I II» ■g gs-.- ZIMBABWEAN i:i: GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Published by Authority- i Vol. LXXXIIT, No. 82 ^ 30th SEPTEMBER, 2005 ^ ' Price $30 000,00 General Notice 39lot 2005. RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE ACT [CJ^APTER 22.05] , Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe IN terms of section 39 of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Ompter 22:15], a^statement of the assets and liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe as at the 2nd September, 2005, is published in the Schedule. W.L.MANUNGO, 30-9-2005. ' ■' Secretary for Finance. Schedule STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT 2nd SEPTEMBER, 2005 Liabilities. Assets ]■ $ , . k $ /:7; 2000 000 . Gold and foreign assets . a;.. 6 839'745 144 813/ l.X)ans and advances . , . *. l;i:. 12 876 044:205 525/ g.|- General Reserve Fund . .... • / : A l. 1013:617 235 571 Currency in circulation :. , . :5-d«2 523.414: 314 ■Internal investments. Deposits and other liabilldes.to the pubhc;./. .3L39|i§72792;765 ■ Government stock—^ Other I |A I. j 013:<517 235’571 /.Gommitted funds. ; / .72 208765 , /: Fitted assets .... ...213 966 337 117:, 3 345900 300g^- ^ :Otherassets ; 19 392 859376 215 Other liabilities . $46336;|^568'606 I^/V•$40 336 I so,-ts(i into Post OfficePox Number’CY.408, Causeway or delivered by hand to the General Notice 392 ,1^^005. i Principal Officer, State Procurement Board, Fifth Floor, Old Reserve Bank Building, STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD ■ Samdra.Mache! Avenue, Harare, before lOjOOti.m, on ihe/cloyng date.''.: .,:.A.:^E/M.ySHEWOKUNZE, Tenders Invited pQ;9-2005; ; Principal Officer! .State procureirierit Board.. Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopos.'ehdotsed on ;Ae putside with the advertised lender number, description, closing date and musfhe'posted in time to be Tender number sorted into Post Office Box Number CY 408, Causeway or delivered by.hand to the. Principal Officer, Slate Procurement Board, Fifth Floor, Old RcseAp.Bank Building, NOC/03/09/05. Tenders are invited for proposed filling station fpr.:; „ : 76, Samora Machcl Avenue, Harare, before 10.00 a.m. on the closing date. - / ■ NOCZlM-Masvin.gb. Tender documents are available for .' E.M,VSHEWOKUNZE, : collection at the NOCZIM Reception, Fifth Floor, NOCZnvi Principal Officer, State Procurement Board. ■ House,100,LeopoldTakavviraStreet,Harare,uponpaymeilt/;, ; 30-9-2005. ■ of non-refundable fee of ,$100 000,00, .per seLofp^^'AAl;,/ Tender number documents. The closing date i4l stNoyernbir,J0|5;vjgj5j^jg^^^ ZIMPOST.4/2005. Supply of Zimpost ladies unifoiro.Tender docu: rhents are obtainable from Zimpost offices. Office No-9.S02, - vxt V" Ami ^ '■ -'■ ■’ r "I .. Ninth Floor, Causeway Building, GentfM AvenueiTtoMe; Ge„e,,lN..,»394of2005. upon payment of a non-refundable deposit fee of $30 000,00, per set at Causeway Post Office. Closing date for the tender ■ -CONSTITUTION OPZIMDABWE is 1st November, 2005. General Notice 393 of 2005. -rr is hereby notified that His Excelleiiey,the:?Fi^i&{^pRi^^^^ i terms of section 78 of the Cohyitutipn^gfaiir®a^4?P^’^g^^^K i STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD Tenders Invited J r ' y.i ■■M 920 Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 30th September,'2005 i 1 General Nolice 395 of 2005. Dated atHarm'ethis 26tfi day of September,2665.—Peter Kav/onde; c^ Kawonde,and Company>P,p. Box cy 1643,-Sixth FIooP Pm'. CON.STITUTTON OF ZIMBABWT2 House, 89; Kwame Nppmah;Ayenue; Harare; 488680f . .'Xppoimmcni ul Amhavsador lo ihe Uniied Kingdom : V GHANGEpEffAME M IT is hereby noiinetl that Hi.s Excellency the President has, in terms » or section 78 olThe Constitution of Zimbabwe appointed Mr. Gabriel ■a Mharadze Machinga as Ambassador to the United IGngdom. i >11 M. ,1. M. SIBANDA, 30-9-2005. Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet. General Notice 396 of 2005. CHANGE OF NAME T, ' ^ CONSTITUTION OF ZIMBABWE NOTICEl,to.bygi.»that,on,h.l9,hda,Bt'Xw2005,' '■‘4 Appointment of .4mba.ssador to Ctinada IT is hereby notified that Hi.s Excellency the President has, in at Harare, and changed the minor’s' name by notarial deed from terms of section 78 of the Constitttiion of Zimbabwe appointed Michelle Mushminga to; Michelle Garnbiza.-T^hingeya-Mandizira ■ ' -M Mrs. Florence Zano Chideya a.s Ambassador to Canada. Legal Practitioner, Sabi House, 18, Pa’rit.;S,treet, Harare. 488681f \ M. J. M. SIBANDA, 30-9-2005. Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet. ‘■"1 General Notice 397 of 2005. TAKEnoticethat,ontbe 13th day of May, 2005, before me, Ollyn ' Rudotdo Kanyenze,'aKanyenzefia legal;practitibrier;knditi6tao®ublic,legaf:practitibrier:kndihpfaf5|^ .appeardacpi^P^appeaM>at| # CONS riTUTlON OF ZIMBABWE Tatendattenda Kelvin Dandari:Dandara (bbritfbbfn bnon 9th’July,fiPSOJiaSdJulv,*t'l980MHd changedchanee'dhis; his i ?'” vL; "Vf Appointment of Ambassador to the Republic of Botswana .L Tatenda Kelvin Dandarapyakuenda->^;f(g^|g||^^ IT i.s hereby notified that His Excellency the President has, in term.s of section 78 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe appointed Mr. DatedatHararethis20thdaybfSepteinbef:.ll|gaii»^^^^ ’ Thomas Mandigora tis Ambassador to the Republic of Botswana. Kanyenze, do Kanyenze Legal Practitioners, Fpuittimbpf>pefgpp^C House,I-TnilOA comerAAmAr FirstPirct Street/SpekeQti-AAt/^r\AVA Avenue,A i/AnnA' Harare.T-IarnrA ; ' M. .1. M. SIBANDA, 30-9-2005. Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet. CHANGE OF NAMB : , Genera! Notice 398 ,rf 200.5'. TAKE notice that, on the 19th of Septernber, 2005,THerbeitl-'g Masungo (born on the 4th day of May, ]95p,appearedbefore,me,f 'v ' CONSTITUTION OF ZIMBABWE Paul Christopher Paul, and executed a notarial deed in terms of ' 4 which he changed his' surname from Masiingodo Taka\yira.-^Paul .Appointment of Arnbass.ador lo the Republic of Ghana Christopher Paul, notary public, P.O. Box 452, Harare, 2003S9f •I [T is hereby notified that His Excellency the President has, in CHANGE OF NAME ' . terms of section 78 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe appoirtted Mrs. Pavelyn Tendai Mtistika tis Ambassador to the Republic of TAKE notice that, oh the 2nd September, 2005, before me, Patohy Ghana. , M. J. M. SIBANDA. fichafa Nyabincio,.^nd also chariged;hixmmor,(diildren’s ndhaes; ,> . > ;> ,3;5 30-9-2005. Chief Secretary lo the President and Cabinet. from Brendon Freedom Humire to Brendon Nyabinde and Omega ' I' Humire to OniegaRumbidzai Nyabinde, . >'. n ■ ' vSi 1-rni Notice 399 of 2005. I CONSTITUTIOlfiF ZIMBABWE , DatedatHararethisjtlldayofSepteihber,2005.—IEGiMusunbe>:' > wand Par%s::leiaLpract|:tio.ners, Second;H House, 46, Kwame'N]&ih^,AYenUe,'Harare. ; 3: 200392f - Appointment of .Ambassador to the Republic of Kenya ^CHANGE OF NAME IT is hereby notified that His Excellency the President has, in TAKE noticl dibinlhb SeOtembek’bOoViDnn'itl'asL ‘ ^ terms of section 78 ofihe Constitution ofZimbabvve appointed Mr. Keiebert Nkoniani as Ambas.sador to the Republic of Kenya. ' M. J. M. SIBANDA, 30-9-2005. Cliief Secretary to the President and Cabinet. CHANGE OF NAME .NOTICE is hereby given ihm. by notarial deed executed before me, Aiisolom Mijchandiuna. a legal practitioner and notary public, at Kvvekwe, on tlte 12th September. 2005, Samuel Tamsengadid abandon NOTICE is hereby given that, the name Stimiiel Tarusenga and assume the name Samuel Maphosa, me, Tatenda Mawere, at jegai: practitioner andijhbtaPid.puEtibAfeTMtesasli^^, which name he shall use in all deeds, documents, proceedings^and Harare, on the 31st day.of August,.2005rNgom JbeTborn:.ond3thN.;x. ,i.>:3.’jKfe’'‘ transactions of whatiioever nature. ■ , , August. l?68)v in his cafiacity:and in,hixdajiaatj^iitiieM^iM^;i5-w I Dated at Kwekvve this 12 th day of September. 2005.—Absoldm guardian of Tawarida Marvin Joe, (born on 28th March, 1998) and' ■ " 'f Muchandiona, c/o Danziger & Partners, legal practitioners, First Tadiwanashe Sasha Joe did abandon the sUfhame Jb’e and assume Floor, Fidelity Life Cenire, Fifth Avenue, Kwekwe. 488810f the surname Chagunda, which surname they ajall use in all deeds,' >'. > documents, proceedings and transactions of whatsoever nature. CHANGE OF NAME Dated at Htmare this 16th day of September, 2005.-—Tdtenda , MnTrr't: to Ko.-oK,, b,;. tKor l->i» rw->»'*rIoV HooH Mawere. c/o Mawere & Sibanda. leeal nractitidnefs: Tenth Floor. Zimbabwean Government Gazette, 3.0th September, 20Q5 ' 921 CHANGE OF NAME > appeared Tmashe Gudo dnd changed his name from Tinashe Gudo ■ toTinasheKumbiila. TAKE notice that, on 19th ,day of August';. 20,05, before. me„ i:, Dateilatehifedzithip6thaaypfMayi2005.-^ClememtKwirira, ^ Thandaza Masiye-Moyo, a legal practitioner, afBulaivayo;, personA, ! c/o.Matutu Kwirira ^i Associates' P!0. Box'47^, Chiredzi. ally came and appeared Tabitha Muchero (born on I5th February, 1976) and changed her name from Thabitha. Muchero to Thabitha - ' " 488812f Chinogana, which name shall be used in all documents, records and other writings, as well as in dealings and transactions of whatsoever CHANGE, OF NAME . nature.—Thandaza Masiye-Moyo, legal practitioner. Suite 405^ Fourth Floor, Price Waterhouse Building, 55, Jason Moyo Street, TAKE notice that, on tire 21st September, 2005, Nhamo Mu wodzeri Bulawayo. 200460f appeared before me, Dy son RobertChirairo, a legal practitioner and I notary public, and changed his name from Nhamo'Mu wodzeri to CHANGE OF NAME . , Mussti Njinie.—Pyson Robert, Chirairp, c/p Mangwana Chirairo & Partners', Eighth Plootv Cjlobe'.House, 51, Jason Aloyo Avenue, NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 21.St day of September, Hararb5 488815f i 2005, Raviro Nzvenga appeared before me, Samuel Deme, a legal practitioner and notary public, in her capacity as the mother and CHANGE OF NAME guardian of her child, namely: Partial Florence Nzvenga (born on ■ TA,KE notice that Finesse Cbikurunhe': appeared .before hie; Sifiso 24th January, 1992) legally assumed and adopted on her behalf the Mugadza, a notary public, and changed her child’ s name from Charles surname Mazambara such that her full name shall be Partial Flo­ rence Mazambara. " Tichaonk Gbihota to Charles TichaonaChikurUnhe.—Sifiso Mugadza, 1 c/o Mugadza & Company Ahoineys, Second Floor, Fidelity Life Dated at Harare this 21 sf day of Septeiiiber, 2005.—Samuel Tower, 5, Raleigh Stre,et/LuCk,Street,,Harare,:.

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