US 2016.0000703A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0000703 A1 Micka et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 7, 2016 (54) ABUSE DETERRENT IMMEDIATE RELEASE Publication Classification FORMULATIONS COMPRISING NON-CELLULOSE POLYSACCHARDES (51) Int. Cl. 469/46 (2006.01) (71) Applicant: Mallinckrodt LLC, Hazelwood, MO A613 L/485 (2006.01) (US) A647/34 (2006.01) A647/32 (2006.01) (72) Inventors: Alex Micka, Hazelwood, MO (US); Kai A647/36 (2006.01) Feng, Hazelwood, MO (US); Tsz Chung A647/38 (2006.01) Lai, Hazelwood, MO (US); Jonathan (52) U.S. Cl. Gaik, Hazelwood, MO (US) CPC ............... A61 K9/0007 (2013.01); A61K47/36 (2013.01); A61 K47/38 (2013.01); A61K47/34 (2013.01); A61 K47/32 (2013.01); A61 K (21) Appl. No.: 14/788,908 31/485 (2013.01) (57) ABSTRACT The present disclosure provides pharmaceutical composi (22) Filed: Jul. 1, 2015 tions that provide immediate release of active ingredients and have abuse deterrent properties. In particular, the pharmaceu tical compositions comprise at least one pharmaceutically Related U.S. Application Data active ingredient, at least one non-cellulose polysaccharide, (60) Provisional application No. 62/020,726, filed on Jul. 3, at least one hydrophilic gelling polymer, and an effervescent 2014. system. US 2016/0000703 A1 Jan. 7, 2016 ABUSE DETERRENT IMMEDIATE RELEASE pharmaceutical compositions comprise non-cellulose FORMULATIONS COMPRISING polysaccharides and hydrophilic gelling polymers in combi NON-CELLULOSE POLYSACCHARDES nation with an effervescent system comprising an acid com ponent and a base component. It was unexpectedly discov CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED ered that the combination of non-cellulose polysaccharides, APPLICATIONS hydrophilic gelling polymers, and the effervescent system 0001. This application claims the priority of U.S. Provi makes the compositions resistant to crushing into fine pow sional Application Ser. No. 62/020,726, filed Jul. 3, 2014, the ders and/or extracting with suitable solvents at a variety of disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its temperatures, while still providing immediate release of the entirety. active ingredient(s). The present disclosure also provides pro cesses for preparing the immediate release, abuse deterrent FIELD pharmaceutical compositions disclosed herein. 0002 The present disclosure generally relates to pharma (I) Pharmaceutical Compositions ceutical compositions that provide immediate release of active ingredients and have abuse deterrent properties. 0010. One aspect of the present disclosure provides abuse deterrent pharmaceutical compositions that provide immedi BACKGROUND ate release of the active pharmaceutical ingredients. Detailed below are the components of the compositions, release char 0003. Abuse of prescription drugs (particularly opioids) acteristics of the compositions, and abuse deterrent properties has become a serious Societal problem. Such abuse places an of the compositions. enormous economic burden on Society due to increased health care, work place, and criminal justice costs. Several routes of administration are commonly attempted by abusers. (a) Components For example, the oral Solid dosage form may be crushed or 0011. The pharmaceutical compositions disclosed herein pulverized into a powder and administered intranasally (i.e., comprise at least one non-cellulose polysaccharide, at least Snorted) or dissolved in a Suitable solvent (e.g., water) and one hydrophilic gelling polymer, and an effervescent system. administered parenterally (i.e., injected intravenously). The combination of the non-cellulose polysaccharide, the 0004 Attempts have been made to diminish the abuse of hydrophilic gelling polymers, and the effervescent system opioid solid dosage forms. One approach has been to include yields a composition that has abuse deterrent properties (e.g., in the dosage form an opioid antagonist that is not orally is difficult to crush into a fine powder or extract with an active but will substantially block the analgesic effects of the aqueous solvent) but which also provides rapid and immedi opioid if one attempts to dissolve the opioid and administer it ate release of the active ingredient. parenterally. Another approach has been to include gel-form ing high molecular weight polymers that confer plasticity to (i) Non-Cellulose Polysaccharides the dosage form rendering them difficult to crush and pulver ize into a powder. These high molecular weight polymers, 0012. A variety of non-cellulose polysaccharides may be however, retard the release of the active ingredient from the included in the pharmaceutical compositions disclosed dosage forms, making them unsuitable for immediate release herein. Suitable polysaccharides include, without limit, natu formulations. ral gums, hemicelluloses (such as Xyloglucans, Xylans, and 0005 Thus, there is a need for oral solid dosage forms that mannans), pectins (e.g., derived from citrus, apples, pears provide immediate release of the active ingredient yet are gooseberries, and the like), chitins, starches (e.g., derived resistant to abuse. from corn, potato, rice, and so forth), glycogen, chrysolami narin, derivatives thereof, and combinations thereof. SUMMARY 0013. In certain embodiments, the non-cellulose polysac 0006 Among the various aspects of the present disclosure charide is a natural gum or a combination of natural gums. is a pharmaceutical composition comprising at least one Natural gums are non-cellulose polysaccharides derived from active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) or a pharmaceutically botanical sources, seaweeds, or produced via bacterial fer acceptable salt thereof, at least one non-cellulose polysaccha mentation. Non-limiting examples of plant-derived natural ride, at least one hydrophilic gelling polymer, and an effer gums include albizia gum, aloe mucilage, beta-glucan, chicle Vescent system. gum, dammar gum, fenugreek gum, glucomannan, guar gum, 0007. A further aspect of the present disclosure encom gum arabic (also called acacia gum), gum copal, gum ghatti, passes an abuse deterrent solid dosage form comprising at gum tragacanth, hakea gum, Hibiscus rosasinensis gum, least one active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) Susceptible honey locust gum, hupu gum, karayagum, khayagum, Lepi dium sativum gum, locust bean gum, mastic gum, Mimosa to abuse or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, at least scabrella gum, Mimosapudica gum, okragum, psyllium seed one natural gum, at least one hydrophilic gelling polymer, and husks (also called ispaghula husk), Spruce gum, Sterculia an effervescent system. foetida gum, tamarind gum, tara gum, and derivatives of any 0008. Other aspects and iterations of the disclosure are of the foregoing. Examples of natural gums derived from described in more detail below. seaweeds include, without limit, alginate or alginic acid, fucoidan, and laminarin derived from brown seaweeds, and DETAILED DESCRIPTION agar and carrageenans derived from red seaweeds. Non-lim 0009. The present disclosure provides pharmaceutical iting examples of natural gums produced by bacterial fermen compositions that provide rapid release of the active ingredi tation include Xanthan gum, gellangum, dextran, welangum, ents and have abuse deterrent properties. In particular, the diutan gum, pullulan, and derivatives thereof. US 2016/0000703 A1 Jan. 7, 2016 0014. In specific embodiments, the non-cellulose polysac and will vary. Non-limiting examples of suitable cellulose charide is a natural gum. In one embodiment, the non-cellu ethers include hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC), hydroxypro lose polysaccharide may be a glucomannan. Glucomannans pylmethylcellulose (HPMC), carboxymethylcellulose are linear polysaccharides composed off-1.4 linked D-man (CMC) (e.g., sodium carboxymethylcellulose), methylcellu nose and D-glucose residues (with acetyl side branches on lose, hydroxyethylcellulose, hydroxyethylmethylcellulose, some of the backbone units) that are derived from softwoods, methylhydroxyethylcellulose, and the like. In specific roots, tubers, and plant bulbs. The mannose to glucose ratio embodiments, the cellulose ether may be hydroxypropylcel depends upon the source of the glucomannan. For example, lulose, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, sodium carboxym konjac glucomannan, which is derived from the tubers of ethylcellulose, or combinations thereof. The average molecu Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch, has a mannose:glucose lar weight of the cellulose ether may range from about 20,000 ratio of 1.6:1, whereas those extracted from Scotch pine or to about 1,500,000. In various embodiments, the weight aver orchids have ratios of 2.1:1 or 3.6:1, respectively. In a par age molecular weight of the cellulose ether may be about ticular iteration, the glucomannan may be konjac glucoman 30,000, about 100,000, about 250,000, about 850,000, or nan. In another embodiment, the non-cellulose polysaccha about 1,150,000. ride may be a combination of glucomannan and Xanthan gum. 0020. In other embodiments, the hydrophilic gelling poly 0015. In general, the non-cellulose polysaccharide has a mer may be a polyalkylene oxide such as polyethylene oxide high molecular weight and forms a viscous mixture or gel (PEO), polypropylene oxide (PPO), derivatives thereof, upon contact with water or an aqueous solution. In some copolymers thereof, or combinations thereof. In particular embodiments, the polysaccharide may have an average embodiments, the hydrophilic gelling polymer may be a poly molecular weight of greater than about 200,000,
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