E ng Full of the charms of Japan! A B C D E F G H l is 7minutes h Things to enjoy in 0 100 200 300 400 500m Hiyoriyamahama Beach 日和山浜海水浴場 NNiigata CityI Tourist IGATA Guide Map 1 NIIGATA CITY CENTER MAP 0 500 1000 1500ft Hiyoriyama Observation Deck Niigata Minato Tunnel 1 Niigata City 新潟市中心図 1:14,000 日和山展望台 Nishikaigan Park Niigata City Aquarium Marinepia Nihonkai 西海岸公園 4 新潟市水族館マリンピア日本海 Sekiyahama Beach Nishikaigan Park 関屋浜海水浴場 西海岸公園 Municipal Pool 8 Shin Nihonkai新日本海フェリー Ferry Sake Marinepia 西海岸プール Aquarium Hiyoriyama 日本酒 Niigata Seiryo University 水族館前 日和山 LEGEND Junior College 7 Gokoku Shrine 1 護国神社入口 Sake is becoming increasingly Shinkansen Fall colors viewing Niigata City Art Museum popular all over the world. Niigata is Gokoku Shrine Nishiohata Park 新潟市美術館 t 護国神社 e Yamanoshita Pier 西大畑公園 k JR Line Niigata Rent-a-cycle r 山ノ下埠頭 one of the top sake producers in a 9 Nishi Ohata Sakaue (Sakyukan) M o 西大畑坂上(砂丘館入口) ch n Japan and the characteristic "crisp & dry" taste of Niigata sake matches 1 Niigata City Loop Bus Smart Cruise o Niigata Seiryo The Niigata Saito Villa H sh 2 High School 7 旧齋藤家別邸 e 2 any dish. Many brands in the city offer tours of their breweries. Cupid Fr Ferry Rent-a-car Eisho-dori St. Northern Culture Museum Niigata Branch Former Ozawa Family Northern Culture Museum Niigata Branch 10 北方文化博物館新潟分館前 北方文化博物館新潟分館 Residence Sado Kisen Car Ferry Toki Messe Downtown Lodging facility 旧小澤家住宅 佐渡汽船カーフェリー 8 朱鷺メッセ ① Former Ozawa Family Residence Geigi 12 Featured tourist facility Convenience store 旧小澤家住宅入口 Shin Nihonkai Ferry Terminal MAP F-3 芸妓 1 Hiro-koji St. 新日本海フェリーターミナル A facilities complex that includes 2 Tourist facility Supermarket a towering observatory providing Niigata University Niigata Chuo Police Station ⑨ Niigata Chuo Faculty of Med. panoramic views of the city, an Cherry blossom viewing Airport Shuttle High School Suwamae-dori St. Shimizu Food Center Niigata City History Museum & international exhibition hall, a Furumachi Kagai 11 hotel, and an art museum. 古町花街入口 Former Niigata Customs House Ogino-dori St. Nishibori-dori St. Niigata University Med. Masaya-koji St. Furumachi-dori St. Minatopia, the City History Museum 13 新潟市歴史博物館・旧税関庁舎 Hours Contact & Dental Hosp. Chuo Ward Office 歴史博物館前 Furumachi Nabejaya-dori St.Banai-koji St. 4 Niitsu House 鍋茶屋通り ⑩ Higashinaka-doriNiitsuya-koji St. St. Refuru ⑧ Closed Free Wi-Fi 6 新津記念館前 ⑦ International Passenger Terminal Niitsu House 国際旅客ターミナル Kaji-koji St. Higashibori-dori St. 新津記念館 Shinbori-dori St. As Niigata developed as port town where a variety of people visited, Cost Accessible restroom Honcho-dori St. Chuo Ward 中央区 the culture of hospitality took root. The Furumachi area Varies by facility Access Credit card OK ⑮ Niigata City Sado Kisen Ferry Terminal (Observatory: 8:00-21: 00, may change on Fri.) 3 Furumachi Mall 佐渡汽船ターミナル 3 古町モール⑤ Kami-okawamae-dori St. Mon. (Tue. Instead if Mon. is a holiday) grew into an entertainment district where many Shimizu Food Center Manga House Honcho ⑪ Walk Parking lot Niigata City Office マンガの家 本町 ⑥ Take the bus from Niigata Sta. geigi could be found. Even now, you can enjoy a Higashibori-dori Rokuban-cho (Manga House) ④ 3 bound for Sado Kisen and get Suehiro Bridge off at the Toki Messe bus stop rare performance by one of Japan's geisha. 東堀通六番町(マンガの家入口) 4 ③ Kami Furumachi Shopping Street Ninjo-YokochoHoncho St. Market 025-246-8400 Hakusan-ekimae Police Box 人情横丁 上古町商店街 本町市場 ⑭ Yamanoshita Bridge Hakusan Shrine & Hakusan Park Toki Messe MAP 白山神社/白山公園 ⑫ Ito Yokado ⑯ F-4 白山駅 2 ⑬ 8 朱 鷺メッセ Pier Bandai Marudai Supermarket Ryuto Bridge 9 Manga & Anime City Athletic Enkikan 1 ピアBandai MAP C-3 燕喜館 5 Hakusan Park マンガ・アニメ Hakusan Shrine & Hakusan Park Stadium 白山公園前 ② ⑲ A market that is popular with 1 白山神社 / 白山公園 陸上競技場 3 residents and tourists alike. Niigata has produced many world famous Bandaibashi Police Box Niigata Prefectural Government Buy fish freshly caught in the The local Shinto deity of Botonamu-dori St. manga artists. Visit the manga & anime facilities Niigata Prefectural ① Sea of Japan, locally grown Niigata, Hakusan Shrine has a Memorial Hall Civic Center 県政記念館 Bankoku Bridge fruits and vegetables, meat, to immerse yourself in the worlds they created long history and is popular Pier Bandai 県民会館 Bandai Bridge Meikyo rice, sake and more all for a among citizens. It is known as a City Performing Arts Center 6 萬代橋 ピアBandai or experience the big manga & anime event Hanano Komachi Sasa Dangoro Niigata City Yasuragi-tei High School reasonable price. Also find god of business success and "Ryutopia" やすらぎ堤 Gymnasium 9 14 Pier Bandai cafes and restaurants that held every October. Mascots for the City of Manga and marriage, and has a variety of りゅーとぴ あ ピアBandai Anime, Niigata 市体育館 serve sushi and ramen. 4 popular good-luck charms. It is Niigata Nippo Varies by shop 4 located within Hakusan Park, Yachiyo Bridge Bandai High School Take the bus from Niigata Sta. bound Shinano信濃川 River Media Ship for Matsuhama 10 min and get off at one of Japan's first urban parks, Niigata Fireworks Bridge Showa 新潟日報 Local gourmet 新潟花火 G=JGD|P=XY8|X=41000.000000|Y=199500.000000|S=140000|R=0.000000the Miyaura Chugaku Mae bus stop a popular cherry blossom Free access Niigata Manga Animation Museum Bandai City メディアシップ 025-249-2560 ご当地グルメ viewing spot where a variety of 新潟市マンガ・アニメ情報館 万代シテイ 2 Take the City Loop Bus from Niigata 15 Niigata Nippo Media Ship Niigata City, where city-life and nature flowers bloom throughout the Sta. and get off at the Hakusan Park Bandai City 3 新潟日報メディアシップ are in harmony, has a long history and 4Niigata, blessed with bounty from year. bus stop 万代シテイ Imayotsukasa Nuttari Terrace 025-228-2963(Hakusan Shrine) Yasuragi-tei Bandai City Bus Center Bandai 10 11 unique culture. Just 2 hours from Tokyo by both land and the sea, is heaven for やすらぎ堤 バスセンター 5 Police Box Sake Brewery Shopping Street ⑱ 今代司酒造 沼垂テラス商店街 shinkansen, here you can get your fill of foodies. Nicknamed "rice country", it is Kami Furumachi Niigata Manga Niigata City History MAP F-6 MAP F-5 world-renowned rice, fresh seafood and especially known for koshihikari rice. 2 3 4 Isetan Department Store ⑰ famous brands of sake. Shopping Street Animation Museum Museum "Minatopia" A sake brewery located near A fashionable area where a Niigata is rich with local specialties 上古町商店街 新潟市マンガ・アニメ情報館 新潟市歴史博物館 みなとぴあ Niigata Sta. that was founded variety of shops line the retro including "tare katsu", a rice bowl MAP C-3 MAP D-4 MAP F-3 Niigata Police Station more than 250 years ago. Free market. Harashin ㉘ Nuttari Police Box brewery tours are available. topped with fried pork cutlets dipped A shopping street leading to A place to enjoy and The historic buildings that fill the ㉗ grounds introduce, both inside Hakusan Shrine lined with experience the world of Higashi-odori St. Nuttari Terrace Shopping Street in a salty sweet sauce. and out, Niigata's port town trendy shops & souvenir stores. manga and anime. ㉖ Chuo Post Office 11 沼垂テラス商店街 5 history and culture. ㉕ 5 48 For more information Transportation guide ❶ Akashi-dori St. Brewery tours are available between 越後線 ㉒ Varies by shop Echigo Line ㉓ 35 36 13:00-16:00 every weekday and ㉑ 9:00-16:00 on Sat. Sun. & holidays Take the bus from Niigata Sta. ⑳ bound for Rinko Byoin Mae and Niigata City Official Tourist Information Website Iwamuro Hot Springs Area Tourist Information にいがたレンタサイクル 9:30-18:00(Closes at 17:00 from Oct. to Mar. (English tours: 14:00 every weekday). Ticket sales end 30 min before closing.) Joetsu Shinkansen ㉔ 393833 Dec. 31 to Jan. 3 Free get off at the Nuttari Yotsukado Iwamuro Hot Springs 11:00-19:00(Open at 10:00 on Sat. Sun. & holidays) Mon.(Tue. Instead if Mon. is a holiday) 上越新幹線 Ekimae Bus Center 1 16 Walk 15 min from Niigata Sta. bus stop New Year's Day(Closed between exhibits) Permanent exhibit: Adults ¥300, University & High Kato Syokuzai Niigata Sta.㉙ ㉚ 025-245-0325 025-384-4010(Terrace Office) Niigata Rent-a-cycle School ¥200, Junior High & Elementary School ¥100 駅前バスセンター 32 Varies by shop Adults ¥200, High & Junior High School 新潟駅前 37㉛ Tourism Association Take the City Loop Bus from Niigata Niigata Sta. Niigata-ekimae http://www.iwamurokankou.com/english/ Bicycles can be rented and returned at any one of the rental stations. Take the City Loop Bus from ¥100, Elementary School ¥50 Sta. and get off at the Minatopia, the Welcome to Niigata City Niigata Sta. Tourist Information Center Police Box 47 MAP Niigata Sta. and get off at Walk 15 min from Niigata Sta. City History Museum bus stop 新潟駅 E-6 https://www.nvcb.or.jp/travelguide/en/ ※English only 新潟駅観光案内センター Ponshu-kan the Hakusan Park bus stop 025-240-4311 025-225-6111 45 34 Cost: ¥300 for 6 hours 46 12 ぽんしゅ館 新潟驛店 Niigata Sta. Bandai Exit Tourist Information Center Ponshu-kan Imayotsukasa (¥100 for every additional hour) Information about ぽんしゅ館 新潟驛店 12 Shinetsu信越本線 Main Line 025-241-7914 Home of Wara Art 10 Sake Brewery Try famous brands of sake *Additional ¥200 for making a membership card rent-a-cycle stations MAP E-4 MAP D-2 Bandai City Bandai Bridge The Niigata Saito Villa 44 今代司酒造 from any of the breweries in Welcome to Nishikan Ward, Hours: 9:30-19:00(may vary), open everyday 5 万代シテイ 6 萬代橋 7 国指定名勝 旧齋藤家別邸 Hakushin Line A web magazine full of event information that Bandai Exit the prefecture for only ¥500 Contact: Please check the website. MAP 42 白新線 makes Niigata even more interesting Niigata City Bus Terminal D-4 40 41 for five cups.
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