast of Southern Cali­ Ford will serve a.s chairman of the and Cowles,’Is that of an overseer. will give a concert at Manchester fron t-w heel He supervises the various recrea­ Ruth Dowd, Eleanor Gordon, Jean Washington, Feb. 25 (/P)— fornia. refre.shment committee. High School May 9 at 8:15 p.m. pcopelllBS, M tion programs in the building, re­ Harrison, Celia Lincoln, Dorothy He was scheduled to perform in Aviation Daily says launching The Rotary Club will meet to­ cords athletic equipment needs and Potter. Virginia Ryan, Barbara to ell Sdneh Mr. and Mrs. William Taggart, the Civic Music Assn, series Feb. r a s t e t e . of a Discoverer satellite from On Berlin Hit Peace Hopes night at 6:30 at Club "21 " After lends a helping hand to regular or Santlnl, Doris Schreiber, Jean the dinner members wnH stuff who are moving to California Tickets Available Slocum, Marcia Sweeney. Richard 9, but weather conditions pre­ Vandenberg Air Force Base, March 12, were honored with a part time ataff members when it is vented his arrival in time for the $72.00 envelopes for the Easter Seal needed. Berggren, Nell Case, Gerard Di- Calif., is planned for today. farewell party Saturday night at Manno, George Duncam, William concert. 'The concert was canceled ' -------------------------- ^ r — Drive. For Masonic Ball Recreation activities are spread shortly before he arrived. The trade publication reported the Zlpser Club. About 70 friend,, Gray, Fred Hopper, George Hub- N«HywMa OVM TrUh <«*w 4 also that the first captive flight and relatives attended the dinner out fairly evenly over the three Subscribers to the CMA eeriea The monthly meeting of the Rer buildings, but br.rd, Raymond McGugan, Edward Fits over everage toilet of the 15 rocket research ship is and presented them with money Reservations are still being ac­ there are will be informed by mail of the Maiimams will be held tonight at activities peculiar to each one. In Potter and William Sweeney. bowL Sturdily coo. scheduled tomorrow, and an Army Allies Rap Attack by Khrushchev D im s Stands Firm and other gifts. For the time being cepted for the Masonic Ball Fri­ procedure to follow in gaining ad­ 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Pat­ Daigle's province fall the men's During the short business meet­ itnictrd. Easily cleaned. lunar probe from Cape Canaveral, rick McCann, 30 Ashworth St. they are realding with their aon at day night at the Masonic Temple. ing Mrs. Fred Geyer Introduced mittance to the concert, since 78 Rl.sley Rd., Glastonbury. Howard Waddell of 30 Tanner volleyball leagues and the Little they have already surrendered Fla., Saturday. Theater group. four new members to the club, Mrs. Another trade paper. Space Bus­ St. is taking reservation., from Pratt * Whitney Aircraft where Peter Lo Maglio, Mrs. Ralph their tickets. S S I .00 Red Bar on Hope for Macmillan Success On Keeping iness Daily, says the Army has TTie Missionary Circle will meet members of the fraternity and Mr. and Mrs. Burton Moore, he is now a master electrician. Schwaikert, Mrs. Harold Treash set the launching of Pioneer IV Friday at 8 p.m In Emanuel their friends. The Bud Hewitt or­ membera of the Coventry Pla.vers, In athletics, Daigle has an eye­ and Mrs. M. Crossen Ward. Mrs. "on or about March 1, give or take Lutheran Church. It will be a prac­ chestra of Rockville will play for instruct the latter group on Tues­ opening history. Scourge of acho- James Cooper was elected co- WELDON DRUG GO. ule. Mainiillan and Idoyd were to City Rights CAMERAS day evenings. Men's voUe.vball a day." It added this will not be N-Controls By HAUOI.I) K. MILKS -Bolshoi Ballet given In their hon- FBUM—FLASHBULBS tical work night. dancing. la.atlc hockey rinks in the 30s, he chairman of prograrii for 1959-60. Authorized Dealer Moscow, Kcl).‘25 (/I’l—Prime or have gone alone to vi.sit Kief. A springtime motif will be used leagues play the first three nights the last Army attempt to place DISCOUNT PRICES was also adept at football (half­ At the close of the concert Mrs. LAWN MOWERS 901 MAIN ST.—Ml 8-58*1 an instrument package near the ,, . , ___;n .............i>,,„ Macm Ian was obviously shaken The aerial talks will be aome- in the decorations. Music will be of each week, an/J Daigle, keeping Gordon Campbell Invited the work­ Geneva, Feb. 25 (/P)—The .Mims er Macmillan and Khrushchevs fiery statement Washington, Feb. 25 (fP)— score perched high atop a co\irt- back and end), baseball (.second moon. Ihing new. After two days in Kiev, piped to a coffee bay the Order of base), basketball and track. He shop members to join the club for United States and Britain told mior Ivlirusluiicv had aiiotnci J a pnllUcnl meeting in the Ki'cm- Macmillan will leave by plane Sat* Presirient Eisenhower said to- ARTHUR DRUB WOU CAM OEP6MP o n ' Amaranth will have set up in the side stop ladder, has become eome- Sharpened Both the Pentagon and the Na­ Ihing of a fixture during the captained the tr = de school hockey a coffee hour. The tables were tional Ael-onaulics and Space Ad­ Russia today yesterday's long jirivate talk today, this.lin yesleidny while his Britisl: ui’flay morninR for a day'-s stay in (la.v the Soviet Union’s atti­ game room Rainbow Girls will guest was away from Mo.scow Leningrad, then relui'n for final games.
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