/MAY 1984 £1 • rocessor traiiS £2500 JfiAatition prizes T r r w r.rifjrMrg g DESIGNED WITH PROGRESS IN MIND 'm jk-'y-^^^h- An example of superior technology, total reliability and outstandi performance, combined to produce the LVL Disk Drive Family. Truly professional units designed to work with the BBC tit Microcomputer. V xj[ • Compatible with the BBC drive units, Powered from your BBC model B i-J-i^jtBilt"'t Disks are interchangeable with those 1 '. Jmt __ computer. No chance of data corruption -' ' ' formatted on the BBC Drives. 81^Mm\^ ' • Operates either from the BBC DOS th fl^^ LVL Double Density DOS Kit or f^ogt lilliiiiifBI optional ' Z80 and T" ^ I CP/M. 3SP«9SB9illlS!"^wm '^^mmmmmm'i wlV • Supplied complete with all necessary * connecting leads, utility 1. disk and full operating manual. "°"^®- ^""^^^ ^*''®®*- Sandiacre. Nottingham • Available -from all LVL DoAlprs ^?},V!^'^'' NGIO 5BA Tel: 0602 394000 ! ,,. ,p^ luiillstar [omputErs limitEd (l(||t>^ 17REGINA ROAD SOUTHALL- MIDDLESEX -TEL (01) 574 5271 -TELEX NO. 25247 TIL Esa MANMSMANN KtONEI ArCESSORIKS MTSO MONITORS Lciinei Itiierlace. £ 70 ' ALL MONITORS COME WITH FREE Clock IJo\( Inc. PSUl £ 4S 1 <-:E ISTERtACE CABLE & fOO SHEETS CARLES 3?; 1 PAPEH MITHAIf. ftil^rERS NOVKX14 CO;.S,,CT,Ni, Tcrmmalo(Box(lnc.PSLJl. f MOMIOH Primer Sutver Rom ,, ., £ 4') 1 lile I'l OT MATRIX Server Level 1 f I.ow-losI model lor meSe{vcfl,evel2 £24''' peisoiial compuicrs. lOSiationLcadSet £ 2') ' 14" Screen colour lOOMEconciCable £ 9') 1 display. R.d.B. arj Htjih qiialiivKO column serial doi mairit ^228 EeonelSysiemU^erGuide .,., £ W' composiie inpLils. pnniei. Dualdensiu dm aiidrcssiihlci!(apliics. Switch til allow ROM EXPANDER assiaiidaid. lohandle (liiRk lent ldci{ii\ Abilily sideway sockels, i*ilh (he monitor 10 he used as green screen nioniior. Double your Rom I'ankild lixtli Had 111 -ted and single paper expander. Switch modeavili) regulated power supply. TLT Rom Simple 10 install and very easy (o use! I'rolessumallyslyled Mclal-Cabmel iti B.B.t. I he high Micro colojrs. Manulacluted using component ol qiialiiyl DAISYWHEELS Etlrcmelyrcliablf!.. £l« (to I) CH'n fasitr. An .isiiinishins IW) JUKI 6100 TV/MONITOR WORD PROCESSORS jtlers rcr second. propiinionHl spacing, ,— , £395 ViewHord Processor £5'' k lorms lear-ofl. supcrsfnnLS, iubscnpli, WordWissProcessor £.''' aJdro^sabk' graphii:'- and down loadable atler M'l. Slandaid CemioiiiLS parallel ;()(, I'Smav I 111 ITV SOFTWARE £i" ipaiiblc iiucrfacc "iih opiitmal RS-232t (l_UPS ^ Screen Dump Rum , inieifaL-es. The KX-HI) - (ni loop and llifil: Shannon leM) £269 For EPSON, SHINWA, NEC. VI AR n ltd and rrLi,uori ltd and can Iced singli' 10. 13. IfiCPl 'Is (opiional iraLtoi fivdl, NEW TCI. MltRU( .HIDES and proponional spacing Lpio220ciiaracier The KFYPI ATES ii> muke il ens; [Wi hue, diablopriiiociiK. Bold, shadow 14'TV'MOMIOR Microguide KLVPLArtS 111 neatly over yon AR GKMIM&DKIJA priming and underlining. This TV Monikir is not a modilied idensionai compuier keys. Givciyou an easy 10 read Iim many TV Monitors arc. but a 14" TV/Monitor commands. Alphabetically arranged lot which ha.* been designed to perlorm both immediaie access. Placed e\acily where yon liinttioiis. It ha.s HGB and Composiis video and require 11 at pari dI your computet keyboaiii BKOTHt:RHRI5 sound, .An KtiB ^able lor a BBC is supplied as The Keyplaies. made of durable plaslic, hasi standard. space for function key noie.s. Clean-wipe pen H'iihRcmulcCtinlritl t'of I'unction key identity is supplied, t l-Rl I MirRnVITI':( 14" Culuur Monitors hRROR MESSAGE BOOK. ALL HIR OM is Mici(»ilecl4Jl ;4Sld,Res £245 Med. Res . £3M Hi-Res tits DESK DRIVES i' I.' ("I'S 111, 1;, 1? t I and pioponional rr:A( i)isM)Ki\i:s spacnig up M lb? characters per line, colour INCLUDES FREE CABLES. FORMATTING shadiiw printing, super subscript, priming, DISK & MANUALS auto uiidcrhning, leii reprinting. IK Hurler Siandard, CPS (Gemini), IISOCPS + UK biilTcr Kevhoard £160 'tial- Fnelion. iracior and roll Iced LNirj Sheet 1 c-edcr „ 122» h rsioluiion gt;iphic!i, Niitmai. cxpiinded r.aciorlJnii £HW Icondenicd ptini. EmphasiA-danddnuLilc kc prml, Supcrvi^ripli and suh'.ciipl'.. liiii' leclmmg. llaljc^and miernaiumal MCicrs. Downloadable charatlei sei. COLOUR PRINTERS BBC Model B plus Disc/lnierlaee tilted vuv LTl'acc — tk'Hiini (paialtcll, llflia ipHtallcl f CANON IMIIIWIA V.D.LI, Green Monitor, I'taisywhcel Prinlci liZ) I- 111! one year pans and lahoiir 21X)K Dual Disk Drives and manual and Cormailingdlsk. TEAC 55A S. S4IH KAfK UlOKSingle £165 tlMV\CI*8ll 2lK)K0ual £33U TKACS5I-:S/SW)TRACK GRAFPAD 20l)KSingle £iW 4O0KDual £318 TEACSSFD'S MO TRACK 4(K)KSingte £25S T lolou: Drop on Demand Ink Jel. 4I)CPS, Bi- HOUKDual £510 direciional Prinliiig. High-resoluiion Uraphics, Powci Supply Unit (Optional) £29 |->ilrcmelj quiei, less than 5{klB. Ideal t'oi 4)>/8(JSwiich £S Overhead Proj'^^:lion. I oiHi-lile Ink t arlridges. column. Iricii' £143.75 3.5 Million Chaiaciers per folour. Very JaJjuiiablelractui — Add new dimensions 10 your compuier compaei ti. hglilweiglii.S-Bi( Parallel Inl iJ. bi-di>ectional to^ic cnioymem. Create your own designs, Com^i I pson compalihlc. Lasilv replaced. .Accepls kini? Hl-Rl-S graphics and hlock j^raphns with Uiihiy programmes, .Ama/ing value, single sheets. Iniernainmal character sets MISCELLANEOUS 1 and siipi;( scnpls, condcilifd and Compleleunil — simply plug in, phansed prnii, and undcthninv verlical and n/onlal lab%. sell' icnI. tiallc prn>l, eic t WIRE DOT PRINTER KOOks HBC Micro's 1 01 Ucginnei's f'l CANNON P.W. Adiariced Prog Tech V Al PonHUl 1A,\\'.) i- MAUN \l\lkl\l'KIMI K 1080A Assl.angtorBBC(Shi\a|..- I"! Al P(Macmillan| tn . BasicfArnoldl.,.. ,. I? Basic Mel- ousel ft. BBC MlC'ROCOMPliTKK f H ModelH £399,00 BasicProgsloiUBC i- Model H* Disk Imeilace £469.00 hasy ["rogslorVoui BBt f Model H&rconet £446.00 t\peil Guide . i'. l-unciional Torih ,,., i' -olnmr. 1 1 id urn and pin Iced, I'DC I'S Hi ModelB&l;cone(& Disk Interlace CSI6.1KI (cciional. Hi-Res and block iitaphics, f \ 'I Tcletent Receiver £22S,IH1 hurihctPiogs I.-- urn irucdi'sCL-ndcrs, norinal. expanded, OIlicialBBt DataRecorder £ 29,95 liaines BBCCoiiipmeis Plan. ... ii' ndcnsed priming, emphasised and double 80 column 160 CPS, near lefler quality OllicialJoysiick'. -..„ £ 13.(H1 Games lot \our BBC £2.''. ike pnnling, italicv priming, auui priming at 27 CPS. Will do ilalics 01 Graphics & Sound (Granada) .,. £6.9S derlining. subscnpl and supciscnpis. proportional spacing. Super and subseripr BBClip<.KAUl':s Intducalion £6,50 loadable e ha raeier set, high resoluiion ernational characlei sels, easy acccs^ down 1.2(1. S C 11.50 IniroducingiheBBCMicto £5.95 graphics, siandard with friclion and iraeior. isuiiclics, hi High Kes (ime circles and Busicll £ .12.00 U-lVomBBtTeachVou £6.95 Optional RS232 available, hilly compatible Disk lnterlacels.1l .,. t 1)7.00 .Advanced L'sei tiuide uates), optional iiatior unit, iipiioiial with tpsom control code^. >232t inLcrlate. MiLroReM.'jlcd. ,., £7 'fi A^w- eruice contracts to Mtctttioa Authorities at tiiscotMti *^«'^<^^*»^' fficiaiorders from deoiers.Covertimeiit Vou may purchase anvof the items listed bv cheque made payable to ^' TWILLSTAR COMPUTERS LTD., Batclaycrd or Access. eportme/its. Coi/efes & ScAoo/s weicome/ All you have 10 do is fill your requirements on a separate sheet of paper. Post to us and we will dispatch within 24 hours subject to availability. Allpncestnclusiveot 15% VAT. ADDE2.50 P&P tor orders below C150, itttpricesinctusive OVER, ADD, LU P&P. CREDIT CARD HOLDERS MAY ORDER of vat/ BY TELEPHONE GIVE CARD NO NAME, ADDRESS & ITEMS REQUtREO. Lisp part 47 In concluding his three-part course, Editor Stan Froco presents a simple picture Tony Qu inn drawing Production editor system Keith Parish Editorial assistant Beeb Forum 56 Kitty Milne Art editor Robin Newman, in the chair this Nigel Wingrove month, shares his insights into OS Publishing director calls Michael Potter Editorial director ChnsiopherWard Space Shuffle _64 Fresect is a disc utility that keeps Front covei phologmph by Pf.'ei Mfiish track of aval lable storage space The News 7^ Joe's Jottings 68 First glimpse of the Electron add-on Typesetting & Artwork Vantage box; tlie year of the modem; software Telford puts his pub hours to good Group, Wardour St, London W1. Pro- houses woo database users; Beeb use and turns his Beeb Into a sober duction Aquarius Print and Design gets a microdrive; the great data statistician Ltd, Scala St, London WL Printed in Great Britain by Watmoughs Ltd, protection muddle; new TV series Bradford. Advertising Agents Com- could be live! Graphics 83 puter Marketplace Ltd, 20 Orange St, London WC2H 7ED. Tel: 01-930 1612. Top 20 software 13 Catch the doodle bug from Duncan Distributors to the News Trade Ferguson and see how your patterns Comag, Tavistock Rd, West Drayton, First non-games package enters the grow Middlesex UB7 7QE. Tel: 44405. (0895) charts Subscriptions Subs Dept, Redwood Publishing. 68 Long Acre, London OSWORD 87 WC2E9JH,Tel:01-8362441. Acorn Abuser's A beginner's guide to the DFS (Q Redwood Publishing 1984 Diary 18 read/write command by George Hill, with example procedures Scurrilous tales and wicked whispers Fantastic Four 96 Bltstlk flair 27 A quirky quartet of colour graphics Robin Mudge reviews the system programs from Simon Hancock that puts professional CAD within your grasp Economy Drive 105 David Graham leads you through the All fights reserved. No ot this part publication bargain basement of used and sur- may be reproduced without prior written per- mission ol the publisher. The publisher cannot plus disc drives accept any responsibility for claims or errors in articles, programs or advertisements published, The opinions expressed on the pages of this Education 113 magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the publisher.
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