NORTHEASTERN IOWA SEPTEMBER 2019 • VOLUME 32, ISSUE 8 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Celebrating Renewal:Star Katherine von Bora Luther — Faith in the Home Teaching faith can mean finding the answers together by Marcia Hahn Pastor Rebecca when they were saying Kate’s Ninke writes bedtime prayers together. The a lot about book portrays one kid’s experi- faith and how ence praying for funny and to teach it to poignant things, sometimes others. She likes in surprising times and places people to know like when the character is that they do picking up dog poop in the not need to be Rebecca Ninke yard. Ninke and her daughter experts to teach hoped to convey the message the faith. that kids can just talk to God anytime and anywhere about “You don’t have to be holy to be anything. faithful,” Ninke says. “It’s okay for parents and Sunday school teach- Ninke says that rituals around ers to not have all the answers. It’s prayer are an important part okay to say to the kids I’m not sure. of sharing faith at home with That’s a great question, let’s find her children, and so are the out together.” informal conversations she has Pastor Rebecca Ninke and her nine-year-old daughter wrote the children’s book There’s No Wrong Way to Pray with them about everyday life, to help kids learn how easy it is to pray to God. Ninke serves as part-time pastor such as being good stewards, for two ELCA congregations in giving thanks to God for food the Madison, Wis., area and is an and learning not to waste food. author and freelance writer/editor. >> Continued on page 2 She has been a writer and contribu- “A façade of holiness is not what tor for 16 years for publications we’re going for,” Ninke says. “We sit offered through 1517 Media (for- down and talk about what it costs to merly Augsburg Fortress), the pub- own a house, pay bills, give to the IN THIS ISSUE lishing house for the ELCA. Her church and give to hunger organiza- name appears as a contributor for tions.” 1 Teaching faith can mean finding numerous curriculum resources, in- the answers together cluding The Lutheran Handbook and Those types of conversations about Write, speak and act the newer confirmation curricula, everyday experiences are a great 3 way for parents to share faith-based Colaborate and Re:Form. Churchwide Assembly Summary values with their children, espe- 5 of Actions Most recently, Ninke co-authored cially if the parents feel they don’t the children’s book There’s No Wrong know much about faith. Ninke Little Pantries let us give freely Way to Pray with her daughter, Kate, points to a cultural shift against 6 who was nine at the time. They church affiliation, which has left 7 Congregations came up with the idea for the book many parents feeling they are not 8 Prayer Calendar Teaching faith can mean finding the answers together << Continued from page 1 equipped to share the basics in faith everyday conversations. Ninke rec- SMALL STEPS GROW FAITH AT HOME — so they don’t even try to share it ommends the Whirl DVDs, which with their children. feature animated characters who Jake Bouma is use light-hearted wit to address a veteran youth Ninke recalls leading a confirma- common situations and questions worker who tion class a few years ago when she related to living out their faith. The contributes to asked the kids about their prayer short videos are part of a larger Sparkhouse life and what they have been taught Sunday school package, but can curricula and about prayers at home. They an- also be used by families. serves as direc- swered her with a room full of blank tor of Youth and stares. Another favorite standby for Ninke Family Ministry Jake Bouma is The Lutheran Handbook, which she for Faith Lu- “The kids were from good church still gives to all of her confirmation theran in Clive, Iowa. As part of families who were there every week, classes. The handbook uses humor his confirmation classes, Bouma but the parents weren’t teaching to share practical tips and fun facts talks to parents about how they their kids about prayer and how to to give a basic understanding of Lu- can encourage faith in the home. talk to God,” Ninke says. theran teachings and theology. His best advice for parents is to not Ninke emphasizes that parents can outsource the faith development of help their children practice faith by their child to the church. being mindful of faith when teach- “… I still don’t know all the answers, Bouma helps parents set expecta- ing their children how to make but I know where to look. That’s the tions for what they can do in the decisions in life, such as being nice home to teach the faith and he to other kids at school — especially gift of faith ­­— you can keep on offers tools and resources to help those who are being picked on — learning and keep on exploring.” them. “We create a document for because they have their own set of —Rebecca Ninke parents to display in their home, challenges. like a reading chart to keep track of “Parents can help their kids under- their faith development.” stand at an early age that their ex- For anyone feeling overwhelmed He asks parents of confirmation perience is not the only one,” Ninke trying to teach faith to others, students to commit to continuing says. “If adults can wrap their heads Ninke shared these five tips in a the covenant of baptism, which around that too, it can go a long post she wrote last year for the can mean participating in worship, way in the world and in our faith Sparkhouse blog: being a mentor, or joining in service practices and how we help others “You don’t have to know everything, or fellowship opportunities. worship.” or even close to everything.” “You’ll “We ask parents to be involved with Ninke makes a point to invite learn stuff too!” “Not everyone will the church in ways they are com- parents to be part of communion remember everything you say, but fortable, such as being a chaperone classes with their children. “I find they will remember what you did.” or other volunteer opportunity,” from the look on their faces that the “Not feeling holy enough? Join the Bouma says. refresher is good for them — they club.” “The Christian faith has been keep learning, too. We are getting passed on to another generation for 2,000 years by people just like you.” Bouma emphasizes the importance more parents who didn’t grow up of incorporating prayer into the in the church, so we can’t presume “I went to seminary and 20 years daily routine at home. He and his they have Biblical knowledge.” later I still don’t know all the an- four-year-old son, Grayson, follow the “help, thanks, and wow” rou- Parents can tap a number of user- swers, but I know where to look,” tine, which was featured in a best- friendly resources from 1517 Me- Ninke says. “That’s the gift of faith dia’s Sparkhouse to bring faith into — you can keep on learning and keep on exploring.” >> Continued on page 6 2 NORTHEASTERN IOWA SYNOD | www.neiasynod.org BISHOP Write, speak and act I have always been fascinated by More people the word “importunity.” I believe “Because of our importunity, die of gun vio- that it only appears once in scrip- perhaps there can be a change.” lence in this ture. The gentlest synonym is country than “persistence.” Another is closer — in any other “shameless insistence.” developed country. There are other solutions It is not that I have grown weary of the culture of than what our country has explored. massacres — I am sickened by it beyond description. I do not pretend that there is anything that I write, Because of our importunity, perhaps there can be a say or do that will make a difference. change. But we must write, speak and act. — Steven L. Ullestad Bishop, Northeastern Iowa Synod Join the Fall Leadership Event Tri-Synodical Fall Conference Sept. 22-24, 2019 Saturday, Sept. 21, 2019 West Des Moines, Iowa St. Paul’s, Waverly Registration for the Tri-Synodical Fall Conference is open Pastor Daniel Rift, director for until Wednesday, Sept. 18. The event is set for Sept. 22-24 ELCA World Hunger and Disaster at the Sheraton Hotel in West Des Moines with worship Appeal, will lead devotions and services at Faith Lutheran in Clive. be available for consultation at the synod’s annual Fall Leader- The conference includes theological discussions, worship ship Event, set for Saturday, Sept. Daniel Rift services, group meals and designated free time. This 21, at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church year’s theme — “Faith Formation as Shared Mission” and School in Waverly. The event — will focus on new ways to proclaim the good news begins at 9:30 a.m. and concludes at 12:30 p.m., with outside the congregation in the public square. lunch included. Featured speakers will be Deacon Dr. Jeremy Myers, The Fall Leadership Event is an opportunity for lay and associate professor for Augsburg University, Minneapolis; rostered members to meet in person to learn about and Deacon Chelle Huth, director of Lifelong Learning synod ministries and networks, join a network, and and Certificate Studies for United Lutheran Seminary, Get- plan projects for the coming year.
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