"Not in Technicolor. " JSU's Langley to vie.for Miss America Track and Field From Staff Reports ~houghMISS America is yet to be crowned, Langley Freshmen set 4 records. was already chosen on Jan. 18 as one of nlne final~sts 8:00 thechanticleeronline.com Saturday night, Jan. 26 at p.m. on The Learn~ng for the Miss America Quality of Life award. Channel (TLC). 52 young women will take the stage, This award is given to a contestant wh3 excels in attempting to smg, strut and sashay their way to community servlce and is based on the extent of her winning the crown and title of Miss America. involvement with Children's Miracle Network, the Langley first competed rn the MISSAlabama pageant platform, titled "From the Heart," centers on cardlac in 2006 as Miss JSU. The following year, Langley care. went on to win the title of Miss Parnted Rock, another At press tlme, Langley was In Las Vegas part~clpating Jamie Langley waves after emceeing the Miss JSU prelim~naryfor Miss Alabama. For Langley, the second in Miss Amerlca prel~mlnaryevents and was unable to pageant. Photo courtesy Steve Latham 1 JSU / f~le time was the charm. be reached for comment. The issue of cloning livestock has been approved by the FDA, but people are still wary. Concerns over the I Merry times practice are leaving many asking ... JSU's production of Merry Wives of Windsor was a crowd-pleaser. ! Story 011 page 2 What's at steak? FEATURES 1 i By Bethany Harbison Lost art of origami News Editor Julie takes us For some, the Issue speaks to the heart; for step-by-step on how to others, the issue turns the stomach. make an origami cup. Others cling firmly to the tenets of science. Story on page 5 The admlss~onfrom the FDA (Food and I Drug Adm~nistrat~on)last Tuesday that cloned beef and milk products are safe for human consurnptlon has sparked a rapid- QUEST1 0 N of the fire conversatron across the nation-a WEEK conversatron that has found ~tsway onto the campus of Jacksonville State University. Which Rep~lblican Yet In Hopper D~ningHall, Production Manager Chris Glenn is left with more presidential candidate do questrons and concerns than answers. you support? "When someone calls me to find out if 1 am He estimated that the FDA using cloned beef, I want to be able to provide tested cloned beef and ~ts an answer," Glenn said. "And as of right now, I effects for seven years before I can't." declaring it safe for human ,I ,I 1 G1enn.s uncertaintv about cloned oroducts cnnsnrnnrion w ntcrr rccpuucrcuri Manager C~;SGlenn 6 leftwith more presidential candidate do questions and concerns than answers. yoc1 SLIP~OY~? "When someone calls me to find out if I am using cloned beef, I want to be able to provide an qswer," Glenn said. "And as of right now. I can't." Glenn's uncertainty about cloned products stems from the fact that manufacturers may not be required to label cloned beef. Glenn believes, as a food ~rovider,that labeling would allow him to make the most information as possible available to his customers. "I thinkxhat (cloned beef) should be labeled," Glenn said. "Let's give the coasumers a None choice." 26% For JSU biology professor and former FDA M~keHuckabee geneticist Dr Chris Murdock, the question 26% of labeling cloned beef or not matters little. John McCain Murdock said that clones and the offspring of 19% clones are nothing to fear. HRon Paul "Natural clones are produced in nature all the 11% time," Murdock said. "They're called identical Fred Thompson* twins. There's no telling how many twins we 11% mother eat." 7% Murdock said that during his two-year stint (P~cturea str~pedbox here) with the FDA, he learned how extensively Rudy Glul~an~0% the administration tests before announcing a *Editor's nore: Poll wus conducted Photo illustration before Tlro~npso~zleji rile race. 1 Moon over JSU's Delap attends ! Jacksonville Holocaust seminar in D.C. I Haley Gregg i, I.*"""Mirr "1,CTI U V YWIY.JA/IIATPM V." &.IVV." Moon U.""rh~res how "I want students to understand the Staff Reporter --.. - importance of (the Holocaust) in history." 1 her childhood drenm of-J .J foi- !lowing LLTdo not avree . 1 . -- . Dr. Joe Delap, Jacksonville - - - - - - - -0--- ---. - Joe Delap, with anv of the in Heather Whitestone'sfootsteps State University's associate vice . resident for academic affairs Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Republican platforms." i 1s oecurnzng u reulzry. d1lU p1 UlCSSUl - - - . i - -- -- -- --- - of foreign - Morgan Worthy FOR FULL STORY, SEE PAGE 3 .Inno~~no~s.. .. a--0--3 language credit. for extermination," Delap said. Soplzonzbre attended the "When I saw the opportunity The museum where the seminar to attend this seminar, which is took place has a permanent 2008 Hess - " .... Faculty for taculty of accredited, degree- exhibit-that explains to visitors the Next week's question: Registration, please Seminar. awarding institutions in North America .... L- I.:-*-..., -- history of the Holocaust and,what Would you vote for a The seminar took place on other aspe tlzird-party candidate? Jan. 2-8 at the I knew it the post-war period and tells what I. Tnit~rl,..-.. ......qtatc-c way to improve the way in which Holocaust I teach the course to the students happened* to the Jewish people Memorial Delap during the mid-term. That was my after the Holocaust main reason for going." r Museum in Delap said that he would highly Washington --a-a-The &-*: seminar consisted of recommend the seminar to any y[cSclllauuTns and discussions I D.C. Delap - who was denied the teacher who struggles to put the of the pu rpose of the victims, o~~ortunitv,,last vear - was one of perpetrators and bystanders. Holocaust in perspective for his or i' j 7k1narticioants selected tn attend I - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -->. - . bStXA.-.. .*..-I.* - They focused on the relationships her students. He said the trip was INDEX IVldY, UCldY LdUgIIL d put together perfectly and called ~t course w!,. ;+h ~h-,.. ......,a..,,,~ ,,,,,,,,,,,r ,,,,,, between these groups and featured - professor of history, on Holocaust many pa>ici pant-facilitated "an unforgettable experience." On Campus.. ................2 history and literature. discussions on classrooln teaching "Jacksonville State University Announcements.. ....... .2 "I proposed to him liter& ^works that address the IU"'', Editorial....... ;. .... .4 All smiles, these volunteers help Tony Kirk reg- Holocaust to his class,v Delap students is ister to vote on Tuesday, Jan. 22. The voter Features.!. 5 and t~''6 ................... registration drive, held in thc "'" --------'said. combined histow Sudoku.............. .. ......5 bv the SGA. For full storv. sc Page 2 Volume 56, Issue 15 OM CAMPUS Gl)le OJ~anticleer CAMPUS Seventy or more $1,000 and BRIEFS 34 $5,000 scholarsh~ps are available nationally to under- graduate members of Phi Eta Rick Burgess, Sigma. Flve scholarships of JSU alum and radio $7,500 and one Scholar-Lead- personality of "The er award of $10,000 each are Rick and Bubba Show," available for graduate study. lost his 2-year-old son JSU Phi Eta Sigma members Bronner in ari accidental are invited to apply by Feb. 22. drowning at the family's Call Rhonda Kilgo at 782-8247 home. Funeral services for applicat~onsor more infor- were held Tuesday, mation. Jan. 22. Career Placement Servic- es will host its "Professional Speaker's Bureau" in Mart~n President Dr. William Hall on February 19. Dr. Greg . Meehan was named Robinson, an accomplished Citizen of the Year from chemist and former four-year Calhoun County by the starter for the Gamecock foot- Anniston Star on Friday, ball team, w~llbe speaking to Jan. 18. students (Chemistry majors are encouraged to attend) on Suzanne Donaldson, his career success and how it 'a secretary in the Small all began here at JSU. Contact Business Development Career Placement Services for Center was named Em- more information at ext. 5482 ployee of the Month for or online at www.cps.jsu.edu. ~anuary2008. ' JSU Model Arab League is holding the~rAnnual Book Sale Student financial aid Friday, Jan. 25, in the lobby checks were dispersed of Martin Hall from 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 22 at to 2:00 p.m. For more informa- the Campus Matcenter. tion, contact Jason Sumner at [email protected] or Dr. Jacksonville was dusted with snow twice last week, first on Wednesday, Jan. 16 and then on Saturday, Jan. 19. Here, a JSU student braces herself from the chilly air as she exits Bibb Graves. Photo by Ryan Rutledge / The Mimosa Miss Alabama Jamie Thomas Baucom at tbaucom@ Langley, a JSU student, js.u.edu ext. 581 1. was one of nine Miss A blind student seeks to form America contestants a carpool to travel back and to be named a Quality forth from the JSU campus to of Life Finalist. The,, the Oxford/Ann~stonarea. Will Shakespeare modernized winner,was announced help pay for gas. Call Ted Nail on Wednesday, Jan. 24 at (256) 371-1 024. before press-time. Faculty, staff and students are By Jered Staubs inv~tedto join the Baptist Cam- Sports Editor, Opera brings The SGA did not hold pus Ministries for Celebration, its weekly Senate meet- their weekly worship servlce at JSU staged an updated 'Merry Wives ' ing due to the Martin Lu- 8:00 p.m. version of William . - Shakespeare's The Merry ther King, Jr. holiday on Wives of Windsor at Mason to JSU Jan. 21,2008.
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