CBl!SUS OF INDIA, 1951. BHOPAL STATE CENSUS·, 1951 SEHORE- Distriot Census Handbook Part I & 11 By RANG LAL, B. A., , Census Commissioner, Madhra-Bharat & Bhopal. PRINTED AX THE GqVERNMENT PRESS, BHOPAL. 1955 CONTENTS SF~CTION-I DISTRICT-I TABLES Pago No. A-GE~EBAL POPULATION TABLES A..I Are'lo, Houses and Population. 1 A-II' V.riation in Popula.tion during Fifty Years .,. 2 A·III Town. and Villages classified by Population 3 A·IV Towns olassiJied by population with variation .... 4 A-V Towns arranged tierritl)rially with popula.tion by Livelihood Classes IS E Summary figures by Tehails and Tracts .•• 6 B·I EOONOMIC TABLES . B·I Livelihood' class.s and sub· classes 8 B~Il Secondary means of Livelihood 10 B·I11 Employers, Employees and independent workers in. indui3tries and se'r\l'ices by Divisions . and Sub Divi.ion. ••• 18 C-SMA.LL SCALE INDUSTRIES TABLES SECTION-U TABLE-II Employment in Textil. Estiablishment 39 III Employment in Non.Textile Es'abli.hment 40 RURAL STATISTIC~ (1) List of Di~placed persona by villages (2) Primary Census Abltraolis ..• ... Tehsil. :- 'll ) Budni .... 48 (2) Berasia 54 (3\ Ashta 66 (4) Nasrullahganj 76 (5) Sehore 82 '. (6) Huzur .;'. 92 (7) Ichha'War 102 SEC T ION-III URBAN STATIS'rICS (I) List of Displaced persons by wards ... 108 (2) Primary OeDsus Abstraots ... 110 TowDe:- Ashlia 11:1 Sehore. 113 Huzur 114 Diitrio' Index of NOD-Agricultural Ocoupation 110 TABLE'A-I \ Area, Houses and Population The &rea figures shown in cOhltnn 2 of t.his Table are those supplied by the l'eb~ilR while the area I!Il,own in ilialios agaioe& lihe district has beeD lIupplied by the Surveyor General, India. Villages, Occupied Houaes Persons r-'---"-- --... -. """""\ r--- ._""""\ ..J..._---., District Attain f'opu I.:tec De- Town. TQtal . Rural Urbiln Total Rural or TChsil Square miles Pflpulated (1) (a) (,) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) i9} (Jo) • Sehore District 1,521 ~80 3 105,928 81,028 24,89) 521,116 301,670 8,66/) HIUillr 'feheil 517,4 !!':'4 29 1 :JJ,i~~ 11,802 J!I,~12U 169,H~7 67,H5'4 tnl,7 2~1I ~2 1 20,J:!Ij 1fi,31 ti ::.810 ~7,44·3 76,564 A8hta 'l'ehsil -otH ,6 ~~i I :~S ] 17.fiO~ lti,44ti 1,162 83,108 76,874 Budni Tehsil 415,5 ]44 13 loI,228 8,228 :J'"i:t:~2i) 37,325 lcbbawar'reh.il '28,9 l:t:! 27 '; ,2!)2 7,2\12 3',~29 34,l:S2» Bera.eia. 'rebsil 548,4 2x] 21:1 1:1,.396 1:~.5H1i tio,671S Ci;:i,tl78 NuruUaganj 522,4- J4.S 21 7,H4S 7,34H 32,746 32,746 Population .___ ._ ..... _.____ . ___ .___ -L__ ._ ... _.. ___._ ..... _.. _ ---_. ....., Fem.llcs ,-t~ ___ ".. .. _._ .. _____' ..... ______. ____ ~ ~_-_-_.-.---__ '----- ______ District lIT Tehsil~ Urban Tor;;1 Rural Urban Total Crbml' (1) (II) (IZ) (16) (17) Sehore District 119,446 272,828 68,499 248,288 187,341 60,947 Buznr Tehail 102.3:~:l S!I.tH\S :J5,62U ;i4,03!1 ~Cl,:n!l :J2,O!?~j 48,:W4 Sehore T.hsil 20,879 ;)l,:~:W 40,121 ) 1, }!l!1 41i,123 ;~H.H:' tl,HRI) AsM& Tehsil 6,234 4:!,65" :J!l,:m:1 Zl,2ftl 40,4.14 :~';.4Sl :!,!17:.~ Budni 'rehsil Hl;'~l') H),43:i li,SnO 17,SOO Ichba•• r Tehsil I~, 1;;1> IS,loti J ti,67:l Hi,fi';:' Ber.lia Tehail 34-,1:)'; 1 3'.67} 31,007 31,00 Nasrun. Ganj ) tl, !I 24 16.924 ].5,~22 . 15,822 ::\1 TAItE ·A-II Variation in Populatiod Dur~g Fifty Ye~ Town & YCH Pct'SonR Variation Net Variati(lft KtIcc VaJiati()ft FCllliles Variatioa r---l-_., 1,01-1951 (z) (;) (4) (6) (I) SEHORE )11 HlOl 1) i .. trict Total ],d 1 .4I,2,:!!)lJ 211,141 201,068 HllI'.oor HI:!I 3H4,lIkii -28,124 :,](.10,112 -11,026 183,973 -17,095 ~t'hnre 1»::1 4:!'i,6:!!1 ·;·4.'J,544 ~:!:I,O~1 +22,960 204,5"8 +2,,575 A~hta. 1H41 "tiS,~;i4 . ~4fi,H11 222,283 ·:-40.625 +22,800 +17,735 Budni WitJ .i:!l, III; ~7:!.~2K -i 26,807 248,288 +26,005 ]chhawer I !~h~i1 Schorc nt:r.~ia )901 XII~llr,,!ialJganj 19 II 7~,7.iI!1 :Uj,4:i7 H"'!I w.n:!:: ...i,7tili --I ,SO!} :J:!,i:i(ll) -3,057 ]9:11 'iliA-xI .; i,45S 40,(j95 +3,1>7:2 :~6,381j +3;886 1!I41 ~H.41O ·/·!l,92!! 46.4911 +5,403 40,912 +4,526 HIM. !l7 .44;~ -[·11,033 ;;I,:I~O +5,822 46,123' +5,2Il 1 Tchsil Huzur Tehtil 19(1[ I!H 1 l()l,H;~i :i:!,t.i70 49,260 J9-.H !lii,iiK6 --11,:14\1 4-7,74\1 --4,921 42,83; -6,42~ Di.tric t Tala t 19:~1 }l)8,:~11:~ -f·17,777 0"'.7,:15H .j 9,607 51,007 +8,170 Huzoor 1941 127.49ii <·IlI,I:::! I;S.O:?I -! JO,665 5!1,4H +8,467 Sebort! . .111,,1 I 69.!lR'j' -: ~:?,411~ s(l,(i(\Io; -: ~1,M7 110,:\19 : 20,8<15 Ashta 3 rebsif Bcsaria Budni 1901 Jr:hhawer .lIHl M,.~O\l :!K,O,i4) ;;!ti,:Ui\) 8era.~ja. l!1~1 4\1. i J.t · .. 1.69.". :!.i,!lti4 ···-:!,Oil6 2a,7liO -···2,1;00 Nasnrllnah~ani ] !l:1I .i.i: :181 :i,H,li :!S,!lfi:? 'r :!,9!18 ;?6,4:l2 -, 2,Hi2 :I!I4! li.l ,1 I:: -,- .-', -;"2!J ;,:!,:!4:! ;·:1,280 28,871 ., 2,44!1 19iil tiS ,ti i.'" 34-,Ii;1 .~ 2,4211 :H,007 -! :!.I:itl " Tebsil Ashta BIOI ]~H t'J,:!14 3O,'iU4 j't,hsil 1921 fi:i,147 -1 !J:m +1,02.2 30,615 -8" l!131 70,lKii -;-·7.0!~8 :Jti,440 +3,908 33,745 -3,120 Lfl .1!l41 79,4kli -: !I,:«)I 41 ,aM +4,9H ll~,132 -14,387 Diltrict Total J951 R3,l(1s ·r: :~,1i2>2 42,(IM +1,300 40,454 ... : 2,:'~2 5 T~hsil Nu~rull~geni Huzoot 'HlOl Sehor. 1911 4U,!I:~j :?O.7lU 20,2~7 !sMa. Hl21 44,1114 : 3,:!5; 2:!,4:IJj -~1,725 :lJ.76!~ -) J.;;32 Bud)'!i l!:l31 43,4fi3 -731 :!:!,3:!f) -20r. t] ,2:~:1 ... ;;26 Ichhawer Berl.i. :t!)41 40.51\1; --:?,~!IS 71J,.S I!I .-··1,411 l!I,7.W -1.4S'i Nasurullllhganj HIli 1 32, 'j 41i --7,:-'1!~ 16,!:!!!4- -3,891S I,;,H~;'! -3,"24 , l'ehsil Budbni l~"n Wll U .. 21" :l!-J,~l :! 1!l21 !l,'l.~l)j'i -'1,724- )11,077 -4.241 1~,2:!!l -U8:1 HI31 41,~;)!I >:!,9;;!\ :!1,4!lr. ;·1,:H8 !lO,36~ .j lA-:::; 'I'chsil )041 ~(l.~IO -l.IJ4!J :!I.l,73ti -71)9 JU"tN -SlIfl 111;)1 ;:;,:J:!ii JU,4::ii -1,301 J i,8!lIj -l.f,t-4 [I] 1 Tehsill~hllawar District Total l~fll Huzoor W! 1 :30,:!!l;; I ;i,Ij:) I J4,liH Behore 19:![ :11,;'1&, -l,iilO 14,m12 -·7111 1:-;,58:; -1,Wi1 Aahta. H.::I :: I,~\i{ i ;~,37!J lli,50i: -. I,ml 15 ..3t11 -; L'II/' Bndoi J!J41 :;:!,jI7J; .• 1,081 .17.:;(IJ ·+798 l:j,fiU -; ::!~:; Ichbawer .;., ,SM U.51 :l4,":!!1 IS, Ifill -( >;£i5 If:,f'7:: Berasia. N• .,aJlahganj 3 T A,BLE A.... III To,vos aDd villages Classified by Population TOWill Towlls &. yillag's Wilh ks~ th<ln 2,0'''' f'''pul:ttjon of ,..----------_._- --'._ ----.. -.--~ Tchil inhabited Total Population .:1'otal Less :h:.tl F'··) -L-__ -., "..--____________o ___ ·_ ~ towns and . ,.--_.-.. --'l...----.-~ villages Penna Males ~'emalcs Number M~tl,.. s _t.'{':1"~;fh.·~ ~umhrr ;\[::,It ·" p.,~,.,,~le. III [aJ h). [41 h] 1(,1 171 181 1<)1 1101 1111 District Total 1,514 521,116 272,828 248,8S8 1,513.,-.} 187,724 172,058 1,355 122,835 111,827 Hlll!.oor 275 160,987 89,661:) 80,:U9 4irJ'" 28,:?li'i 25,:,71. :!.,'j :!O,:}ti4: 1!'4,;J07 St'hore 281 97,443 51,320 41),] 2:~ :!':"O 38,9!J!? :1.;,4 I;') 241. 2;~,3S0 21,191 ......... - A8hta. 262 8:1,108 42,604 40,4ii-l· ~5R :l5,77i,) :H,M:-I --, :!:~.1~7 21,791 Budni .144- 37,325 UI,435 17,~\lU 14:) I ~,:{xtl Hi ,1'(30 J:!7 ll,2:!' JO,157 Jchhawer 133 34,829 18.156 I U,623 I ~l2 Hi.IOIl 14.6:n IIi 9,5H(; 1i,1))-l ner&flin, 281 65,673 34,671 3],007 !!~O :\3,2~O :W;; ..U ;!il ..l :!2,9:~:; ::W,277 N af!tlrll !la.i1 ga nj 148 32,746 16,924 J5.H22 14R H1,!i24 j;),82·2 137 J:!, !';'f; 1l,:!90 ·r.,,,,,-n ~lnd \=illag:t~ wjth a Towns and villages with 1':,8 than "',O()O pt)pt:iatj{.t1 pop"jafi<.n of Z,"'~-IO,OCO r---.. ----------.... -'--.-.- .-... ------.... ' -.- ... _-....... ,--_.......... -'-._. -- ~--------. Tchtil 500';'-1,000 1,Uc)O - z,OOO Total ,.-____.J..
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