Chicago, January 14, 1953 News—Features DOWN BEAT 3 it d il e it it THE CHICAGO SUN-TIMES’ Harvest Moon Festival, .in the show, ut which lor al »oral and dunce champion* arc happy at right, a> he hums there is no piano onstage y annual event always headlined by lop stars from both picked, and saw some big talent, tmong those who ap­ for him nnd that he must sing all his tunes at the mike. .0 the music mid movie world, had plenty of each this year. peared were Van Johnson mid Jeri Southern (above left) Consolee- are pres» agent Dick I.aPalm and Billy May, d Some 24,000 person« jammed Chicago Stadium to watch and Nat Cole and Rhonda Fleming (center). Nat isn’t a* whose band worked the event. Jack Benny emceed. g ^Jhe rouble lÁbit/i dinclerelfa d. ~Sút¿cÜ<f rid >¿¿¿ iy I V­ st By Arrangement With Farrar. Straus And Young Inc. NEW YORK ly (Editor’s Note: Here is the .second installment of Artie^Jbastard composite, being made of Shaw’s absorbing The Trouble With Cinderella. Readers may brass but played by means of a Ella Fitzgerald will cut an album with the Red Norvo trio and some r obtain an unabridged, personally-autographed copy' of the reed, it has never been quite settled, singles with Jerry Gray’s band on a special recording junket she will book by sending $3.75 in check or money order to Down Beat, outside of jazz bands, whether it make to Los Angeles . Frankie Laine is set for the French Casino le here for two weeks opening Feb. 20. After Frank Sinatra’s big hit in Box AS, 2001 Calumet avenue, Chicago 16, 111.) is, properly speaking, a brass or iK a reed instrument; although where the room, the Casino management has gone on an all-out big name By ARTIE SHAW it has been used by meh composers policy . Billy Eckstine is slated for u date in Miami this winter; at presstime he was due to work at Ciro’s. There are almost as many cockeyed ideas extant about the as Prok'ifiev, Ibert, Vaughn Wil­ liams, Milhaud, or, fur that mat­ Mimi Warren followed Eddie South into the Cops Lounge ... Monica ar saxophone, and the ease with which one of these gadgets can ter, even as far back as Verdi, the Lewis, on a long vacation from Hollywood, goes into the Persian room Im* mastered, as there are about psychoanalysis or the music tendency has been to classify it as Jan. 8 . Sugar Ray Robinson nnd Lionel Hampton are mulling plans al to teum up foi «ome European dates ... Jack 1 lonard, who had been business. The saxophone is just us difficult to handle as any a member of the reed, or woodwind, working with Tommy Dorsey aa a promotion man and was his pre­ other instrument, if a man wants to learn to play it well. May­ family. Opu» No. 1 Sinatra singer, left ID to return to California ns n night club manager. be even more so, since it is a relatively new member of the None of this was of the slightest family of musical instrument* and therefore »till in u »ort of probutiun- CHICAGO concern to me, however, at the ■ry period, no far a» so-called legitimate music is concerned; with the Stau Kenton gave everyone ui the band two weeks oif for the holi­ resull that in order for it to be accepted at all it almost follows that time when I first tackled the only problem that really interested me days, also paid their transportation home and back to California, where the average performer on the sax-y Tü 77 7 i i about this new toy of mine. I had he 11 regroup . Earl Hines still at the Capitol, with Benny Green ophone- ought- lo -be even ■better, with the saxophone—particularly ve at the time when I first got to- only one real mission foi1 the mo­ on trombone; Jonah Jones, trumpet; Aaron Sachs, clarinet; Tommy •e. if anything, than the at erage per gether with mine—there have been ment, and that was to figure out Potter, bass, and O. C. Johnson, drums . Clarinetist Johnny Lane's n- former on one of the more stand­ almost as many method, of teach­ somehow what I had to do to play band now at the Famous Tap on the northwest side . Correction on ard. traditionally accept tble instru­ ing us there are teachers. And a tune called Dreamy Melody. statement in last issue; Danny Alvin at the Town Casino, not Het­ ments. My first day at home with the sing’s. last, but not at all least, since Ira Sullivaii & quartet swinging at the Spotlite . Terry Gibbs had mt Another important factor is that, the instrument itself is a sort of instrument was spent in this effort OU —to the sullen despair of my fa­ a “night” at the Blue Note. Vvas presented with his Beat p.aque. Bud­ ther who was home out of work, dy DeFranco’i, and Dave Brubeck » chamber groups open there on Jan. ng the usual state of affairs during 2 . Ralph Marterie opens at the Casa Loma ballroom, St. Louis, on to that period. Jan. 13. He s at Melody Mill now. tne How Come Happy Day' Aftei several days of unremit­ ting toil and trouble, while it is SAN FRANCISCO .he true that I had learned to produce Georgia Gibbs stole the show at the Johnnie Ray week at the Fox. ■eu certain eerie and at times aston­ Her Nios, added at the last minute, was in great form and got a good Is A Hit? Who Knows ishingly unexpected sounds on this iiand from the audience every show ... One of Ray's upcoming reieaaes vi- new gadget of mine, even I had will be a religious number—a real shouter, he says . Sai I rancisco ind Unfortunately you have probably heard at least once al­ to admit to myself that these Chronicle has instituted a new Record of the Week gimmick, with u ready today a melancholy, adolescent voice chanting out from noises bore at best only a wishful disc being selected each Sunday by the-Beats Ralph Gleason and dis­ resemblance to anything that could played during the week on special counter cards in record stores . .nd a radio or jukebox something about “Oh Happy Day.” It has be called Dreamy Melody, or, foi Harry James did good business in his one-mghters in tnis territory in ins been overwhelmingly rated by most listeners as one of the that matter, any other kind of early December . George Auld returned to hack’s December 11 as not most miserable piece«lieces of musicmusici’ melody. Only someone with an even a »ingle with the Cal Tjader Trio. hat ever played. In fact, the kindest more vivid imagination than my remark the owner of the record own could have possibly accused HOLLYWOOD as company which released it will these noises of being music. So ich make is that it’s “absolutely an Jimmy McHugh now starring in his own nitery package, a show next day I went back to Mr. Wro- featuring a “cavalcade” of Jinuny 's songhits and backed by an ork nd electronic monstrosity.” zina’s musical emporium with a under Matty Malneck, was set to usher in 13o3 at Ciros and to hold Yet Don Howard’s record if ige strong beef over into January . Ike Carpenter disbanded temporarily to back rhe Happy Day seems destined to be Fortunately, Mr. Wrozina was a one of the few dises in a year that Penny Singleton with his piano at the Chi Chi in Paim Springs for patient man with a mild disposi- the holiday period, re-organizing here foi a mid-January opening at ery can honestly be called a hit. |tion. We had no difficulty in ar­ Reno's Mapes Hotel . Wingy Manone back from Phoenix and net we Why? riving at what seemed to me n Who knows. foi a stint at one uf Hollywood a remaining Dixie dens—Cardi’s. (The rod fair enough arrangement. I was others; Royal Room with Teagarden, Hangover with Rosy McHargue.) How? to get five free lessons from Mr. That w<* can answer somewhat. Looks like frank Sinatra, still waiting lor news from Columbia Pic­ Wrozina’s head salesman, after ture* on bis te«l tor a »traiglit dramatic role in from Here to Eternity, Guitarist which I would be on my own. will be back ul MGM for -omething tagged St. Loui» U Oman ... Holly­ I wo id tho-e five lessons were wood goeaipeddleni have it thai nilb «lay’s ex-wife, who got uli that Seems that Ilowaid (real name all I ever took, for I via* now four is Don Koplow) ii a 17-year-old loot witli her divorce decree, will marry Billy’s manager, Carlos bast«I teen year« old and in far loo great —and that th« ex-Mr*. Joan Gustel may become the wife oi the band­ »tudent at Cleveland Heights high a hurry to bother my head with school in that city He knows noth­ leader ... I he bop musician gag will be incorporated in Columbia’s anything other than learning which iortheoming Jane Wyman-Kay Milland starrar, Love Song, with mu­ ing whatsoever about music. But keys to pre«» down to make which he owns a guitar; strums on it a sicians Frank Kemley (guitar with Phil Harris), Don Rice (has* witli noises.
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