Spring's in bloom- is your garden? NA Library annotaicts gardening websites See page 14 I THE COMMERCIAL Every thought we think is creating our future. 254 ~LouiseL.Hay leaber THURSDAY, JUNE 3.1999 OF LYNDHURST Pipeline project criticized at hearing Tax hike said to loom BY Boa JOHNSON Three federal hearing officers sat Pascrell's position was supported pact Statement should be issued for in Lyndhurst's future quietly on a middle school stage as by Robert Goode, a regulatory attor- comment once the location of the BY BOB JOHNSON speaker after speaker criticized a pro- ney hired by North Arlington to re- pipeline is identified." Goode said. Lyndhurst property owners are place. posal to build a natural gas pipeline view Transco's application. Goode also called on FERC to re- likely to face a significant tax in- Also likely to hurt the town's fi- through communities in Essex and "On behalf of Mayor Kaiser and the quire Transco to supply site specific crease this year, according to town nances are the numerous tax appeals. Bergen Counties at a public meeting Borough Council. Transco has not construction plans. officials. mostly from commercial property in Nutley. demonstrated an adequate need for Although the fiscal year does not owners in the meadow lands In many Elected officials, engineers, attor- the pipeline," he said. "In fact, com- Also speaking in opposition to the start until Jul\ 1 and a municipal cases these appeals cost the town Blood screening neys and area residents joined U.S. mission staff has specifically re- project at the three hour meeting \v ere budget is far from ready for approval hundreds of thousands of dollars in Rep. William Pascrell, who arranged The Lyndhurst Hearth Depart- quested that Transco submit more the mayors of Belleville and Nutley. the signs of a tax hike are there, says revenue as tax assessments are low- for the meeting with the Federal En- ment is holding a blood screening detailed and specific information." and representatives from Scboorand Mayor James Quids. ered. But, says Opacity, the new as- ergy Regulatory Commission, in call- on June 12 from 8 a.m. to 12p.m. by "Transco has not supplied this in- DePatma Engineering and the New State aid is likely to drop, the town sessments are not reflected irhmedi- ing on the commission to deny the appointment only. For more infor- formation and this process should Jersey Sierra Club. has a large payment to make to the ately in the county tax evaluations, project. mation call Annette. 804-2500. not proceed until it does," Goode Hackensack Mcadowland Develop- which means the town pays a higher Pascrell contended that the need said. Written comments on the project ment Commission and the town's percentage of county taxes than it for additional gas supplies had not Goode went on to criticize Transco will be accepted by I I-Ri' until June share of county taxes is likely to should, based on its commercial de- Teachers, life guard been adequately demonstrated by for construction plans that fail to note 4. All comments will be incorporated jump, notes Guida velopment revenue. Transco, the Texas company propos- the exact location of me pipeline in into FERC's final Environmental Im "It's going to be a right year," said Some savings may be squeezed needed for Day Camp ing to build the line which would run the PSE&G right-of-way in North Ar- pact Statement. Interested parties the mayor. 'We have to raise some here and there to minimize a tax in- Commissioner Paul Passamano, Jr., through Clifton, Bloomfield, Nutley, lington. can send comments to FERC, Public money. We're looking at using some crease, says Guida. For example, of the Lyndhunt Recreation Depart- Belleville, North Arlington and "This entire process is premature Reference and Files, 888 First St.. NE, surplus funds (to apply to^the FY Peter Forte, the township health of- ment announces that his department Lyndhunt and a new draft Environmental Im- Washington, DC. 2000 budget.)" ficer is retiring this week and will is interested in hiring teachers and a Finance Commissioners Albert likely not be replaced. Instead the certified life guard who would like to .Opacity said it is premature to pre- town will contract with the county work in the Summer Day Camp. dict a tax hike, but lie doe;, note that BirllMlt(i nfffcn- ffiTVKn Day Camp will run from Tuesday, Dancers kic with a likely drop in state aid, fiscal No layoffs are planned yet, accord- July 6 through and including Friday, BY LAUREN BAHOODV austerity will be the order of the day. ing to the mayor, but he is hoping August 13 at the Bergen County Park . "Dancing their way into your hearts" When the current commission some senior members of the police area which is located at the foot of isn't just a catchy phrase. For the 25 e to power two years ago, it re- department retire soon, allowing the members of the dance tr Valley Brook andRlverside Avenues~ r,v»r C7nn tUV> in ttali- flktrr. town tn hire younger, less costly of- Foot Forward, it's a way of life. from 9am to3pm. tionary aid. Last year the state sup- ficers to add to the patrol unit. Po- Best Foot Forward is a non-profit Please call the Recreation Depart- port plummeted to $150,000. lice manpower has dropped Iroin a dancing troupe run by Terri Stella, ment at 804-2482 for more informa- "You can't bank on discretionary high of 48 earlier this decade to 40 business manager, and John Nucera tion. aid. That's a gift." said Opacity. officers now, says Guida. of Lyndhurst, the dance director. "Whenever you do the bi'dget, you While tax increases are never They perform regularly for local or- count on zero from the state." popular, at least part of this years' ganizations, nursing homes and se- Hawaiian Luau set Complicating the mayor's wishes property tax hike cannot be blamed nior citizen centers. The troupe is The Ladies Auxiliary of the lo hold the line on taxes is the re- on the commissioners. The town's made up of husband and wife teams, Lyndhunt Fire Department will hold cent settlement with the state over voters approved a school board bud- mother and son teams, grandmoth- a Hawaiian Luau on Saturday, June $1.5 million in school aid from 1991. get in April that will raise taxes by ers and grandfathers and anyone else 26 at 7.30 p.m. at the firehouse on The town had to give back $1 mil- about a $1 million. "The people did who enjoys the art of dancing. Mem- Delafield Avenue. lion this spring, after spending that to themselves," says Opacity. bers hail from Lyndhurst, North Ar- The cost is $25 per pertpn and in- SMHI.000 lo offset taxes last year. On the bright side, adds the mayor, lington, and Nutley. From ballroom cludes music, hot and cold buffet, The mayor haiHioped to dive into if the town can get through mis year and jazz to tap and ballroom, variety beer, wine, soda and a fountain of that pot <>i" money this year Id pre- with iniiitimil budget increases, next is the specialty at Best Foot Forward. Hawaiian drinks. Palm trees, pine- vent a tax hike, but the state said the year should see some revenue in- apple trees and gift baskets will be Terri Stella, manager of Best Foot bulk (if the education aid had to be creases due lo completion of con- raffled, Forward, said, "We perform because returned because Lyndhurst should struction projects by the Shop Rite For tickets and more information call we love to dance. We know it is hard have never received it in the first and Edwards food chains. 939-3952 OT939-10I5 for older people to get out and see a Broadway show, so hopefully by us performing it's the next best thing. Want to see a We also perform because we want to give back to the community." Broadway show? Nucera, dance director, explained Commissioner Paul Passamano, Jr., that they are always looking for more Director of the Department of Parks people to join. "People who decide and Recreation has secured tickets to join won't only leam choreogra- for the following Broadway shows. phy,.they will also participate in the Beauty and the Beast - Thursday shows we put on." evening, June 3 or Wednesday He also explained that the facility evening, June 9. Cost - $65, Orches- they rehearse in is not owned by the tra seating. organization. It is a rental and be- The Civil War - Wednesday cause the organization is nonprofit, evening, June 16. Cost - $80. Orches- members of Best Foot Forward are tra seating. asked to donate $40 a month in dues. Annie Get Your Gun - Thursday Stella also went on to explain that evening June 24. Cost - $80, Orches- by renting the facility the dancers tra seating. gain the opportunity to come in and after a few donations we were able to ing nonprofit organization status There is a No Refund policy on all dance whenever they feel the desire. put up mirrors, which gives us a place To join or book a show, call (201) trips and the bus leaves from the The .rehearsal facility wasn't al- not only to practice, but a place to 933-3257: the rehearsal facility is lo- Parks Department at 6:15/6:30 pm that ways as suitable as it appears. "The rehearse for productions," said Stella cated on 44 Hoboken Road.
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