A VIDEO AREN Display Technology ARENA Video Display Technology New Innovations and Technology from DAKTRONICS The WORLD LEADER IN Video Display Technology Artificial Turf Innovations Video Displays, Scoreboards & Timing Systems Improve Your Facility with Daktronics Who is DAKTRONICS? VIDEO DISPLAY TECHNOLOGY Centaur Products is the Canadian supplier of Daktronics products. Daktronics is recognized as the worldwide leader in the computer-programmable video display and scoreboard industry. They are the major supplier of video display technology to the world’s premier leagues including the NHL©, NBA©, MLB©, NFL©, NCAA©, CIS, MLS©, CHL© and many other Junior Hockey ENERatE REVENUE POWER UP WITH leagues across Canada. G • Generate valuable advertising and sponsorship revenue. • Introducing Video Display technology improves your facility’s potential SHOW to host major events, tournaments and international competitions. • Increase attendance by attracting new and different demographic CONTROL groups to your events. Only Daktronics has SHOW CONTROL SOFtwaRE DAKTRONICS NHANCE THEPO WERIN-G UP WITH AME IN-BOWL DISPLAYS EXPERIENCE POPOWER UUPP WITWITHH OHL Arenas E SHOW SHOW • Give a big league feel to your event.CONTROL CONTROL • Real time delivery of statistics and game information to fans and spectators. • Video Display technology helps to legitimize events and strengthen the value of the sports and entertainment properties. ININ-BO-BOWWLL D DISISPLAYPLAYSS IN-BOWL DISPLAYS SSUITESUITES COMPLETELETE CONTROLCONTROL EXEXTERITERIOORR D DISISPLAYPLAYSS OF TTHEE SSHOW EAEASSYY TTOO USEUSE DDISISPLAYPLAY INTEINTEGGRRAATITIOONN SSTTAATSTS && DDAATTAA MMEDIEDIAA PPLAYLAYERSERS && IIMMAGAGEE SUITES UTTING-EDGE VIDEO ShowShow CControlontrol SystemSystem employsemploys thethe latestlatest FromFrom oneone centralcentral controlcontrol station,station, thethe ShowShow PPossessingossessing thethe largestlargest datadata librarylibrary inin thethe business,business, PRPROCOCESSESSOORSRS technologicaltechnological interfaceinterface withwith anan intuitiveintuitive CControlontrol SystemSystem allowsallows forfor integratedintegrated displaydisplay ourour systemssystems allowallow forfor completecomplete statsstats andand datadata ShowShow CControlontrol SystemSystem softwaresoftware isis designeddesigned toto visualvisual presentation.presentation. IncorporatingIncorporating aa control.control. DirectDirect anan event’sevent’s videovideo displays,displays, integrationintegration throughoutthroughout thethe entireentire networknetwork ofof integrateintegrate withwith state-of-the-artstate-of-the-art playbackplayback andand imageimage touchscreentouchscreen interfaceinterface makesmakes itit thethe mostmost ribbonribbon displays,displays, auxiliaryauxiliary displaysdisplays andand displaysdisplays withinwithin aa venue,venue, includingincluding thethe integrationintegration processingprocessing hardware.hardware. ThisThis integratedintegrated approachapproach CoperatoroperatorOM friendly,friendly, easy-to-useeasy-to-useP systemsystemLETE onon CONTROLofof fantasyfantasy statsstats andand fanfan interactioninteraction –– texting,texting, EXTERIOR DISPLAYS anyany otherother displaydisplay fromfrom oneone locationlocation andand providesprovides aa moremore fluid,fluid, user-friendlyuser-friendly controlcontrol thethe market.market. coordinatecoordinate themthem allall togethertogether oror individuallyindividually Twitter,Twitter, etc.etc. ItIt cancan eveneven automaticallyautomatically generategenerate environment—eliminatingenvironment—eliminating costscosts andand difficultiesdifficulties DISPLAY & GRAPHICS SOFtwaRE withwith thethe touchtouch ofof aa button.button. visualvisual datadata chartscharts suchsuch asas shotshot charts.charts. associatedassociated withwith communicationscommunications acrossacross multiple,multiple, Sleeman Centre, Guelph Storm OF THE SHOW unrelatedunrelated componentscomponents andand companies.companies. C 1010 1111 • Display Instant Replays, Live Video, Messages & Up-to-date statistics. DD2493352 Arena Trends Brochure.indd 10 3/20/13 7:48 AM DD2493352 Arena Trends Brochure.indd 11 3/20/13 7:48 AM • Thousands of features, including the ability to segment any size screen EASY TO USE DISPLAY INTEGRATION STATS & DATA MEDIA PLAYERS & IMAGE PROCESSORS to accommodate scoring and video content simultaneously. Show Control System employs the latest From one central control station, the Show Possessing the largest data library in the business, technological interface with an intuitive Control System allows for integrated display our systems allow for complete stats and data • Daktronics Show Control system and video display software allows you Show Control System software is designed to visual presentation. Incorporating a control. Direct an event’s video displays, integration throughout the entire network of integrate with state-of-the-art playback and image to operate multiple displays from one central location. touchscreen interface makes it the most ribbon displays, auxiliary displays and displays within a venue, including the integration processing hardware. This integrated approach operator friendly, easy-to-use system on of fantasy stats and fan interaction – texting, • Daktronics offers comprehensive training programs and graphic any other display fromS UITESone location and provides a more fluid, user-friendly control the market. coordinate them all together or individually Twitter, etc. It can even automatically generate environment—eliminating costs and difficulties COMPLETE CONTROL EXTERIOR DISPLAYS packages available. with the touch of a button. visual data charts such as shot charts. associated with communications across multiple, OF THE SHOW unrelated components and companies. EASY TO USE DISPLAY INTEGRATION 10 STATS & DATA MEDIA PLAYERS & IMAGE 11 Show Control System employs the latest From one central control station, the Show Possessing the largest data library in the business, PROCESSORS technological interface with an intuitive Control System allows for integrated display DD2493352 Arena Trends ourBrochure.indd systems 10 allow for complete stats and data Show Control System software is designed to 3/20/13 7:48 AM visual presentation. Incorporating a control. Direct an event’s video displays, integration throughout the entire network of integrate with state-of-the-art playback and image touchscreen interface makes it the most ribbon displays, auxiliary displays and displays within a venue, including the integration processing hardware. This integrated approach operator friendly, easy-to-use system on any other display from one location and of fantasy stats and fan interaction – texting, provides a more fluid, user-friendly control the market. coordinate them all together or individually Twitter, etc. It can even automatically generate environment—eliminating costs and difficulties with the touch of a button. visual data charts such as shot charts. associated with communications across multiple, unrelated components and companies. Hershey Centre, Mississauga Steelheads 10 11 Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver Giants DD2493352 Arena Trends Brochure.indd 11 3/20/13 7:48 AM • www.centaurproducts.com • 1-888-430-3300 • WHL & QMJHL ARENAS NHL ARENAS using DAkTronIcS Video Display Technology using DAkTronIcS Video Display Technology Scotiabank Saddledome, Calgary Hitmen Bell Centre, Montreal Canadiens Varsity Stadium, University of Toronto Colisée Pepsi , Quebec Remparts Rogers Arena, Vancouver Canucks • Enmax Centre, Lethbridge Hurricanes • TD Garden, Boston Bruins • HP Pavillion, San Jose Sharks Rogers Centre, Toronto Blue Jays & Toronto Argonauts • Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver Giants • Excel Energy Center, Minnesota Wild • First Niagara Center, Buffalo Sabres • Aréna Iamgold, Rouyn-Noranda Huskies • Jobing.com Arena, Phoenix Coyotes • Scottrade Center, St. Louis Blues • Rexall Place (Fascia Display), Edmonton Oil Kings • RBC Center, Carolina Hurricanes • Scotiabank Saddledome, Calgary Flames • South Okanagan Events Centre, Penticton Vees (BCHL) • Prudential Center, New Jersey Devils • Tampa Bay Times Forum, Tampa Bay Lightning • Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, New York Islanders Take Your facility to the NEXT LEVEL. Call for a Full Consultation. Artificial Turf Innovations www.centaurproducts.com 1 888 430 3300 © Centaur Products Inc..
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