Flower City Brampton brampton.ca t j.+> Report City Council BRAMPTON CITY COUNCIL Date: February 1, 2010 , MAR f 0 DATE:. 2SSL File: F66 Subject: Funding Contributions - Art, Culture and Theatre Contact: Steve Solski, Manager, Art, Culture and Theatre, Community Services OVERVIEW: • The Art, Culture and Theatre division of the Community Services Department has applied for funding under the Arts Presentation Canada program, from the Department of Canadian Heritage. • The Theatre has requested $75,000 to support the programming of diverse, quality artistic experiences for the 2010/2011 Rose Theatre Presents Series, and the Arts Adventure Series. • To complete the Grant Submission, a Council Resolution of support is required. Recommendations: 1. That, the report from Steve Solski, Manager of Arts Culture and Theatre, dated February 1, 2010, to the City Council Meeting of March 10, 2010, re: Funding Contributions - Art, Culture and Theatre, be received; and 2. That, Council support the Theatre's 2010-11 season application for an Arts Presentation Canada funding contribution, under the Artistic Direction of Theatre Manager Steve Solski, and that he is the contract signing authority on behalf of the City of Brampton Rose Theatre submission. Background: In the summer of 2001 the Canadian Government announced a $580 million program to help support the presentation of performing arts in Canada. Funding was made available under a number of different programs to successful applicants who demonstrated leadership in the presentation of the performing arts and who brought diversified programming to their communities. This program is administered under the Department of Canadian Heritage. t V- ** The City of Brampton Theatre's have received annual contributions totaling $350,000 in funding from the Arts Presentation Canada program to support the Series presentations at both the Heritage Theatre and Rose Theatre since 2001. Current Situation: The Manager of Art, Culture and Theatre, has submitted an application to the department of Canadian Heritage for a $75,000 funding contribution from the Arts Presenters Canada Program for the 2010-2011 Series at the Rose Theatre. This grant has, in the past, allowed the theatre to access funding from the Federal government to increase the diversity and accessibilityof the professional entertainment series to a broader audience. As part of the application, a Council Resolution is required in support of the Rose Theatre grant submission to the department of Canadian Heritage. Financial Comments: If successful, money received from the contribution would be operating revenue to support the Rose Theatres 2010/2011 season. Steve Solski Manager of Arts Culture and Theatre Community Services Department Agreed: Jamie liowery Commissioner Community Services Department -• 5.2 Funding Application General Information /</.</£ Canadian Patrimoine Heritage PROTECTEDwhen completed canadien PROTEGEuna fbis rempfi FUNDING APPLICATION DEMANDE DE FINANCEMENT GENERAL INFORMATION RENSEIGNEMENTS GENERAUX INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS Pleasecomplete partsAandB,signanddatetheform inpartC. Rempltr lesparties AetB, signer lafbrmulalre et inscrire ladate a lapartte C. !-MptiGfli BjMiMRiBii ^m* INCORPORATED NAME/ NOMDE LASOCIETE r« rpor* iio* Usual Name/Nornuauel I A Previous Name ofOfganijlanizatfcm 1Anciennom de Porgsifisme Scope of Organization'rtion's Achates f\ r-jLoca, r/ljfiunWpai f PorteedesactivHes oerorgardsme \J | |Locale ^Murrfctpate [• Provincial / Tentorial • Regional j INational J jInternational JProvincialar / terrftortale IResonater Na&male Intemationate LEGAL STATUS/ STATUTJURIDIQUE Registration No In Process N*(fenregrstn Incorporated • En traitentenl Yes Consfitueen • Federal Oul Niveau federal T socJete No • Provincial / Federal Date Date Applied n Non JNiveauI provincial / federal Datedelademande Registered with Canadian Customs • Yes Registration No. In Process &Revenue Agency as a Charitable Qui N*d'enreglstrement Organization • Entrapment Enreg'streaupres de rAgencedes douanes et du revenu du Canada a fflretforganisme de • No Date Applied bienfeisanee Non Date Date de la demands Contact Person'sNameforOfficial Correspondence Nom de lapersorme-ressource pourconespondance offictefle Mr. • Mrs. • MS. TtitolTt,/T*a Mme. Mtle. V~ StreetAddress (Street, City. Provnce/Tenttory, Postal Code) Waning Address(ifdifferent) / Adressepostale(sidtffi Adrssse(rue.vflle. provhce/territo&re. code postal) / 7C>flr^bv*- Offfce TelephoneNo./ N* de telephone(bureau) Residence Telephone No. / N"de telephone (domicile) Fax/Tetecopteur E-Mail / Courier etectronique Web Site/Site web Inwhichofficiallanguage do B English you wish to communicate? Anglais Langue offlctelle de I j French communication demandeo I AFFIRM THAT the Information Inthisapplication is accurate and complete and the JAFFtRMEQUE les rensefgnementscontenus dans la presente demande sent exacts project proposal, fndudmg plans and budgets, are fairly presented. I agree that once et eomptets et que Ie projet y compris les plans et les budgets, est correctement funding is provided, anychangeto the project proposal will require prior approval of me presente. J'acceptequ'une fois Iefinancement foumi. toutemodification au projet devra Department Iagreeto publicly acknowledge funding andassistance bytheDepartment, etre approuvee au prealabie par Ie Ministere. J'accepte de faire etat publiquement du inaccordance with the termsof the funding agreement. I also agree to submit a final financement et de ralde du Ministere. conformement aux modatites de raccord de report, andwhererequired, financial accounting forevaluation of the activity funded by financement J'accepte egatement de deposer un rapport final et au besoin la theDepartment I understand that the information provided Inthis application may be comptaMite generateaux finsde revaluation de racttvite flrtancee par Ie Ministere. Je accessible under theAccess to Information Act. I alsoagreeto respect the spirit and comprendsque les renseignementsfoumis dans la presente demande peuvent etre intent of the various acts governing the programs of the Department of Canadian cfivulgues en vertu de la lot surreccesA/Information. J'accepte en outre de respecter Heritage. I'esprit des diversastotsreglssantles programmesdu ministeredu Patrimohecanadien. £<s*. Sc*/<s£, tf/t* *c V~ ''Authorized Signature / SEgnataire autorise Nameand Title(please print)/ Nomet titre(( moutees) f 7540-CH-802-0951 (01/06) Canada 5.3 Program and Applicant Identification - Programming Component 1^1 P-3'*8*"80 Patrirnoins Heritage canadien FOR CANADIAN HERITAGE USE ONLY ARTS PRESENTATION CANADA - PROGRAMMING COMPONENT File number Program and Applicant Identification De&dSns Presenter Organizations and Arts Festivals { 1.Name oforganization: S*~ ~A jf II ~7~1~~/. / /) 75 &} i/l*C4 3.Typo of programming: 4 Amount requested: fcJJ^eries/ Season 0 Arts Festival ^TyOOO S.Directorrofpraanlzaticn J^Mr. DMs.%. 6.Personresponstble for programming^ Mr. DMa. Telephone JJX. 7.Number of employees Paid Unpaid (volunteer) Full-time ? r~ Part-time 7~T Full-time Part-time3^ ^ e.Spedfy the typs of presenter 9.Wh!ch dlsdpilne(s)does the organizationfocus on: 0 Specialized Presenter DMusic DDance CTheatre CVisualArts DLiterature DMediaArts ^Jrtuiti-cfiscipftnary Presenter DOther(pleasespecify) 10.Does the organization serWderrtify with any of the following categories: (This section assists the Department in determining the breadth of rtsprograms reach,itis not,however, mandatory to answer.) ^ Young Audiences ^Cultural diversity 0Aboriginal 0Official language minority DRural or remote regions DNone 11.Isthe organization targeting anyofthe following audiences: ^.Voung Audiences ^Cultural diversity • Aboriginal • Official language minority DRural or remote regions 12.Presentatlon venues to be usedbytheorganization forthis request* Capacity Indicate (V)whether the space is Name Your own Rented Outdoors Other (specify) ^^-7/aJrAt 1Z5 \L • If the programming activities take place in a venue other than those mentioned, give details In the application. If more space isrequired to listallpresentation venues, attach a separate sheet 13.Write a brief description ofthe programming in this box. The description may be posted on the Canadian Heritage Web she if the applicant receives funding. -> . 14.Timeframe v '• Start and end date of the proposed activity: Yourfiscal year in which the programming will be Included: (YY/MM/DD) (YY/MM/DD) From 15. Namene 6fof authorized sianatorvsignatory f>*lr.C^Hr. 'r/M*.[JMs. ^/^c^^e -S/s^i • r I++ The Rose Theatre, Brampton: APC application 2010-11 Arts Presentation Canada 2009-10 - The City of Brampton Application Questions 1-10 A Relevance and Quality of Programming (30%) /. Whatis your artistic vision and how does yourproposed programming address it? 2010 -11 will bethe City ofBrampton's 25th season of presenting professional performing art. As the public face of our city on stage, we have a tremendous responsibility to remain in tune with our changing community and its diverse needs. Over the past two decades, the programs at Brampton's venues and facilities have been the front line expression of our objective to reach out to the community on its terms. Our programming goals for the future reiterate the intent to know and be responsive to our community and its ethnocultural makeup. The Rose Theatre, our flagship arts complex which opened in September 06, is clearly and obviously interested in an increasing percentage of culturally diverse programming,
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