-1 Atnagt Dally Nat P r a s Run " s Week Km M The Weather A M e S S ,lN » . Mostly cloiidy and co<4 w lA chance o t rain through Tuee- day. Low tonight 56 to 60. High 15,459 tomorrow In upper'60s. ^ > x Manefukter- A City of Village bj^rm VDL. LXXirvm, n o : 2 5^ (TWENTY-POUR PAGES^tV^ SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, hjl.Y 7, 1969 Advertlaliig on M ) PRICE TEN CENTS Apollo Crew Hoover Says U.S. Mayor Lee Plunges Into Won’t Seek Last Training Mao’s Big Target Re-Election CAPE KENNEDT, >Ta. (AP) WASHIN(3TON (AP) — Oora- ambiUon to equal other major NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)— ~ 7*** 11'astratiauta, t»- munlst CSilna haa- singled' out powers economically, militarily laxed after a July 4th weekend Richard C. Vee. a pioneer to -the United States as its No. 1 en­ and, especiany. In scientific en­ urban renewal and one of the wMt their families, ptungred to­ emy and Is working to tap need­ deavors,” Hoover aold. day liitD their floal days of nation’s most widely-known ed sclentlflo Information here This goal. Hoover said, has training for next w e ^ ’s voyage mayors, announced today he hy any means, FB I Director J. resulted In'Chinese Oonrmunlat to tbe moon. will not seek re-election th& Bilgar Hoover says. intelligence aoUvlties here—ov­ Neil A. Armstrutig, Michael ^ year. “ The potent threaUto our na­ ert as well as covert—to get OoUins and Edwin E. Aldrhi Jr. Lee. 58. has prMidedbver thla tional security posed by Red needed material, particularly in' C) made an early morning flight to cHy's government for nearly 16 U China a ^ exlata," is the way the scientific field. Cape Kennedy from their Hoim- ycani and has been eleoted eight The FBI chief said one ton, Tex., homes and began a Hoover phrased It “ In fa ct the ctwriectiUve Umee. blatant, belligerent and lUo^cal clandestine effort was thwarted full day o f aharpening akiUs in Ho faced a tough battle this statements made by Red Chi­ in 1967 wiien an effort was mOde c> trainer spacecraft. year, but his announcement still na's spokesmen dlirlng the past to send electronic equipment to Armstrong and Aldrln poac- ceone as a aurpiioe. year leave no doubt that the Honil: Rong by way of Canada. C) ttced b l a s ^ oft from the this wUI be first time )ln 20 moiem’s surface and rendezvous­ United States la Oommui)lat Chi­ Hoover said infoimanta have na's No. 1 enemy.". made “ deep penetrations in In­ years that Lee wUl not be on ing with OoUtns circling the the Democratic bollot tor may­ moon in the Apollo command Hoover’s warning was deliv­ telligence operations" In this ered behind closed,doors last country by Oommunlat coun­ or. He narrowly lost hie first stalp. AU ihiee aatronauta \ two attempts. In 1949 and 1961. practiced what they must do April to a House Apprc^rlatlons tries, particularly the Soviet Un­ . Lee's decision Immediately to trigger the command ddp’s suboommlttee. Hla testimony ion, (Juba and Red China. .raised the question of whether mein engine to kick them out of .was rrteaaed today. But, without specifying which ho would perhape s'eek higher lunar orbit end start the return “ Thir Utterness towfird the countries, Hoover said these United States and other Western Communlat Intelligence services Office, poulbly that of U.S. trip to earth. ''Senator, next year. n ie three mooomen spent the oountries—even the Soviet Un­ also tiy to penetrate Ms own holiday with their famUlee near io n -^ a factor In Red China's FBI, Jhe CIA, State and Defense Aaksd whether he would seek the Maimed Spacecraft Center. Departments. He didn’t mention the senatorial or gubernatorial the degree of ouocesa. nominatlona, Lee sold be would (See Page Twelve) Turning to Communist China, ncA “ rule out" any poaolblUtlos. Hoover said: He come very clpoe to getting (C) —“ Red (Jhlna has been flood­ the Senate nomination to 1968. led Private Service \ ing the country with Us propa­ The man who won It—Thomas J. ganda and there are . over Dodd—went on to win election SPACE CENTER, Houston Major Work 800,000 Chinese in the United for two terms and has vowed A (A P ) — Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. at­ States, some of whom could be I seek renomlnatlon next year. tended a private church service susceptible to recruitment ei­ '’Ix.am sure that never og^tin Sunday—this last day at home Of Congress ther through ethnic ties or host­ will I'Ao anything so Important before going to the moon—and age rituatioim because of rela­ os runntog a city," sold Lae / heard himself dedicated “ to tives In Communist China." to his staternqnt today, / r^m eent Um body of Christ, L ie s Ahead —in addition, up to 20,000 ^|ut he also 'apid ha w o i^ our neticR, and all manidnd on WASHmOTON (A P ) — The Chinese Immigrants can come “ pursue other chafioiigsa.'’ the firat expedition to another 61st Congress, wtUch has IMtle here each year “ and thla pro­ l-ee has bean frequ^tlyyffien- planet.” to riiow for Us first six months, vides a means to send Illegal tkwpd as a pooslbU canatUte Aldrin, his wife and thrtr old; retuniB to work today after its agents into our nation." He said for higher office. In 16«, after y>/ ert son, Michael, is, met in the fourth reoesB this year. there are active Chinese Com­ his friend John F. Kennedy was'' deoerted sanctuary of the Web- Its major tasks lie ahead, and munist sympathisers to the elected President, there was . ster Preebyterien dituxh with a thesof are enough of them to Western Hemisphere in a ppri- talk of a high port to the fed­ minister and a church elder. Appollo II Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, shows keep the iegistators busy until Uon to aid to operations agdtost Gov. Nelson A. R<x:kefeller of New., York gmtures eral governpiertt. / The astronaut was forbidden how he’ll step onto the surface of the moon from , Chrtabnaa. this country. as he talks witli newsmen on arriving at Kennedy loiter, when t|rb cabinet post by flight surgeons from attend- Congress' official “ BUitus of —A growing prbblem cgn- uf Secretary plr Housing and the main services. Space the lunar module later this month. This picture was ' Major Bills" lists only cne cerns the 40,000 Hong Kong airiiort in New York Sunday from his tour of Ijitiii lirbon Devetotiment was created doctonsliave restricted the con­ •w< made during a training session. (A P Photofax) meamire enacted into law. That based Chinese seaman, many there was mculatton that Lee tact of the spacemen with other Increased the national debt lim­ actually living on the China America. Uockefeller .said his fact-finding 'mission would get that Job. people to avoid their contracting I i ^ • it. mainland. "Wo are aware of sit­ to I.4itin America showed "there is an urgent neeil As majair, Lee became w ld ely\ germs which-cculd' make them Not a single regular annual uations where they have served known for putting togriher a re- iO> ill during their space flight. aa epuriers In Intclligetu'e op«T- for changes in our jiolicies" toward the countries developmettC program that won (C) appropriation bill providli« ' The Rev. M. Dean Woodruff finidB for the flsoal year that aUons.'’_„ of South and Central America. (A P Photofux) ,, hla city more federal grants per delivered a brief sermon to the Viet Cong Launches On ainy given day. Hoover capita .tHhn any other munlcl- tlsh stfuted July 1 has been enacted. liny Aldrins in which he talked of the There are 13 of them. Only said, three-fourtha of these pality'in the country. igh. symbolic importanoe of Apollo crewmen are on. ships around ,tn 1661 he was ele>cted pres­ Ighr three have passed the House. 11. ' . 1 New Ground Attack Only tivee times since 1960 the world and about 27,000 are ident of the U.S. Contcronce of "W e are begiiailng an era of a members ot the Chinese Ckim- Mayora. B y OBKNBOE B h PB * in Can Tho City in tbe ICstong has Congress fhUed to enact at Rockefeller Back, new worldwide civflizatkm munlst-domtoated Hong Kong However, the brood support Aaaooiated Press Writer . Delta, T6 miles southwest Sai­ least one the money wil« by based on sctence,” the minister Seamen's Union. SAIGON (A P ) — Viet Cong gon, killed one Vietnamese child the time the new fiscal ' year tliat' hs enjoyed earlier to hU said, and “ Apollo l l Is the first -:.tarted. Hooever said there are thou­ reign had begun , to erode In forces today launched their first and another civilian and wound­ nondestructive event of symbol­ sands of entriss made by them To Suggest Policies recent years, with Negro groupe ground attack in a week, Mast­ ed M' government soldiers and F'ederol agencies whose funds ic Importence ot this new world­ crewmen into U.S. citlsa each charging that the city preferred ing their way into a U.S. mili­ 27'clvUlana. are involved ,have been , given 'NEW YORK (AIM ' Q,»v. hosted Rockefeller Mtoered wide civilization.” year when their ships dock highway omstrucUon to housing tary headquarters with gre­ U.S. headquarters reported an temporary and limited firanc- Nelson A. Rockefeller complet- riots, demonstrations,/ bomb­ The Rev. Mr. Woodruff deUv- here. i'onstrucUon , and was not re­ nades and dynamite bombs.
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