ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS Indian Polity and Governance 1. (c) in noti fi ed minority concentrati on districts by members of minority communiti es as well as The Rights against exploitati on is provided under others. Arti cles 23 and 24 of the Consti tuti on of India. Arti cle 23 of the Indian Consti tuti on reads as follows: Improving living conditi ons: The Committ ee noted that the poverty rati o is highest for Muslims in urban “Traffi c in human beings and beggar and similar areas at 34%. Additi onally, the rati o of workers in the other forms of forced labour are prohibited and any total populati on (worker populati on rati o) is much contraventi on of this provision shall be an off ence higher for males than for females in all religious punishable in accordance with law.” groups, especially in urban areas. Arti cle 24 forbids employment of child-labor in • Preventi ng and controlling communal riots: The factories or in hazardous works. The arti cle reads Committ ee noted that 668 incidents of communal ”No child below the age of fourteen years, shall be violence were reported in the country in 2012 in employed to work in any factory or mine or, engaged which 703 persons were killed and 1,506 persons in any other hazardous employment.” were injured. 2. (c) 3. (b) Statement 1 is correct. According to Arti cle 30 of The Consolidated Fund of India formed under the consti tuti on, all minoriti es, whether based on religion provision of Arti cle 266(1) of the Indian Consti tuti on or language, shall have the right to establish and and No amount can be withdrawn from the fund administer educati onal insti tuti ons of their choice. without the authorizati on from the Parliament. Statement 2 is incorrect. The President of India does not nominate any representati ve of minority 4. (c) community in Lok Sabha. All revenues received by the Government by way of Statement 3 is correct. Religious sect/communiti es taxes like Income Tax, Central Excise, Customs and can derive benefi ts from the Prime Minister’s 15 Point their receipts fl owing to the Government in connecti on Programme. The Programme was launched in 2005, with the conduct of Government business i.e. non-tax it seeks to ensure the welfare of religious minoriti es revenues are credited into the Consolidated Fund of through: India. (a) increasing educati onal and employment opportuniti es, 5. (c) (b) improving living conditi ons, and Right to life is fundamental to our very existence without which we cannot live as human being and (c) preventi ng and controlling communal riots. includes all those aspects of life, which makes a Currently, Muslims, Christi ans, Sikhs, Buddhists, man’s life meaningful, complete and worth living. It is Parsis and Jains are identi fi ed as religious minoriti es. incorporated in arti cle 21 of the consti tuti on of India. Jains were noti fi ed as a religious minority community The arti cle says, “No person shall be deprived of his in January 2014. life or personal liberty, except according to procedure established by law”. In February 2014, The Standing Committ ee on Social Justi ce and Empowerment submitt ed its report on the The right to freedom includes freedom of speech implementati on of the Prime Minister’s New 15 Point and expression, assembly, associati on or union Programme for the welfare of religious minoriti es. or cooperati ves, movement, residence, and right Major observati ons and recommendati ons of the to practi ce any profession or occupati on. The Committ ee are: Consti tuti on of India contains the right to freedom, given in arti cles 19, 20, 21A, and 22, and with the view Increasing educati onal opportuniti es: The Committ ee of guaranteeing individual rights that were considered recommended that the literacy rate of Muslims be vital by the framers of the consti tuti on. improved, with a special focus on the educati onal and social development of Muslim women. Measures Right to freedom of religion, covered in Arti cles must be taken to promote Urdu. 25, 26, 27 and 28, provides religious freedom to all citi zens of India. The right to freedom of religion • Increasing employment opportuniti es: Large includes freedom of conscience and free profession, and medium scale industries must be developed practi ce, and propagati on of religion, freedom to manage religious affairs, freedom from certain taxes Power to Promulgate Ordinances: and freedom from religious instructions in certain The President may promulgate such Ordinances as educational institutes. the circumstances appear to him to require, except 6. (d) when both Houses of Parliament are in session (Article 123). Such an ordinance can have the same force and Statement 1 correct. The Vice-President shall be effect of an Act of Parliament. Such an ordinance shall elected by the system of proportional representation cease to operate unless passed by both Houses of by means of a single transferable vote and the voting Parliament within the stipulated period. at such election shall be by secret ballot. (Article 66) Statement 2 is correct. The Vice-president is elected 8. (c) by an electoral college consisting of the members of Statement 1 is incorrect. At the time of national both Houses of Parliament (elected and nominated emergency/financial emergency, the CAG do not members ). exercise exchequer control. The President can modify Statement 3 is correct. The Electoral College does not the constitutional distribution of revenues between include members of the State Legislative Assemblies. the centre and the states. Also, every such order of the President has to be laid before both the Houses of 7. (c) Parliament. The power to promulgate an ordinance falls under Statement 2 is correct. CAG is the guardian of the legislative power and function of President. Rest all public purse and controls the entire financial system options are executive functions of the President. of the country at both levels the Centre and the state. Legislative Powers and Functions of president are CAG prepares report related to execution of projects listed below: or programmes by the ministries and he also acts as a As a part of Parliament: guide, friend and philosopher of the Public Accounts Committee of the Parliament, while discussing on the The Union Legislature or Parliament consists of the report. President and two Houses of Parliament. Statement 3 is correct. Information from CAG reports The President is, therefore, an integral part of Union can be used by investigating agencies to press charges Legislature. against those who have violated the law while He shall summon from time to time, either separately managing public finances. or jointly, the Houses of Parliament. Statement 4 is incorrect. CAG has not any judicial The President can prorogue the Houses or either power to prosecute anyone who violates the law. House of Parliament and, if necessary, can dissolve the lower Chamber of Parliament, the Lok Sabha. 9. (a) Summons and Addresses Parliament: According to Article 75, the Prime Minister shall be The President may address either or both House of appointed by the President. The Constitution does Parliament. In such address, at the first session after not contain any specific procedure for the selection general election to the Lok Sabha and at beginning of and appointment of the Prime Minister. At the time a joint session of Parliament each year, he may place of his or her appointment, it is not necessary to be a the reasons for summoning it. member of one of the houses of the parliament. He/ She must become a member of one of the houses The President may also, in case of necessities, send within six months. messages to either House, or to both Houses [Article 86(2)]. 10. (d) Nomination:The President nominates members in Statement 1 is incorrect. NSSO only collect data both Houses. Statement 2 in incorrect. The estimates of poverty Power in respect of Bills: are made from the sample survey data on household The President has certain functions in respect of consumer expenditure conducted by the National passing ofwww.uniqueshiksha.in a Bill. Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) of the Ministry of A bill passed by both the Houses of Parliament Statistics and Programme Implementation. requires his assent in order to become an Act. He may give his assent to a bill or can withhold assent when 11. (c) a bill, after getting approved in both the Houses, is Following are main reports placed before the placed before the President. Parliament by the President: Bill passed by a State Legislature: The Annual Financial Statement (Budget) the report A bill passed by a State Legislature may also be of the Comptroller and Auditor-General (CAG) relating reserved for the consideration of the President by the to the accounts of the Government of India; Governor of that State. 2 The recommendations made by the Union Finance appoints officers and servants of the Supreme Court Commission; without any interference from the executive. He can The report of the Union Public Service Commission, also prescribe their conditions of service. explaining the reasons where any advice of the 15. (b) Commission has not been accepted; The report of the National Commission for Scheduled Statement 1 is incorrect. DRDAs does not act as Castes; Pachayati Raj Institutions, DRDAs were set up as registered society for coordination The report of the Commission on backward classes (OBC) the report of the Special Officer for linguistic Statement 2 is incorrect. DRDAs do not undertake minorities. area-specific scientific study of the cause of poverty and malnutrition.
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